diff --git a/force_bdss/api.py b/force_bdss/api.py
index 165dd9bdc1869e369d2f0e80a2669224947941d4..d5567d689ee41c7e0c88db1aa19c5048f6d3e4fc 100644
--- a/force_bdss/api.py
+++ b/force_bdss/api.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 from .base_extension_plugin import BaseExtensionPlugin  # noqa
 from .ids import plugin_id, factory_id  # noqa
+from .core.base_factory import BaseFactory  # noqa
 from .core.data_value import DataValue  # noqa
 from .core.workflow import Workflow  # noqa
 from .core.slot import Slot  # noqa
@@ -11,6 +12,7 @@ from .core.kpi_specification import KPISpecification  # noqa
 from .core.execution_layer import ExecutionLayer  # noqa
 from .core.verifier import verify_workflow  # noqa
 from .core.verifier import VerifierError  # noqa
+from .core.execution import execute_layer, execute_workflow  # noqa
 from .data_sources.base_data_source_model import BaseDataSourceModel  # noqa
 from .data_sources.base_data_source import BaseDataSource  # noqa
@@ -44,4 +46,4 @@ from .ui_hooks.i_ui_hooks_factory import IUIHooksFactory  # noqa
 from .ui_hooks.base_ui_hooks_factory import BaseUIHooksFactory  # noqa
 from .ui_hooks.base_ui_hooks_manager import BaseUIHooksManager  # noqa
-from .local_traits import Identifier  # noqa
+from .local_traits import Identifier, PositiveInt  # noqa
diff --git a/force_bdss/bdss_application.py b/force_bdss/bdss_application.py
index a822528477d75c8a36ca856b41a5c753d46106b2..4e5d49b188c33e50ee6e364d78fd95afc8b374ad 100644
--- a/force_bdss/bdss_application.py
+++ b/force_bdss/bdss_application.py
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ from stevedore.exception import NoMatches
 from envisage.api import Application
 from envisage.core_plugin import CorePlugin
-from traits.api import Unicode, Bool
+from traits.api import Unicode, Bool, Property
+from force_bdss.ids import InternalPluginID
 from .factory_registry_plugin import FactoryRegistryPlugin
 from .core_evaluation_driver import CoreEvaluationDriver
 from .core_mco_driver import CoreMCODriver
@@ -28,6 +29,9 @@ class BDSSApplication(Application):
     #: coordination of the MCO itself. See design notes for more details.
     evaluate = Bool()
+    #: Gives the currently opened workflow
+    workflow = Property()
     def __init__(self, evaluate, workflow_filepath):
         self.evaluate = evaluate
         self.workflow_filepath = workflow_filepath
@@ -53,6 +57,15 @@ class BDSSApplication(Application):
         super(BDSSApplication, self).__init__(plugins=plugins)
+    def _get_workflow(self):
+        if self.evaluate:
+            plugin = self.get_plugin(
+                InternalPluginID.CORE_EVALUATION_DRIVER_ID)
+        else:
+            plugin = self.get_plugin(InternalPluginID.CORE_MCO_DRIVER_ID)
+        return plugin.workflow
 def _import_extensions(plugins, ext):
     """Service routine extracted for testing.
diff --git a/force_bdss/core/base_factory.py b/force_bdss/core/base_factory.py
index e8daa730591b65ebe6cc89398cc95e59d1cd50af..f69db3f1d97c1da7848c1a40bc7895ae51ef4226 100644
--- a/force_bdss/core/base_factory.py
+++ b/force_bdss/core/base_factory.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 from envisage.plugin import Plugin
-from traits.api import HasStrictTraits, Str, Instance
+from traits.api import HasStrictTraits, Str, Unicode, Instance
 from force_bdss.ids import factory_id
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ class BaseFactory(HasStrictTraits):
     #: A human readable name of the factory. Spaces allowed
     name = Str()
+    #: A long description of the factory.
+    description = Unicode()
     #: Reference to the plugin that carries this factory
     #: This is automatically set by the system. you should not define it
     #: in your subclass.
@@ -21,6 +24,7 @@ class BaseFactory(HasStrictTraits):
         super(BaseFactory, self).__init__(plugin=plugin, *args, **kwargs)
         self.name = self.get_name()
+        self.description = self.get_description()
         identifier = self.get_identifier()
             id = self._global_id(identifier)
@@ -51,5 +55,8 @@ class BaseFactory(HasStrictTraits):
             "get_identifier was not implemented in factory {}".format(
+    def get_description(self):
+        return u"No description available."
     def _global_id(self, identifier):
         return factory_id(self.plugin.id, identifier)
diff --git a/force_bdss/core/execution.py b/force_bdss/core/execution.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5b13be218cd8b12f4e1613288d7746645803ec56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/force_bdss/core/execution.py
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+import logging
+from force_bdss.core.data_value import DataValue
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def execute_workflow(workflow, data_values):
+    """Executes the given workflow using the list of data values.
+    Returns a list of data values for the KPI results
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    workflow: Workflow
+        The instance of the workflow
+    data_values: List
+        The data values that the MCO generally provides.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    list: A list of DataValues containing the KPI results.
+    """
+    available_data_values = data_values[:]
+    for index, layer in enumerate(workflow.execution_layers):
+        log.info("Computing data layer {}".format(index))
+        ds_results = execute_layer(layer, available_data_values)
+        available_data_values += ds_results
+    log.info("Aggregating KPI data")
+    kpi_results = []
+    kpi_names = [kpi.name for kpi in workflow.mco.kpis]
+    kpi_results = [
+        dv
+        for dv in available_data_values
+        if dv.name in kpi_names
+    ]
+    return kpi_results
+def execute_layer(layer, environment_data_values):
+    """Helper routine.
+    Performs the evaluation of a single layer.
+    At the moment we have a single layer of DataSources followed
+    by a single layer of KPI calculators.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    layer: ExecutionLayer
+        A list of the models for all the data sources
+    environment_data_values: list
+        A list of data values to submit to the evaluators.
+    NOTE: The above parameter is going to go away as soon as we move
+    to unlimited layers and remove the distinction between data sources
+    and KPI calculators.
+    """
+    results = []
+    for model in layer.data_sources:
+        factory = model.factory
+        try:
+            data_source = factory.create_data_source()
+        except Exception:
+            log.exception(
+                "Unable to create data source from factory '{}' "
+                "in plugin '{}'. This may indicate a programming "
+                "error in the plugin".format(
+                    factory.id,
+                    factory.plugin.id))
+            raise
+        # Get the slots for this data source. These must be matched to
+        # the appropriate values in the environment data values.
+        # Matching is by position.
+        in_slots, out_slots = data_source.slots(model)
+        # Binding performs the extraction of the specified data values
+        # satisfying the above input slots from the environment data values
+        # considering what the user specified in terms of names (which is
+        # in the model input slot info
+        # The resulting data are the ones picked by name from the
+        # environment data values, and in the appropriate ordering as
+        # needed by the input slots.
+        passed_data_values = _bind_data_values(
+            environment_data_values,
+            model.input_slot_info,
+            in_slots)
+        # execute data source, passing only relevant data values.
+        log.info("Evaluating for Data Source {}".format(
+            factory.name))
+        log.info("Passed values:")
+        for idx, dv in enumerate(passed_data_values):
+            log.info("{}: {}".format(idx, dv))
+        try:
+            res = data_source.run(model, passed_data_values)
+        except Exception:
+            log.exception(
+                "Evaluation could not be performed. "
+                "Run method raised exception.")
+            raise
+        if not isinstance(res, list):
+            error_txt = (
+                "The run method of data source {} must return a list."
+                " It returned instead {}. Fix the run() method to return"
+                " the appropriate entity.".format(
+                    factory.name,
+                    type(res)
+                ))
+            log.error(error_txt)
+            raise RuntimeError(error_txt)
+        if len(res) != len(out_slots):
+            error_txt = (
+                "The number of data values ({} values) returned"
+                " by '{}' does not match the number"
+                " of output slots it specifies ({} values)."
+                " This is likely a plugin error.").format(
+                len(res), factory.name, len(out_slots)
+            )
+            log.error(error_txt)
+            raise RuntimeError(error_txt)
+        if len(res) != len(model.output_slot_info):
+            error_txt = (
+                "The number of data values ({} values) returned"
+                " by '{}' does not match the number"
+                " of user-defined names specified ({} values)."
+                " This is either a plugin error or a file"
+                " error.").format(
+                len(res),
+                factory.name,
+                len(model.output_slot_info)
+            )
+            log.error(error_txt)
+            raise RuntimeError(error_txt)
+        for idx, dv in enumerate(res):
+            if not isinstance(dv, DataValue):
+                error_txt = (
+                    "The result list returned by DataSource {} contains"
+                    " an entry that is not a DataValue. An entry of type"
+                    " {} was instead found in position {}."
+                    " Fix the DataSource.run() method"
+                    " to return the appropriate entity.".format(
+                        factory.name,
+                        type(dv),
+                        idx
+                    )
+                )
+                log.error(error_txt)
+                raise RuntimeError(error_txt)
+        # At this point, the returned data values are unnamed.
+        # Add the names as specified by the user.
+        for dv, output_slot_info in zip(res, model.output_slot_info):
+            dv.name = output_slot_info.name
+        # If the name was not specified, simply discard the value,
+        # because apparently the user is not interested in it.
+        res = [r for r in res if r.name != ""]
+        results.extend(res)
+        log.info("Returned values:")
+        for idx, dv in enumerate(res):
+            log.info("{}: {}".format(idx, dv))
+    # Finally, return all the computed data values from all evaluators,
+    # properly named.
+    return results
+def _bind_data_values(available_data_values,
+                      model_slot_map,
+                      slots):
+    """
+    Given the named data values in the environment, the slots a given
+    data source expects, and the user-specified names for each of these
+    slots, returns those data values with the requested names, ordered
+    in the correct order as specified by the slot map.
+    """
+    passed_data_values = []
+    lookup_map = {dv.name: dv for dv in available_data_values}
+    if len(slots) != len(model_slot_map):
+        raise RuntimeError("The length of the slots is not equal to"
+                           " the length of the slot map. This may"
+                           " indicate a file error.")
+    try:
+        for slot, slot_map in zip(slots, model_slot_map):
+            passed_data_values.append(lookup_map[slot_map.name])
+    except KeyError:
+        raise RuntimeError(
+            "Unable to find requested name '{}' in available "
+            "data values. Current data value names: {}".format(
+                slot_map.name,
+                list(lookup_map.keys())))
+    return passed_data_values
diff --git a/force_bdss/core/tests/test_execution.py b/force_bdss/core/tests/test_execution.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ceed26f80066dc11a9186cd6fa126b2117ecb3b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/force_bdss/core/tests/test_execution.py
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+import unittest
+import testfixtures
+import six
+from force_bdss.core.execution_layer import ExecutionLayer
+from force_bdss.core.kpi_specification import KPISpecification
+from force_bdss.core.output_slot_info import OutputSlotInfo
+from force_bdss.core.workflow import Workflow
+from force_bdss.tests.probe_classes.data_source import ProbeDataSourceFactory
+from force_bdss.core.input_slot_info import InputSlotInfo
+from force_bdss.core.data_value import DataValue
+from force_bdss.core.slot import Slot
+from force_bdss.tests.probe_classes.factory_registry_plugin import \
+    ProbeFactoryRegistryPlugin
+from force_bdss.tests.probe_classes.mco import ProbeMCOFactory
+from force_bdss.core.execution import execute_workflow, execute_layer, \
+    _bind_data_values
+class TestExecution(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.registry = ProbeFactoryRegistryPlugin()
+        self.plugin = self.registry.plugin
+    def test_bind_data_values(self):
+        data_values = [
+            DataValue(name="foo"),
+            DataValue(name="bar"),
+            DataValue(name="baz")
+        ]
+        slot_map = (
+            InputSlotInfo(name="baz"),
+            InputSlotInfo(name="bar")
+        )
+        slots = (
+            Slot(),
+            Slot()
+        )
+        result = _bind_data_values(data_values, slot_map, slots)
+        self.assertEqual(result[0], data_values[2])
+        self.assertEqual(result[1], data_values[1])
+        # Check the errors. Only one slot map for two slots.
