diff --git a/force_bdss/core_evaluation_driver.py b/force_bdss/core_evaluation_driver.py
index 81291253edc09de89abbca4f9efc21680999e802..e10851c20d8849c78073c0ca642ce4d0c3a5aaf1 100644
--- a/force_bdss/core_evaluation_driver.py
+++ b/force_bdss/core_evaluation_driver.py
@@ -5,10 +5,6 @@ from traits.api import on_trait_change
 from force_bdss.ids import InternalPluginID
 from .base_core_driver import BaseCoreDriver
-from .io.workflow_reader import (
-    InvalidVersionException,
-    InvalidFileException
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -24,8 +20,8 @@ class CoreEvaluationDriver(BaseCoreDriver):
     def application_started(self):
             workflow = self.workflow
-        except (InvalidVersionException, InvalidFileException) as e:
-            log.exception(e)
+        except Exception:
+            log.exception("Unable to open workflow file.")
         mco_model = workflow.mco
diff --git a/force_bdss/factory_registry_plugin.py b/force_bdss/factory_registry_plugin.py
index fb83b03edda16471198f497b2c630ac3324e89f3..cb6680b48b9b6af29cc0a79d2ce403a698fd1047 100644
--- a/force_bdss/factory_registry_plugin.py
+++ b/force_bdss/factory_registry_plugin.py
@@ -88,8 +88,7 @@ class FactoryRegistryPlugin(Plugin):
             if ds.id == id:
                 return ds
-        raise KeyError("Unable to find data source factory with id {} "
-                       "in the registry".format(id))
+        raise KeyError(id)
     def mco_factory_by_id(self, id):
         """Finds a given Multi Criteria Optimizer (MCO) factory by means of
@@ -109,8 +108,7 @@ class FactoryRegistryPlugin(Plugin):
             if mco.id == id:
                 return mco
-        raise KeyError("Unable to find mco factory "
-                       "with id {} in the registry.".format(id))
+        raise KeyError(id)
     def mco_parameter_factory_by_id(self, mco_id, parameter_id):
         """Retrieves the MCO parameter factory for a given MCO id and
@@ -138,8 +136,7 @@ class FactoryRegistryPlugin(Plugin):
             if factory.id == parameter_id:
                 return factory
-        raise KeyError("Unable to find parameter factory with id {} "
-                       "in the registry.".format(parameter_id))
+        raise KeyError(parameter_id)
     def notification_listener_factory_by_id(self, id):
         """Finds a given notification listener by means of its id.
@@ -159,5 +156,4 @@ class FactoryRegistryPlugin(Plugin):
             if nl.id == id:
                 return nl
-        raise KeyError("Unable to find notification listener factory "
-                       "with id {} in the registry".format(id))
+        raise KeyError(id)
diff --git a/force_bdss/io/tests/test_workflow_reader.py b/force_bdss/io/tests/test_workflow_reader.py
index 7170e1e12968e2b384587d06eecf33832f53f978..84bd572a874aae30549a402ae58b4a04a6e754a0 100644
--- a/force_bdss/io/tests/test_workflow_reader.py
+++ b/force_bdss/io/tests/test_workflow_reader.py
@@ -4,23 +4,69 @@ from six import StringIO
 import testfixtures
+from force_bdss.core.workflow import Workflow
 from force_bdss.io.workflow_reader import (
-    InvalidVersionException, InvalidFileException)
+    InvalidVersionException, InvalidFileException, MissingPluginException,
+    ModelInstantiationFailedException)
 from force_bdss.tests.dummy_classes.factory_registry_plugin import \
+from force_bdss.tests.probe_classes.factory_registry_plugin import \
+    ProbeFactoryRegistryPlugin
 class TestWorkflowReader(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         self.registry = DummyFactoryRegistryPlugin()
         self.wfreader = WorkflowReader(self.registry)
+        self.working_data = {
+            "version": "1",
+            "workflow": {
+                "mco": {
+                    "id": "force.bdss.enthought.plugin.test.v0"
+                          ".factory.dummy_mco",
+                    "model_data": {
+                        "parameters": [
+                            {
+                                "id": "force.bdss.enthought.plugin.test.v0"
+                                      ".factory.dummy_mco.parameter"
+                                      ".dummy_mco_parameter",
+                                "model_data": {}
+                            }
+                        ]
+                    },
+                },
+                "execution_layers": [
+                    [{
+                        "id": "force.bdss.enthought.plugin.test.v0"
+                              ".factory.dummy_data_source",
+                        "model_data": {
+                            "input_slot_info": [],
+                            "output_slot_info": [],
+                        }
+                    }],
+                ],
+                "notification_listeners": [
+                    {
+                        "id": "force.bdss.enthought.plugin.test.v0"
+                              ".factory.dummy_notification_listener",
+                        "model_data": {}
+                    },
+                ]
+            }
+        }
     def test_initialization(self):
+        workflow = self.wfreader.read(
+            _as_json_stringio(self.working_data)
+        )
+        self.assertIsInstance(workflow, Workflow)
     def test_invalid_version(self):
         data = {
             "version": "2",
@@ -29,7 +75,7 @@ class TestWorkflowReader(unittest.TestCase):
         with testfixtures.LogCapture():
             with self.assertRaises(InvalidVersionException):
-                self.wfreader.read(self._as_json_stringio(data))
+                self.wfreader.read(_as_json_stringio(data))
     def test_absent_version(self):
         data = {
@@ -37,7 +83,7 @@ class TestWorkflowReader(unittest.TestCase):
         with testfixtures.LogCapture():
             with self.assertRaises(InvalidFileException):
-                self.wfreader.read(self._as_json_stringio(data))
+                self.wfreader.read(_as_json_stringio(data))
     def test_missing_key(self):
         data = {
@@ -47,11 +93,117 @@ class TestWorkflowReader(unittest.TestCase):
         with testfixtures.LogCapture():
             with self.assertRaises(InvalidFileException):
-                self.wfreader.read(self._as_json_stringio(data))
+                self.wfreader.read(_as_json_stringio(data))
+    def test_missing_plugin_mco(self):
+        data = self.working_data
+        data["workflow"]["mco"]["id"] = "missing_mco"
+        with self.assertRaises(MissingPluginException):
+            self.wfreader.read(_as_json_stringio(data))
+    def test_missing_plugin_mco_parameter(self):
+        data = self.working_data
+        data["workflow"]["mco"]["model_data"]["parameters"][0]["id"] = \
+            "missing_parameter"
+        with self.assertRaises(MissingPluginException):
+            self.wfreader.read(_as_json_stringio(data))
+    def test_missing_plugin_notification_listener(self):
+        data = self.working_data
+        data["workflow"]["notification_listeners"][0]["id"] = \
+            "missing_nl"
+        with self.assertRaises(MissingPluginException):
+            self.wfreader.read(_as_json_stringio(data))
+    def test_missing_plugin_data_source(self):
+        data = self.working_data
+        data["workflow"]["execution_layers"][0][0]["id"] = \
+            "missing_ds"
+        with self.assertRaises(MissingPluginException):
+            self.wfreader.read(_as_json_stringio(data))
+class TestModelCreationFailure(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.registry = ProbeFactoryRegistryPlugin()
+        self.wfreader = WorkflowReader(self.registry)
+        self.working_data = {
+            "version": "1",
+            "workflow": {
+                "mco": {
+                    "id": "force.bdss.enthought.plugin.test.v0"
+                          ".factory.probe_mco",
+                    "model_data": {
+                        "parameters": [
+                            {
+                                "id": "force.bdss.enthought.plugin.test.v0"
+                                      ".factory.probe_mco.parameter"
+                                      ".probe_mco_parameter",
+                                "model_data": {}
+                            }
+                        ]
+                    },
+                },
+                "execution_layers": [
+                    [{
+                        "id": "force.bdss.enthought.plugin.test.v0"
+                              ".factory.probe_data_source",
+                        "model_data": {
+                            "input_slot_info": [],
+                            "output_slot_info": [],
+                        }
+                    }],
+                ],
+                "notification_listeners": [
+                    {
+                        "id": "force.bdss.enthought.plugin.test.v0"
+                              ".factory.probe_notification_listener",
