diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index aef368d3de6f44dddbb59cb9cc4a78845e6084b0..4a92a6cf08927556c1cc7c19525b80d0300cfd7c 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -11,21 +11,14 @@ before_install:
     - export PATH=/usr/lib/ccache:${PATH}
     - wget https://package-data.enthought.com/edm/rh5_x86_64/1.9/edm_1.9.2_linux_x86_64.sh && bash ./edm_1.9.2_linux_x86_64.sh -b -f -p $HOME
     - export PATH=${HOME}/edm/bin:${PATH}
-    - edm environments create --version ${PYTHON_VERSION} force
-    - . $HOME/.edm/envs/force/bin/activate
-    - pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt
-    - pip install -e .
+    - edm install -y -e force-bootstrap click setuptools
+    - edm run -e force-bootstrap -- python -m ci build-env --python-version ${PYTHON_VERSION}
-    - pip install -r requirements/dev_requirements.txt
-    - flake8 .
-    - python -m unittest discover
-    - pip install -r requirements/doc_requirements.txt
-    - pushd doc
-    - make html
-    - popd
+    - edm run -e force-bootstrap -- python -m ci flake8
+    - edm run -e force-bootstrap -- python -m ci test
+    - edm run -e force-bootstrap -- python -m ci docs
-    - coverage run -m unittest discover
-    - pip install codecov
-    - codecov
+    - edm run -e force-bootstrap -- python -m ci coverage
+    - edm run -e force-bootstrap -- pip install codecov
+    - edm run -e force-bootstrap -- codecov
     - bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash)
diff --git a/ci/__init__.py b/ci/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/ci/__main__.py b/ci/__main__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a6e04c7a8ebb0cbfb82f0fb76e65417fd8768a36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/__main__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+import click
+from subprocess import check_call
+PYTHON_VERSIONS = ["2.7", "3.6"]
+    "envisage==4.6.0-1",
+    "click==6.7-1",
+    "six==1.10.0-1",
+    "stevedore==1.2.0-22"
+    "sphinx==1.5.5-5"
+    "flake8==3.3.0-2",
+    "coverage==4.3.4-1",
+    "mock==2.0.0-1",
+    "testfixtures==4.10.0-1",
+def cli():
+    pass
+python_version_option = click.option(
+    '--python-version',
+    type=click.Choice(PYTHON_VERSIONS),
+    show_default=True,
+    help="Python version for the environment")
+@cli.command(name="build-env", help="Creates the execution environment")
+def build_env(python_version):
+    env_name = get_env_name(python_version)
+    check_call([
+        "edm", "environments", "remove", "--purge", "--force",
+        "--yes", env_name])
+    check_call(
+        ["edm", "environments", "create", env_name])
+    check_call([
+        "edm", "install", "-e", env_name,
+        "--yes"] + CORE_DEPS + DEV_DEPS + DOCS_DEPS)
+    if len(PIP_DEPS):
+        check_call([
+            "edm", "run", "-e", env_name, "--",
+            "pip", "install"] + PIP_DEPS)
+    check_call([
+        "edm", "run", "-e", env_name, "--",
+        "pip", "install", "-e", "."])
+@cli.command(help="Run the tests")
+def test(python_version):
+    env_name = get_env_name(python_version)
+    check_call([
+        "edm", "run", "-e", env_name, "--", "python", "-m", "unittest",
+        "discover"
+    ])
+@cli.command(help="Run flake")
+def flake(python_version):
+    env_name = get_env_name(python_version)
+    check_call(["edm", "run", "-e", env_name, "--", "flake8", "."])
+@cli.command(help="Builds the documentation")
+def coverage(python_version):
+    env_name = get_env_name(python_version)
+    check_call(["edm", "run", "-e", env_name, "--",
+                "coverage", "run", "-m", "unittest", "discover"])
+@cli.command(help="Builds the documentation")
+def docs(python_version):
+    check_call(["make", "html"], cwd="doc")
+def get_env_name(python_version):
+    return "force-py{}".format(remove_dot(python_version))
+def remove_dot(python_version):
+    return "".join(python_version.split('.'))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    cli()