diff --git a/force_bdss/tests/test_core_evaluation_driver.py b/force_bdss/tests/test_core_evaluation_driver.py
index 59b23f4fa2f2c936b987eef7f1ebe55b4a879008..1bbd5356b0b0f673aa32a0f9d944f361f5cd9e0b 100644
--- a/force_bdss/tests/test_core_evaluation_driver.py
+++ b/force_bdss/tests/test_core_evaluation_driver.py
@@ -1,27 +1,18 @@
 import unittest
-from traits.api import Float
 from force_bdss.tests.probe_classes.factory_registry_plugin import \
 from force_bdss.tests.probe_classes.mco import (
     ProbeMCOCommunicator, ProbeMCOFactory)
 from force_bdss.tests.probe_classes.data_source import (
+from force_bdss.tests.probe_classes.kpi_calculator import (
+    ProbeKPICalculatorFactory)
 from force_bdss.core.input_slot_map import InputSlotMap
 from force_bdss.core.data_value import DataValue
 from force_bdss.core.slot import Slot
-from force_bdss.data_sources.base_data_source import BaseDataSource
-from force_bdss.data_sources.base_data_source_factory import \
-    BaseDataSourceFactory
-from force_bdss.data_sources.base_data_source_model import BaseDataSourceModel
-from force_bdss.ids import mco_parameter_id
-from force_bdss.kpi.base_kpi_calculator import BaseKPICalculator
-from force_bdss.mco.parameters.base_mco_parameter import BaseMCOParameter
-from force_bdss.mco.parameters.base_mco_parameter_factory import \
-    BaseMCOParameterFactory
 from force_bdss.tests import fixtures
@@ -35,68 +26,12 @@ from force_bdss.core_evaluation_driver import CoreEvaluationDriver, \
     _bind_data_values, _compute_layer_results
-class RangedParameter(BaseMCOParameter):
-    initial_value = Float()
-    lower_bound = Float()
-    upper_bound = Float()
-class RangedParameterFactory(BaseMCOParameterFactory):
-    id = mco_parameter_id("enthought", "null_mco", "null")
-    model_class = RangedParameter
 class OneValueMCOCommunicator(ProbeMCOCommunicator):
     """A communicator that returns one single datavalue, for testing purposes.
     nb_output_data_values = 1
-class BrokenOneValueKPICalculator(BaseKPICalculator):
-    def run(self, model, data_source_results):
-        return [DataValue()]
-    def slots(self, model):
-        return (), ()
-class OneValueKPICalculator(BaseKPICalculator):
-    def run(self, model, data_source_results):
-        return [DataValue()]
-    def slots(self, model):
-        return (), (Slot(), )
-class NullDataSourceModel(BaseDataSourceModel):
-    pass
-class OneValueDataSource(BaseDataSource):
-    """Incorrect data source implementation whose run returns a data value
-    but no slot was specified for it."""
-    def run(self, model, parameters):
-        return [DataValue()]
-    def slots(self, model):
-        return (), (
-            Slot(),
-        )
-class TwoInputsThreeOutputsDataSource(BaseDataSource):
-    """Incorrect data source implementation whose run returns a data value
-    but no slot was specified for it."""
-    def run(self, model, parameters):
-        return [DataValue(value=1), DataValue(value=2), DataValue(value=3)]
-    def slots(self, model):
-        return (
-            (Slot(), Slot()),
-            (Slot(), Slot(), Slot())
-        )
 class TestCoreEvaluationDriver(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         self.factory_registry_plugin = ProbeFactoryRegistryPlugin()
@@ -144,49 +79,63 @@ class TestCoreEvaluationDriver(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_error_for_missing_ds_output_names(self):
-        factory = self.factory_registry_plugin.data_source_factories[0]
-        with mock.patch.object(factory.__class__,
-                               "create_data_source") as create_ds:
-            create_ds.return_value = OneValueDataSource(factory)
-            driver = CoreEvaluationDriver(
-                application=self.mock_application,
-            )
-            with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
-                    RuntimeError,
-                    "The number of data values \(1 values\)"
-                    " returned by 'test_data_source' does not match"
-                    " the number of user-defined names"):
-                driver.application_started()
+        data_source_factories = \
+            self.factory_registry_plugin.data_source_factories
+        def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
+            return [DataValue()]
+        data_source_factories[0] = ProbeDataSourceFactory(
+            None,
+            run_function=run,
+            output_slots_size=1)
+        driver = CoreEvaluationDriver(
+            application=self.mock_application,
+        )
+        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
+                RuntimeError,
+                "The number of data values \(1 values\)"
+                " returned by 'test_data_source' does not match"
+                " the number of user-defined names"):
+            driver.application_started()
     def test_error_for_incorrect_kpic_output_slots(self):
-        factory = self.factory_registry_plugin.kpi_calculator_factories[0]
-        with mock.patch.object(factory.__class__,
-                               "create_kpi_calculator") as create_kpic:
-            create_kpic.return_value = BrokenOneValueKPICalculator(factory)
-            driver = CoreEvaluationDriver(
-                application=self.mock_application,
-            )
-            with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
-                    RuntimeError,
-                    "The number of data values \(1 values\)"
-                    " returned by 'test_kpi_calculator' does not match"
-                    " the number of output slots"):
-                driver.application_started()
+        kpi_calculator_factories = \
+            self.factory_registry_plugin.kpi_calculator_factories
+        def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
+            return [DataValue()]
+        kpi_calculator_factories[0] = ProbeKPICalculatorFactory(
+            None,
+            run_function=run)
+        driver = CoreEvaluationDriver(
+            application=self.mock_application,
+        )
+        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
+                RuntimeError,
+                "The number of data values \(1 values\)"
+                " returned by 'test_kpi_calculator' does not match"
+                " the number of output slots"):
+            driver.application_started()
     def test_error_for_missing_kpic_output_names(self):
-        factory = self.factory_registry_plugin.kpi_calculator_factories[0]
-        with mock.patch.object(factory.__class__,
-                               "create_kpi_calculator") as create_kpic:
-            create_kpic.return_value = OneValueKPICalculator(factory)
-            driver = CoreEvaluationDriver(
-                application=self.mock_application,
-            )
-            with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
-                    RuntimeError,
-                    "The number of data values \(1 values\)"
-                    " returned by 'test_kpi_calculator' does not match"
-                    " the number of user-defined names"):
-                driver.application_started()
+        kpi_calculator_factories = \
+            self.factory_registry_plugin.kpi_calculator_factories
+        def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
+            return [DataValue()]
+        kpi_calculator_factories[0] = ProbeKPICalculatorFactory(
+            None,
+            run_function=run,
+            output_slots_size=1)
+        driver = CoreEvaluationDriver(
+            application=self.mock_application,
+        )
+        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
+                RuntimeError,
+                "The number of data values \(1 values\)"
+                " returned by 'test_kpi_calculator' does not match"
+                " the number of user-defined names"):
+            driver.application_started()
     def test_bind_data_values(self):
         data_values = [
@@ -233,7 +182,6 @@ class TestCoreEvaluationDriver(unittest.TestCase):
             _bind_data_values(data_values, slot_map, slots)
     def test_compute_layer_results(self):
         data_values = [
@@ -241,11 +189,14 @@ class TestCoreEvaluationDriver(unittest.TestCase):
-        mock_ds_factory = mock.Mock(spec=BaseDataSourceFactory)
-        mock_ds_factory.name = "mock factory"
-        mock_ds_factory.create_data_source.return_value = \
-            TwoInputsThreeOutputsDataSource(mock_ds_factory)
-        evaluator_model = NullDataSourceModel(factory=mock_ds_factory)
+        def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
+            return [DataValue(value=1), DataValue(value=2), DataValue(value=3)]
+        ds_factory = ProbeDataSourceFactory(
+            None,
+            input_slots_size=2,
+            output_slots_size=3,
+            run_function=run)
+        evaluator_model = ds_factory.create_model()
         evaluator_model.input_slot_maps = [