diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index ee36f3f47763bd42da0706bdb1b3e88a0f2bfd71..07d85d6a471ca4a218301d7739087419d7b61da6 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/dra7xx.mk b/dra7xx.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..91b7c03f29a29fdf6116012ae01692b8c329e473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dra7xx.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+# Following variables defines how the NS_USER (Non Secure User - Client
+# Application), NS_KERNEL (Non Secure Kernel), S_KERNEL (Secure Kernel) and
+# S_USER (Secure User - TA) are compiled
+override COMPILE_NS_USER   := 32
+override COMPILE_NS_KERNEL := 32
+override COMPILE_S_USER    := 32
+override COMPILE_S_KERNEL  := 32
+# Includes
+-include common.mk
+# Paths to git projects and various binaries
+STAGING_AREA    ?= $(ROOT)/out
+U-BOOT_PATH     ?= $(ROOT)/u-boot
+UBOOT_SPL       ?= $(U-BOOT_PATH)/u-boot-spl_HS_MLO
+UBOOT_IMG       ?= $(U-BOOT_PATH)/u-boot_HS.img
+UBOOT_ENV       ?= $(BUILD_PATH)/dra7xx/uEnv.txt
+LINUX_IMAGE     ?= $(LINUX_PATH)/arch/arm/boot/zImage
+LINUX_DTBS      ?= $(wildcard $(LINUX_PATH)/arch/arm/boot/dts/dra7*.dtb)
+FIT_SOURCE      ?= $(BUILD_PATH)/dra7xx/fitImage.its
+FIT_MAKEFILE    ?= $(BUILD_PATH)/dra7xx/Makefile
+# Targets
+.PHONY: all clean cleaner prepare
+all: u-boot linux optee-os optee-client xtest helloworld build-fit update_rootfs
+clean: linux-clean busybox-clean u-boot-clean optee-os-clean optee-client-clean build-fit-clean
+cleaner: clean prepare-cleaner busybox-cleaner linux-cleaner
+-include toolchain.mk
+	@if [ ! -d $(STAGING_AREA) ]; then mkdir $(STAGING_AREA); fi
+.PHONY: prepare-cleaner
+	rm -rf $(STAGING_AREA)
+# Das U-Boot
+.PHONY: u-boot u-boot-clean
+	$(U-BOOT_EXPORTS) $(MAKE) -C $(U-BOOT_PATH) dra7xx_hs_evm_defconfig
+# Linux kernel
+.PHONY: linux-defconfig linux linux-defconfig-clean linux-clean linux-cleaner
+	$(LINUX_PATH)/arch/arm/configs/multi_v7_defconfig \
+	$(LINUX_PATH)/ti_config_fragments/multi_v7_prune.cfg \
+	$(LINUX_PATH)/ti_config_fragments/baseport.cfg \
+	$(LINUX_PATH)/ti_config_fragments/ipc.cfg \
+	$(LINUX_PATH)/ti_config_fragments/connectivity.cfg \
+	$(LINUX_PATH)/ti_config_fragments/audio_display.cfg \
+	$(LINUX_PATH)/ti_config_fragments/wlan.cfg \
+	$(LINUX_PATH)/ti_config_fragments/omap_soc.cfg \
+	$(LINUX_PATH)/ti_config_fragments/lpae.cfg \
+	$(LINUX_PATH)/ti_config_fragments/dra7_only.cfg \
+	$(LINUX_PATH)/ti_config_fragments/debug_options.cfg
+linux-defconfig: $(LINUX_PATH)/.config
+linux: linux-common
+linux-defconfig-clean: linux-defconfig-clean-common
+linux-clean: linux-clean-common
+linux-cleaner: linux-cleaner-common
+.PHONY: optee-os optee-os-clean optee-client optee-client-clean
+optee-os: optee-os-common
+optee-os-clean: optee-os-clean-common
+optee-client: optee-client-common
+optee-client-clean: optee-client-clean-common
+# xtest / optee_test
+.PHONY: xtest xtest-clean xtest-patch
+xtest: xtest-common
+xtest-clean: xtest-clean-common
+xtest-patch: xtest-patch-common
+# hello_world
+.PHONY: helloworld helloworld-clean
+helloworld: helloworld-common
+helloworld-clean: helloworld-clean-common
+# Busybox
+.PHONY: busybox busybox-clean busybox-cleaner
+busybox: busybox-common
+busybox-clean: busybox-clean-common
+busybox-cleaner: busybox-cleaner-common
+# Build FIT
+.PHONY: build-fit build-fit-clean
+build-fit: prepare linux optee-os
+	MKIMAGE=$(U-BOOT_PATH)/tools/mkimage $(MAKE) -C $(STAGING_AREA)
+	$(RM) $(STAGING_AREA)/Makefile
+	$(RM) $(STAGING_AREA)/fitImage.its
+	$(RM) $(STAGING_AREA)/tee.bin
+	$(RM) $(STAGING_AREA)/*.dtb
+	$(RM) $(STAGING_AREA)/zImage
+# Root FS
+.PHONY: filelist-tee update_rootfs
+filelist-tee: filelist-tee-common u-boot build-fit
+	@echo "dir /boot 755 0 0" >> $(GEN_ROOTFS_FILELIST)
+	@echo "file /boot/MLO $(UBOOT_SPL) 644 0 0" >> $(GEN_ROOTFS_FILELIST)
+	@echo "file /boot/u-boot.img $(UBOOT_IMG) 644 0 0" >> $(GEN_ROOTFS_FILELIST)
+	@echo "file /boot/uEnv.txt $(UBOOT_ENV) 644 0 0" >> $(GEN_ROOTFS_FILELIST)
+	@echo "file /boot/fitImage.itb $(STAGING_AREA)/fitImage.itb 644 0 0" >> $(GEN_ROOTFS_FILELIST)
+update_rootfs: update_rootfs-common
diff --git a/dra7xx/Makefile b/dra7xx/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7918ef823a4df6244b3d6f1e180dc125869e7ad9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dra7xx/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+# Sign/encrypt a Linux Kernel zImage, a DTB file, and a rootfs (to be used
+# as an initramfs) into a FIT image tree blob for loading through U-Boot on a
+# TI High Security (HS) SoC.
