From 025f62ca5b2fefb2eb2d2f0d5d43f99b6e8dbce6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Malo Rosemeier <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2017 17:22:24 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] wrapper works, verification of cross section props required.

 finstrip_wrapper/core/                |  330 ++++-
 finstrip_wrapper/core/                 |   24 +-
 finstrip_wrapper/omdao/      | 1143 +++++++++--------
 .../omdao/test/         |  130 +-
 4 files changed, 1020 insertions(+), 607 deletions(-)

diff --git a/finstrip_wrapper/core/ b/finstrip_wrapper/core/
index c2fcc38..6a15e97 100644
--- a/finstrip_wrapper/core/
+++ b/finstrip_wrapper/core/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import numpy as np
 from finstrip_wrapper.core.main import FINSTRIPWrapper, status
+from PGL.components.airfoil import AirfoilShape
 class FINSTRIPWrapperBlade(FINSTRIPWrapper):
@@ -12,18 +13,10 @@ class FINSTRIPWrapperBlade(FINSTRIPWrapper):
         # data base output name = 'blade'
-        # loads dummy
-        self.loads = np.array([])
-        #self.aligns = np.array([])
+        self.core_mats = []  # list of materials to be identified as core
+        self.spanpos = 0  # position along span of analysed cross-section
-        # flags
-        #self.post_rst = True
-        # standard buckling analysis variables
-        self.buckle_modes = 10  # number of bucling modes
-        self.buckle_load_start = 0.0  # start boundary load
-        self.buckle_load_end = 10.0  # end boundary load
-        # self.buckle_method = 'LANB'  # 'SUBSP'
+        self.use_becas_stiffness = False
         for k, w in kwargs.iteritems():
@@ -31,56 +24,248 @@ class FINSTRIPWrapperBlade(FINSTRIPWrapper):
+        self._init_half_wavelength_steps()
-    def init_dicts(self, pf):
+    def init_dicts(self, cs2d):
         # dictionaries written by FINSTRIPBladeStructure according to FUSED-Wind format
         # NOTE: absolut dimensions are required!
- = pf
-    def init_full_scale_load_case(self, loads, aligns):
-        # TODO: here we need the conversion from load distro to point loads
-        # and the calculation of the load introduction positions
-        # By now it takes only external point loads
-        # TODO: remove hardcoded loads
-        # position of master nodes and force vector,and actuator positions
-        # x,y,z,rotx,roty,rotz,Fx,Fy,Fz,Mx,My,Mz,ax,ay,az
-        # actuator positions in the test_tig locinate system
-        self.loads = loads
-        self.nloads = self.loads.shape[0]
-        # tilt, pitch, x_orig, y_orig, z_orig
-        # tilt_angle rotation about root x-axis in deg
-        # pitch_angle rotation about root z-axis in deg
-        # test_rig_origin use distance in y-direction for vertical pull
-        self.aligns = aligns
+        self.cs2d = cs2d
+    def init_becas_stiffness(self, csprops, csprops_ref):
+        # stiffness properties as described in BECASWrapper
+        self.csprops = csprops
+        self.csprops_ref = csprops_ref
+    def init_cs_load_cases(self, csloads_rcs, twist):
+        ''' csload is assumed to be provided in root cs
+        :param csloads: cross section loads (Fx,Fy,Fz,Mx,My,Mz) size ((ncase,6))
+        :param twist: geometric twist angle of cross section w.r.t root coordinate system size ((1))
+        note: so far only bending moments mx and my are used
+        '''
+        Mx_rcs = csloads_rcs[:, 3]
+        My_rcs = csloads_rcs[:, 4]
+        # transformation matrix from root cs to cross section cs
+        sin_twist = np.sin(np.deg2rad(twist))
+        cos_twist = np.cos(np.deg2rad(twist))
+        self.T_twist = np.matrix(
+            [[cos_twist, sin_twist], [-sin_twist, cos_twist]])
+        # transform from root cs to cross section cs
+        v_Mrcs = np.array([[Mx_rcs], [My_rcs]])
+        v_Mcs = self.T_twist * v_Mrcs
+        M_x = np.squeeze(np.asarray(v_Mcs[:, 0]))
+        M_y = np.squeeze(np.asarray(v_Mcs[:, 1]))
+        self.csloads = np.zeros_like(csloads_rcs)
+        self.csloads[:, 3] = M_x
+        self.csloads[:, 4] = M_y
+        self.csloads[:, 3:] = self.csloads[:, 3:] * 1E3  # convert to Nmm
+        self.ncase = len(self.csloads[:, 0])
     def setup(self):
         ''' Sets up the FINSTRIP execution.
