diff --git a/force_bdss/core/slot.py b/force_bdss/core/slot.py
index 22182759c6be5ab0a05833916b7e03fbfdcbb09b..8db25aabb09670d51c2e997bd4e4185db324de6c 100644
--- a/force_bdss/core/slot.py
+++ b/force_bdss/core/slot.py
@@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
 from traits.api import HasStrictTraits, String
+from ..local_traits import CUBAType
 class Slot(HasStrictTraits):
-    """Describes an input or output slot in the DataSource or
-    KPICalculator"""
+    """
+    Describes an input or output slot in the DataSource or
+    KPICalculator. If the DataSource and KPICalculator are functions, slots
+    define their argument number and types they need as input and what
+    they return as output.
+    """
     #: A textual description of the slot
     description = String("No description")
     #: The CUBA key of the slot
-    type = String()
+    type = CUBAType()
diff --git a/force_bdss/core_evaluation_driver.py b/force_bdss/core_evaluation_driver.py
index f71d30c46ff3e81f5f0788ebf28ef9d68feaa88b..2568ddb66a3eba21f07b7098c3b99a76164ca045 100644
--- a/force_bdss/core_evaluation_driver.py
+++ b/force_bdss/core_evaluation_driver.py
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
 import sys
+import logging
 from traits.api import on_trait_change
 from .ids import plugin_id
@@ -31,87 +33,185 @@ class CoreEvaluationDriver(BaseCoreDriver):
         mco_bundle = mco_model.bundle
         mco_communicator = mco_bundle.create_communicator()
-        # Receives the data from the MCO. These are technically unnamed.
-        # The names are then assigned. Order is important
-        mco_data_values = mco_communicator.receive_from_mco(mco_model)
+        mco_data_values = self._get_data_values_from_mco(mco_model,
+                                                         mco_communicator)
-        if len(mco_data_values) != len(mco_model.parameters):
-            raise RuntimeError("The number of data values returned by"
-                               " the MCO does not match the number of"
-                               " parameters specified. This is likely a"
-                               " MCO plugin error.")
+        ds_results = self._compute_ds_results(
+            mco_data_values,
+            workflow)
-        # Assign the name to the data value that was emitted.
-        for dv, param in zip(mco_data_values, mco_model.parameters):
-            dv.name = param.name
+        kpi_results = self._compute_kpi_results(
+            ds_results + mco_data_values,
+            workflow)
+        mco_communicator.send_to_mco(mco_model, kpi_results)
+    def _compute_ds_results(self, environment_data_values, workflow):
+        """Helper routine.
+        Performs the evaluation of the DataSources, passing the current
+        environment data values (the MCO data)
+        """
         ds_results = []
         for ds_model in workflow.data_sources:
             ds_bundle = ds_model.bundle
             data_source = ds_bundle.create_data_source()
+            # Get the slots for this data source. These must be matched to
+            # the appropriate values in the environment data values.
+            # Matching is by position.
             in_slots, out_slots = data_source.slots(ds_model)
+            # Binding performs the extraction of the specified data values
+            # satisfying the above input slots from the environment data values
+            # considering what the user specified in terms of names (which is
+            # in the model input slot maps.
+            # The resulting data are the ones picked by name from the
+            # environment data values, and in the appropriate ordering as
+            # needed by the input slots.
             passed_data_values = self._bind_data_values(
-                mco_data_values,
+                environment_data_values,
+            # execute data source, passing only relevant data values.
+            logging.info("Evaluating for Data Source {}".format(
+                ds_bundle.name))
             res = data_source.run(ds_model, passed_data_values)
             if len(res) != len(out_slots):
-                raise RuntimeError("The number of data values returned by"
-                                   " the DataSource does not match the number"
-                                   " of parameters specified. This is likely a"
-                                   " DataSource plugin error.")
+                error_txt = (
+                    "The number of data values ({} values) returned"
+                    " by the DataSource '{}' does not match the number"
+                    " of output slots it specifies ({} values)."
+                    " This is likely a DataSource plugin error.").format(
+                    len(res), ds_bundle.name, len(out_slots)
+                )
-            if len(res) != len(ds_model.output_slot_names):
-                raise RuntimeError("The number of data values returned by"
-                                   " the DataSource does not match the number"
-                                   " of names specified. This is either an"
-                                   " input file error or a plugin error.")
+                logging.error(error_txt)
+                raise RuntimeError(error_txt)
+            if len(res) != len(ds_model.output_slot_names):
+                error_txt = (
+                    "The number of data values ({} values) returned"
+                    " by the DataSource '{}' does not match the number"
+                    " of user-defined names specified ({} values)."
+                    " This is likely a DataSource plugin error.").format(
+                    len(res),
+                    ds_bundle.name,
+                    len(ds_model.output_slot_names)
+                )
+                logging.error(error_txt)
+                raise RuntimeError(error_txt)
+            # At this point, the returned data values are unnamed.
+            # Add the names as specified by the user.
             for dv, output_slot_name in zip(res, ds_model.output_slot_names):
                 dv.name = output_slot_name
+        # Finally, return all the computed data values from all data sources,
+        # properly named.
+        return ds_results
+    def _compute_kpi_results(self, environment_data_values, workflow):
+        """Perform evaluation of all KPI calculators.
+        environment_data_values contains all data values provided from
+        the MCO and data sources.
+        """
         kpi_results = []
         for kpic_model in workflow.kpi_calculators:
             kpic_bundle = kpic_model.bundle
             kpi_calculator = kpic_bundle.create_kpi_calculator()
             in_slots, out_slots = kpi_calculator.slots(kpic_model)
             passed_data_values = self._bind_data_values(
-                mco_data_values+ds_results,
+                environment_data_values,
+            logging.info("Evaluating for KPICalculator {}".format(
+                kpic_bundle.name))
             res = kpi_calculator.run(kpic_model, passed_data_values)
             if len(res) != len(out_slots):
-                raise RuntimeError("The number of data values returned by"
-                                   " the KPICalculator does not match the"
-                                   " number of parameters specified. This is"
-                                   " likely a KPICalculator plugin error.")
+                error_txt = (
+                    "The number of data values ({} values) returned by"
+                    " the KPICalculator '{}' does not match the"
+                    " number of output slots ({} values). This is"
+                    " likely a KPICalculator plugin error."
+                ).format(len(res), kpic_bundle.name, len(out_slots))
+                logging.error(error_txt)
+                raise RuntimeError(error_txt)
             if len(res) != len(kpic_model.output_slot_names):
-                raise RuntimeError("The number of data values returned by"
-                                   " the KPICalculator does not match the"
-                                   " number of names specified. This is"
-                                   " either an input file error or a plugin"
-                                   " error.")
-            for kpi, output_slot_name in zip(res,
-                                             kpic_model.output_slot_names):
+                error_txt = (
+                    "The number of data values ({} values) returned by"
+                    " the KPICalculator '{}' does not match the"
+                    " number of user-defined names specified ({} values)."
+                    " This is either an input file error or a plugin"
+                    " error."
+                ).format(len(res), kpic_bundle.name,
+                         len(kpic_model.output_slot_names))
+                logging.error(error_txt)
+                raise RuntimeError(error_txt)
+            for kpi, output_slot_name in zip(
+                    res, kpic_model.output_slot_names):
                 kpi.name = output_slot_name
-        mco_communicator.send_to_mco(mco_model, kpi_results)
+        return kpi_results
+    def _get_data_values_from_mco(self, model, communicator):
+        """Helper method.
+        Receives the data (in order) from the MCO, and bind them to the
+        specified names as from the model.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        model: BaseMCOModel
+            the MCO model (where the user-defined variable names are specified)
+        communicator: BaseMCOCommunicator
+            The communicator that produces the (temporarily unnamed) datavalues
+            from the MCO.
+        """
+        mco_data_values = communicator.receive_from_mco(model)
+        if len(mco_data_values) != len(model.parameters):
+            error_txt = ("The number of data values returned by"
+                         " the MCO ({} values) does not match the"
+                         " number of parameters specified ({} values)."
