#!/usr/bin/expect -f # # This scripts starts QEMU, loads and boots Linux/OP-TEE, then runs # xtest in the guest. The return code is 0 for success, >0 for error. # # Options: # --bios Path to the binary to be run [../out/bios-qemu/bios.bin] # -q Suppress output to stdout (quiet) # --timeout Timeout for each test (sub)case, in seconds [480] set bios "../out/bios-qemu/bios.bin" set cmd "xtest" set quiet 0 # The time required to run some tests (e.g., key generation tests [4007.*]) # can be significant and vary widely -- typically, from about one minute to # several minutes depending on the host machine. set timeout 480 # Parse command line set myargs $argv while {[llength $myargs]} { set myargs [lassign $myargs arg] switch -exact -- $arg { "--bios" {set myargs [lassign $myargs ::bios]} "--timeout" {set myargs [lassign $myargs ::timeout]} "-q" {set ::quiet 1} } } proc info arg { if {$::quiet==1} { return } puts -nonewline $arg flush stdout } # Disable echoing of guest output log_user 0 # Save guest console output to a file log_file -a -noappend "serial0.log" info "Starting QEMU..." open "serial1.log" "w+" spawn -open [open "|tail -f serial1.log"] set teecore $spawn_id spawn $::env(QEMU) -nographic -monitor none -machine virt -machine secure=on -cpu cortex-a15 -smp $::env(QEMU_SMP) -d unimp -semihosting-config enable,target=native -m 1057 -serial stdio -serial file:serial1.log -bios $bios expect { "Kernel panic" { info "!!! Kernel panic\n" exit 1 } timeout { info "!!! Timeout\n" exit 1 } "Please press Enter to activate this console. " } send -- "\r" expect "root@Vexpress:/ " info " done, guest is booted.\n" # Toolchain libraries might be here or there send -- "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf\r" expect "root@Vexpress:/ " info "Running: $cmd...\n" send -- "$cmd\r" set casenum "none" expect { # Exit with error status as soon as a test fails -re { regression_([^ ]+) FAIL} { info " $expect_out(1,string) FAIL\n" exit 1 } -re {rcu_sched detected stalls} { info " Kernel error: '$expect_out(0,string)'\n" exit 1 } # Crude progress indicator: print one # when each test [sub]case starts -re {([\*o]) regression_([^ ]+) } { set casenum $expect_out(2,string) if {$expect_out(1,string) == "o"} { if {$star == 1} { # Do not count first subcase ('o') since start # of test ('*') was counted already set star 0 exp_continue } } else { set star 1 } info "#" incr ncases if {$ncases % 50 == 0} { info "\n" } exp_continue } # Exit when result separator is seen "+-----------------------------------------------------\r\r" {} # Handle errors in TEE core output -i $teecore -re {(assertion.*failed at.*)\n} { info "!!! TEE core assertion failed: '$expect_out(1,string)'\n" exit 1 } timeout { info "!!! Timeout\n" info "TIMEOUT - test case too long or hung? (last test started: $casenum)\n" exit 2 } } info "\nStatus: PASS ($ncases test cases)\n"