From 3cb3511c6234f43d45a0e26a25e20222c40403b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dominic Kempf <>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2018 11:40:31 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Implement sumfact_multilinear Geometry Mixin

 python/dune/codegen/                |   2 +-
 python/dune/codegen/pdelab/        |  13 -
 python/dune/codegen/sumfact/       | 577 ++++++------------
 python/dune/codegen/sumfact/     |  12 +-
 python/dune/codegen/ufl/            |   6 +-
 .../poisson/      |   1 +
 .../poisson/      |   1 +
 test/sumfact/poisson/  |   1 +
 .../poisson/   |   1 +
 test/sumfact/poisson/  |   1 +
 .../poisson/   |   1 +
 .../poisson/       |   1 +
 12 files changed, 199 insertions(+), 418 deletions(-)

diff --git a/python/dune/codegen/ b/python/dune/codegen/
index 32ede8d4..4a5a913d 100644
--- a/python/dune/codegen/
+++ b/python/dune/codegen/
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ class CodegenFormOptionsArray(ImmutableRecord):
     geometry_mixins = CodegenOption(default="generic", helpstr="A comma separated list of mixin identifiers to use for geometries. Currently implemented mixins: generic, axiparallel, equidistant, sumfact_multilinear, sumfact_axiparallel, sumfact_equidistant")
     quadrature_mixins = CodegenOption(default="generic", helpstr="A comma separated list of mixin identifiers to use for quadrature. Currently implemented: generic, sumfact")
     basis_mixins = CodegenOption(default="generic", helpstr="A comma separated list of mixin identifiers to use for basis function evaluation. Currently implemented: generic, sumfact")
-    accumulation_mixins = CodegenOption(default="generic", helpstr="A comma separated list of mixin identifiers to use for accumulation. Currently implemented: generic")
+    accumulation_mixins = CodegenOption(default="generic", helpstr="A comma separated list of mixin identifiers to use for accumulation. Currently implemented: generic, sumfact")
     enable_volume = CodegenOption(default=True, helpstr="Whether to assemble volume integrals")
     enable_skeleton = CodegenOption(default=True, helpstr="Whether to assemble skeleton integrals")
     enable_boundary = CodegenOption(default=True, helpstr="Whether to assemble boundary integrals")
diff --git a/python/dune/codegen/pdelab/ b/python/dune/codegen/pdelab/
index 604cacf0..7ca90b96 100644
--- a/python/dune/codegen/pdelab/
+++ b/python/dune/codegen/pdelab/
@@ -20,19 +20,6 @@ class PDELabInterface(object):
         # The visitor instance will be registered by its init method
         self.visitor = None
-    # Accumulation interfaces
-    def get_accumulation_info(self, expr, visitor):
-        from dune.codegen.pdelab.localoperator import get_accumulation_info
-        return get_accumulation_info(expr, visitor)
-    def list_accumulation_infos(self, expr, visitor):
-        from dune.codegen.pdelab.localoperator import list_accumulation_infos
-        return list_accumulation_infos(expr, visitor)
-    def generate_accumulation_instruction(self, expr, visitor):
-        from dune.codegen.pdelab.localoperator import generate_accumulation_instruction
-        return generate_accumulation_instruction(expr, visitor)
     # TODO: The following ones are actually entirely PDELab independent!
     # They should be placed elsewhere and be used directly in the visitor.
diff --git a/python/dune/codegen/sumfact/ b/python/dune/codegen/sumfact/
index e4c23caf..ade47c57 100644
--- a/python/dune/codegen/sumfact/
+++ b/python/dune/codegen/sumfact/
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ from dune.codegen.generation import (backend,
 from dune.codegen.options import get_option
-from dune.codegen.pdelab.geometry import (local_dimension,
+from dune.codegen.pdelab.geometry import (enforce_boundary_restriction,
+                                          local_dimension,
@@ -32,8 +33,7 @@ from dune.codegen.pdelab.localoperator import (name_ansatz_gfs_constructor_param
 from dune.codegen.pdelab.restriction import restricted_name
 from dune.codegen.sumfact.accumulation import basis_sf_kernels
 from dune.codegen.sumfact.basis import construct_basis_matrix_sequence
-from dune.codegen.sumfact.quadrature import (additional_inames,
-                                             default_quadrature_inames)
+from dune.codegen.sumfact.quadrature import additional_inames
 from dune.codegen.sumfact.switch import get_facedir, get_facemod
 from dune.codegen.sumfact.symbolic import SumfactKernelInterfaceBase, SumfactKernel
 from import get_pymbolic_basename
@@ -46,15 +46,191 @@ from loopy.match import Writes
 import pymbolic.primitives as prim
 import numpy as np
+import loopy as lp
 class SumfactMultiLinearGeometryMixin(GenericPDELabGeometryMixin):
-    def pymbolic_unit_outer_normal(self):
-        return pymbolic_unit_outer_normal(self)
+    def _jacobian_inverse(self):
+        return "jit"
-    def pymbolic_jacobian_inverse(self, i, j, restriction):
-        return pymbolic_jacobian_inverse(i, j, restriction, self.visitor)
+    def jacobian_inverse(self, o):
+        # This differs from the generic one by not falling back to the
+        # transpose of the jacobian inverse.