         super(FINSTRIPWrapperBlade, self).setup()
+        self._det_maxlength_element()
+    def _det_maxlength_element(self):
+        # calculate arc length of airfoil surface
+        af = AirfoilShape()
+        af.initialize(points=self.cs2d['coords'])
+        # maximum size of generated element in m
+        self.maxlength_element = af.smax * self.elsize_factor
     def _write_finstrip_input_files(self):
         super(FINSTRIPWrapperBlade, self)._write_finstrip_input_files()
     def _write_file_buc(self):
-        pass
+        out_str = []
+        n = '\n'
+        # write header
+        out_str.append(
+            '// Finstrip input file, created by FINSTRIPWrapper' + n)
+        # write vars converted to mm
+        for var_name, var_value in zip(['maxlength_element',
+                                        'lambda_steps',
+                                        'lambda_min',
+                                        'lambda_max'],
+                                       [self.maxlength_element * 1E3,
+                                        self.lambda_steps,
+                                        self.lambda_min * 1E3,
+                                        self.lambda_max * 1E3,
+                                        ]):
+            out_str.append('%s, %0.2f' % (var_name, var_value) + n)
+        # write materials
+        mat_names = self.cs2d['materials'].keys()
+        matprops = self.cs2d['matprops']
+        def _write_iso(out_str, n, label, E1, nu12, rho):
+            out_str.append('iso, %s, %g, %g, %g' %
+                           (label, E1, nu12, rho) + n)
+        def _write_ortho(out_str, n, label, E1, E2, nu12, G12, rho):
+            out_str.append('ortho, %s, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g' % (
+                label, E1, E2, nu12, G12, rho) + n)
+        def _write_core(out_str, n, label, E1, E2, nu12, G12, G13, G23, rho):
+            out_str.append('core, %s, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g,%g, %g' % (
+                label, E1, E2, nu12, G12, G13, G23, rho) + n)
+        for i, label in enumerate(mat_names):
+            E1 = matprops[i, 0] * 1E-6  # to N/mm*2
+            E2 = matprops[i, 1] * 1E-6  # to N/mm*2
+            E3 = matprops[i, 2] * 1E-6  # to N/mm*2
+            nu12 = matprops[i, 3]
+            nu13 = matprops[i, 4]
+            nu23 = matprops[i, 5]
+            G12 = matprops[i, 6] * 1E-6  # to N/mm*2
+            G13 = matprops[i, 7] * 1E-6  # to N/mm*2
+            G23 = matprops[i, 8] * 1E-6  # to N/mm*2
+            rho = matprops[i, 9] * 1E-9  # to kg/mm*3
+            # deterimne material type
+            if label in self.core_mats:
+                # mat_type = 'core'
+                _write_core(
+                    out_str, n, label, E1, E2, nu12, G12, G13, G23, rho)
+            elif E1 == E2 and nu12 == nu13:
+                # mat_type = 'iso'
+                _write_iso(out_str, n, label, E1, nu12, rho)
+            else:
+                # mat_type = 'ortho'
+                _write_ortho(out_str, n, label, E1, E2, nu12, G12, rho)
+        # write blade name and span pos
+        self.spanpos = self.cs2d['s'] * 1E3  # to mm
+        out_str.append('blade, %s, %g' % (, self.spanpos) + n)
+        # write first (and only) section
+        out_str.append('Section, %g' % (self.spanpos) + n)
+        # write coords
+        coords = self.cs2d['coords'] * 1E3  # to mm
+        for i, c in enumerate(coords):
+            out_str.append('k, %g, %g' % (c[0], c[1]) + n)
+        # write region layup and dps
+        for ireg, _ in enumerate(self.cs2d['regions']):
+            layers = self.cs2d['regions'][ireg]['layers']
+            thicknesses = self.cs2d['regions'][
+                ireg]['thicknesses'] * 1E3  # to mm
+            angles = self.cs2d['regions'][ireg]['angles']
+            dp0 = self.cs2d['DPs'][ireg]
+            dp1 = self.cs2d['DPs'][ireg + 1]
+            for l, t, a in zip(layers, thicknesses, angles):
+                out_str.append('Layer, %s, %g, %g, %g, %g' %
+                               (l[:-2], t, a, dp0, dp1) + n)
+        # write web layup and dps
+        for ireg, _ in enumerate(self.cs2d['webs']):
+            layers = self.cs2d['webs'][ireg]['layers']
+            thicknesses = self.cs2d['webs'][
+                ireg]['thicknesses'] * 1E3  # to mm
+            angles = self.cs2d['regions'][ireg]['angles']
+            # check if web exists at this cross section
+            if not np.sum(thicknesses) == 0.0:
+                dp0 = self.cs2d['DPs'][self.cs2d['web_def'][ireg][0]]
+                dp1 = self.cs2d['DPs'][self.cs2d['web_def'][ireg][1]]
+                out_str.append('Shearweb, %g, %g' % (dp0, dp1) + n)
+                wdp0 = 0.0  # web layup does not change along width
+                wdp1 = 1.0
+                for l, t, a in zip(layers, thicknesses, angles):
+                    out_str.append('Layer, %s, %g, %g, %g, %g' %
+                                   (l[:-2], t, a, wdp0, wdp1) + n)
+        if self.use_becas_stiffness:
+            x_e = self.csprops_ref[2] * 1E3  # to mm
+            y_e = self.csprops_ref[3] * 1E3  # to mm
+            I_xx = self.csprops_ref[7]
+            I_yy = self.csprops_ref[8]
+            I_xy = self.csprops_ref[9]
+            nu = self.csprops_ref[17] + np.pi / 2
+            # TODO: check if sign is correct in I_xy!
+            # A = self.csprops_ref[15]
+            # Gere 12-30
+            theta = 0.5 * np.arctan(-2 * I_xy / (I_xx - I_yy))
+            # Gere 12-32
+            R = np.sqrt((0.5 * (I_xx - I_yy))**2 + I_xy**2)
+            # Gere 12-31a
+            theta1 = 0.5 * np.arccos((I_xx - I_yy) / (2 * R))
+            # Gere 12-31b
+            theta2 = 0.5 * np.arcsin(-I_xy / R)
+            # if not np.sign(theta) == np.sign(nu):
+            #    raise RuntimeError('BECAS input not consistent')
+            config = {}
+            config['BECASWrapper'] = {}
+            config['BECASWrapper']['hawc2_FPM'] = True
+            from becas_wrapper.becas_bladestructure import set_cs_size
+            cs_size, _ = set_cs_size(config)
+            if cs_size == len(self.csprops):
+                #hawc2_FPM = True
+                AE = self.csprops[20] * 1E-3  # to N/mm
+            else:
+                #hawc2_FPM = False
+                E = self.csprops[8]
+                An = self.csprops[15]
+                AE = E * An * 1E-3  # to N/mm
+            # AE = A * E # to N/mm
+            EI_xx = E * I_xx * 1E3  # to Nmm**2/mm
+            EI_yy = E * I_yy * 1E3  # to Nmm**2/mm
+            EI_xy = E * I_xy * 1E3  # to Nmm**2/mm
+            out_str.append('farob, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g' %
+                           (x_e, y_e, AE, EI_xx, EI_yy, EI_xy) + n)
+        fid = open(self.file_input, 'w')
+        for i, line in enumerate(out_str):
+            fid.write(line)
+        fid.close()
     def _write_finstrip_analysis_files(self):
-        self._write_file_loads()
+        self._write_file_lcd()
     def _write_file_lcd(self):
-        '''
-        np.savetxt(self.file_loads, self.loads, fmt='%.10e', delimiter=',')
-        np.savetxt(
-            self.file_aligns, self.aligns, fmt='%.10e', delimiter=',')
-        '''
+        out_str = []
+        for case in range(self.ncase):
+            fx = self.csloads[case, 0]
+            fy = self.csloads[case, 1]
+            fz = self.csloads[case, 2]
+            mx = self.csloads[case, 3]
+            my = self.csloads[case, 4]
+            mz = self.csloads[case, 5]
+            n = '\n'
+            # write header
+            out_str.append(
+                'loads, %s, %i, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g' % (self.spanpos, fx, fy, fz, mx, my, mz) + n)
+        fid = open(self.file_load, 'w')
+        for i, line in enumerate(out_str):
+            fid.write(line)
+        fid.close()
     def execute(self):
         super(FINSTRIPWrapperBlade, self).execute()
@@ -91,16 +276,19 @@ class FINSTRIPWrapperBlade(FINSTRIPWrapper):
     def _read_rst_eigenvalue(self):
-        # proces_nr, section_nr, load_nr, wavelength, eigenvalue
-        self.f_eig = np.loadtxt(self.file_rst_eigen, skiprows=1)
-        # convert wavelength to m
-        self.f_eig[:, -2] = self.f_eig[:, -2] * 1E-3
+        self.f_eig = np.zeros((self.ncase, self.nmode, 2))
+        for case in range(self.ncase):
+            # proces_nr, section_nr, load_nr, wavelength, eigenvalue
+            self.f_eig[case, :, :] = np.loadtxt(
+                self.file_rst_eigen, skiprows=1)[case * self.nmode:(case + 1) * self.nmode, -2:]
+            # convert wavelength to m
+            self.f_eig[:, :, 0] = self.f_eig[:, :, 0] * 1E-3
     def _read_rst_mode_shape(self):
         # determine number of elements
         self.nelm = len(np.loadtxt('R' +
-                                   '%i' % (self.spanpos) +
+                                   '%05i' % (self.spanpos) +
                                    '_LC' +
                                    '%03d' % 0 +
@@ -108,41 +296,43 @@ class FINSTRIPWrapperBlade(FINSTRIPWrapper):
                                    skiprows=2)[:, 0])
         # get mode shapes
-        self.mode_shape = np.zeros((self.nmode, self.nelm, 8))
+        self.mode_shape = np.zeros((self.ncase, self.nmode, self.nelm, 8))
         # x-loc p1, y-loc p1, x-loc p2, y-loc p2,
         # x-u p1, y-u p1, x-u p2, y-u p2
         for case in range(self.ncase):
             for mode in range(self.nmode):
-                # transform to m
-                self.mode_shape[mode, :, :] = 1E-3 * np.loadtxt('R' +
-                                                                '%i' % (self.spanpos) +
-                                                                '_LC' +
-                                                                '%03d' % (case) +
-                                                                '_mode'
-                                                                '%03d' % (mode) +
-                                                                self.txt_sfx,
-                                                                skiprows=2)
+                self.mode_shape[case, mode, :, :] = np.loadtxt('R' +
+                                                               '%05i' % (self.spanpos) +
+                                                               '_LC' +
+                                                               '%03d' % (case) +
+                                                               '_mode'
+                                                               '%03d' % (mode) +
+                                                               self.txt_sfx,
+                                                               skiprows=2)
         idxs = []
         # identify surface and web nodes
         for elm in range(self.nelm - 1):
-            elm1_node2 = self.mode_shape[0, elm, 2:4]
-            elm2_node1 = self.mode_shape[0, elm + 1, :2]
+            elm1_node2 = self.mode_shape[0, 0, elm, 2:4]
+            elm2_node1 = self.mode_shape[0, 0, elm + 1, :2]
             if elm1_node2[0] != elm2_node1[0] and elm1_node2[1] != elm2_node1[1]:
         # append last elm index
-        idxs.append(len(self.mode_shape[0, :, 0]) - 1)
+        idxs.append(len(self.mode_shape[0, 0, :, 0]) - 1)
         # obtain surface nodes
-        self.nnode_loc_surf = idxs[0] + 1 + 1
-        self.node_loc_surf = np.zeros((self.nnode_loc_surf, 2))
+        self.nnode_surf = idxs[0] + 1 + 1
+        self.node_loc_surf = np.zeros((self.nnode_surf, 2))
-            :-1, :] = self.mode_shape[0, :idxs[0] + 1, :2]
+            :-1, :] = self.mode_shape[0, 0, :idxs[0] + 1, :2]
         # add second node of last element
-                           :] = self.mode_shape[0, idxs[0], 2:4]
+                           :] = self.mode_shape[0, 0, idxs[0], 2:4]
         # obtain web nodes
+        # actual amount of webs in post processing files can differ from input
+        # NOTE: if the flatback web is oriented such that it closes the cross section,
+        # then it is identified as if the web was part of the surface
         self.nweb = len(idxs[1:])
         self.nnode_web = []
@@ -154,29 +344,29 @@ class FINSTRIPWrapperBlade(FINSTRIPWrapper):
             (self.nweb, self.nnode_web_max, 2))
         for w in range(self.nweb):
-                w, :self.nnode_web[w] - 1, :] = self.mode_shape[0, idxs[w] + 1:idxs[w + 1] + 1, :2]
+                w, :self.nnode_web[w] - 1, :] = self.mode_shape[0, 0, idxs[w] + 1:idxs[w + 1] + 1, :2]
             # add second node of last element
             self.node_loc_web[w, self.nnode_web[w] - 1, :] = self.mode_shape[
-                0, idxs[w + 1], 2:4]
+                0, 0, idxs[w + 1], 2:4]
         # obtain surface displacements
         self.node_u_surf = np.zeros(
-            (self.nmode, self.nnode_loc_surf, 2))
+            (self.ncase, self.nmode, self.nnode_surf, 2))
-            :, :-1, :] = self.mode_shape[:, :idxs[0] + 1, 4:6]
+            :, :, :-1, :] = self.mode_shape[:, :, :idxs[0] + 1, 4:6]
         # add second node of last element
-            :, -1, :] = self.mode_shape[:, idxs[0], 6:]
+            :, :, -1, :] = self.mode_shape[:, :, idxs[0], 6:]
         # obtain web displacements
         self.node_u_web = np.zeros(
-            (self.nweb, self.nmode, self.nnode_web_max, 2))
+            (self.ncase, self.nweb, self.nmode, self.nnode_web_max, 2))
         for w in range(self.nweb):
-                w, :, :self.nnode_web[w] - 1, :] = self.mode_shape[:, idxs[w] + 1:idxs[w + 1] + 1, 4:6]
+                :, w, :, :self.nnode_web[w] - 1, :] = self.mode_shape[:, :, idxs[w] + 1:idxs[w + 1] + 1, 4:6]
             # add second node of last element
-            self.node_u_web[w, :, self.nnode_web[w] - 1, :] = self.mode_shape[
-                :, idxs[w + 1], 6:]
+            self.node_u_web[:, w, :, self.nnode_web[w] - 1, :] = self.mode_shape[
+                :, :, idxs[w + 1], 6:]
         plot = False
         if plot:
@@ -199,5 +389,3 @@ class FINSTRIPWrapperBlade(FINSTRIPWrapper):
                         w, :self.nnode_web[w], 0] + sf * self.node_u_web[w, mode, :self.nnode_web[w], 0],
                     self.node_loc_web[w, :self.nnode_web[w], 1] + sf * self.node_u_web[w, mode, :self.nnode_web[w], 1], '--')
diff --git a/finstrip_wrapper/core/ b/finstrip_wrapper/core/
index ee632ae..7275aec 100644
--- a/finstrip_wrapper/core/
+++ b/finstrip_wrapper/core/
@@ -34,23 +34,24 @@ class FINSTRIPWrapper(object):
     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
         super(FINSTRIPWrapper, self).__init__()
-        # finstrip program parameters
-        # maximum size of generated element in mm
-        self.maxlength_element = 0.252E+03
-        self.lambda_steps = 20  # number of half wavelength steps
-        self.lambda_min = 0.01E+03  # minimum half wavelength in mm
-        self.lambda_max = 15.126E+03  # maximum half wavelength in mm
+        # element length as fraction of arc length of airfoil surface
+        self.elsize_factor = 0.015
-        self.spanpos = 0  # position along span of analysed cross-section
+        # finstrip program parameters
+        self.lambda_min = 0.01  # minimum half wavelength in m
+        self.lambda_max = 15.126  # maximum half wavelength in m
-        self.nmode = self.lambda_steps + 1
-        self.ncoord = 79
-        self.ncase = 1
+        self.nmode = 21
+        #self.ncoord = 79
+        #self.ncase = 1
         # flags
         self.debug_mode = True
         self.dry_run = False
+    def _init_half_wavelength_steps(self):
+        self.lambda_steps = self.nmode - 1  # number of half wavelength steps
     def _init_finstrip_input_files_names(self):
         ''' Initializes standard input file names or extension
@@ -59,10 +60,11 @@ class FINSTRIPWrapper(object):
         # input file names
         self.buc_sfx = '.buc'
-        self.lcd_sfx = '.lcd'
+        self.lcd_sfx = '.ldc'