+# Copyright (C) 2016, Texas Instruments, Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+#	Andreas Dannenberg <dannenberg@ti.com>
+#	Andrew F. Davis <afd@ti.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ITS ?= fitImage.its
+ITB ?= $(ITS:.its=.itb)
+SEC_IMAGES := $(shell sed -n 's/.*\/incbin\/.*\"\(.*\.sec\)\".*/\1/p' $(ITS))
+.PHONY: all
+all: $(ITB)
+# Invoke signing tool from the TI Secure Dev package to sign and optionally
+# encrypt a binary blob. This tool is accessed through the use of the
+# TI_SECURE_DEV_PKG environmental variable in the same fashion as it is used
+# when building secure U-Boot for TI devices.
+%.sec: %
+ifneq ($(TI_SECURE_DEV_PKG),)
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(TI_SECURE_DEV_PKG)/scripts/secure-binary-image.sh),)
+	$(TI_SECURE_DEV_PKG)/scripts/secure-binary-image.sh $(patsubst %.sec,%,$@) $@
+	@echo "ERROR: $(TI_SECURE_DEV_PKG)/scripts/secure-binary-image.sh not found." \
+	      "$@ was NOT created!"; exit 1
+	@echo "ERROR: TI_SECURE_DEV_PKG environment variable must be defined" \
+	      "for TI secure devices. $@ was NOT created!"; exit 1
+# Compile a FIT image tree source file describing the final image tree blob.
+# Use the mkimage tool that comes with U-Boot to make sure we have the latest/
+# greatest as we are using advanced features such as FIT...
+MKIMAGE ?= mkimage
+%.itb: %.its $(SEC_IMAGES)
+	$(MKIMAGE) -f $< -r $@
+.PHONY: clean
+	-$(RM) -v $(SEC_IMAGES)
+	-$(RM) -v $(ITB)
diff --git a/dra7xx/fitImage.its b/dra7xx/fitImage.its
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..191466e09d9c1ea2fa6f893a94c897696a3d4bca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dra7xx/fitImage.its
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+/ {
+	description = "U-Boot fitImage";
+	#address-cells = <1>;
+	images {
+		kernel@1 {
+			description = "Linux kernel";
+			data = /incbin/("zImage.sec");
+			type = "kernel";
+			arch = "arm";
+			os = "linux";
+			compression = "none";
+			load = <0x82000000>;
+			entry = <0x82000000>;
+		};
+		dra7-evm.dtb {
+			description = "Flattened Device Tree blob";
+			data = /incbin/("dra7-evm.dtb.sec");
+			type = "flat_dt";
+			arch = "arm";
+			compression = "none";
+		};
+		dra72-evm-revc.dtb {
+			description = "Flattened Device Tree blob";
+			data = /incbin/("dra72-evm-revc.dtb.sec");
+			type = "flat_dt";
+			arch = "arm";
+			compression = "none";
+		};
+		dra71-evm.dtb {
+			description = "Flattened Device Tree blob";
+			data = /incbin/("dra71-evm.dtb.sec");
+			type = "flat_dt";
+			arch = "arm";
+			compression = "none";
+		};
+		optee {
+			description = "OPTEE OS Image";
+			data = /incbin/("tee.bin.sec");
+			type = "tee";
+			arch = "arm";
+			compression = "none";
+		};
+	};
+	configurations {
+		default = "dra7-evm.dtb";
+		dra7-evm.dtb {
+			description = "Linux kernel, FDT blob, OPTEE OS";
+			kernel = "kernel@1";
+			fdt = "dra7-evm.dtb";
+			loadables = "optee";
+		};
+		dra72-evm-revc.dtb {
+			description = "Linux kernel, FDT blob, OPTEE OS";
+			kernel = "kernel@1";
+			fdt = "dra72-evm-revc.dtb";
+			loadables = "optee";
+		};
+		dra71-evm.dtb {
+			description = "Linux kernel, FDT blob, OPTEE OS";
+			kernel = "kernel@1";
+			fdt = "dra71-evm.dtb";
+			loadables = "optee";
+		};
+	};
diff --git a/dra7xx/uEnv.txt b/dra7xx/uEnv.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fa129b6408fe16c4e47aef336463de3751522797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dra7xx/uEnv.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+loadfit=run args_mmc; bootm ${loadaddr}#${fdtfile};