+        restriction = enforce_boundary_restriction(self)
+        assert(len(self.indices) == 2)
+        i, j = self.indices
+        self.indices = None
+        name = restricted_name(self._jacobian_inverse(), restriction)
+        self.define_jacobian_inverse(name, restriction)
+        return prim.Subscript(prim.Variable(name), (i,j))
+    def _jacobian_determinant(self):
+        return "detjac"
+    def define_jacobian_determinant(self, o):
+        restriction = Restriction.NONE if self.measure == "cell" else Restriction.POSITIVE
+        self.define_jacobian_inverse(self._jacobian_inverse(), restriction)
+        return prim.Variable(self._jacobian_determinant())
+    def define_jacobian_inverse(self, name, restriction):
+        """Return jacobian inverse of the geometry mapping (of a cell)
+        At the moment this only works for geometry mappings of cells and not for
+        intersection. We only consider this case as it greatly simplifies code
+        generation for unstructured grids by making the grid edge consistent and
+        avoiding the face-twist problem.
+        """
+        # Calculate the jacobian of the geometry mapping using sum factorization
+        dim = world_dimension()
+        names_jacobian = []
+        for j in range(dim):
+            for i in range(dim):
+                name_jacobian = restricted_name("jacobian_geometry_{}{}".format(i, j), restriction)
+                temporary_variable(name_jacobian)
+                assignee = prim.Variable(name_jacobian)
+                expression = _name_jacobian(i, j, restriction, self)
+                inames = self.quadrature_inames() + additional_inames(self)
+                instruction(assignee=assignee,
+                            expression=expression,
+                            within_inames=frozenset(inames),
+                            depends_on=frozenset({lp.match.Tagged("sumfact_stage1")})
+                            )
+                names_jacobian.append(name_jacobian)
+                # The sum factorization kernels from the geometry evaluation of the
+                # jacobians will never appear in the expression for the input of
+                # stage 3. This way the SumfactCollectMapper will never see them
+                # and they will be marked as inactive. Here we explicitly mark the
+                # as used.
+                basis_sf_kernels(expression.aggregate)
+        # Calculate the inverse of the jacobian of the geometry mapping and the
+        # determinant by calling a c++ function. Note: The result will be column
+        # major -> fortran style.
+        name_detjac = self._jacobian_determinant()
+        temporary_variable(name_detjac, shape=())
+        ftags = "f,f"
+        temporary_variable(name, shape=(dim, dim), dim_tags=ftags, managed=True)
+        include_file('dune/codegen/sumfact/invertgeometry.hh', filetag='operatorfile')
+        code = "{} = invert_and_return_determinant({}, {});".format(name_detjac,
+                                                                    ", ".join(names_jacobian),
+                                                                    name)
+        silenced_warning("read_no_write({})".format(name_detjac))
+        inames = self.quadrature_inames() + additional_inames(self)
+        return instruction(code=code,
+                           assignees=frozenset([name, name_detjac]),
+                           read_variables=frozenset(names_jacobian),
+                           inames=frozenset(inames),
+                           )
+    def facet_jacobian_determinant(self, o):
+        """Absolute value of determinant of jacobian of facet geometry mapping
+        Calculate the absolute value of the determinant of the jacobian of the
+        geometry mapping from the reference cell of the intersection to the
+        intersection:
+        |\det(\nabla \mu_F)|
+        This is done using the surface metric tensor lemma from the lecture notes
+        of Jean-Luc Guermond:
+        |\det(\nabla \mu_F)| = \| \tilde{n} \| |\det(\nabla \mu_{T_s})|
+        Here \tilde{n} is the outer normal defined by:
+        \tilde{n} = (\nabla \mu_{T_s})^{-T} \hat{n}_s
+        where \hat{n}_s is the unit outer normal of the corresponding face of the
+        reference cell.
