diff --git a/python/dune/perftool/loopy/transformations/collect_rotate.py b/python/dune/perftool/loopy/transformations/collect_rotate.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 167de058f85b773978d4d6cef101101df72bf840..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/python/dune/perftool/loopy/transformations/collect_rotate.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
-""" A kernel transformation that precomputes quantities until a vector register
-is filled and then does vector computations """
-from dune.perftool.generation import (function_mangler,
-                                      include_file,
-                                      loopy_class_member,
-                                      )
-from dune.perftool.loopy.vcl import get_vcl_type, get_vcl_type_size
-from dune.perftool.loopy.transformations.vectorview import (add_temporary_with_vector_view,
-                                                            add_vector_view,
-                                                            get_vector_view_name,
-                                                            )
-from dune.perftool.loopy.symbolic import substitute
-from dune.perftool.sumfact.quadrature import quadrature_inames
-from dune.perftool.tools import get_pymbolic_basename, get_pymbolic_tag, ceildiv
-from dune.perftool.options import get_option
-from loopy.kernel.creation import parse_domains
-from loopy.symbolic import pw_aff_to_expr
-from loopy.match import Tagged
-from loopy.symbolic import DependencyMapper
-from pytools import product
-import pymbolic.primitives as prim
-import loopy as lp
-import numpy as np
-import re
-class TransposeReg(lp.symbolic.FunctionIdentifier):
-    def __init__(self,
-                 horizontal=1,
-                 vertical=1,
-                 ):
-        self.horizontal = horizontal
-        self.vertical = vertical
-    def __getinitargs__(self):
-        return (self.horizontal, self.vertical)
-    @property
-    def name(self):
-        return "transpose_reg"
-def rotate_function_mangler(knl, func, arg_dtypes):
-    if isinstance(func, TransposeReg):
-        # This is not 100% within the loopy philosophy, as we are
-        # passing the vector registers as references and have them
-        # changed. Loopy assumes this function to be read-only.
-        include_file("dune/perftool/sumfact/transposereg.hh", filetag="operatorfile")
-        vcl = lp.types.NumpyType(get_vcl_type(np.float64, vector_width=func.horizontal * func.vertical))
-        return lp.CallMangleInfo(func.name, (), (vcl,) * func.horizontal)
-class VectorIndices(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.needed = set()
-    def get(self, increment):
-        name = "vec_index_inc{}".format(increment)
-        self.needed.add((name, increment))
-        return prim.Variable(name)
-def collect_vector_data_rotate(knl):
-    #
-    # Process/Assert/Standardize the input
-    #
-    insns = [i for i in lp.find_instructions(knl, lp.match.Tagged("quadvec"))]
-    if not insns:
-        return knl
-    inames = quadrature_inames()
-    # Analyse the inames of the given instructions and identify inames
-    # that they all have in common. Those inames will also be iname dependencies
-    # of inserted instructions.
-    common_inames = frozenset([]).union(*(insn.within_inames for insn in insns)) - frozenset(inames)
-    # Determine the vector lane width
-    # TODO infer the numpy type here
-    vec_size = get_vcl_type_size(np.float64)
-    vector_indices = VectorIndices()
-    # Add an iname to the kernel which will be used for vectorization
-    new_iname = "quad_vec_{}".format("_".join(inames))
-    domain = "{{ [{0}] : 0<={0}<{1} }}".format(new_iname, str(vec_size))
-    domain = parse_domains(domain, {})
-    knl = knl.copy(domains=knl.domains + domain)
-    knl = lp.tag_inames(knl, [(new_iname, "vec")])
-    new_insns = []
-    all_writers = []
-    #
-    # Inspect the given instructions for dependent quantities
-    #
-    quantities = {}
-    for insn in insns:
-        for expr in DependencyMapper()(insn.expression):
-            basename = get_pymbolic_basename(expr)
-            quantities.setdefault(basename, frozenset())
-            quantities[basename] = quantities[basename].union(frozenset([expr]))
-    # Add vector size buffers for all these quantities
-    replacemap_vec = {}
-    replacemap_arr = {}
-    for quantity in quantities:
-        quantity_exprs = quantities[quantity]
-        # Check whether there is an instruction that writes this quantity within
-        # the given inames. If so, we need a buffer array.