+        slot_map = (
+            InputSlotInfo(name="baz"),
+        )
+        with testfixtures.LogCapture():
+            with six.assertRaisesRegex(
+                    self,
+                    RuntimeError,
+                    "The length of the slots is not equal to the length of"
+                    " the slot map"):
+                _bind_data_values(data_values, slot_map, slots)
+        # missing value in the given data values.
+        slot_map = (
+            InputSlotInfo(name="blap"),
+            InputSlotInfo(name="bar")
+        )
+        with testfixtures.LogCapture():
+            with six.assertRaisesRegex(
+                    self,
+                    RuntimeError,
+                    "Unable to find requested name 'blap' in available"
+                    " data values."):
+                _bind_data_values(data_values, slot_map, slots)
+    def test_compute_layer_results(self):
+        data_values = [
+            DataValue(name="foo"),
+            DataValue(name="bar"),
+            DataValue(name="baz"),
+            DataValue(name="quux")
+        ]
+        def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
+            return [DataValue(value=1), DataValue(value=2), DataValue(value=3)]
+        ds_factory = self.registry.data_source_factories[0]
+        ds_factory.input_slots_size = 2
+        ds_factory.output_slots_size = 3
+        ds_factory.run_function = run
+        evaluator_model = ds_factory.create_model()
+        evaluator_model.input_slot_info = [
+            InputSlotInfo(name="foo"),
+            InputSlotInfo(name="quux")
+        ]
+        evaluator_model.output_slot_info = [
+            OutputSlotInfo(name="one"),
+            OutputSlotInfo(name=""),
+            OutputSlotInfo(name="three")
+        ]
+        res = execute_layer(
+            ExecutionLayer(data_sources=[evaluator_model]),
+            data_values,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(len(res), 2)
+        self.assertEqual(res[0].name, "one")
+        self.assertEqual(res[0].value, 1)
+        self.assertEqual(res[1].name, "three")
+        self.assertEqual(res[1].value, 3)
+    def test_multilayer_execution(self):
+        # The multilayer peforms the following execution
+        # layer 0: in1 + in2   | in3 + in4
+        #             res1          res2
+        # layer 1:        res1 + res2
+        #                    res3
+        # layer 2:        res3 * res1
+        #                     res4
+        # layer 3:        res4 * res2
+        #                     out1
+        # Final result should be
+        # out1 = ((in1 + in2 + in3 + in4) * (in1 + in2) * (in3 + in4)
+        data_values = [
+            DataValue(value=10, name="in1"),
+            DataValue(value=15, name="in2"),
+            DataValue(value=3, name="in3"),
+            DataValue(value=7, name="in4")
+        ]
+        def adder(model, parameters):
+            first = parameters[0].value
+            second = parameters[1].value
+            return [DataValue(value=(first+second))]
+        adder_factory = ProbeDataSourceFactory(
+            self.plugin,
+            input_slots_size=2,
+            output_slots_size=1,
+            run_function=adder)
+        def multiplier(model, parameters):
+            first = parameters[0].value
+            second = parameters[1].value
+            return [DataValue(value=(first*second))]
+        multiplier_factory = ProbeDataSourceFactory(
+            self.plugin,
+            input_slots_size=2,
+            output_slots_size=1,
+            run_function=multiplier)
+        mco_factory = ProbeMCOFactory(self.plugin)
+        mco_model = mco_factory.create_model()
+        mco_model.kpis = [
+            KPISpecification(name="out1")
+        ]
+        wf = Workflow(
+            mco=mco_model,
+            execution_layers=[
+                ExecutionLayer(),
+                ExecutionLayer(),
+                ExecutionLayer(),
+                ExecutionLayer()
+            ]
+        )
+        # Layer 0
+        model = adder_factory.create_model()
+        model.input_slot_info = [
+            InputSlotInfo(name="in1"),
+            InputSlotInfo(name="in2")
+        ]
+        model.output_slot_info = [
+            OutputSlotInfo(name="res1")
+        ]
+        wf.execution_layers[0].data_sources.append(model)
+        model = adder_factory.create_model()
+        model.input_slot_info = [
+            InputSlotInfo(name="in3"),
+            InputSlotInfo(name="in4")
+        ]
+        model.output_slot_info = [
+            OutputSlotInfo(name="res2")
+        ]
+        wf.execution_layers[0].data_sources.append(model)
+        # layer 1
+        model = adder_factory.create_model()
+        model.input_slot_info = [
+            InputSlotInfo(name="res1"),
+            InputSlotInfo(name="res2")
+        ]
+        model.output_slot_info = [
+            OutputSlotInfo(name="res3")
+        ]
+        wf.execution_layers[1].data_sources.append(model)
+        # layer 2
+        model = multiplier_factory.create_model()
+        model.input_slot_info = [
+            InputSlotInfo(name="res3"),
+            InputSlotInfo(name="res1")
+        ]
+        model.output_slot_info = [
+            OutputSlotInfo(name="res4")
+        ]
+        wf.execution_layers[2].data_sources.append(model)
+        # layer 3
+        model = multiplier_factory.create_model()
+        model.input_slot_info = [
+            InputSlotInfo(name="res4"),
+            InputSlotInfo(name="res2")
+        ]
+        model.output_slot_info = [
+            OutputSlotInfo(name="out1")
+        ]
+        wf.execution_layers[3].data_sources.append(model)
+        kpi_results = execute_workflow(wf, data_values)
+        self.assertEqual(len(kpi_results), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(kpi_results[0].value, 8750)
diff --git a/force_bdss/core_evaluation_driver.py b/force_bdss/core_evaluation_driver.py
index be6677e0c1a8c49fe207c2c1a0ab5b042d5cefa3..34bff5e176ccb510361ac3bad3949b43f1b243cf 100644
--- a/force_bdss/core_evaluation_driver.py
+++ b/force_bdss/core_evaluation_driver.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import logging
 from traits.api import on_trait_change
-from force_bdss.core.data_value import DataValue
+from force_bdss.core.execution import execute_workflow
 from force_bdss.ids import InternalPluginID
 from .base_core_driver import BaseCoreDriver
@@ -51,174 +51,6 @@ class CoreEvaluationDriver(BaseCoreDriver):
         mco_communicator.send_to_mco(mco_model, kpi_results)
-def execute_workflow(workflow, data_values):
-    """Executes the given workflow using the list of data values.