+        """
+        detjac = self.jacobian_determinant(None)
+        norm_of_outer_normal = normalize(self.outer_normal(), world_dimension())
+        return prim.Product((detjac, norm_of_outer_normal))
+    def outer_normal(self):
+        """ This is the *unnormalized* outer normal """
+        name = "outer_normal"
+        facedir_s = get_facedir(Restriction.POSITIVE)
+        facemod_s = get_facemod(Restriction.POSITIVE)
+        temporary_variable(name, shape=(world_dimension(),))
+        for i in range(world_dimension()):
+            assignee = prim.Subscript(prim.Variable(name), i)
+            self.indices = (facedir_s, i)
+            ji = self.jacobian_inverse(None)
+            # Note: 2*facemod_s-1 because of
+            # -1 if facemod_s = 0
+            # +1 if facemod_s = 1
+            expression = ji * (2 * facemod_s - 1)
+            inames = self.quadrature_inames() + additional_inames(self)
+            instruction(assignee=assignee,
+                        expression=expression,
+                        within_inames=frozenset(inames),
+                        )
+        return prim.Variable(name)
+    def facet_normal(self, o):
+        index, = self.indices
+        self.indices = None
+        outer_normal = self.outer_normal()
+        norm = normalize(outer_normal, world_dimension())
+        return prim.Subscript(outer_normal, (index,)) / norm
+    def spatial_coordinate(self, o):
+        """Calculate global coordinates of quadrature points for multilinear geometry mappings
+        The evalualation is done using sum factorization techniques.
+        On facets we use the geometry mapping of the self cell to get a global
+        evaluation of the quadrature points. Avoiding the geometry mapping of the
+        face itself greatly simplifies the generation of code for unstructured
+        grids. Instead of looking at all the possible embeddings of the reference
+        element of the face into the reference element of the cell we can make the
+        grid edge consistent and choose a suitable convention for the order of
+        directions in our sum factorization kernels.
+        """
+        assert len(self.indices) == 1
+        restriction = enforce_boundary_restriction(self)
+        # Generate sum factorization kernel and add vectorization info
+        matrix_sequence = construct_basis_matrix_sequence(facedir=get_facedir(restriction),
+                                                          facemod=get_facemod(restriction),
+                                                          basis_size=(2,) * world_dimension())
+        inp = GeoCornersInput(self.indices[0], restriction)
+        sf = SumfactKernel(matrix_sequence=matrix_sequence,
+                           interface=inp,
+                           )
+        from dune.codegen.sumfact.vectorization import attach_vectorization_info
+        vsf = attach_vectorization_info(sf)
+        # If this sum factorization kernel was not used in the dry run we
+        # just return 0
+        if vsf == 0:
+            self.indices = None
+            return 0
+        # Add a sum factorization kernel that implements the evaluation of
+        # the basis functions at quadrature points (stage 1)
+        from dune.codegen.sumfact.realization import realize_sum_factorization_kernel
+        var, _ = realize_sum_factorization_kernel(vsf)
+        # The results of this function is already the right component of the
+        # spatial coordinate and we don't need to index this in the visitor
+        self.indices = None
+        return prim.Subscript(var, vsf.quadrature_index(sf, self))
@@ -108,10 +284,10 @@ class SumfactEqudistantGeometryMixin(EquidistantGeometryMixin, SumfactAxiParalle
         index, = self.indices
         # Urgh: *SOMEHOW* construct a face direction. This is not breaking in the unstructured
-        # case, because
+        # case, because we do not enter this code path...
         from dune.codegen.pdelab.restriction import Restriction
         restriction = Restriction.NONE
-        if get_global_context_value("integral_type") == "interior_facet":
+        if self.measure == "interior_facet":
             restriction = Restriction.POSITIVE
         from dune.codegen.sumfact.switch import get_facedir
         face = get_facedir(restriction)
@@ -209,57 +385,6 @@ class GeoCornersInput(SumfactKernelInterfaceBase, ImmutableRecord):
         return insn_dep.union(frozenset({insn}))
-@backend(interface="spatial_coordinate", name="default")
-def pymbolic_spatial_coordinate_multilinear(do_predicates, visitor):
-    """Calculate global coordinates of quadrature points for multilinear geometry mappings
-    The evalualation is done using sum factorization techniques.