+                         " This is either a MCO plugin error or the workflow"
+                         " file is corrupted.").format(
+                len(mco_data_values), len(model.parameters)
+            )
+            logging.error(error_txt)
+            raise RuntimeError(error_txt)
+        # The data values obtained by the communicator are unnamed.
+        # Assign the name to each datavalue as specified by the user.
+        for dv, param in zip(mco_data_values, model.parameters):
+            dv.name = param.name
+        return mco_data_values
     def _bind_data_values(self,
+        """
+        Given the named data values in the environment, the slots a given
+        data source expects, and the user-specified names for each of these
+        slots, returns those data values with the requested names, ordered
+        in the correct order as specified by the slot map.
+        """
         passed_data_values = []
         lookup_map = {dv.name: dv for dv in available_data_values}
diff --git a/force_bdss/local_traits.py b/force_bdss/local_traits.py
index f68b5d909a9b2421fb35e204a604d38a80dbcd59..1c5e3f157e4409f2b7cbb61d60877cc6974ef9f4 100644
--- a/force_bdss/local_traits.py
+++ b/force_bdss/local_traits.py
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
-from traits.api import Regex
+from traits.api import Regex, String
 #: Used for variable names, but allow also empty string as it's the default
 #: case and it will be present if the workflow is saved before actually
 #: specifying the value.
 Identifier = Regex(regex="(^[^\d\W]\w*\Z|^\Z)")
+#: Identifies a CUBA type with its key. At the moment a String with
+#: no validation, but will come later.
+CUBAType = String()
diff --git a/force_bdss/tests/fixtures/test_null.json b/force_bdss/tests/fixtures/test_null.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b10ffe97ff8f6d850d9f21e25cbc3aa0df0e0cc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/force_bdss/tests/fixtures/test_null.json
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+  "version": "1",
+  "workflow": {
+    "mco": {
+      "id": "force.bdss.enthought.bundle.null_mco",
+      "model_data": {
+        "parameters" : [
+        ]
+      }
+    },
+    "data_sources": [
+      {
+        "id": "force.bdss.enthought.bundle.null_ds",
+        "model_data": {
+          "input_slot_maps": [
+          ],
+          "output_slot_names": [
+          ]
+        }
+      }
+    ],
+    "kpi_calculators": [
+      {
+        "id": "force.bdss.enthought.bundle.null_kpic",
+        "model_data": {
+          "input_slot_maps": [
+          ],
+          "output_slot_names": [
+          ]
+        }
+      }
+    ]
+  }
diff --git a/force_bdss/tests/test_core_evaluation_driver.py b/force_bdss/tests/test_core_evaluation_driver.py
index fc79b484871b7e065956eccfe2a532a008c6db48..9f680fa52ac94c16226889fc215a21337273c584 100644
--- a/force_bdss/tests/test_core_evaluation_driver.py
+++ b/force_bdss/tests/test_core_evaluation_driver.py
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 import unittest
-from traits.api import Float
+from traits.api import Float, List
 from force_bdss.bundle_registry_plugin import BundleRegistryPlugin
+from force_bdss.core.data_value import DataValue
+from force_bdss.core.slot import Slot
 from force_bdss.data_sources.base_data_source import BaseDataSource
 from force_bdss.data_sources.base_data_source_bundle import \
@@ -37,15 +39,15 @@ class NullMCO(BaseMCO):
-class NullParameter(BaseMCOParameter):
+class RangedParameter(BaseMCOParameter):
     initial_value = Float()
     lower_bound = Float()
     upper_bound = Float()
-class NullParameterFactory(BaseMCOParameterFactory):
-    id = mco_parameter_id("enthought", "dummy_dakota", "ranged")
-    model_class = NullParameter
+class RangedParameterFactory(BaseMCOParameterFactory):
+    id = mco_parameter_id("enthought", "null_mco", "null")
+    model_class = RangedParameter
 class NullMCOCommunicator(BaseMCOCommunicator):
@@ -56,11 +58,23 @@ class NullMCOCommunicator(BaseMCOCommunicator):
         return []
+class OneDataValueMCOCommunicator(BaseMCOCommunicator):
+    """A communicator that returns one single datavalue, for testing purposes.
