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+Frequently Asked Questions
+1.  [Source code](#1-source-code)
+2.  [Building](#2-building)
+3.  [License](3-license)
+4.  [Contribution, Promotion and security flaws](#4-contribution-promotion-and-security-flaws)
+5.  [Certification and security reviews](#5-certification-and-security-reviews)
+6.  [Interfaces](#6-interfaces)
+7.  [Architecture](#7-architecture)
+8.  [Trusted Applications](#8-trusted-applications)
+9.  [Testing](#9-testing)
+1. Source code
+### Where is the source code?
+- It is located on GitHub under the project [OP-TEE].
+- Then besides the main gits at [OP-TEE] we also have some other gits used in
+  one or another way by OP-TEE at [linaro-swg].
+### Where do I download the test suite called xtest?
+- All the source code for that can be found in the git called [optee_test].
+- The GlobalPlatform extension, [TEE Initial Configuration Compliance Test Suite v1.x],
+  can be purchased separately.
+### Why isn’t the kernel driver in the vanilla kernel at kernel.org?
+Since the beginning of 2015 we have been trying to get our driver mainlined.
+This seems to be more challenging than we initially could foresee. If you have
+time and interest, please review and test the patches. A list of all patches
+submitted could be found at the [Generic TEE driver patches] patchwork page.
+2. Building
+### I got build errors running latest, why?
+- What did you try to build? Only [optee_os]? A full setup using QEMU, HiKey,
+  RPi3, Juno using repo? AOSP? OpenEmbedded? What we build on daily basis are
+  the [OP-TEE repo setups], other builds like AOSP and OpenEmbedded are builds
+  that we try from time to time, but not very often within Security Working
+  Group. Having that said there are other teams in Linaro working with such
+  builds, but they most often base their builds on OP-TEE stable releases.
+- By running latest instead of stable also comes with a risk of getting build
+  errors due to version and/or interdependency skew which can result in build
+  error. Now, such issues most often affects running xtest and not the building.
+  If you however clean all gits and do a `repo sync -d`. Then we're almost 100%
+  sure you will get back to a working state again, since as mentioned in next
+  bullet, we build (and run xtest) on all QEMU on all patches sent to OP-TEE.
+- Every pull request in OP-TEE are built for a multitude of different platforms
+  automatically using [Travis for OP-TEE]. Please have a look there to see
+  whether it failed building on the platform you're using before submitting any
+  issue about build errors.
+### I got build errors running stable tag x.y.z, why?
+Stable releases are quite well tested both in terms of building for all
+supported platforms and running xtest on all platforms, so if you can't get that
+to build and run, then there is a great chance you have something wrong on your
+side. All platforms that has been tested on a stable release can be found in
+[CHANGELOG.md] file.
+### I get `gcc XYZ` or `g++ XYZ` compiler error messages?
+Most likely you're trying to build OP-TEE using the regular x86 compiler and not
+the using the ARM toolchain. Please install the [OP-TEE pre-requisties] and this
+time try to ensure that you are using GCC for ARM (for more information, please
+see [Issue#846]).
+### I can't get OP-TEE to build using GCC 6.x?
+GCC 6.x isn't currently supported, please see [Issue#1200] for more information.
+### I found this build.git, what is that?
+That git is used in conjunction with the [OP-TEE repo setups]. It contains
+helper makefiles that makes it easy to get OP-TEE up and running on the setups
+that are using repo.
+### When running `make` from build.git it fails to download the toolchains?
+We try to stay somewhat up to date with running later gcc versions. But just
+like everywhere else on the net things moves around. In some cases like
+[Issue#1195], the URL was changed without us noticing it. If you find and fix
+such an issue, please send the fix as pull request and we will be happy to merge
+### What is the quickest and easiest way to try OP-TEE?
+That would be running it on QEMU on a local PC. To do that you would need to:
+- Install the [OP-TEE pre-requisties], see section 4.1.
+- Configure repo as described in [OP-TEE repo setups], see section 5.1, 5.2.
+- Build QEMU, see section 5.3.
+- [Run xtest], see section 6.
+By summarizing the above, you'd need to:
+$ sudo apt-get install [pre-reqs]
+$ mkdir optee-qemu && cd optee-qemu
+$ repo init -u https://github.com/OP-TEE/manifest.git
+$ repo sync
+$ cd build
+$ make toolchains
+$ make all run
+(qemu) c
+root@Vexpress:/ tee-supplicant &
+root@Vexpress:/ xtest
+3. License
+### Under what license is OP-TEE released?
+- Mostly under BSD 2-Clause, see the [LICENSE] file.
+- The TEE kernel driver is released under GPLv2 for obvious reasons.
+- xtest uses BSD 2-Clause for code running in secure world (Trusted Applications
+  etc) and GPLv2 for code running in normal world (client code).
+### GlobalPlatform click-through license
+Since OP-TEE is a GlobalPlatform based TEE which implements the APIs as
+specified by GlobalPlatform one has to accept, the click-through license which
+is presented when trying to download the [GlobalPlatform specifications] before
+start using OP-TEE.
+### I've modified OP-TEE by using code with non BSD 2-Clause license, will you accept it?
+That is something we deal with case by case. But as a general answer, if it
+doesn't contaminate the BSD 2-Clause license we will accept it. Send us an email
+or file an issue at [OP-TEE Issues].
+4. Contribution, Promotion and security flaws
+### How do I contribute?
+Please see the section “Contributions” in the file [Notice.md] at the GitHub
+project page.
+### Where can I get help?
+Via one of the avenues below:
+- Create a new issue for a relevant repository on our GitHub site, such as
+  [OP-TEE Issues] for example.
+- `#linaro-security` IRC channel (`url: irc.linaro.org` or `irc.freenode.net`, `ssl:
+   yes, port: 6697`)
+- Email: `<op-tee at linaro dot org>`
+- For Linaro member companies, please use the [LDTS] page.
+### I'm new to OP-TEE but I would like to help out, what can I do?
+- We always need help with code reviews, feel free to review any of the open
+  [OP-TEE Pull Requests]. Please also note that there could be open pull request
+  in the other [OP-TEE] gits that needs review too.
+- We always need help answering all the questions asked at [OP-TEE Issues].
+- If you want to try to solve a bug, please have a look at the [OP-TEE Bugs] or
+  the [OP-TEE Enhancements].
+- Documentation tends to become obsolete if not maintained on regular basis. We
+  try to do our best, but we're not perfect. Please have a look at
+  [OP-TEE Documentation] and try to update where you find gaps.
+- Enable `repo` for the device in [Platforms Supported] currently not using
+  repo.
+- If you'd like to implement a bigger feature, please reach out to us and we can
+  discuss what is most relevant to look into for the moment. If you already have
+  an idea, feel free to send the proposal to us.
+### I want to get my company logo on op-tee.org, how?
+If your company has done significant contributions to OP-TEE, then please send
+us an email and we will do our best to include your company. Pay attention to
+that we will review this on regular basis and inactive supporting companies
+might be removed in the future again.
+### I have a found a security flaw in OP-TEE, how can I disclose it with you?
+Send an email to us (see the About page), where you mention that you've found a
+vulnerability, no details are needed in this first email. After that someone in
+the team will contact you and let you know how to continue the communication
+5. Certification and security reviews
+### Will linaro be involved in GlobalPlatform certification/qualification?
+No we will not, mainly for two reasons. The first is that there was a board
+decision that Security WG in Linaro should not be part of certifications. The
+second reason is that most often certification is done using a certain software
+version and on a unique device. I.e., it's the combination software + hardware
+that gets certified. Since Linaro have no own devices in production or for sale,
+we cannot be part of any certification. This is typically something that the SoC
+or OEM needs to do.
+But since OP-TEE is coming from a proprietary TEE solution that was
+GlobalPlatform certified on some products in the past and we regularly have
+people from some member companies running the extended test suite from
+GlobalPlatform we know that the gap to become GlobalPlatform certified/qualified
+isn’t that big.
+### Have any test lab been testing OP-TEE?
+[Applus Laboratories] have done some side-channel attack testing and fault
+injection testing on OP-TEE using the [HiKey]. Their findings will be included
+at the [Security Advisories] page at op-tee.org.
+### Have there been any code audit / code review done?
