diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 335a35c274cab7079a5b5b5c9b9ffb2ba33e124a..ee2b7b4f83e87d085b2fd1827e4c94071c897873 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
-Tool for checking if software versions are out of date. Supports (for now) checking against github releases, dockerhub images, debian packages and arbitrary web sites (using regexp). Will start a webserver that exposes the version status as prometheus metrics under the path '/metrics' and show a status page for all other paths.
+Tool for checking if software versions are out of date. Supports (for now) checking against github releases, dockerhub images, quay.io images, debian packages and arbitrary web sites (using regexp). Will start a webserver that exposes the version status as prometheus metrics under the path '/metrics' and show a status page for all other paths.
@@ -51,12 +51,13 @@ The common keys are as follows:
 * check: check to use; currently supported:
   * github
   * dockerhub
+  * quay
   * debian
   * website
 * version: version string of the currently deployed version, should be in the format as found on the source sites
 Further keys depend on the check used:
-* github / dockerhub
+* github / dockerhub / quay
   * id: repo or image name (e.g. jboss/keycloak, ansible/ansible)
   * pattern: regex for the version, used to filter wanted versions (e.g. ^[0-9.]+-alpine$, ^v10\.[0-9.]+$)
 * debian
diff --git a/test_all.py b/test_all.py
index bbe453c9b5b58f8d1921797589015772d1ad6015..4ca511ba69349ab3fe94fddcffb16dc8c1054ba2 100644
--- a/test_all.py
+++ b/test_all.py
@@ -41,6 +41,11 @@ class TestVC(TestCase):
         self.assertNotEqual(err, '')
+    def test_quay_error(self):
+        (res, err) = vcheck.quay('non existing image', 'v1234')
+        self.assertIsNone(res)
+        self.assertNotEqual(err, '')
     def test_run(self):
         self.server = threading.Thread(target = vcheck.run, args = [8080, './testconf', 2])
diff --git a/testconf/check.yml b/testconf/check.yml
index 9d81e6cf6639f7ce84b9f1bae2f41f1477dba37a..257e48305a1371a6562ff6b9fb9c54907c5dfffe 100644
--- a/testconf/check.yml
+++ b/testconf/check.yml
@@ -17,3 +17,9 @@
   check: debian
   id: radsecproxy
   release: bullseye
+- name: keycloak_quay
+  version: 17.0.0
+  check: quay
+  id: keycloak/keycloak
+  pattern: ^[0-9.]+$
diff --git a/vcheck.py b/vcheck.py
index 2d8208588b3a63c4bf06cef977432f1cbeb1c873..d528818bd6b6d29a6645789847009aac83d5799b 100755
--- a/vcheck.py
+++ b/vcheck.py
@@ -200,6 +200,14 @@ def dockerhub(image, pattern):
         return None, err
+def quay(image, pattern):
+    (j, err) = rest(f'https://quay.io/v1/repositories/{image}/tags')
+    if j:
+        return latest(j.keys(), pattern)
+    else:
+        return None, err
 def github(repo, pattern):
     (j, err) = rest(f'https://api.github.com/repos/{repo}/tags')
     if j:
@@ -265,6 +273,10 @@ def check(confd, v):
             error = missing(c, 'id', 'pattern')
             if not error:
                 (current, error) = dockerhub(c['id'], c['pattern'])
+        elif c['check'] == 'quay':
+            error = missing(c, 'id', 'pattern')
+            if not error:
+                (current, error) = quay(c['id'], c['pattern'])
         elif c['check'] == 'github':
             error = missing(c, 'id', 'pattern')
             if not error: