From 284f3fa9515fa0ca634df91f56fbb5c384e8f51b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dominic Kempf <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 17:28:26 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Adjust the project to wrok with latest loopy

major remodelling of the DuneTarget
 python/dune/perftool/generation/     |   5 +
 python/dune/perftool/loopy/         | 127 ++++++-------------
 python/dune/perftool/pdelab/         |   2 +-
 python/dune/perftool/pdelab/ |   7 +-
 python/dune/perftool/pdelab/     |   4 +-
 python/loopy                                 |   2 +-
 6 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)

diff --git a/python/dune/perftool/generation/ b/python/dune/perftool/generation/
index a113cb6a..1345af24 100644
--- a/python/dune/perftool/generation/
+++ b/python/dune/perftool/generation/
@@ -115,6 +115,8 @@ def temporary_variable(name, **kwargs):
 def c_instruction_impl(**kw):
     kw.setdefault('assignees', [])
+    from pymbolic.primitives import Variable
+    kw['assignees'] = frozenset(Variable(i) for i in kw['assignees'])
     inames = kw.pop('inames', kw.get('forced_iname_deps', []))
     return loopy.CInstruction(inames, **kw)
@@ -124,6 +126,9 @@ def c_instruction_impl(**kw):
                    cache_key_generator=lambda *a, **kw: kw['expression'],
 def expr_instruction_impl(**kw):
+    if 'assignees' in kw:
+        from pymbolic.primitives import Variable
+        kw['assignees'] = frozenset(Variable(i) for i in kw['assignees'])
     return loopy.ExpressionInstruction(**kw)
diff --git a/python/dune/perftool/loopy/ b/python/dune/perftool/loopy/
index 71bb18d0..3c717f2d 100644
--- a/python/dune/perftool/loopy/
+++ b/python/dune/perftool/loopy/
@@ -1,28 +1,18 @@
-import numpy
-import six
-from import TargetBase
-from import LoopyCCodeMapper
-from loopy.library.reduction import (ReductionOperation,
-                                     register_reduction_parser,
-                                     )
-class AllToDouble(dict):
-    """ This imitates a dict that maps everything to double and logs the requested keys """
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        self.__setitem__(key, numpy.float64)
-        return numpy.float64
+from import (TargetBase,
+                          ASTBuilderBase,
+                          DummyHostASTBuilder,
+                          )
+from import CASTBuilder
+from import ExpressionToCMapper
 _registry = {'float32': 'float',
              'int32': 'int',
-             'float64': 'double'}
+             'float64': 'double',
+             'string': 'std::string'}
-class MyMapper(LoopyCCodeMapper):
+class MyMapper(ExpressionToCMapper):
     def map_subscript(self, expr, enclosing_prec, type_context):
         ret = str(expr.aggregate)
         from pymbolic.primitives import Variable
@@ -41,50 +31,17 @@ class MyMapper(LoopyCCodeMapper):
             return super(MyMapper, self).map_variable(expr, enclosing_prec, type_context)
-class DuneTarget(TargetBase):
-    def get_or_register_dtype(self, names, dtype=None):
-        return dtype
-    def dtype_to_typename(self, dtype):
-        # For now, we do this the simplest possible way
-        return _registry[]
-    def is_vector_dtype(self, dtype):
-        return False
+class DuneASTBuilder(CASTBuilder):
     def get_expression_to_code_mapper(self, codegen_state):
         return MyMapper(codegen_state)
-    def generate_code(self, kernel, codegen_state, impl_arg_info):
-        from cgen import Block
-        body = Block()
-        from loopy.codegen.loop import set_up_hw_parallel_loops
-        gen_code = set_up_hw_parallel_loops(kernel, 0, codegen_state)
-        from cgen import Line
-        body.append(Line())
-        if isinstance(gen_code.ast, Block):
-            body.extend(gen_code.ast.contents)
-        else:
-            body.append(gen_code.ast)
-        return str(body), gen_code.implemented_domains
-    def get_value_arg_decl(self, name, shape, dtype, is_written):
-        assert shape == ()
-        return "blubb"
-    def get_global_arg_decl(self, name, shape, dtype, is_written):
-        return "blubb"
+    def get_temporary_decls(self, codegen_state, schedule_index):
+        # Currently we do *not* want to build the temporary declarations
+        # through loopy, as this would involve lots of work on a proper
+        # type system!