-        iname_match = lp.match.And(tuple(lp.match.Iname(i) for i in inames))
-        write_match = lp.match.Writes(quantity)
-        match = lp.match.And((iname_match, write_match))
-        write_insns = lp.find_instructions(knl, match)
-        all_writers.extend([i.id for i in write_insns])
-        if write_insns:
-            # Determine the shape of the quantity
-            shape = knl.temporary_variables[quantity].shape
-            arrname = quantity + '_buffered_arr'
-            knl = add_temporary_with_vector_view(knl,
-                                                 arrname,
-                                                 dtype=np.float64,
-                                                 shape=shape + (vec_size,),
-                                                 dim_tags=",".join("c" for i in range(len(shape) + 1)),
-                                                 base_storage=quantity + '_base_storage',
-                                                 scope=lp.temp_var_scope.PRIVATE,
-                                                 )
-            def get_quantity_subscripts(e, zero=False):
-                if isinstance(e, prim.Subscript):
-                    index = e.index
-                    if isinstance(index, tuple):
-                        return index
-                    else:
-                        return (index,)
-                else:
-                    if zero:
-                        return (0,)
-                    else:
-                        return ()
-            for expr in quantity_exprs:
-                replacemap_vec[expr] = prim.Subscript(prim.Variable(get_vector_view_name(arrname)), get_quantity_subscripts(expr, zero=True) + (prim.Variable(new_iname),))
-            while write_insns:
-                insn = write_insns.pop()
-                if isinstance(insn, lp.Assignment):
-                    assignee = prim.Subscript(prim.Variable(arrname), get_quantity_subscripts(insn.assignee) + (prim.Variable('rotate_index'),))
-                    new_insns.append(insn.copy(assignee=assignee,
-                                               depends_on=insn.depends_on.union(frozenset({lp.match.Tagged("sumfact_stage1")})),
-                                               )
-                                     )
-                    for e in quantity_exprs:
-                        replacemap_arr[e] = prim.Subscript(prim.Variable(arrname), get_quantity_subscripts(e) + (prim.Variable('rotate_index'),))
-                elif isinstance(insn, lp.CInstruction):
-                    # This entire code path should go away as we either
-                    # * switch CInstructions to implicit iname assignments (see https://github.com/inducer/loopy/issues/55)
-                    # * switch to doing geometry stuff for sum factorization ourselves
-                    if len(shape) == 0:
-                        # Rip apart the code and change the assignee
-                        assignee, expression = insn.code.split("=")
-                        assignee = prim.Subscript(prim.Variable(arrname), (prim.Variable('rotate_index'),))
-                        code = "{} ={}".format(str(assignee), expression)
-                        new_insns.append(insn.copy(code=code,
-                                                   depends_on_is_final=True,
-                                                   ))
-                    else:
-                        # This is a *very* unfortunate code path
-                        # Get inames to assign to the vector buffer
-                        cinsn_inames = tuple("{}_assign_{}".format(quantity, i) for i in range(len(shape)))
-                        domains = frozenset("{{ [{0}] : 0<={0}<{1} }}".format(iname, shape[i]) for i, iname in enumerate(cinsn_inames))
-                        for dom in domains:
-                            domain = parse_domains(dom, {})
-                            knl = knl.copy(domains=knl.domains + domain)
-                        # We keep the old writing instructions
-                        new_insns.append(insn)
-                        # and write a new one
-                        cinsn_id = "{}_assign_id".format(quantity)
-                        new_insns.append(lp.Assignment(prim.Subscript(prim.Variable(arrname), tuple(prim.Variable(i) for i in cinsn_inames) + (prim.Variable('rotate_index'),)),
-                                                       prim.Subscript(prim.Variable(quantity), tuple(prim.Variable(i) for i in cinsn_inames)),
-                                                       within_inames=common_inames.union(inames).union(frozenset(cinsn_inames)),
-                                                       within_inames_is_final=True,
-                                                       depends_on=frozenset({lp.match.Writes(quantity)}),
-                                                       id=cinsn_id,
-                                                       ))
-                        all_writers.append(cinsn_id)
-                else:
-                    raise NotImplementedError
-        elif quantity in knl.temporary_variables:
-            tag, = set(get_pymbolic_tag(expr) for expr in quantity_exprs)
-            if tag is not None and tag.startswith('vecsumfac'):
-                # Extract information from the tag
-                horizontal, vertical = tuple(int(i) for i in re.match("vecsumfac_h(.*)_v(.*)", tag).groups())
-                #
-                # There is a vector quantity to be vectorized! That requires register rotation!