-    Returns a list of data values for the KPI results
-    """
-    available_data_values = data_values[:]
-    for index, layer in enumerate(workflow.execution_layers):
-        log.info("Computing data layer {}".format(index))
-        ds_results = _compute_layer_results(
-            available_data_values,
-            layer,
-        )
-        available_data_values += ds_results
-    log.info("Aggregating KPI data")
-    kpi_results = []
-    kpi_names = [kpi.name for kpi in workflow.mco.kpis]
-    kpi_results = [
-        dv
-        for dv in available_data_values
-        if dv.name in kpi_names
-    ]
-    return kpi_results
-def _compute_layer_results(environment_data_values,
-                           layer,
-                           ):
-    """Helper routine.
-    Performs the evaluation of a single layer.
-    At the moment we have a single layer of DataSources followed
-    by a single layer of KPI calculators.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    environment_data_values: list
-        A list of data values to submit to the evaluators.
-    layer: ExecutionLayer
-        A list of the models for all the data sources
-    NOTE: The above parameter is going to go away as soon as we move
-    to unlimited layers and remove the distinction between data sources
-    and KPI calculators.
-    """
-    results = []
-    for model in layer.data_sources:
-        factory = model.factory
-        try:
-            data_source = factory.create_data_source()
-        except Exception:
-            log.exception(
-                "Unable to create data source from factory '{}' "
-                "in plugin '{}'. This may indicate a programming "
-                "error in the plugin".format(
-                    factory.id,
-                    factory.plugin.id))
-            raise
-        # Get the slots for this data source. These must be matched to
-        # the appropriate values in the environment data values.
-        # Matching is by position.
-        in_slots, out_slots = data_source.slots(model)
-        # Binding performs the extraction of the specified data values
-        # satisfying the above input slots from the environment data values
-        # considering what the user specified in terms of names (which is
-        # in the model input slot info
-        # The resulting data are the ones picked by name from the
-        # environment data values, and in the appropriate ordering as
-        # needed by the input slots.
-        passed_data_values = _bind_data_values(
-            environment_data_values,
-            model.input_slot_info,
-            in_slots)
-        # execute data source, passing only relevant data values.
-        log.info("Evaluating for Data Source {}".format(
-            factory.name))
-        log.info("Passed values:")
-        for idx, dv in enumerate(passed_data_values):
-            log.info("{}: {}".format(idx, dv))
-        try:
-            res = data_source.run(model, passed_data_values)
-        except Exception:
-            log.exception(
-                "Evaluation could not be performed. "
-                "Run method raised exception.")
-            raise
-        if not isinstance(res, list):
-            error_txt = (
-                "The run method of data source {} must return a list."
-                " It returned instead {}. Fix the run() method to return"
-                " the appropriate entity.".format(
-                    factory.name,
-                    type(res)
-                ))
-            log.error(error_txt)
-            raise RuntimeError(error_txt)
-        if len(res) != len(out_slots):
-            error_txt = (
-                "The number of data values ({} values) returned"
-                " by '{}' does not match the number"
-                " of output slots it specifies ({} values)."
-                " This is likely a plugin error.").format(
-                len(res), factory.name, len(out_slots)
-            )
-            log.error(error_txt)
-            raise RuntimeError(error_txt)
-        if len(res) != len(model.output_slot_info):
-            error_txt = (
-                "The number of data values ({} values) returned"
-                " by '{}' does not match the number"
-                " of user-defined names specified ({} values)."
-                " This is either a plugin error or a file"
-                " error.").format(
-                len(res),
-                factory.name,
-                len(model.output_slot_info)
-            )
-            log.error(error_txt)
-            raise RuntimeError(error_txt)
-        for idx, dv in enumerate(res):
-            if not isinstance(dv, DataValue):
-                error_txt = (
-                    "The result list returned by DataSource {} contains"
-                    " an entry that is not a DataValue. An entry of type"
-                    " {} was instead found in position {}."
-                    " Fix the DataSource.run() method"
-                    " to return the appropriate entity.".format(
-                        factory.name,
-                        type(dv),
-                        idx
-                    )
-                )
-                log.error(error_txt)
-                raise RuntimeError(error_txt)
-        # At this point, the returned data values are unnamed.
-        # Add the names as specified by the user.
-        for dv, output_slot_info in zip(res, model.output_slot_info):
-            dv.name = output_slot_info.name
-        # If the name was not specified, simply discard the value,
-        # because apparently the user is not interested in it.
-        res = [r for r in res if r.name != ""]
-        results.extend(res)
-        log.info("Returned values:")
-        for idx, dv in enumerate(res):
-            log.info("{}: {}".format(idx, dv))
-    # Finally, return all the computed data values from all evaluators,
-    # properly named.
-    return results
 def _get_data_values_from_mco(model, communicator):
     """Helper method.
     Receives the data (in order) from the MCO, and bind them to the
@@ -255,33 +87,3 @@ def _get_data_values_from_mco(model, communicator):
     # Exclude those who have no name set.
     return [dv for dv in mco_data_values if dv.name != ""]
-def _bind_data_values(available_data_values,
-                      model_slot_map,
-                      slots):
-    """
-    Given the named data values in the environment, the slots a given
-    data source expects, and the user-specified names for each of these
-    slots, returns those data values with the requested names, ordered
-    in the correct order as specified by the slot map.
-    """
-    passed_data_values = []
-    lookup_map = {dv.name: dv for dv in available_data_values}
-    if len(slots) != len(model_slot_map):
-        raise RuntimeError("The length of the slots is not equal to"
-                           " the length of the slot map. This may"
-                           " indicate a file error.")
-    try:
-        for slot, slot_map in zip(slots, model_slot_map):
-            passed_data_values.append(lookup_map[slot_map.name])
-    except KeyError:
-        raise RuntimeError(
-            "Unable to find requested name '{}' in available "
-            "data values. Current data value names: {}".format(
-                slot_map.name,
-                list(lookup_map.keys())))
-    return passed_data_values
diff --git a/force_bdss/data_sources/base_data_source_model.py b/force_bdss/data_sources/base_data_source_model.py
index d210f9492fb32518916802200028e273b286fd72..a5df537c9faf7a7c8768dfc7d9e4c5b7a788ad97 100644
--- a/force_bdss/data_sources/base_data_source_model.py
+++ b/force_bdss/data_sources/base_data_source_model.py
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-from traits.api import ABCHasStrictTraits, Instance, List, Event
+from traits.api import (
+    ABCHasStrictTraits, Instance, List, Event, on_trait_change
 from force_bdss.core.input_slot_info import InputSlotInfo
 from force_bdss.core.output_slot_info import OutputSlotInfo
@@ -49,3 +51,10 @@ class BaseDataSourceModel(ABCHasStrictTraits):
             x.__getstate__() for x in self.output_slot_info
         return state
+    @on_trait_change("+changes_slots")
+    def _trigger_changes_slots(self, obj, name, new):
+        changes_slots = self.traits()[name].changes_slots
+        if changes_slots:
+            self.changes_slots = True
diff --git a/force_bdss/data_sources/tests/test_base_data_source_factory.py b/force_bdss/data_sources/tests/test_base_data_source_factory.py
index e2aa949db237b64a47a70e5ad4cd746a2642704a..8716ac78e4f0a246ae18b1f2a6d61666ca1a77b1 100644
--- a/force_bdss/data_sources/tests/test_base_data_source_factory.py
+++ b/force_bdss/data_sources/tests/test_base_data_source_factory.py
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ class TestBaseDataSourceFactory(unittest.TestCase):
         factory = DummyDataSourceFactory(self.plugin)
         self.assertEqual(factory.id, 'pid.factory.dummy_data_source')
         self.assertEqual(factory.name, 'Dummy data source')
+        self.assertEqual(factory.description, u"No description available.")
         self.assertEqual(factory.model_class, DummyDataSourceModel)
         self.assertEqual(factory.data_source_class, DummyDataSource)
         self.assertIsInstance(factory.create_data_source(), DummyDataSource)
diff --git a/force_bdss/data_sources/tests/test_base_data_source_model.py b/force_bdss/data_sources/tests/test_base_data_source_model.py
index a9be54b713f94d073c2659aa001a5000758b41f9..dde26ea0cd99e43c66747f793842acdb468445b8 100644
--- a/force_bdss/data_sources/tests/test_base_data_source_model.py
+++ b/force_bdss/data_sources/tests/test_base_data_source_model.py
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
 import unittest
+from traits.api import Int
+from traits.testing.api import UnittestTools
 from force_bdss.core.input_slot_info import InputSlotInfo
 from force_bdss.core.output_slot_info import OutputSlotInfo
+from force_bdss.data_sources.base_data_source_model import BaseDataSourceModel
 from force_bdss.tests.dummy_classes.data_source import DummyDataSourceModel
@@ -13,9 +16,18 @@ from force_bdss.data_sources.base_data_source_factory import \
-class TestBaseDataSourceModel(unittest.TestCase):
+class ChangesSlotsModel(BaseDataSourceModel):
+    a = Int()
+    b = Int(changes_slots=True)
+    c = Int(changes_slots=False)
+class TestBaseDataSourceModel(unittest.TestCase, UnittestTools):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.mock_factory = mock.Mock(spec=BaseDataSourceFactory)
     def test_getstate(self):
-        model = DummyDataSourceModel(mock.Mock(spec=BaseDataSourceFactory))
+        model = DummyDataSourceModel(self.mock_factory)
@@ -64,3 +76,15 @@ class TestBaseDataSourceModel(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_changes_slots(self):
+        model = ChangesSlotsModel(self.mock_factory)
+        with self.assertTraitDoesNotChange(model, "changes_slots"):
+            model.a = 5
+        with self.assertTraitChanges(model, "changes_slots"):
+            model.b = 5
+        with self.assertTraitDoesNotChange(model, "changes_slots"):
+            model.c = 5
diff --git a/force_bdss/local_traits.py b/force_bdss/local_traits.py
index f759aed8596558d9783bae4e0ce1f35671f3059c..12c982542bad386d9874386c3df6f2ec1077ee45 100644
--- a/force_bdss/local_traits.py
+++ b/force_bdss/local_traits.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from traits.api import Regex, String
+from traits.api import Regex, String, BaseInt
 #: Used for variable names, but allow also empty string as it's the default
 #: case and it will be present if the workflow is saved before actually
@@ -8,3 +8,19 @@ Identifier = Regex(regex="(^[^\d\W]\w*\Z|^\Z)")
 #: Identifies a CUBA type with its key. At the moment a String with
 #: no validation, but will come later.