+                        "model_data": {}
+                    },
+                ]
+            }
+        }
+    def test_basic_probe_loading(self):
+        self.wfreader.read(
+            _as_json_stringio(self.working_data)
+        )
+    def test_data_source_model_throws(self):
+        self.registry.data_source_factories[0].raises_on_create_model = True
+        with testfixtures.LogCapture():
+            with self.assertRaises(ModelInstantiationFailedException):
+                self.wfreader.read(
+                    _as_json_stringio(self.working_data)
+                )
+    def test_mco_model_throws(self):
+        self.registry.mco_factories[0].raises_on_create_model = True
+        with testfixtures.LogCapture():
+            with self.assertRaises(ModelInstantiationFailedException):
+                self.wfreader.read(
+                    _as_json_stringio(self.working_data)
+                )
+    def test_notification_listener_throws(self):
+        factory = self.registry.notification_listener_factories[0]
+        factory.raises_on_create_model = True
+        with testfixtures.LogCapture():
+            with self.assertRaises(ModelInstantiationFailedException):
+                self.wfreader.read(
+                    _as_json_stringio(self.working_data)
+                )
-    def _as_json_stringio(self, data):
-        fp = StringIO()
-        json.dump(data, fp)
-        fp.seek(0)
+def _as_json_stringio(data):
+    fp = StringIO()
+    json.dump(data, fp)
+    fp.seek(0)
-        return fp
+    return fp
diff --git a/force_bdss/io/workflow_reader.py b/force_bdss/io/workflow_reader.py
index 4f6ed89303e830650c977cc9172b14ee0559f936..dd9687e2f28c87696caa8e4f047fbfcd60e3fc56 100644
--- a/force_bdss/io/workflow_reader.py
+++ b/force_bdss/io/workflow_reader.py
@@ -9,20 +9,34 @@ from force_bdss.core.output_slot_info import OutputSlotInfo
 from force_bdss.core.workflow import Workflow
 from ..factory_registry_plugin import IFactoryRegistryPlugin
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class InvalidFileException(Exception):
-    """Raised if the file is invalid for some reason"""
+class BaseWorkflowReaderException(Exception):
+    """Base exception for the reader errors."""
-class InvalidVersionException(InvalidFileException):
+class InvalidFileException(BaseWorkflowReaderException):
+    """Raised for a generic file being invalid for some
+    reason, e.g. incorrect format or missing keys.
+    """
+class InvalidVersionException(BaseWorkflowReaderException):
     """Raised if the version tag does not satisfy the currently
     supported list."""
+class MissingPluginException(BaseWorkflowReaderException):
+    """Raised if the file requires a plugin we cannot find."""
+class ModelInstantiationFailedException(BaseWorkflowReaderException):
+    """Raised if we can't instantiate the model from a plugin"""
 class WorkflowReader(HasStrictTraits):
     Reads the workflow from a file.
@@ -67,18 +81,30 @@ class WorkflowReader(HasStrictTraits):
             Raised if the file is corrupted or cannot be read by this reader.
+        InvalidVersionException
+            Raised if the version is not supported.
+        MissingPluginException
+            The file cannot be opened because it needs a plugin that is not
+            available.
+        ModelInstantiationFailedException
+            When instantiating the model for a given plugin, an exception
+            occurred. This is likely due to a coding error in the plugin.
         json_data = json.load(file)
             version = json_data["version"]
         except KeyError:
-            log.error("File missing version information")
+            logger.error("File missing version information")
             raise InvalidFileException("Corrupted input file, no version"
                                        " specified")
         if version not in SUPPORTED_FILE_VERSIONS:
-            log.error(
+            logger.error(
                 "File contains version {} that is not in the "
                 "list of supported versions {}".format(
                     version, SUPPORTED_FILE_VERSIONS)
@@ -95,13 +121,13 @@ class WorkflowReader(HasStrictTraits):
             wf.notification_listeners[:] = \
         except KeyError as e:
-            log.error("Could not read file {}".format(file), exc_info=True)
-            raise InvalidFileException(
+            msg = (
                 "Could not read file {}. "
-                "Unable to find key {}."
-                "The plugin responsible for the missing "
-                "key may be missing or broken.".format(file, e)
-            )
+                "Unable to find key {}. "
+                "The file might be corrupted or unsupported.".format(file, e))
+            logger.exception(msg)
+            raise InvalidFileException(msg)
         return wf
     def _extract_mco(self, wf_data):
@@ -127,13 +153,30 @@ class WorkflowReader(HasStrictTraits):
             return None
         mco_id = mco_data["id"]
-        mco_factory = registry.mco_factory_by_id(mco_id)
+        try:
+            mco_factory = registry.mco_factory_by_id(mco_id)
+        except KeyError:
+            raise MissingPluginException(
+                "Could not read file. "
+                "The plugin responsible for the missing "
+                "key '{}' may be missing or broken.".format(mco_id)
+            )
         model_data = wf_data["mco"]["model_data"]
         model_data["parameters"] = self._extract_mco_parameters(
-        model = mco_factory.create_model(
-            wf_data["mco"]["model_data"])
+        try:
+            model = mco_factory.create_model(model_data)
+        except Exception as e:
+            msg = (
+                "Unable to create model for MCO {}: {}. "
+                "This is likely due to a coding error in the plugin. "
+                "Check the logs for more information.".format(
+                    mco_id, e))
+            logger.exception(msg)
+            raise ModelInstantiationFailedException(msg)
         return model
     def _extract_execution_layers(self, wf_data):
@@ -157,7 +200,16 @@ class WorkflowReader(HasStrictTraits):
             for ds_entry in el_entry:
                 ds_id = ds_entry["id"]
-                ds_factory = registry.data_source_factory_by_id(ds_id)
+                try:
+                    ds_factory = registry.data_source_factory_by_id(ds_id)
+                except KeyError:
+                    raise MissingPluginException(
+                        "Could not read file. "
+                        "The plugin responsible for the missing data source "
+                        "key '{}' may be missing or broken.".format(ds_id)
+                    )
                 model_data = ds_entry["model_data"]
                 model_data["input_slot_info"] = self._extract_input_slot_info(
@@ -166,8 +218,21 @@ class WorkflowReader(HasStrictTraits):
-                layer.data_sources.append(
-                    ds_factory.create_model(model_data))
+                try:
+                    ds_model = ds_factory.create_model(model_data)
+                except Exception as e:
+                    msg = (
+                        "Unable to create model for DataSource {} : {}. "
+                        "This is likely due to a coding "
+                        "error in the plugin. Check the logs for more "
+                        "information.".format(ds_id, e)
+                    )
+                    logger.exception(msg)
+                    raise ModelInstantiationFailedException(msg)
+                layer.data_sources.append(ds_model)
         return layers
@@ -189,9 +254,29 @@ class WorkflowReader(HasStrictTraits):
         parameters = []
         for p in parameters_data:
-            id = p["id"]
-            factory = registry.mco_parameter_factory_by_id(mco_id, id)
-            model = factory.create_model(p["model_data"])
+            parameter_id = p["id"]
+            try:
+                factory = registry.mco_parameter_factory_by_id(
+                    mco_id, parameter_id)
+            except KeyError:
+                raise MissingPluginException(
+                    "Could not read file. "
+                    "The plugin responsible for the missing MCO '{}' "
+                    "parameter key '{}' may be missing or broken.".format(
+                        mco_id, parameter_id)
+                )
+            try:
+                model = factory.create_model(p["model_data"])
+            except Exception as e:
+                msg = (