-                #
-                # 1. Rotating the input data
-                knl = add_vector_view(knl, quantity, flatview=True)
-                if horizontal > 1:
-                    new_insns.append(lp.CallInstruction((),  # assignees
-                                                        prim.Call(TransposeReg(vertical=vertical, horizontal=horizontal),
-                                                                  tuple(prim.Subscript(prim.Variable(get_vector_view_name(quantity)),
-                                                                                       (vector_indices.get(horizontal) + i, prim.Variable(new_iname)))
-                                                                        for i in range(horizontal))),
-                                                        depends_on=frozenset({'continue_stmt'}),
-                                                        within_inames=common_inames.union(inames).union(frozenset({new_iname})),
-                                                        within_inames_is_final=True,
-                                                        id="{}_rotate".format(quantity),
-                                                        ))
-                # Add substitution rules
-                for expr in quantity_exprs:
-                    assert isinstance(expr, prim.Subscript)
-                    last_index = expr.index[-1] // vertical
-                    replacemap_vec[expr] = prim.Subscript(prim.Variable(get_vector_view_name(quantity)),
-                                                          (vector_indices.get(horizontal) + last_index, prim.Variable(new_iname)),
-                                                          )
-            elif tag is not None and tag == 'sumfac':
-                # Add a vector view to this quantity
-                expr, = quantity_exprs
-                knl = add_vector_view(knl, quantity, flatview=True)
-                replacemap_vec[expr] = prim.Subscript(prim.Variable(get_vector_view_name(quantity)),
-                                                      (vector_indices.get(1), prim.Variable(new_iname)),
-                                                      )
-        elif quantity in [a.name for a in knl.args]:
-            arg, = [a for a in knl.args if a.name == quantity]
-            tags = set(get_pymbolic_tag(expr) for expr in quantity_exprs)
-            if tags and tags.pop() == "operator_precomputed":
-                expr, = quantity_exprs
-                shape=(ceildiv(product(s for s in arg.shape), vec_size), vec_size)
-                name = loopy_class_member(quantity,
-                                          shape=shape,
-                                          dim_tags="f,vec",
-                                          potentially_vectorized=True,
-                                          classtag="operator",
-                                          dtype=np.float64,
-                                          )
-                knl = knl.copy(args=knl.args + [lp.GlobalArg(name, shape=shape, dim_tags="c,vec", dtype=np.float64)])
-                replacemap_vec[expr] = prim.Subscript(prim.Variable(name),
-                                                      (vector_indices.get(1), prim.Variable(new_iname)),
-                                                      )
-    new_insns = [i.copy(expression=substitute(i.expression, replacemap_arr)) for i in new_insns]
-    other_insns = [i for i in knl.instructions if i.id not in [j.id for j in insns + new_insns]]
-    #
-    # Add three counter variables to the kernel
-    #
-    temporaries = knl.temporary_variables
-    temporaries['total_index'] = lp.TemporaryVariable('total_index',
-                                                      dtype=np.int32,
-                                                      scope=lp.temp_var_scope.PRIVATE,
-                                                      )
-    new_insns.append(lp.Assignment(prim.Variable("total_index"),  # assignee
-                                   0,  # expression
-                                   within_inames=common_inames,
-                                   within_inames_is_final=True,
-                                   id="assign_total_index",
-                                   ))
-    new_insns.append(lp.Assignment(prim.Variable("total_index"),  # assignee
-                                   prim.Sum((prim.Variable("total_index"), 1)),  # expression
-                                   within_inames=common_inames.union(inames),