         # self.fdb_prfx = 'db'  # why no "."  ??
         self.txt_sfx = '.txt'
         self.file_input = + self.buc_sfx
+        self.file_load = + self.lcd_sfx
         #self.file_output = + self.fcdb_prfx
         #self.file_mat = 'MAT' + self.fd_sfx
         #self.file_failmat = 'FAILMAT' + self.fd_sfx
diff --git a/finstrip_wrapper/omdao/ b/finstrip_wrapper/omdao/
index 43005f4..ce2c380 100644
--- a/finstrip_wrapper/omdao/
+++ b/finstrip_wrapper/omdao/
@@ -1,549 +1,678 @@
 import numpy as np
 import os
-import shutil
+from openmdao.api import Component, Group, ParallelGroup, ExecComp
+from finstrip_wrapper.core.blade import FINSTRIPWrapperBlade
 from PGL.components.airfoil import AirfoilShape
-from openmdao.api import Component, Group, ParallelGroup
 from becas_wrapper.becas_bladestructure import set_cs_size
-from feproc_wrapper.omdao.blade import set_ncsnodes_nsets
-class FINSTRIPCrossSectionsCaseBase(Component):
+class FINSTRIPCSStructure(Component):
+    """
+    Component for computing beam structural properties
+    using the cross-sectional structure code FINSTRIP.
+    The code firstly calls CS2DtoFINSTRIP which is a wrapper around
+    shellexpander that comes with FINSTRIP, and second
+    calls FINSTRIP using a file interface.
+    parameters
+    ----------
+    config: dict
+        dictionary of model specific inputs
+    coords: array
+        cross-sectional shape. size ((ni_chord, 3))
+    matprops: array
+        material stiffness properties. Size ((10, nmat)).
+    DPs: array
+        vector of DPs. Size: (nDP)
+    r<xx><lname>T: float
+        layer thicknesses, e.g. r01triaxT.
+    r<xx><lname>A: float
+        layer angles, e.g. r01triaxA.
+    w<xx><lname>T: float
+        web thicknesses, e.g. r01triaxT.
+    w<xx><lname>A: float
+        web angles, e.g. r01triaxA.
+    returns
+    -------
+    """
-    def __init__(self, name, config, caseid, sdim, ncase, nload):
-        super(FINSTRIPCrossSectionsCaseBase, self).__init__()
+    def __init__(self, name, finstrip_hash, config, st3d, s, ni_chord, ncase):
+        """
+        parameters
+        ----------
+        config: dict
+            dictionary with inputs to CS2DtoFINSTRIP and FINSTRIPWrapper
+        st3d: dict
+            dictionary with blade structural definition
+        s: array
+            spanwise location of the cross-section
+        ni_chord: int
+            number of points defining the cross-section shape
+        """
+        super(FINSTRIPCSStructure, self).__init__()
+        self.basedir = os.getcwd()
+        self.finstrip_hash = finstrip_hash
+ = len(st3d['regions'])
+        self.ni_chord = ni_chord
+        # threshold for minimum layer thickness
+        try:
+            self.min_thickness = config['FINSTRIPWrapper']['min_thickness']
+        except:
+            self.min_thickness = 1.e-7
- = name
-        self.caseid = caseid
+        self.nmode = config['FINSTRIPWrapper']['nmode']
+        self.nnode_surf_max = nnode_surf_max = 150
+        self.nnode_web_max = nnode_web_max = 50
+        self.nweb = len(st3d['webs'])
         self.ncase = ncase
-        self.nsec = sdim[1]
-        self.config = config
+        try:
+            self.use_becas_stiffness = config[
+                'FINSTRIPWrapper']['use_becas_stiffness']
+        except:
+            self.use_becas_stiffness = False
+        # add materials properties array ((10, nmat))
+        self.add_param('matprops', st3d['matprops'])
+        # add materials strength properties array ((18, nmat))
+        # self.add_param('failmat', st3d['failmat'])
+        # add DPs array
+        self.add_param('stab:' + '%s:DPs' % name, np.zeros( + 1))
+        self.add_param('stab:' + '%s:rot_z_st' % name, 0.)