-    On facets we use the geometry mapping of the self cell to get a global
-    evaluation of the quadrature points. Avoiding the geometry mapping of the
-    face itself greatly simplifies the generation of code for unstructured
-    grids. Instead of looking at all the possible embeddings of the reference
-    element of the face into the reference element of the cell we can make the
-    grid edge consistent and choose a suitable convention for the order of
-    directions in our sum factorization kernels.
-    """
-    assert len(visitor.indices) == 1
-    # Adjust restriction for boundary facets
-    restriction = visitor.restriction
-    if get_global_context_value("integral_type") == "exterior_facet":
-        restriction = 1
-    # Generate sum factorization kernel and add vectorization info
-    matrix_sequence = construct_basis_matrix_sequence(facedir=get_facedir(restriction),
-                                                      facemod=get_facemod(restriction),
-                                                      basis_size=(2,) * world_dimension())
-    inp = GeoCornersInput(visitor.indices[0], restriction)
-    sf = SumfactKernel(matrix_sequence=matrix_sequence,
-                       interface=inp,
-                       )
-    from dune.codegen.sumfact.vectorization import attach_vectorization_info
-    vsf = attach_vectorization_info(sf)
-    # If this sum factorization kernel was not used in the dry run we
-    # just return 0
-    if vsf == 0:
-        visitor.indices = None
-        return 0
-    # Add a sum factorization kernel that implements the evaluation of
-    # the basis functions at quadrature points (stage 1)
-    from dune.codegen.sumfact.realization import realize_sum_factorization_kernel
-    var, _ = realize_sum_factorization_kernel(vsf)
-    # The results of this function is already the right component of the
-    # spatial coordinate and we don't need to index this in the visitor
-    visitor.indices = None
-    return prim.Subscript(var, vsf.quadrature_index(sf, visitor))
 def define_corner(name, low):
     geo = name_geometry()
@@ -303,260 +428,6 @@ def name_meshwidth():
     return name
-@backend(interface="spatial_coordinate", name="diagonal_transformation_matrix")
-def pymbolic_spatial_coordinate_axiparallel(do_predicates, visitor):
-    assert len(visitor.indices) == 1
-    index, = visitor.indices
-    # Urgh: *SOMEHOW* construct a face direction
-    from dune.codegen.pdelab.restriction import Restriction
-    restriction = Restriction.NONE
-    if get_global_context_value("integral_type") == "interior_facet":
-        restriction = Restriction.POSITIVE
-    from dune.codegen.sumfact.switch import get_facedir
-    face = get_facedir(restriction)
-    lowcorner = name_lowerleft_corner()
-    meshwidth = name_meshwidth()
-    # If we have to decide which boundary condition to take for this
-    # intersection we always take the boundary condition of the center
-    # of the intersection. We assume that there are no cells with more
-    # than one boundary condition.
-    if do_predicates:
-        x = 0.5
-    elif index == face:
-        x = 0
-    else:
-        iindex = index
-        if face is not None and index > face:
-            iindex = iindex - 1
-        from dune.codegen.sumfact.quadrature import pymbolic_indexed_quadrature_position
-        x = pymbolic_indexed_quadrature_position(iindex, visitor)
-    visitor.indices = None
-    return prim.Subscript(prim.Variable(lowcorner), (index,)) + x * prim.Subscript(prim.Variable(meshwidth), (index,))
-def define_outer_normal(name, visitor):
-    """Calculate outer normal (length not necessarily 1)
-    This will be used to calculate the unit outer normal and the determinant of
-    the Jacobian of the geometry mapping of the face.
-    The outer normal is calculated by multiplying the Jacobian inverse
-    transposed of the geometry mapping of the 'self'-cell with the unit outer
-    normal \hat{n_s} of the face corresponding to the intersetcion in the
-    reference element of the 'self'-cell:
-    n = (\nabla \mu_{T_s})^{-T} \hat{n_s}
-    Instead of setting up \hat{n_s} we just look at facedir_s and facemod_s.