-                                   within_inames_is_final=True,
-                                   depends_on=frozenset(all_writers).union(frozenset({"assign_total_index"})),
-                                   depends_on_is_final=True,
-                                   id="update_total_index",
-                                   ))
-    # Insert a rotating index, that counts 0 , .. , vecsize - 1
-    temporaries['rotate_index'] = lp.TemporaryVariable('rotate_index',  # name
-                                                       dtype=np.int32,
-                                                       scope=lp.temp_var_scope.PRIVATE,
-                                                       )
-    new_insns.append(lp.Assignment(prim.Variable("rotate_index"),  # assignee
-                                   0,  # expression
-                                   within_inames=common_inames,
-                                   within_inames_is_final=True,
-                                   id="assign_rotate_index",
-                                   ))
-    new_insns.append(lp.Assignment(prim.Variable("rotate_index"),  # assignee
-                                   prim.Remainder(prim.Sum((prim.Variable("rotate_index"), 1)), vec_size),  # expression
-                                   within_inames=common_inames.union(inames),
-                                   within_inames_is_final=True,
-                                   depends_on=frozenset(all_writers).union(frozenset({"assign_rotate_index"})),
-                                   depends_on_is_final=True,
-                                   id="update_rotate_index",
-                                   ))
-    knl = knl.copy(temporary_variables=temporaries)
-    #
-    # Add a continue statement depending on the rotate index
-    #
-    # Determine the condition for the continue statement
-    upper_bound = prim.Product(tuple(pw_aff_to_expr(knl.get_iname_bounds(i).size) for i in inames))
-    total_check = prim.Comparison(prim.Variable("total_index"), "<", upper_bound)
-    rotate_check = prim.Comparison(prim.Variable("rotate_index"), "!=", 0)
-    check = prim.LogicalAnd((rotate_check, total_check))
-    # Insert the 'continue' statement
-    new_insns.append(lp.CInstruction((),  # iname exprs that the code needs access to
-                                     "continue;",  # the code
-                                     predicates=frozenset({check}),
-                                     depends_on=frozenset({"update_rotate_index", "update_total_index"}).union(frozenset(all_writers)),
-                                     depends_on_is_final=True,
-                                     within_inames=common_inames.union(inames),
-                                     within_inames_is_final=True,
-                                     id="continue_stmt",
-                                     ))
-    #
-    # Reconstruct the compute instructions
-    #
-    for insn in insns:
-        # Get a vector view of the lhs expression
-        lhsname = get_pymbolic_basename(insn.assignee)
-        knl = add_vector_view(knl, lhsname, pad_to=vec_size, flatview=True)
-        lhsname = get_vector_view_name(lhsname)
-        rotating = "gradvec" in insn.tags
-        if rotating:
-            assert isinstance(insn.assignee, prim.Subscript)
-            tag = get_pymbolic_tag(insn.assignee)
-            horizontal, vertical = tuple(int(i) for i in re.match("vecsumfac_h(.*)_v(.*)", tag).groups())
-            if horizontal > 1:
-                last_index = insn.assignee.index[-1] // vertical
-            else:
-                last_index = 0
-        else:
-            last_index = 0
-            horizontal = 1
-        new_insns.append(lp.Assignment(prim.Subscript(prim.Variable(lhsname),
-                                                      (vector_indices.get(horizontal) + last_index, prim.Variable(new_iname)),
-                                                      ),
-                                       substitute(insn.expression, replacemap_vec),
-                                       depends_on=frozenset({"continue_stmt"}),
-                                       depends_on_is_final=True,
-                                       within_inames=common_inames.union(frozenset(inames + (new_iname,))),
-                                       within_inames_is_final=True,
-                                       id=insn.id,
-                                       tags=frozenset({"vec_write"})
-                                       )
-                         )
-        # Rotate back!