 CUBAType = String()
+class PositiveInt(BaseInt):
+    """A positive integer trait."""
+    info_text = 'a positive integer'
+    default_value = 1
+    def validate(self, object, name, value):
+        int_value = super(PositiveInt, self).validate(object, name, value)
+        if int_value > 0:
+            return int_value
+        self.error(object, name, value)
diff --git a/force_bdss/mco/parameters/base_mco_parameter_factory.py b/force_bdss/mco/parameters/base_mco_parameter_factory.py
index bc3a0fd078c0001f12267f426a22e363231815fa..03598138df2b680a0557a55727eae4acb67994e2 100644
--- a/force_bdss/mco/parameters/base_mco_parameter_factory.py
+++ b/force_bdss/mco/parameters/base_mco_parameter_factory.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from traits.api import Str, Type, Instance, provides
+from traits.api import Type, Instance, provides
 from force_bdss.core.base_factory import BaseFactory
 from force_bdss.ids import mco_parameter_id
@@ -20,20 +20,12 @@ class BaseMCOParameterFactory(BaseFactory):
     mco_factory = Instance('force_bdss.mco.base_mco_factory.BaseMCOFactory',
-    #: A long description of the parameter
-    description = Str()
     # The model class to instantiate when create_model is called.
     model_class = Type(
-    def get_description(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            "get_description was not implemented in factory {}".format(
-                self.__class__))
     def get_model_class(self):
         raise NotImplementedError(
             "get_model_class was not implemented in factory {}".format(
@@ -46,7 +38,6 @@ class BaseMCOParameterFactory(BaseFactory):
-        self.description = self.get_description()
         self.model_class = self.get_model_class()
     def create_model(self, data_values=None):
diff --git a/force_bdss/mco/parameters/tests/test_base_mco_parameter_factory.py b/force_bdss/mco/parameters/tests/test_base_mco_parameter_factory.py
index abc6ee6f778eba999888f1bdbbc3b8ada0a704c6..6456ecef5c565b5aa26805a1926ab42f3f33abe2 100644
--- a/force_bdss/mco/parameters/tests/test_base_mco_parameter_factory.py
+++ b/force_bdss/mco/parameters/tests/test_base_mco_parameter_factory.py
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class TestBaseMCOParameterFactory(unittest.TestCase):
         factory = DummyMCOParameterFactory(mco_factory=self.mco_factory)
         self.assertEqual(factory.id, "mcoid.parameter.dummy_mco_parameter")
         self.assertEqual(factory.name, "Dummy MCO parameter")
-        self.assertEqual(factory.description, "description")
+        self.assertEqual(factory.description, u"description")
         self.assertEqual(factory.model_class, DummyMCOParameter)
         self.assertIsInstance(factory.create_model(), DummyMCOParameter)
diff --git a/force_bdss/mco/tests/test_base_mco_factory.py b/force_bdss/mco/tests/test_base_mco_factory.py
index e070daf6841b0e899ce4eef1218c972a6875317a..03982dc5da2bdca09c514504d01781199f170a88 100644
--- a/force_bdss/mco/tests/test_base_mco_factory.py
+++ b/force_bdss/mco/tests/test_base_mco_factory.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import unittest
 from traits.trait_errors import TraitError
+from force_bdss.mco.base_mco_factory import BaseMCOFactory
 from force_bdss.mco.tests.test_base_mco import DummyMCO
 from force_bdss.mco.tests.test_base_mco_communicator import \
@@ -15,6 +16,23 @@ except ImportError:
 from envisage.plugin import Plugin
+class MCOFactory(BaseMCOFactory):
+    def get_identifier(self):
+        return "dummy_mco_2"
+    def get_name(self):
+        return "Dummy MCO 2"
+    def get_model_class(self):
+        return DummyMCOModel
+    def get_communicator_class(self):
+        return DummyMCOCommunicator
+    def get_optimizer_class(self):
+        return DummyMCO
 class TestBaseMCOFactory(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         self.plugin = mock.Mock(spec=Plugin, id="pid")
@@ -30,6 +48,10 @@ class TestBaseMCOFactory(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_base_object_parameter_factories(self):
+        factory = MCOFactory(self.plugin)
+        self.assertEqual(factory.parameter_factories(), [])
     def test_broken_get_identifier(self):
         class Broken(DummyMCOFactory):
             def get_identifier(self):
diff --git a/force_bdss/tests/dummy_classes/mco.py b/force_bdss/tests/dummy_classes/mco.py
index 289d88efc5d016ae36e9a825edea2ed3b7617bde..e65b182693604d3206c9a4c2cf222ea00e80d56f 100644
--- a/force_bdss/tests/dummy_classes/mco.py
+++ b/force_bdss/tests/dummy_classes/mco.py