+        return []
     def emit_sequential_loop(self, codegen_state, iname, iname_dtype, static_lbound, static_ubound, inner):
-        from loopy.codegen import wrap_in
         # Some of our loops are special as they use PDELab specific concepts.
         # Fortunately those loops are tied to specific inames.
         from dune.perftool.pdelab.quadrature import quadrature_iname
@@ -92,32 +49,28 @@ class DuneTarget(TargetBase):
             from cgen import CustomLoop
             from dune.perftool.pdelab.quadrature import quadrature_loop_statement
             loop_stmt = quadrature_loop_statement()
-            return wrap_in(CustomLoop,
-                           "for({})".format(loop_stmt),
-                           inner)
-        # From here on it is the default implementation taken from loopys CTarget.
-        ecm = codegen_state.expression_to_code_mapper
-        from loopy.symbolic import aff_to_expr
-        from pymbolic.mapper.stringifier import PREC_NONE
-        from cgen import For
-        return wrap_in(For,
-                       "{} {} = {}".format(self.dtype_to_typename(iname_dtype),
-                                           iname,
-                                           ecm(aff_to_expr(static_lbound),
-                                               PREC_NONE,
-                                               "i",
-                                               ),
-                                           ),
-                       "{} <= {}".format(iname,
-                                         ecm(aff_to_expr(static_ubound),
-                                             PREC_NONE,
-                                             "i",
-                                             ),
-                                         ),
-                       "++{}".format(iname),
-                       inner,
-                       )
+            return CustomLoop("for({})".format(loop_stmt), inner)
+        else:
+            return CASTBuilder.emit_sequential_loop(self, codegen_state, iname, iname_dtype, static_lbound, static_ubound, inner)
+class DuneTarget(TargetBase):
+    def __init__(self):
+        # Set fortran_abi to allow reusing CASTBuilder for the moment
+        self.fortran_abi = False
+    def split_kernel_at_global_barriers(self):
+        return False
+    def get_host_ast_builder(self):
+        return DummyHostASTBuilder(self)
+    def get_device_ast_builder(self):
+        return DuneASTBuilder(self)
+    def dtype_to_typename(self, dtype):
+        # For now, we do this the simplest possible way
+        return _registry[]
+    def is_vector_dtype(self, dtype):
+        return False
diff --git a/python/dune/perftool/pdelab/ b/python/dune/perftool/pdelab/
index db50a905..0031f468 100644
--- a/python/dune/perftool/pdelab/
+++ b/python/dune/perftool/pdelab/
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ def evaluate_basis_gradient(leaf_element, name, restriction):
-                assignees=name,
+                assignees=frozenset({name}),
diff --git a/python/dune/perftool/pdelab/ b/python/dune/perftool/pdelab/
index 596b1414..958e0974 100644
--- a/python/dune/perftool/pdelab/
+++ b/python/dune/perftool/pdelab/
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ from dune.perftool.cgen.clazz import (AccessModifier,
 from dune.perftool import Restriction
-from pytools import memoize
@@ -218,12 +217,14 @@ def generate_kernel(integrals):
 class AssemblyMethod(ClassMember):
     def __init__(self, signature, kernel):
-        from loopy import generate_code
+        from loopy import generate_body
         from cgen import LiteralLines, Block
         content = signature
         if kernel is not None:
-            content.extend('  ' + l for l in generate_code(kernel)[0].split('\n'))
+            for i, p in kernel.preambles:
+                content.append(p)
+            content.extend(l for l in generate_body(kernel).split('\n')[1:-1])
         ClassMember.__init__(self, content)
diff --git a/python/dune/perftool/pdelab/ b/python/dune/perftool/pdelab/
index 5ba55552..c4e3c548 100644
--- a/python/dune/perftool/pdelab/
+++ b/python/dune/perftool/pdelab/
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ def construct_nested_fieldvector(t, shape):
 def cell_parameter_function(name, expr, restriction, t='double'):
     shape = expr.ufl_element().value_shape()
-    shape_impl = ('fv',)*len(shape)
+    shape_impl = ('fv',) * len(shape)
     t = construct_nested_fieldvector(t, shape)
     temporary_variable(name, shape=shape, shape_impl=shape_impl)
     define_parameter_function_class_member(name, expr, t, True)
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ def cell_parameter_function(name, expr, restriction, t='double'):
 def intersection_parameter_function(name, expr, t='double'):
     shape = expr.ufl_element().value_shape()
-    shape_impl = ('fv',)*len(shape)
+    shape_impl = ('fv',) * len(shape)
     t = construct_nested_fieldvector(t, shape)
     temporary_variable(name, shape=shape, shape_impl=shape_impl)
     define_parameter_function_class_member(name, expr, t, False)
diff --git a/python/loopy b/python/loopy
index 6b32fb79..db5dd740 160000
--- a/python/loopy
+++ b/python/loopy
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 6b32fb790fb7c4947da03f6c8f1a3694ee90da92
+Subproject commit db5dd7408b03e4cb453120cee3476f44b4179dfc