-        if rotating and "{}_rotateback".format(lhsname) not in [i.id for i in new_insns] and horizontal > 1:
-            new_insns.append(lp.CallInstruction((),  # assignees
-                                                prim.Call(TransposeReg(horizontal=horizontal, vertical=vertical),
-                                                          tuple(prim.Subscript(prim.Variable(lhsname),
-                                                                               (vector_indices.get(horizontal) + i, prim.Variable(new_iname)))
-                                                                for i in range(horizontal))),
-                                                depends_on=frozenset({Tagged("vec_write")}),
-                                                within_inames=common_inames.union(inames).union(frozenset({new_iname})),
-                                                within_inames_is_final=True,
-                                                id="{}_rotateback".format(lhsname),
-                                                ))
-    # Add the necessary vector indices
-    for name, increment in vector_indices.needed:
-        temporaries[name] = lp.TemporaryVariable(name,  # name
-                                                 dtype=np.int32,
-                                                 scope=lp.temp_var_scope.PRIVATE,
-                                                 )
-        new_insns.append(lp.Assignment(prim.Variable(name),  # assignee
-                                       0,  # expression
-                                       within_inames=common_inames,
-                                       within_inames_is_final=True,
-                                       id="assign_{}".format(name),
-                                       ))
-        new_insns.append(lp.Assignment(prim.Variable(name),  # assignee
-                                       prim.Sum((prim.Variable(name), increment)),  # expression
-                                       within_inames=common_inames.union(inames),
-                                       within_inames_is_final=True,
-                                       depends_on=frozenset({Tagged("vec_write"), "assign_{}".format(name)}),
-                                       depends_on_is_final=True,
-                                       id="update_{}".format(name),
-                                       ))
-    from loopy.kernel.creation import resolve_dependencies
-    return resolve_dependencies(knl.copy(instructions=new_insns + other_insns))
diff --git a/python/dune/perftool/loopy/transformations/collect_precompute.py b/python/dune/perftool/loopy/transformations/vectorize_quad.py
similarity index 99%
rename from python/dune/perftool/loopy/transformations/collect_precompute.py
rename to python/dune/perftool/loopy/transformations/vectorize_quad.py
index 7cdf72bac12b1071a24958745fd6325fc27cc1f9..83eb5c98b1579cbd2e38ae6d95baf684280e6284 100644
--- a/python/dune/perftool/loopy/transformations/collect_precompute.py
+++ b/python/dune/perftool/loopy/transformations/vectorize_quad.py
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class AntiPatternRemover(IdentityMapper):
         return IdentityMapper.map_floor_div(self, expr)
-def collect_vector_data_precompute(knl):
+def vectorize_quadrature_loop(knl):
     # Process/Assert/Standardize the input
diff --git a/python/dune/perftool/pdelab/localoperator.py b/python/dune/perftool/pdelab/localoperator.py
index d0b1d450d52a6ac6aad3ee892afdce4bdb64a899..3f24963354cedab260f00abb6af6ea53533cc0c2 100644
--- a/python/dune/perftool/pdelab/localoperator.py
+++ b/python/dune/perftool/pdelab/localoperator.py
@@ -502,10 +502,8 @@ def extract_kernel_from_cache(tag, wrap_in_cgen=True):
     # Maybe apply vectorization strategies
     if get_option("vectorize_quad"):
         if get_option("sumfact"):
-            from dune.perftool.loopy.transformations.collect_rotate import collect_vector_data_rotate
-            from dune.perftool.loopy.transformations.collect_precompute import collect_vector_data_precompute
-            kernel = collect_vector_data_precompute(kernel)
-#            kernel = collect_vector_data_rotate(kernel)
+            from dune.perftool.loopy.transformations.vectorize_quad import vectorize_quadrature_loop
+            kernel = vectorize_quadrature_loop(kernel)
             raise NotImplementedError("Only vectorizing sumfactorized code right now!")