+                    "Unable to create model for MCO {} parameter {} : {}. "
+                    "This is likely due to an error in the plugin. "
+                    "Check the logs for more information.".format(
+                        mco_id, parameter_id, e))
+                logger.exception(msg)
+                raise ModelInstantiationFailedException(msg)
         return parameters
@@ -207,8 +292,29 @@ class WorkflowReader(HasStrictTraits):
         listeners = []
         for nl_entry in wf_data["notification_listeners"]:
             nl_id = nl_entry["id"]
-            nl_factory = registry.notification_listener_factory_by_id(nl_id)
+            try:
+                nl_factory = registry.notification_listener_factory_by_id(
+                    nl_id)
+            except KeyError:
+                raise MissingPluginException(
+                    "Could not read file. "
+                    "The plugin responsible for the missing "
+                    "notification listener key '{}' may be missing "
+                    "or broken.".format(nl_id)
+                )
             model_data = nl_entry["model_data"]
-            listeners.append(nl_factory.create_model(model_data))
+            try:
+                model = nl_factory.create_model(model_data)
+            except Exception as e:
+                msg = (
+                    "Unable to create model for Notification Listener "
+                    "{} : {}. This is likely due to an error in the plugin. "
+                    "Check the logs for more information.".format(nl_id, e))
+                logger.exception(msg)
+                raise ModelInstantiationFailedException(msg)
+            listeners.append(model)
         return listeners
diff --git a/force_bdss/tests/fixtures/test_null.json b/force_bdss/tests/fixtures/test_null.json
index b40385023049b793d3d74b7285135dc42cfadcc2..b5c9ab99b836a09c01b1c196165d73fd59b6f63e 100644
--- a/force_bdss/tests/fixtures/test_null.json
+++ b/force_bdss/tests/fixtures/test_null.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   "version": "1",
   "workflow": {
     "mco": {
-      "id": "force.bdss.enthought.plugin.test.v0.factory.test_mco",
+      "id": "force.bdss.enthought.plugin.test.v0.factory.probe_mco",
       "model_data": {
         "parameters" : [
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
     "execution_layers": [
-          "id": "force.bdss.enthought.plugin.test.v0.factory.test_ds",
+          "id": "force.bdss.enthought.plugin.test.v0.factory.probe_data_source",
           "model_data": {
             "input_slot_info": [
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
     "notification_listeners": [
-        "id": "force.bdss.enthought.plugin.test.v0.factory.test_nl",
+        "id": "force.bdss.enthought.plugin.test.v0.factory.probe_notification_listener",
         "model_data": {
diff --git a/force_bdss/tests/probe_classes/data_source.py b/force_bdss/tests/probe_classes/data_source.py
index 5b6119ead303e72991805dc302d84c920333ee27..65340f1df98a4923d1ff3fe2d8d4937423bad2a3 100644
--- a/force_bdss/tests/probe_classes/data_source.py
+++ b/force_bdss/tests/probe_classes/data_source.py
@@ -54,8 +54,11 @@ class ProbeDataSourceFactory(BaseDataSourceFactory):
     input_slots_size = Int(0)
     output_slots_size = Int(0)
+    raises_on_create_model = Bool(False)
+    raises_on_create_data_source = Bool(False)
     def get_identifier(self):
-        return "test_ds"
+        return "probe_data_source"
     def get_name(self):
         return "test_data_source"
@@ -67,6 +70,9 @@ class ProbeDataSourceFactory(BaseDataSourceFactory):
         return ProbeDataSource
     def create_model(self, model_data=None):
+        if self.raises_on_create_model:
+            raise Exception("ProbeDataSourceFactory.create_model")
         if model_data is None:
             model_data = {}
         return self.model_class(
@@ -79,6 +85,9 @@ class ProbeDataSourceFactory(BaseDataSourceFactory):
     def create_data_source(self):
+        if self.raises_on_create_data_source:
+            raise Exception("ProbeDataSourceFactory.create_data_source")