-    """
-    facedir_s = get_facedir(Restriction.POSITIVE)
-    facemod_s = get_facemod(Restriction.POSITIVE)
-    temporary_variable(name, shape=(world_dimension(),))
-    for i in range(world_dimension()):
-        assignee = prim.Subscript(prim.Variable(name), i)
-        ji = pymbolic_jacobian_inverse(facedir_s, i, Restriction.POSITIVE, visitor)
-        # Note: 2*facemod_s-1 because of
-        # -1 if facemod_s = 0
-        # +1 if facemod_s = 1
-        expression = ji * (2 * facemod_s - 1)
-        inames = default_quadrature_inames(visitor) + additional_inames(visitor)
-        instruction(assignee=assignee,
-                    expression=expression,
-                    within_inames=frozenset(inames),
-                    )
-def name_outer_normal(visitor):
-    name = "outer_normal"
-    define_outer_normal(name, visitor)
-    return name
-def pymbolic_outer_normal(visitor):
-    name = name_outer_normal(visitor)
-    return prim.Variable(name)
-def define_norm_of_outer_normal(name, visitor):
-    outer_normal = pymbolic_outer_normal(visitor)
-    # Calculate the norm of outer_normal
-    temporary_variable(name, shape=())
-    expression = 0
-    for i in range(world_dimension()):
-        expression = prim.Sum((expression, prim.Subscript(outer_normal, i) * prim.Subscript(outer_normal, i)))
-    expression = prim.Call(prim.Variable("sqrt"), (expression,))
-    inames = default_quadrature_inames(visitor) + additional_inames(visitor)
-    # Apparently the call of sqrt shadows the dependency on outer normal. Add manually.
-    instruction(assignee=prim.Variable(name),
-                expression=expression,
-                depends_on=frozenset({Writes(get_pymbolic_basename(outer_normal))}),
-                within_inames=frozenset(inames),
-                )
-def name_norm_of_outer_normal(visitor):
-    name = "norm_of_outer_normal"
-    define_norm_of_outer_normal(name, visitor)
-    return name
-def pymbolic_norm_of_outer_normal(visitor):
-    name = name_norm_of_outer_normal(visitor)
-    return prim.Variable(name)
-def pymbolic_unit_outer_normal(visitor):
-    assert (len(visitor.indices) is 1)
-    index = visitor.indices[0]
-    assert isinstance(index, int)
-    if get_form_option("diagonal_transformation_matrix"):
-        # In this case we just return -1, 0 or 1 depending on the current
-        # facemod and facedir. We don't need to (and cannot) index these ints
-        # so we set the indices of the visitor to None.
-        visitor.indices = None
-        # Use facemod_s and facedir_s
-        from dune.codegen.sumfact.switch import get_facedir, get_facemod
-        if index == get_facedir(Restriction.POSITIVE):
-            if get_facemod(Restriction.POSITIVE):
-                return 1
-            else:
-                return -1
-        else:
-            return 0
-    else:
-        # In pymbolic_outer_normal we need to create the
-        # jacobian_inverse_transposed which doesn't play nicely with the
-        # visitor having indices. Maybe this should be improved. For now let's
-        # just set them to None and restore them afterwards.
-        visitor.indices = None
-        outer_normal = pymbolic_outer_normal(visitor)
-        norm = pymbolic_norm_of_outer_normal(visitor)
-        visitor.indices = (index,)
-        # Create unit_outer_normal by scaling outer_normal to length 1
-        name = "unit_outer_normal"
-        temporary_variable(name, shape=(world_dimension(),))
-        inames = default_quadrature_inames(visitor) + additional_inames(visitor)
-        for i in range(world_dimension()):
-            instruction(assignee=prim.Subscript(prim.Variable(name), i),
-                        expression=prim.Subscript(outer_normal, i) / norm,
-                        within_inames=frozenset(inames),
-                        )
-        return prim.Variable(name)
-def pymbolic_unit_inner_normal(visitor_indices):
-    # Note: The implementation of this was adjusted for unstructured grids but
-    # it was not properly tested. If you need the unit inner normal just remove
-    # the assert(False) statement but make sure to verify that this does the
-    # right thing.
-    assert(False)
-    assert (len(visitor.indices) is 1)
-    index = visitor.indices[0]
-    assert isinstance(index, int)
-    if get_form_option("diagonal_transformation_matrix"):
-        # In this case we just return -1, 0 or 1 depending on the current
-        # facemod and facedir. We don't need to (and cannot) index these ints
-        # so we set the indices of the visitor to None.
-        visitor.indices = None
-        if index == get_facedir(Restriction.POSITIVE):
-            if get_facemod(Restriction.POSITIVE):
-                return -1
-            else:
-                return 1
-        else:
-            return 0
-    else:
-        # In pymbolic_outer_normal we need to create the
-        # jacobian_inverse_transposed which doesn't play nicely with the
-        # visitor having indices. Maybe this should be improved. For now let's
-        # just set them to None and restore them afterwards.
-        visitor.indices = None
-        outer_normal = pymbolic_outer_normal(visitor)
-        norm = pymbolic_norm_of_outer_normal(visitor)
-        visitor.indices = (index,)
-        # Create unit_outer_normal by scaling outer_normal to length 1
-        name = "unit_outer_normal"
-        temporary_variable(name, shape=(world_dimension(),))
-        inames = default_quadrature_inames(visitor) + additional_inames(visitor)
-        for i in range(world_dimension()):
-            instruction(assignee=prim.Subscript(prim.Variable(name), i),
-                        expression=-1 * prim.Subscript(outer_normal, i) / norm,
-                        within_inames=frozenset(inames),
-                        )
-        return prim.Variable(name)
-def define_facet_jacobian_determinant(name, visitor):
-    """Absolute value of determinant of jacobian of facet geometry mapping
-    Calculate the absolute value of the determinant of the jacobian of the
-    geometry mapping from the reference cell of the intersection to the
-    intersection:
-    |\det(\nabla \mu_F)|
-    This is done using the surface metric tensor lemma from the lecture notes
-    of Jean-Luc Guermond:
-    |\det(\nabla \mu_F)| = \| \tilde{n} \| |\det(\nabla \mu_{T_s})|
-    Here \tilde{n} is the outer normal defined by:
-    \tilde{n} = (\nabla \mu_{T_s})^{-T} \hat{n}_s
-    where \hat{n}_s is the unit outer normal of the corresponding face of the
-    reference cell.
-    """
-    # Calculate norm of outer normal and determinant of jacobian of geometry
-    # mapping of the inside cell -> set restriction to 1 for boundary facets
-    if get_global_context_value("integral_type") == "exterior_facet":
-        assert visitor.restriction is 0
-        visitor.restriction = 1
-    norm_of_outer_normal = pymbolic_norm_of_outer_normal(visitor)
-    detjac = pymbolic_jacobian_determinant(visitor)
-    if get_global_context_value("integral_type") == "exterior_facet":
-        visitor.restriction = 0
-    # Multiply detjac and norm_of_outer_normal
-    temporary_variable(name, shape=())
-    inames = default_quadrature_inames(visitor) + additional_inames(visitor)
-    instruction(assignee=prim.Variable(name),
-                expression=detjac * norm_of_outer_normal,
-                within_inames=frozenset(inames),
-                )
-def name_facet_jacobian_determinant(visitor):
-    name = "fdetjac"
-    define_facet_jacobian_determinant(name, visitor)
-    return name
-def pymbolic_facet_jacobian_determinant(visitor):
-    name = name_facet_jacobian_determinant(visitor)
-    return prim.Variable(name)
-def pymbolic_facet_area(visitor):
-    from dune.codegen.pdelab.geometry import pymbolic_facet_area as nonconstant_facet_area
-    return nonconstant_facet_area()
 def _name_jacobian(i, j, restriction, visitor):
     """Return the (i, j) component of the jacobian of the geometry mapping
@@ -599,79 +470,5 @@ def _name_jacobian(i, j, restriction, visitor):
     return prim.Subscript(var, vsf.quadrature_index(sf, visitor))
-def define_jacobian_inverse(name, restriction, visitor):
-    """Return jacobian inverse of the geometry mapping (of a cell)
-    At the moment this only works for geometry mappings of cells and not for
-    intersection. We only consider this case as it greatly simplifies code
-    generation for unstructured grids by making the grid edge consistent and
-    avoiding the face-twist problem.
-    """
-    # Calculate the jacobian of the geometry mapping using sum factorization
-    dim = world_dimension()
-    names_jacobian = []
-    for j in range(dim):
-        for i in range(dim):
-            name_jacobian = restricted_name("jacobian_geometry_{}{}".format(i, j), restriction)
-            temporary_variable(name_jacobian)
-            assignee = prim.Variable(name_jacobian)
-            expression = _name_jacobian(i, j, restriction, visitor)
-            inames = default_quadrature_inames(visitor) + additional_inames(visitor)
-            instruction(assignee=assignee,
-                        expression=expression,
-                        within_inames=frozenset(inames),
-                        )
-            names_jacobian.append(name_jacobian)
-            # The sum factorization kernels from the geometry evaluation of the
-            # jacobians will never appear in the expression for the input of
-            # stage 3. This way the SumfactCollectMapper will never see them
-            # and they will be marked as inactive. Here we explicitly mark the
-            # as used.
-            basis_sf_kernels(expression.aggregate)
-    # Calculate the inverse of the jacobian of the geometry mapping and the
-    # determinant by calling a c++ function. Note: The result will be column
-    # major -> fortran style.
-    name_detjac = name_jacobian_determinant(visitor)
-    temporary_variable(name_detjac, shape=())
-    ftags = ",".join(["f"] * 2)
-    temporary_variable(name, shape=(dim, dim), dim_tags=ftags, managed=True)
-    include_file('dune/codegen/sumfact/invertgeometry.hh', filetag='operatorfile')
-    code = "{} = invert_and_return_determinant({}, {});".format(name_detjac,
-                                                                ", ".join(names_jacobian),
-                                                                name)
-    silenced_warning("read_no_write({})".format(name_detjac))
-    inames = default_quadrature_inames(visitor) + additional_inames(visitor)
-    return instruction(code=code,
-                       assignees=frozenset([name, name_detjac]),
-                       read_variables=frozenset(names_jacobian),
-                       inames=frozenset(inames),
-                       )
-def name_jacobian_inverse(restriction, visitor):
-    name = restricted_name("jacobian_inverse", restriction)
-    define_jacobian_inverse(name, restriction, visitor)
-    return name
-def pymbolic_jacobian_inverse(i, j, restriction, visitor):
-    name = name_jacobian_inverse(restriction, visitor)
-    return prim.Subscript(prim.Variable(name), (i, j))
-def name_jacobian_determinant(visitor):
-    name = "detjac"
-    return name
-def pymbolic_jacobian_determinant(visitor):
-    # The calculation of the jacobian determinant happens in this function
-    if visitor.measure == 'cell':
-        restriction = 0
-    else:
-        restriction = 1
-    name_jacobian_inverse(restriction, visitor)
-    return prim.Variable(name_jacobian_determinant(visitor))
+def normalize(expr, dim):
+    return prim.Call(prim.Variable("sqrt"), (prim.Sum(tuple(expr[i]*expr[i] for i in range(dim))),))
diff --git a/python/dune/codegen/sumfact/ b/python/dune/codegen/sumfact/
index 92a598d9..86982443 100644
--- a/python/dune/codegen/sumfact/
+++ b/python/dune/codegen/sumfact/
@@ -141,15 +141,6 @@ def base_weight_function_mangler(target, func, dtypes):
         return CallMangleInfo(, (NumpyType(dtype_floatingpoint()),), ())
-def default_quadrature_inames(visitor):
-    info = visitor.current_info[1]
-    if info is None:
-        element = None
-    else:
-        element = info.element
-    return quadrature_inames(element)
 def _quadrature_inames(element):
     if element is None:
@@ -193,8 +184,7 @@ def additional_inames(visitor):
         restriction = Restriction.NONE
         if get_global_context_value("integral_type") == "interior_facet":
             restriction = Restriction.POSITIVE
-        from dune.codegen.sumfact.basis import lfs_inames
-        lfs_inames = lfs_inames(element, restriction)
+        lfs_inames = visitor.lfs_inames(element, restriction)
         return lfs_inames
         return ()
diff --git a/python/dune/codegen/ufl/ b/python/dune/codegen/ufl/