+- Audit, no! Not something initiated by Linaro. But there has been some
+  companies that have done audits internally and they have then shared the
+  result with us and where relevant, we have created patches resolving the
+  issues reported to us.
+- Code review, yes! Every single patch going into OP-TEE has been reviewed in
+  a pull request on GitHub. We more or less have a requirement that every patch
+  going into OP-TEE shall at least have one "Reviewed-by" tag in the patch.
+- Third party / test lab code review, no! Again some companies have reviewed
+  internally and shared the result with us, but other than that no.
+6. Interfaces
+### What API’s have been implemented in OP-TEE?
+- GlobalPlatform’s TEE Client API v1.1 specification
+- GlobalPlatform’s TEE Internal Core API v1.1 specification.
+- GlobalPlatform’s Secure Elements v1.0
+- GlobalPlatform’s Trusted UI v1.0 (implementation not complete).
+All those specification can be found at [GlobalPlatform specifications] page.
+### Can I use my own hardware IP for crypto acceleration?
+Yes, OP-TEE has a [Crypto Abstraction Layer] that was designed mainly to make it
+easy to add support for hardware crypto acceleration. There you will find
+information about the abstraction layer itself and what you need to do to be
+able to support new software/hardware “drivers” in OP-TEE.
+7. Architecture
+### Which architectures are supported?
+The [Platforms Supported] page lists all platforms and architectures currently
+supported in the official tree.
+### 32-bit and/or 64-bit support?
+Both 32- and 64-bit are fully supported for all OP-TEE components.
+**To-Do** mention the configuration flags for NW/SW/TEE/TA etc.
+### Does OP-TEE support mixed-mode, i.e., both AArch32 and AArch64 Trusted Applications on top of an AArch64 core?
+### How do I port OP-TEE to another platform?
+- Start by reading the [LCU14-302 How To Port OP-TEE To Another Platform] deck
+  and have a look at the [LCU14-302 YouTube clip] that complements the deck.
+  Beware that the presentation is more than three years old, so even though it's
+  a good source, there might be parts that are not relevant any longer.
+- As a good example for an **ARMv8-A** patch enabling OP-TEE support on a new
+  device, please see the [ZynqMP port] that enabled support for running OP-TEE on
+  Xilinx UltraScale+ Zynq MPSoC. Besides that there are similar patches for [Juno
+  port], [Raspberry Pi3 port], [HiKey port].
+- And for **ARMv7-A**, please have a look at the [Freescale ls1021a port],
+  another example would be the [TI DRA7xx port].
+### What’s the maximum size for heap and stack? Can it be changed?
+Yes, it can be changed. In the current setup (for vexpress for example), there
+are `32MB DDR` dedicated for OP-TEE. `1MB` for `TEE RAM` and `1MB` for `PUB
+RAM`, this leaves `30MB` for Trusted Applications. In the Trusted Applications,
+you set `TA_DATA_STACK` and `TA_DATA_SIZE`. Typically, we set stack to `1KB` and
+data to `32K`. But you are free to adjust those according to the amount of
+memory you have available. If you need them to be bigger than `1MB` then you
+also must adjust TA’s MMU L1 table accordingly, since default section mapping is
+### What is the size of OP-TEE itself?
+As of 2016.01, optee_os is about `244KB` (release build). It is preferred to
+store [optee_os] in SRAM, but if there is not enough room, DRAM can be used and
+protected with TZASC. We are also looking into the possibility of creating a
+‘minimal’ OP-TEE, i.e. a limited OP-TEE usable even in a very memory constrained
+environment, by eliminating as many memory-hungry parts as possible. There is
+however no ETA for this at the moment.
+You can check the memory usage by using the `make mem_usage` target in
+[optee_os], example:
+$ make ... mem_usage
+# Which will output a file with the figures here:
+# out/arm/core/tee.mem_usage
+You will of course get different sizes depending on what compile time flags you
+have enabled when running `make mem_usage`.
+### Can NEON optimizations be done in OP-TEE?
+Yes, but it will require implementation of lazy context switching which Linaro
+is currently working on as part of the work to add support for ARMv8-A Crypto
+Extensions. You can read more about [Lazy Context Switching] at the ARM pages.