+        # add coords coords
+        self._varnames = []
+        self.add_param('stab:' + '%s:coords' % name, np.zeros((ni_chord, 3)))
+        self.cs2di = {}
+        self.cs2di['materials'] = st3d['materials']
+        self.cs2di['matprops'] = st3d['matprops']
+        #self.cs2di['failcrit'] = st3d['failcrit']
+        #self.cs2di['failmat'] = st3d['failmat']
+        self.cs2di['web_def'] = st3d['web_def']
+        #self.cs2di['dominant_regions'] = st3d['dominant_regions']
+        #self.cs2di['cap_DPs'] = st3d['cap_DPs']
+        #self.cs2di['le_DPs'] = st3d['le_DPs']
+        #self.cs2di['te_DPs'] = st3d['te_DPs']
+        self.cs2di['s'] = s
+        self.cs2di['DPs'] = np.zeros( + 1)
+        self.cs2di['regions'] = []
+        self.cs2di['webs'] = []
+        for ireg, reg in enumerate(st3d['regions']):
+            r = {}
+            r['layers'] = reg['layers']
+            nl = len(reg['layers'])
+            r['thicknesses'] = np.zeros(nl)
+            r['angles'] = np.zeros(nl)
+            self.cs2di['regions'].append(r)
+            for i, lname in enumerate(reg['layers']):
+                varname = '%s:r%02d%s' % (name, ireg, lname)
+                self._varnames.append(varname)
+        for ireg, reg in enumerate(st3d['webs']):
+            r = {}
+            r['layers'] = reg['layers']
+            nl = len(reg['layers'])
+            r['thicknesses'] = np.zeros(nl)
+            r['angles'] = np.zeros(nl)
+            self.cs2di['webs'].append(r)
+            for i, lname in enumerate(reg['layers']):
+                varname = '%s:w%02d%s' % (name, ireg, lname)
+                self._varnames.append(varname)
+        self.add_param(
+            'stab:' + name + ':tvec', np.zeros(len(self._varnames) * 2))
+        if self.use_becas_stiffness:
+            cs_size, cs_size_ref = set_cs_size(config)
+            self.add_param('stab:' + '%s:csprops' % name, np.zeros((cs_size)))
+            self.add_param('stab:' + '%s:csprops_ref' %
+                           name, np.zeros((cs_size_ref)))
+        self.add_param('load_cases_%s' % name, np.zeros((ncase, 6)))
+        # add outputs
+        self.add_output('%s:f_eig' %
+                        name, np.zeros((self.ncase, self.nmode, 2)))
+        self.add_output('%s:nnode_surf' % name, 0)
+        self.add_output('%s:nnode_web' % name, np.zeros(self.nweb).astype(int))
+        self.add_output('%s:node_loc_surf' %
+                        name, np.zeros((self.nnode_surf_max, 2)))
+        self.add_output('%s:node_loc_web' %
+                        name, np.zeros((self.nweb, self.nnode_web_max, 2)))
+        self.add_output('%s:node_u_surf' %
+                        name, np.zeros((self.ncase, self.nmode, self.nnode_surf_max, 2)))
+        self.add_output('%s:node_u_web' %
+                        name, np.zeros((self.ncase,  self.nweb, self.nmode, self.nnode_web_max, 2)))
+        #self.add_output('%s:cs_props' % name, np.zeros(cs_size))
+        #self.add_output('%s:csprops_ref' % name, np.zeros(cs_size_ref))
+        #self.add_output('%s:k_matrix' % name, shape=(6, 6))
+        #self.add_output('%s:m_matrix' % name, shape=(6, 6))
+        #self.cs_props_m1 = np.zeros(cs_size)
+        #self.csprops_ref_m1 = np.zeros(cs_size_ref)
+        #self.k_matrix_m1 = np.zeros((6, 6))
+        #self.m_matrix_m1 = np.zeros((6, 6))
+        #self.add_output('%s:DPcoords' % name, np.zeros(( + 1, 3)))
+        self.workdir = 'finstrip_%s_%i' % (name, self.finstrip_hash)
+        # not so nice hack to ensure unique directory names when
+        # running parallel FD
+        self.add_output('stab:' + name + ':hash', float(self.finstrip_hash))
+        self.finstrip = FINSTRIPWrapperBlade(**config['FINSTRIPWrapper'])
+    def _params2dict(self, params):
+        """
+        convert the OpenMDAO params dictionary into
+        the dictionary format used in FINSTRIP.
+        """
+        tvec = params['stab:' + + ':tvec']
+        self.cs2d = {}
+        # constants
+        self.cs2d['s'] = self.cs2di['s']
+        self.cs2d['web_def'] = self.cs2di['web_def']
+        #self.cs2d['failcrit'] = self.cs2di['failcrit']
+        self.cs2d['materials'] = self.cs2di['materials']
+        #self.cs2d['dominant_regions'] = self.cs2di['dominant_regions']
+        #self.cs2d['cap_DPs'] = self.cs2di['cap_DPs']
+        #self.cs2d['le_DPs'] = self.cs2di['le_DPs']
+        #self.cs2d['te_DPs'] = self.cs2di['te_DPs']
+        # params
+        self.cs2d['coords'] = params['stab:' + '%s:coords' %][:, :2]
+        self.cs2d['matprops'] = params['matprops']
+        #self.cs2d['failmat'] = params['failmat']
+        self.cs2d['DPs'] = params['stab:' + '%s:DPs' %]
+        self.cs2d['regions'] = []
+        self.cs2d['webs'] = []
+        counter = 0
+        nvar = len(self._varnames)
+        for ireg, reg in enumerate(self.cs2di['regions']):
+            self.cs2d['regions'].append({})
+            Ts = []
+            As = []
+            layers = []
+            for i, lname in enumerate(reg['layers']):
+                if tvec[counter] > self.min_thickness:
+                    Ts.append(tvec[counter])
+                    As.append(tvec[nvar + counter])
+                    layers.append(lname)
+                counter += 1
+            self.cs2d['regions'][ireg]['thicknesses'] = np.asarray(Ts)
+            self.cs2d['regions'][ireg]['angles'] = np.asarray(As)
+            self.cs2d['regions'][ireg]['layers'] = layers
+        for ireg, reg in enumerate(self.cs2di['webs']):
+            self.cs2d['webs'].append({})
+            Ts = []
+            As = []
+            layers = []
+            for i, lname in enumerate(reg['layers']):
+                if tvec[counter] > self.min_thickness:
+                    Ts.append(tvec[counter])
+                    As.append(tvec[nvar + counter])
+                    layers.append(lname)
+                counter += 1
+            self.cs2d['webs'][ireg]['thicknesses'] = np.asarray(Ts)
+            self.cs2d['webs'][ireg]['angles'] = np.asarray(As)
+            self.cs2d['webs'][ireg]['layers'] = layers
+    def solve_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids):
+        """
+        calls FINSTRIP to compute the eigenvalues and mode shapes
+        """
+        try:
+            os.mkdir(self.workdir)
+        except:
+            pass
+        os.chdir(self.workdir)
+        self._params2dict(params)
-        self.cs_size, self.cs_size_ref = set_cs_size(config)
-        self.ncsnodes, _, _ = set_ncsnodes_nsets(config)
+        self.finstrip.init_dicts(self.cs2d)
-        self.add_param('blade_length', 0., units='m', desc='Blade length')
-        self.add_param('z_st', np.zeros(self.nsec), units='m',
-                       desc='non-dimensionalised y-coordinate of blade axis in structural grid')
-        self.add_param('rot_z_st', np.zeros(self.nsec),
-                       desc='rotation about blade axis')
-        self.add_param('chord_st', np.zeros(self.nsec), units='m',
-                       desc='blade chord distribution in structural grid')
-        self.add_param('p_le_st', np.zeros(self.nsec), units='m',
-                       desc='blade pitch axis aft leading edge in structural grid')
-        self.add_param('blade_beam_structure', np.zeros((self.nsec, self.cs_size)),
-                       desc='Beam properties of the blade')
-        self.add_param('blade_beam_csprops_ref', np.zeros((self.nsec, self.cs_size_ref)),
-                       desc='Cross section properties of the blade')
+        twist = params['stab:' + '%s:rot_z_st' %]  # deg
+        cs_loads_rcs = params['load_cases_%s' %]
+        self.finstrip.init_cs_load_cases(cs_loads_rcs, twist)
-        #case_name = 'case_00'
-        self.add_param('loc_cs_nodes', np.zeros((self.ncsnodes, 6, self.nsec)))
+        if self.use_becas_stiffness:
+            self.finstrip.init_becas_stiffness(params['stab:' + '%s:csprops' %
+                                            ],
+                                               params['stab:' + '%s:csprops_ref' %
+                                            ])
-        self.add_param('n_cs_nodes', np.zeros((self.nsec)).astype(int))
+        self.finstrip.compute()
-        self.add_output('%s:cs_strains' % name, np.zeros((self.ncsnodes, 4, self.nsec)),
-                        desc='Cross section strains of the blade')
-        self.add_output('%s:loc_cs_nodes_local' % name, np.zeros((self.ncsnodes, 6, self.nsec)),
-                        desc='Local coordinates of cs nodes')
-        self.add_output('%s:blade_beam_csprops_ref_global' % name, np.zeros((self.nsec, self.cs_size_ref)),
-                        desc='Global coordinates of cs nodes')
+        self.unknowns['%s:f_eig' %] = self.finstrip.f_eig
+        nnode_surf = self.finstrip.nnode_surf
+        nnode_web_max = np.max(self.finstrip.nnode_web)
+        nweb_actual = self.finstrip.nweb
+        self.unknowns['%s:nnode_surf' %] = nnode_surf
+        self.unknowns['%s:nnode_web' %] = self.finstrip.nnode_web
+        self.unknowns['%s:node_loc_surf' %][
+            :nnode_surf, :] = self.finstrip.node_loc_surf
+        self.unknowns['%s:node_loc_web' %][
+            :nweb_actual, :nnode_web_max, :] = self.finstrip.node_loc_web
+        self.unknowns['%s:node_u_surf' %][
+            :, :, :nnode_surf, :] = self.finstrip.node_u_surf
+        self.unknowns['%s:node_u_web' %][
+            :, :nweb_actual, :, :nnode_web_max, :] = self.finstrip.node_u_web
+        os.chdir(self.basedir)
+class FINSTRIPCSStructureLoader(FINSTRIPCSStructure):
+    def __init__(self, name, finstrip_hash, config, st3d, s, ni_chord, cs_size, cs_size_ref, pickled_unkn,
+                 grp_name=''):
+        super(FINSTRIPCSStructureLoader, self).__init__(
+            name, finstrip_hash, config, st3d, s, ni_chord, cs_size, cs_size_ref)
+        self.pickled_unkn = pickled_unkn
+        self.grp_name = grp_name
+        self.promoted = []
+    def solve_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids):
+            # write data base pickled dict content into unknowns
+        for kp, vp in self.pickled_unkn.iteritems():
+            for ku in unknowns.iterkeys():
+                if kp.endswith(ku) and kp.startswith(self.grp_name):
+                    unknowns[ku] = vp
+                elif kp.endswith(ku) and self.promoted:
+                    unknowns[ku] = vp
-class FINSTRIPBladeCrossSectionsCase(FINSTRIPCrossSectionsCaseBase):
-    """
-    Component for analytical calculations of a blade cross section.