index 10afd7bf..376fe9d5 100644
--- a/python/dune/codegen/ufl/
+++ b/python/dune/codegen/ufl/
@@ -56,14 +56,14 @@ class UFL2LoopyVisitor(ModifiedTerminalTracker):
         return self._call(o, do_predicates)
     def accumulate(self, o):
-        for info in self.interface.list_accumulation_infos(o, self):
+        for info in self.list_accumulation_infos(o):
             self.current_info = info
             expr = self._call(o, False)
             if expr != 0:
                 if get_form_option("simplify"):
                     from dune.codegen.sympy import simplify_pymbolic_expression
                     expr = simplify_pymbolic_expression(expr)
-                self.interface.generate_accumulation_instruction(expr, self)
+                self.generate_accumulation_instruction(expr)
     def _call(self, o, do_predicates):
         # Reset state variables
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class UFL2LoopyVisitor(ModifiedTerminalTracker):
     def argument(self, o):
         self.interface.initialize_function_spaces(o, self)
         # Update the information on where to accumulate this
-        info = self.interface.get_accumulation_info(o, self)
+        info = self.get_accumulation_info(o)
         if o.number() == 0:
             if info != self.current_info[0]:
                 self.indices = None
diff --git a/test/sumfact/poisson/ b/test/sumfact/poisson/
index b7de167f..5eabe782 100644
--- a/test/sumfact/poisson/
+++ b/test/sumfact/poisson/
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ numerical_jacobian = 1, 0 | expand num
 sumfact = 1
 vectorization_quadloop = 1, 0 | expand quad
 vectorization_strategy = explicit, none | expand grad
+geometry_mixins = sumfact_multilinear
 degree = 1, 2 | expand deg
diff --git a/test/sumfact/poisson/ b/test/sumfact/poisson/
index 0d8b4690..0cbf2814 100644
--- a/test/sumfact/poisson/
+++ b/test/sumfact/poisson/
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ numerical_jacobian = 1, 0 | expand num
 sumfact = 1
 vectorization_quadloop = 1, 0 | expand quad
 vectorization_strategy = explicit, none | expand grad
+geometry_mixins = sumfact_multilinear
 degree = 1, 2 | expand deg
diff --git a/test/sumfact/poisson/ b/test/sumfact/poisson/
index 79df9ea4..054a2481 100644
--- a/test/sumfact/poisson/
+++ b/test/sumfact/poisson/
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ sumfact = 1
 sumfact_regular_jacobians = 1
 vectorization_quadloop = 1, 0 | expand quad
 vectorization_strategy = explicit, none | expand grad
+geometry_mixins = sumfact_multilinear
 degree = 1, 2 | expand deg
diff --git a/test/sumfact/poisson/ b/test/sumfact/poisson/
index fec1c93d..55336ae7 100644
--- a/test/sumfact/poisson/
+++ b/test/sumfact/poisson/
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ numerical_jacobian = 1, 0 | expand num
 sumfact = 1
 vectorization_quadloop = 1, 0 | expand quad
 vectorization_strategy = explicit, none | expand grad
+geometry_mixins = sumfact_multilinear
 degree = 1, 2 | expand deg
diff --git a/test/sumfact/poisson/ b/test/sumfact/poisson/
index eb320a2d..0216093f 100644
--- a/test/sumfact/poisson/
+++ b/test/sumfact/poisson/
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ sumfact = 1
 sumfact_regular_jacobians = 1
 vectorization_quadloop = 1, 0 | expand quad
 vectorization_strategy = explicit, none | expand grad
+geometry_mixins = sumfact_multilinear
 degree = 1, 2 | expand deg
diff --git a/test/sumfact/poisson/ b/test/sumfact/poisson/
index 271b1f54..c42be3b9 100644
--- a/test/sumfact/poisson/
+++ b/test/sumfact/poisson/
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ sumfact = 1
 sumfact_regular_jacobians = 1
 vectorization_quadloop = 1, 0 | expand quad
 vectorization_strategy = explicit, none | expand grad
+geometry_mixins = sumfact_multilinear
 degree = 1, 2 | expand deg
diff --git a/test/sumfact/poisson/ b/test/sumfact/poisson/
index 52de26ab..a6374d18 100644
--- a/test/sumfact/poisson/
+++ b/test/sumfact/poisson/
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ fastdg = 1
 sumfact_regular_jacobians = 1
 vectorization_quadloop = 1, 0 | expand quad
 vectorization_strategy = explicit, none | expand grad
+geometry_mixins = sumfact_multilinear
 degree = 1, 2 | expand deg