+    """
+    def send_to_mco(self, model, kpi_results):
+        pass
+    def receive_from_mco(self, model):
+        return [
+            DataValue()
+        ]
 class NullMCOBundle(BaseMCOBundle):
-    id = bundle_id("enthought", "dummy_dakota")
+    id = bundle_id("enthought", "null_mco")
     def create_model(self, model_data=None):
-        return NullMCOModel(self)
+        return NullMCOModel(self, **model_data)
     def create_communicator(self):
         return NullMCOCommunicator(self)
@@ -69,7 +83,7 @@ class NullMCOBundle(BaseMCOBundle):
         return NullMCO(self)
     def parameter_factories(self):
-        return [NullParameterFactory(self)]
+        return []
 class NullKPICalculatorModel(BaseKPICalculatorModel):
@@ -84,7 +98,26 @@ class NullKPICalculator(BaseKPICalculator):
         return (), ()
+class BrokenOneValueKPICalculator(BaseKPICalculator):
+    def run(self, model, data_source_results):
+        return [DataValue()]
+    def slots(self, model):
+        return (), ()
+class OneValueKPICalculator(BaseKPICalculator):
+    def run(self, model, data_source_results):
+        return [DataValue()]
+    def slots(self, model):
+        return (), (Slot(), )
 class NullKPICalculatorBundle(BaseKPICalculatorBundle):
+    id = bundle_id("enthought", "null_kpic")
+    name = "null_kpic"
     def create_model(self, model_data=None):
         return NullKPICalculatorModel(self)
@@ -104,7 +137,32 @@ class NullDataSource(BaseDataSource):
         return (), ()
+class BrokenOneValueDataSource(BaseDataSource):
+    """Incorrect data source implementation whose run returns a data value
+    but no slot was specified for it."""
+    def run(self, model, parameters):
+        return [DataValue()]
+    def slots(self, model):
+        return (), ()
+class OneValueDataSource(BaseDataSource):
+    """Incorrect data source implementation whose run returns a data value
+    but no slot was specified for it."""
+    def run(self, model, parameters):
+        return [DataValue()]
+    def slots(self, model):
+        return (), (
+            Slot(),
+        )
 class NullDataSourceBundle(BaseDataSourceBundle):
+    id = bundle_id("enthought", "null_ds")
+    name = "null_ds"
     def create_model(self, model_data=None):
         return NullDataSourceModel(self)
@@ -112,16 +170,20 @@ class NullDataSourceBundle(BaseDataSourceBundle):
         return NullDataSource(self)
+class DummyBundleRegistryPlugin(BundleRegistryPlugin):
+    mco_bundles = List()
+    kpi_calculator_bundles = List()
+    data_source_bundles = List()
 def mock_bundle_registry_plugin():
-    bundle_registry_plugin = mock.Mock(spec=BundleRegistryPlugin)
+    bundle_registry_plugin = DummyBundleRegistryPlugin()
     bundle_registry_plugin.mco_bundles = [
-    bundle_registry_plugin.mco_bundle_by_id = mock.Mock(
-        return_value=NullMCOBundle(bundle_registry_plugin))
-    bundle_registry_plugin.kpi_calculator_bundle_by_id = mock.Mock(
-        return_value=NullKPICalculatorBundle(bundle_registry_plugin))
-    bundle_registry_plugin.data_source_bundle_by_id = mock.Mock(
-        return_value=NullDataSourceBundle(bundle_registry_plugin))
+    bundle_registry_plugin.kpi_calculator_bundles = [
+        NullKPICalculatorBundle(bundle_registry_plugin)]
+    bundle_registry_plugin.data_source_bundles = [
+        NullDataSourceBundle(bundle_registry_plugin)]
     return bundle_registry_plugin
@@ -132,7 +194,7 @@ class TestCoreEvaluationDriver(unittest.TestCase):
         application.get_plugin = mock.Mock(
-        application.workflow_filepath = fixtures.get("test_csv.json")
+        application.workflow_filepath = fixtures.get("test_null.json")
         self.mock_application = application
     def test_initialization(self):
@@ -140,3 +202,77 @@ class TestCoreEvaluationDriver(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_error_for_non_matching_mco_parameters(self):
+        bundle = self.mock_bundle_registry_plugin.mco_bundles[0]
+        with mock.patch.object(bundle.__class__,
+                               "create_communicator") as create_comm:
+            create_comm.return_value = OneDataValueMCOCommunicator(
+                bundle)
+            driver = CoreEvaluationDriver(
+                application=self.mock_application,
+            )
+            with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
+                    RuntimeError,
+                    "The number of data values returned by the MCO"):
+                driver.application_started()
+    def test_error_for_incorrect_output_slots(self):
+        bundle = self.mock_bundle_registry_plugin.data_source_bundles[0]
+        with mock.patch.object(bundle.__class__,
+                               "create_data_source") as create_ds:
+            create_ds.return_value = BrokenOneValueDataSource(bundle)
+            driver = CoreEvaluationDriver(
+                application=self.mock_application,
+            )
+            with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
+                    RuntimeError,
+                    "The number of data values \(1 values\)"
+                    " returned by the DataSource 'null_ds' does not match"
+                    " the number of output slots"):
+                driver.application_started()
+    def test_error_for_missing_ds_output_names(self):
+        bundle = self.mock_bundle_registry_plugin.data_source_bundles[0]
+        with mock.patch.object(bundle.__class__,
+                               "create_data_source") as create_ds:
+            create_ds.return_value = OneValueDataSource(bundle)
+            driver = CoreEvaluationDriver(
+                application=self.mock_application,
+            )
+            with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
+                    RuntimeError,
+                    "The number of data values \(1 values\)"
+                    " returned by the DataSource 'null_ds' does not match"
+                    " the number of user-defined names"):
+                driver.application_started()
+    def test_error_for_incorrect_kpic_output_slots(self):
+        bundle = self.mock_bundle_registry_plugin.kpi_calculator_bundles[0]
+        with mock.patch.object(bundle.__class__,
+                               "create_kpi_calculator") as create_kpic:
+            create_kpic.return_value = BrokenOneValueKPICalculator(bundle)
+            driver = CoreEvaluationDriver(
+                application=self.mock_application,
+            )
+            with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
+                    RuntimeError,
+                    "The number of data values \(1 values\)"
+                    " returned by the KPICalculator 'null_kpic' does not match"
+                    " the number of output slots"):
+                driver.application_started()
+    def test_error_for_missing_kpic_output_names(self):
+        bundle = self.mock_bundle_registry_plugin.kpi_calculator_bundles[0]
+        with mock.patch.object(bundle.__class__,
+                               "create_kpi_calculator") as create_kpic:
+            create_kpic.return_value = OneValueKPICalculator(bundle)
+            driver = CoreEvaluationDriver(
+                application=self.mock_application,
+            )
+            with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
+                    RuntimeError,
+                    "The number of data values \(1 values\)"
+                    " returned by the KPICalculator 'null_kpic' does not match"
+                    " the number of user-defined names"):
+                driver.application_started()
diff --git a/force_bdss/tests/test_local_traits.py b/force_bdss/tests/test_local_traits.py
index ace5943e779d138349c9a595961be29eb4720b74..d61e6d2c89520653d65431a0030ad89b362f18be 100644
--- a/force_bdss/tests/test_local_traits.py
+++ b/force_bdss/tests/test_local_traits.py
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 import unittest
 from traits.api import HasStrictTraits, TraitError
-from force_bdss.local_traits import Identifier
+from force_bdss.local_traits import Identifier, CUBAType
 class Traited(HasStrictTraits):
     val = Identifier()
+    cuba = CUBAType()
 class TestLocalTraits(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -19,3 +20,8 @@ class TestLocalTraits(unittest.TestCase):
         for broken in ["0", None, 123, "0hello", "hi$", "hi%"]:
             with self.assertRaises(TraitError):
                 c.val = broken
+    def test_cuba_type(self):
+        c = Traited()
+        c.cuba = "PRESSURE"
+        self.assertEqual(c.cuba, "PRESSURE")