diff --git a/devices/qemu.md b/devices/qemu.md
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5cd138ebe6707278619d728195e91a779dd05549
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+++ b/devices/qemu.md
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+# Contents
+1. [Introduction](#1-introduction)
+2. [Regular build](#2-regular-build)
+3. [Install files on the device](#3-qemu-console)
+4. [Host-Guest folder sharing in QEMU/QEMUv8 configurations](#4-host-guest-folder-sharing-in-qemuqemuv8-configurations)
+# 1. Introduction
+The instructions here will tell how to run OP-TEE using QEMU. We have two
+working configurations one for ARMv7-A and one for ARMv8-A. The major difference
+between the two is the boot procedure. In the ARMv7-A case it's using a bios,
+but on ARMv8-A it uses ARM-TF etc instead.
+# 2. Regular build
+As long as you pick either the v7 (default.xml) or the v8 (qemu_v8.xml) the "Get
+and build the solution" in the [README.md] file tells all you need to know to
+build and boot up QEMU.
+# 3. QEMU console
+After running `make run` you will end up in the QEMU console and it will also
+spawn two xterm windows. One console containing the UART for secure world and
+one console containing the UART for normal world.
+## 3.1 ARMv7-A
+It will stop on the QEMU console, to continue, simply
+(qemu) c
+## 3.2 ARMv8-A
+It won't stop, it will just boot up QEMU and OP-TEE.
+#4. Host-Guest folder sharing in QEMU/QEMUv8 configurations
+To avoid changing rootfs CPIO archive each time you need to add additional files
+to it, you can also use VirtFS QEMU feature to share a folder between the guest
+and host operating systems. To use this feature enable VirtFS QEMU build in
+build/common.mk (set QEMU_VIRTFS_ENABLE ?= y), adjust QEMU_VIRTFS_HOST_DIR and
+rebuild QEMU.
+To mount host folder in QEMU, simply run:
+$ mount_shared <mount_point>
+[bios]: https://github.com/linaro-swg/bios_qemu_tz_arm
+[README.md]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/build/README.md