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class DummyMCOParameterFactory(BaseMCOParameterFactory):
         return "Dummy MCO parameter"
     def get_description(self):
-        return "description"
+        return u"description"
     def get_model_class(self):
         return DummyMCOParameter
diff --git a/force_bdss/tests/test_bdss_application.py b/force_bdss/tests/test_bdss_application.py
index 53e5a5cf2e3c3b82f0d7260d7a47018c2d672c68..b985316a62ff76e462601232f23baffac7bbe6ec 100644
--- a/force_bdss/tests/test_bdss_application.py
+++ b/force_bdss/tests/test_bdss_application.py
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ from force_bdss.bdss_application import (
+from force_bdss.core.workflow import Workflow
+from force_bdss.tests import fixtures
     import mock
@@ -17,9 +19,10 @@ except ImportError:
 class TestBDSSApplication(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_initialization(self):
-        with warnings.catch_warnings():
-            warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
-            app = BDSSApplication(False, "foo/bar")
+        with testfixtures.LogCapture():
+            with warnings.catch_warnings():
+                warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+                app = BDSSApplication(False, "foo/bar")
         self.assertEqual(app.workflow_filepath, "foo/bar")
@@ -47,3 +50,18 @@ class TestBDSSApplication(unittest.TestCase):
         _import_extensions(plugins, ext)
         self.assertEqual(plugins[0], plugin)
+    def test_workflow(self):
+        with testfixtures.LogCapture():
+            with warnings.catch_warnings():
+                warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+                app = BDSSApplication(False, fixtures.get("test_empty.json"))
+        self.assertIsInstance(app.workflow, Workflow)
+        with testfixtures.LogCapture():
+            with warnings.catch_warnings():
+                warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+                app = BDSSApplication(True, fixtures.get("test_empty.json"))
+        self.assertIsInstance(app.workflow, Workflow)
diff --git a/force_bdss/tests/test_core_evaluation_driver.py b/force_bdss/tests/test_core_evaluation_driver.py
index 734a08b173a09e35af26cc4a51d4593ced39600d..3f78414977f7853fab1e760d150f4f4843518251 100644
--- a/force_bdss/tests/test_core_evaluation_driver.py
+++ b/force_bdss/tests/test_core_evaluation_driver.py
@@ -3,19 +3,11 @@ import unittest
 import testfixtures
 import six
-from force_bdss.core.execution_layer import ExecutionLayer
-from force_bdss.core.kpi_specification import KPISpecification
-from force_bdss.core.output_slot_info import OutputSlotInfo
-from force_bdss.core.workflow import Workflow
 from force_bdss.tests.probe_classes.factory_registry_plugin import \
-from force_bdss.tests.probe_classes.data_source import ProbeDataSourceFactory
-from force_bdss.core.input_slot_info import InputSlotInfo
 from force_bdss.core.data_value import DataValue
-from force_bdss.core.slot import Slot
 from force_bdss.tests import fixtures
-from force_bdss.tests.probe_classes.mco import ProbeMCOFactory
     import mock
@@ -25,10 +17,7 @@ except ImportError:
 from envisage.api import Application
 from force_bdss.core_evaluation_driver import (
-    CoreEvaluationDriver,
-    execute_workflow,
-    _bind_data_values,
-    _compute_layer_results
+    CoreEvaluationDriver
@@ -131,207 +120,6 @@ class TestCoreEvaluationDriver(unittest.TestCase):
                     " the number of user-defined names"):
-    def test_bind_data_values(self):
-        data_values = [
-            DataValue(name="foo"),
-            DataValue(name="bar"),
-            DataValue(name="baz")
-        ]
-        slot_map = (
-            InputSlotInfo(name="baz"),
-            InputSlotInfo(name="bar")
-        )
-        slots = (
-            Slot(),
-            Slot()
-        )
-        result = _bind_data_values(data_values, slot_map, slots)
-        self.assertEqual(result[0], data_values[2])
-        self.assertEqual(result[1], data_values[1])
-        # Check the errors. Only one slot map for two slots.
-        slot_map = (
-            InputSlotInfo(name="baz"),
-        )
-        with testfixtures.LogCapture():
-            with six.assertRaisesRegex(
-                    self,
-                    RuntimeError,
-                    "The length of the slots is not equal to the length of"
-                    " the slot map"):
-                _bind_data_values(data_values, slot_map, slots)
-        # missing value in the given data values.
-        slot_map = (
-            InputSlotInfo(name="blap"),
-            InputSlotInfo(name="bar")
-        )
-        with testfixtures.LogCapture():
-            with six.assertRaisesRegex(
-                    self,
-                    RuntimeError,
-                    "Unable to find requested name 'blap' in available"
-                    " data values."):
-                _bind_data_values(data_values, slot_map, slots)
-    def test_compute_layer_results(self):
-        data_values = [
-            DataValue(name="foo"),
-            DataValue(name="bar"),
-            DataValue(name="baz"),
-            DataValue(name="quux")
-        ]
-        def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
-            return [DataValue(value=1), DataValue(value=2), DataValue(value=3)]
-        ds_factory = self.registry.data_source_factories[0]
-        ds_factory.input_slots_size = 2
-        ds_factory.output_slots_size = 3
-        ds_factory.run_function = run
-        evaluator_model = ds_factory.create_model()
-        evaluator_model.input_slot_info = [
-            InputSlotInfo(name="foo"),
-            InputSlotInfo(name="quux")
-        ]
-        evaluator_model.output_slot_info = [
-            OutputSlotInfo(name="one"),
-            OutputSlotInfo(name=""),
-            OutputSlotInfo(name="three")
-        ]
-        res = _compute_layer_results(
-            data_values,
-            ExecutionLayer(data_sources=[evaluator_model]),
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(len(res), 2)
-        self.assertEqual(res[0].name, "one")
-        self.assertEqual(res[0].value, 1)
-        self.assertEqual(res[1].name, "three")
-        self.assertEqual(res[1].value, 3)
-    def test_multilayer_execution(self):
-        # The multilayer peforms the following execution
-        # layer 0: in1 + in2   | in3 + in4
-        #             res1          res2
-        # layer 1:        res1 + res2
-        #                    res3
-        # layer 2:        res3 * res1
-        #                     res4
-        # layer 3:        res4 * res2
-        #                     out1
-        # Final result should be
-        # out1 = ((in1 + in2 + in3 + in4) * (in1 + in2) * (in3 + in4)
-        data_values = [
-            DataValue(value=10, name="in1"),
-            DataValue(value=15, name="in2"),
-            DataValue(value=3, name="in3"),
-            DataValue(value=7, name="in4")
-        ]
-        def adder(model, parameters):
-            first = parameters[0].value
-            second = parameters[1].value
-            return [DataValue(value=(first+second))]
-        adder_factory = ProbeDataSourceFactory(
-            self.plugin,
-            input_slots_size=2,
-            output_slots_size=1,
-            run_function=adder)
-        def multiplier(model, parameters):
-            first = parameters[0].value
-            second = parameters[1].value
-            return [DataValue(value=(first*second))]
-        multiplier_factory = ProbeDataSourceFactory(
-            self.plugin,
-            input_slots_size=2,
-            output_slots_size=1,
-            run_function=multiplier)
-        mco_factory = ProbeMCOFactory(self.plugin)
-        mco_model = mco_factory.create_model()
-        mco_model.kpis = [
-            KPISpecification(name="out1")
-        ]
-        wf = Workflow(
-            mco=mco_model,
-            execution_layers=[
-                ExecutionLayer(),
-                ExecutionLayer(),
-                ExecutionLayer(),
-                ExecutionLayer()
-            ]
-        )
-        # Layer 0
-        model = adder_factory.create_model()
-        model.input_slot_info = [
-            InputSlotInfo(name="in1"),
-            InputSlotInfo(name="in2")
-        ]
-        model.output_slot_info = [
-            OutputSlotInfo(name="res1")
-        ]
-        wf.execution_layers[0].data_sources.append(model)
-        model = adder_factory.create_model()
-        model.input_slot_info = [
-            InputSlotInfo(name="in3"),
-            InputSlotInfo(name="in4")
-        ]
-        model.output_slot_info = [
-            OutputSlotInfo(name="res2")
-        ]
-        wf.execution_layers[0].data_sources.append(model)
-        # layer 1
-        model = adder_factory.create_model()
-        model.input_slot_info = [
-            InputSlotInfo(name="res1"),
-            InputSlotInfo(name="res2")
-        ]
-        model.output_slot_info = [
-            OutputSlotInfo(name="res3")
-        ]
-        wf.execution_layers[1].data_sources.append(model)
-        # layer 2
-        model = multiplier_factory.create_model()
-        model.input_slot_info = [
-            InputSlotInfo(name="res3"),
-            InputSlotInfo(name="res1")
-        ]
-        model.output_slot_info = [
-            OutputSlotInfo(name="res4")
-        ]
-        wf.execution_layers[2].data_sources.append(model)
-        # layer 3
-        model = multiplier_factory.create_model()
-        model.input_slot_info = [
-            InputSlotInfo(name="res4"),
-            InputSlotInfo(name="res2")
-        ]
-        model.output_slot_info = [
-            OutputSlotInfo(name="out1")
-        ]
-        wf.execution_layers[3].data_sources.append(model)
-        kpi_results = execute_workflow(wf, data_values)
-        self.assertEqual(len(kpi_results), 1)
-        self.assertEqual(kpi_results[0].value, 8750)
     def test_mco_communicator_broken(self):
         self.registry.mco_factories[0].raises_on_create_communicator = True
         driver = CoreEvaluationDriver(
@@ -367,9 +155,9 @@ class TestCoreEvaluationDriver(unittest.TestCase):
                  'Creating communicator'),
                 ('force_bdss.core_evaluation_driver', 'INFO',
                  'Received data from MCO: \n whatever = 1.0 (AVERAGE)'),
-                ('force_bdss.core_evaluation_driver', 'INFO',
+                ('force_bdss.core.execution', 'INFO',
                  'Computing data layer 0'),
-                ('force_bdss.core_evaluation_driver', 'ERROR',
+                ('force_bdss.core.execution', 'ERROR',
                  'Unable to create data source from factory '
                  ".factory.probe_data_source' in plugin "
diff --git a/force_bdss/tests/test_local_traits.py b/force_bdss/tests/test_local_traits.py
index d61e6d2c89520653d65431a0030ad89b362f18be..7d0c59c991be882835312c0ce661e24761f7affc 100644
--- a/force_bdss/tests/test_local_traits.py
+++ b/force_bdss/tests/test_local_traits.py
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
 import unittest
 from traits.api import HasStrictTraits, TraitError
-from force_bdss.local_traits import Identifier, CUBAType
+from force_bdss.local_traits import Identifier, CUBAType, PositiveInt
 class Traited(HasStrictTraits):
     val = Identifier()
     cuba = CUBAType()
+    positive_int = PositiveInt()
 class TestLocalTraits(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -25,3 +26,13 @@ class TestLocalTraits(unittest.TestCase):
         c = Traited()
         c.cuba = "PRESSURE"
         self.assertEqual(c.cuba, "PRESSURE")
+    def test_positive_int(self):
+        c = Traited()
+        with self.assertRaises(TraitError):
+            c.positive_int = 0
+        with self.assertRaises(TraitError):
+            c.positive_int = -1
+        c.positive_int = 3