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This repository contains the components necessary to integrate a JupyterHub installation with openBIS.
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Industry 4.0 Legal Testbed / Smart Legal Contract Transport
Common Development and Distribution License 1.0Smart Legal Contract für den Transport Use Case im Industrie 4.0 Recht-Testbed, vgl. https://legaltestbed.org/use-cases/
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Typ der Arbeit: Bachelor's Thesis Thema: Über die Anwendbarkeit von entstehenden Identitätsstandards für dezentrale Identitätsverzeichnisse Thema Englisch: On the applicability of emerging identity standards to decentralized identity directories
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Julia Hindel / SoCo
MIT License[NeurIPS 2021 Spotlight] Aligning Pretraining for Detection via Object-Level Contrastive Learning
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ezCar2X / ezCar2X
MIT LicenseRapid-prototyping framework for connected vehicle protocols and applications
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Julia Hindel / InstanceLoc
Apache License 2.0[CVPR 2021] Instance Localization for Self-supervised Detection Pretraining
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vocoreg / public-ids-vp / IDSVocabularyProvider
Apache License 2.0Archived 0Updated -
Thomas Graf / reveal_feuerwehr
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Tejas Morbagal Harish / apphandler
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Marie Isabel Blom / Test
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Docker container for Continuous Integration of LaTeX projects.
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