+Please also see [Issue#953].
+### Can I use C++ libraries in OP-TEE?
+C++ libraries are currently not supported. Technically, it is possible but will
+require a fair amount of work to implement, especially more so if exceptions are
+required. There are currently no plans to do this.
+### Would using `malloc()` in OP-TEE give physically contiguous memory?
+`malloc()` in OP-TEE currently gives physically contiguous memory. It is not
+guaranteed as it is not mentioned anywhere in the documentation, but in practice
+the heap only has physically contiguous memory in the pool(s). The heap in
+OP-TEE is normally quite small, ~24KiB, and could be a bit fragmented.
+### Can I limit what CPUs / cores OP-TEE runs on?
+Currently it’s up to the kernel to decide which core it runs on, i.e, it will be
+the same core as the one initiating the SMC in Linux. Please also see
+### How is OP-TEE being scheduled?
+OP-TEE doesn't have its own scheduler, instead it's being scheduled by Linux
+kernel. For more information, please see [Issue#1036], [Issue#1183].
+8. Trusted Applications
+### How do I write a Trusted Application (TA)?
+- Start by reading the [LCU14-103 How to create and run Trusted Applications on
+  OP-TEE] deck and have a look at the [LCU14-103 YouTube clip] that that
+  complements the deck. Word of warning, the deck is more than three years old,
+  so maybe not everything said there is valid as of today.
+- Since that talk, the [Hello World Trusted Application] has been officially
+  included in the [OP-TEE repo setups]. I.e., don't refer to the URL in the deck
+  any longer since it is obsolete.
+- If you want to see more advanced uses cases of Trusted Applications, then we
+  encourage that you have a look at the [TAs in xtest].
+### How do I link a library into a Trusted Application?
+**To-Do** add more text, but see [Issue#280], [Issue#601], [Issue#901],
+[Issue#1003] for now.
+### Where should I store my Trusted Application on the device?
+`/lib/optee_armtz`, that is the default configuration where tee-supplicant will
+look for Trusted Applications.
+### What is a Static TA and how do I write one?
+A Static TA is a Trusted Application that runs in TEE kernel / core context.
+I.e., it will have access to the same functions, memory and hardware etc as the
+TEE core itself. If we're talking ARMv8-A it is running in S-EL1.
+### Are Static **user space** TAs supported?
+### Can a static TA Open/Invoke dynamic TA?
+Yes, for a longer discussion see [Issue#967], [Issue#1085], [Issue#1132].
+### What can I do to access specific functionalities not part of the GP internal API?
+You may develop your own “static TA”, which is part of the core (see above for
+more information about the Static TA).
+### How are Trusted Applications verified?
+In the current solution all TAs are signed ([sign.py]) with the same RSA key
+([default_ta.pem]). This works as long as the end user is in charge of the
+system. But for a setup involving third parties, there is a need for a better
+way to deal with this. We have started to look into various ideas and one of
+them is [OTrP].
+If the user will use the current implementation he **MUST** replace the
+[default_ta.pem] with a new key. [default_ta.pem] should only be seen as a test
+### Is multi-core TA supported?
+Yes, you can have two or more TAs running simultaneously. Please see also
+### Is multi-threading supported in a TA?
+No, there is no such concept as pthreads or similar. I.e, you cannot spawn
+thread from a TA. If you need to run tasks in parallel, then you should
+probably look into running two TAs or more simultaneously and then let them
+communicate with each other using the TA2TA interface.
+### I've heard that there is a Widevine and PlayReady TA, how do I get access?
+Those can only be shared are under NDA with Google and Microsoft. Linaro can
+help members of Linaro to get access to those. Non-member access needs to be
+dealt with on case by case basis.
+9. Testing
+### How are you testing OP-TEE?
+There is a test suite called xtest ([optee_test]) that tests the complete
+TEE-solution to ensure that the communication between all architectural layers
+is working as it should. The test suite also tests the majority of the
+GlobalPlatform TEE Internal Core API. It has close to 50,000 and ever increasing
+test cases, and is also extendable with the official GlobalPlatform test suite
+(see [TEE Initial Configuration Compliance Test Suite v1.x]).
+Also every single pull request in OP-TEE are being tested automatically on QEMU
+using [Travis for OP-TEE].
+# Abbreviations
+- OP-TEE: Open Portable TEE
+- TEE: Trusted Execution Environment
+- TA: Trusted Application
+- TZASC: TrustZone Address Space Controller
+- TZPC: TrustZone Protection Controller
+[Applus Laboratories]: http://www.appluslaboratories.com
+[build.git]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/build
+[CHANGELOG.md]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md
+[Crypto Abstraction Layer]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/blob/master/documentation/crypto.md
+[default_ta.pem]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/blob/master/keys/default_ta.pem
+[Freescale ls1021a port]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/commit/85278139a8f914dddb36808861c86a472ecb0271
+[Generic TEE driver patches]: https://patchwork.kernel.org/project/linux-arm-kernel/list/?submitter=129291
+[GlobalPlatform specifications]: http://www.globalplatform.org/specificationsdevice.asp
+[Hello World Trusted Application]: https://github.com/linaro-swg/hello_world
+[HiKey]: http://www.96boards.org/product/hikey
+[HiKey port]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/commit/d70e78c49fc9c63b2d37c596b7ad3cbd38f8e574
+[Juno port]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/commit/90e7497e0480892e2c262cec64e6c47242d4db7f
+[Lazy Context Switching]: http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.prd29-genc-009492c/ch05s03s01.html
+[LCU14-302 How To Port OP-TEE To Another Platform]: http://www.slideshare.net/linaroorg/lcu14-302-how-to-port-optee-to-another-platform
+[LCU14-302 YouTube clip]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgaGJow7hws
+[LCU14-103 How to create and run Trusted Applications on OP-TEE]: http://www.slideshare.net/linaroorg/lcu14103-how-to-create-and-run-trusted-applications-on-optee
+[LCU14-103 YouTube clip]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fmwhqrOmpc
+[LDTS]: https://support.linaro.org
+[linaro-swg]: https://github.com/linaro-swg
+[LICENSE]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/blob/master/LICENSE
+[Notice.md]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/blob/master/Notice.md
+[optee_os]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os
+[optee_test]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_test
+[OP-TEE]: https://github.com/OP-TEE
+[OP-TEE Bugs]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/labels/bug
+[OP-TEE Documentation]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/tree/master/documentation
+[OP-TEE Enhancements]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/labels/enhancement
+[OP-TEE Issues]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/issues
+[OP-TEE pre-requisties]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os#41-prerequisites
+[OP-TEE Pull Requests]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/pulls
+[OP-TEE repo setups]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os#5-repo-manifests
+[OTrP]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pei-opentrustprotocol-01
+[Platforms Supported]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os#3-platforms-supported
+[Raspberry Pi3 port]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/commit/66d9cacf37e6bd4b0d86e7b32e4e5edefe8decfd
+[Run xtest]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os#6-load-driver-tee-supplicant-and-run-xtest
+[Static TA examples]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/tree/master/core/arch/arm/sta
+[sign.py]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/blob/master/scripts/sign.py
+[TAs in xtest]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_test/tree/master/ta
+[TEE Initial Configuration Compliance Test Suite v1.x]: https://www.globalplatform.org/storecontent.asp?show=testsuites
+[TI DRA7xx port]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/commit/9b5060cd92a19b4d114a1ce8a338b18424974037
+[Travis for OP-TEE]: https://travis-ci.org/OP-TEE/optee_os/builds
+[ZynqMP port]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/commit/dc57f5a0e8f3b502fc958bc64a5ec0b0f46ef11a
+[Issue#280]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/issues/280
+[Issue#601]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/issues/601
+[Issue#846]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/issues/846
+[Issue#901]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/issues/901
+[Issue#953]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/issues/953
+[Issue#967]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/issues/967
+[Issue#1003]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/issues/1003
+[Issue#1036]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/issues/1036
+[Issue#1085]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/issues/1085
+[Issue#1132]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/issues/1132
+[Issue#1183]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/issues/1183
+[Issue#1194]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/issues/1194
+[Issue#1195]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/issues/1195
+[Issue#1200]: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/issues/1200