         return self.data_source_class(
diff --git a/force_bdss/tests/probe_classes/mco.py b/force_bdss/tests/probe_classes/mco.py
index 3b7bca244dbad8694d2f76a0bec3674387e60495..0c76d20491b0c67e207473853a87dd52e038fd1c 100644
--- a/force_bdss/tests/probe_classes/mco.py
+++ b/force_bdss/tests/probe_classes/mco.py
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class ProbeParameterFactory(BaseMCOParameterFactory):
         return "Probe parameter"
     def get_identifier(self):
-        return "probe_parameter"
+        return "probe_mco_parameter"
     def get_description(self):
         return "Probe parameter"
@@ -67,8 +67,12 @@ class ProbeMCOCommunicator(BaseMCOCommunicator):
 class ProbeMCOFactory(BaseMCOFactory):
     nb_output_data_values = Int(0)
+    raises_on_create_model = Bool(False)
+    raises_on_create_optimizer = Bool(False)
+    raises_on_create_communicator = Bool(False)
     def get_identifier(self):
-        return "test_mco"
+        return "probe_mco"
     def get_model_class(self):
         return ProbeMCOModel
@@ -83,9 +87,27 @@ class ProbeMCOFactory(BaseMCOFactory):
         return "testmco"
     def create_communicator(self):
+        if self.raises_on_create_communicator:
+            raise Exception("ProbeMCOFactory.create_communicator")
         return self.communicator_class(
+    def create_model(self, model_data):
+        if self.raises_on_create_model:
+            raise Exception("ProbeMCOFactory.create_model")
+        if model_data is None:
+            model_data = {}
+        return self.model_class(self, **model_data)
+    def create_optimizer(self):
+        if self.raises_on_create_optimizer:
+            raise Exception("ProbeMCOFactory.create_optimizer")
+        return self.optimizer_class(self)
     def parameter_factories(self):
         return [ProbeParameterFactory(mco_factory=self)]
diff --git a/force_bdss/tests/probe_classes/notification_listener.py b/force_bdss/tests/probe_classes/notification_listener.py
index 5de05f50c9a4a7d16879db9cc4271f6efa345d44..3e3c987b26d5730671a4e46897cb649cabf897ce 100644
--- a/force_bdss/tests/probe_classes/notification_listener.py
+++ b/force_bdss/tests/probe_classes/notification_listener.py
@@ -46,11 +46,14 @@ class ProbeNotificationListenerFactory(BaseNotificationListenerFactory):
     deliver_function = Function(default_value=pass_function)
     finalize_function = Function(default_value=pass_function)
+    raises_on_create_model = Bool(False)
+    raises_on_create_listener = Bool(False)
     def get_name(self):
         return "test_notification_listener"
     def get_identifier(self):
-        return "test_nl"
+        return "probe_notification_listener"
     def get_listener_class(self):
         return ProbeNotificationListener
@@ -58,7 +61,19 @@ class ProbeNotificationListenerFactory(BaseNotificationListenerFactory):
     def get_model_class(self):
         return ProbeNotificationListenerModel
+    def create_model(self, model_data=None):
+        if self.raises_on_create_model:
+            raise Exception("ProbeNotificationListenerFactory.create_model")
+        if model_data is None:
+            model_data = {}
+        return self.model_class(self, **model_data)
     def create_listener(self):
+        if self.raises_on_create_listener:
+            raise Exception("ProbeNotificationListenerFactory.create_listener")
         return self.listener_class(
diff --git a/force_bdss/tests/test_core_mco_driver.py b/force_bdss/tests/test_core_mco_driver.py
index c2f2452e642cc9c12c72d0f7059cc57fed6a15df..d14fbfe4785cf22d948b129a7b6c0642aede370d 100644
--- a/force_bdss/tests/test_core_mco_driver.py
+++ b/force_bdss/tests/test_core_mco_driver.py
@@ -92,7 +92,8 @@ class TestCoreMCODriver(unittest.TestCase):
                  "Failed to create or initialize listener with id "
-                 "force.bdss.enthought.plugin.test.v0.factory.test_nl: "))
+                 "force.bdss.enthought.plugin.test.v0"
+                 ".factory.probe_notification_listener: "))
             self.assertEqual(len(listeners), 0)