-    Returns cross section angles and strains due to a full-scale blade load case.
+class Slice(Component):
+    simple component for slicing arrays into vectors
+    for passing to sub-comps computing the eig values
+    parameters
+    ----------
+    DP<xx>: array
+        arrays of DPs along span. Size: (nsec)
+    blade_surface_norm_st: array
+        blade surface with structural discretization, no twist and prebend.
+        Size: ((ni_chord, nsec, 3))
+    returns
+    -------
+    sec<xxx>DPs: array
+        Vector of DPs along chord for each section. Size (nDP)
+    sec<xxx>coords: array
+        Array of cross section coords shapes. Size ((ni_chord, 3))
+    """
+    def __init__(self, st3d, sdim, config):
+        """
+        parameters
+        ----------
+        DPs: array
+            DPs array, size: ((nsec, nDP))
+        sdim: array
+            blade surface. Size: ((ni_chord, nsec, 3))
+        """
+        super(Slice, self).__init__()
-    def __init__(self, name, config, caseid, sdim, ncase, nload):
-        super(FINSTRIPBladeCrossSectionsCase, self).__init__(
-            name, config, caseid, sdim, ncase, nload)
+        self.nsec = sdim[1]
+        DPs = st3d['DPs']
+        self.nDP = DPs.shape[1]
-            self.load_case_moment_distro = config[
-                'FINSTRIP']['load_case_moment_distro']
+            self.use_becas_stiffness = config[
+                'FINSTRIPWrapper']['use_becas_stiffness']
-            self.load_case_moment_distro = False
+            self.use_becas_stiffness = False
+        for i in range(self.nDP):
+            self.add_param('DP%02d' % i, DPs[:, i])
+        self.add_param('blade_surface_norm_st', np.zeros(sdim))
+        #self.add_param('blade_surface_st', np.zeros(sdim))
+        self.add_param('blade_length', 0.)
+        self.add_param('rot_z_st', np.zeros(self.nsec))
+        if self.use_becas_stiffness:
+            cs_size, cs_size_ref = set_cs_size(config)
+            self.add_param('blade_beam_structure', np.zeros((self.nsec, cs_size)),
+                           desc='Beam properties of the blade')
+            self.add_param('blade_beam_csprops_ref', np.zeros((self.nsec, cs_size_ref)),
+                           desc='Cross section properties of the blade')
+        vsize = 0
+        self._varnames = []
+        for ireg, reg in enumerate(st3d['regions']):
+            for i, lname in enumerate(reg['layers']):
+                varname = 'r%02d%s' % (ireg, lname)
+                self.add_param(varname + 'T', np.zeros(self.nsec))
+                self.add_param(varname + 'A', np.zeros(self.nsec))
+                self._varnames.append(varname)
+        for ireg, reg in enumerate(st3d['webs']):
+            for i, lname in enumerate(reg['layers']):
+                varname = 'w%02d%s' % (ireg, lname)
+                self.add_param(varname + 'T', np.zeros(self.nsec))
+                self.add_param(varname + 'A', np.zeros(self.nsec))
+                self._varnames.append(varname)
+        for i in range(self.nsec):
+            self.add_output('stab:sec%03d:DPs' % i, DPs[i, :])
+            self.add_output('stab:sec%03d:coords' %
+                            i, np.zeros((sdim[0], sdim[2])))
+            self.add_output('stab:sec%03d:tvec' %
+                            i, np.zeros(len(self._varnames) * 2))
+            self.add_output('stab:sec%03d:rot_z_st' % i, 0.)
+            if self.use_becas_stiffness:
+                self.add_output('stab:sec%03d:csprops' %
+                                i, np.zeros((cs_size)))
+                self.add_output('stab:sec%03d:csprops_ref' %
+                                i, np.zeros((cs_size_ref)))
-        self.add_param('load_cases', np.zeros((ncase, nload, 15)))
-        self.add_output('%s:cs_angles' % name, np.zeros(self.nsec),
-                        desc='Cross section angles of the blade')
+    def solve_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids):
-        self.add_output('%s:reactions' % name, np.zeros((self.nsec, 6)),
-                        desc='Cross section reactions')
+        nvar = len(self._varnames)
+        for i in range(self.nsec):
+            #DPs = np.zeros(self.nDP)
+            # for j in range(self.nDP):
+            #    DPs[j] = params['DP%02d' % j][i]
+            # convert DPs from s11 to s01 notation
+            af = AirfoilShape()
+            af.initialize(points=params['blade_surface_norm_st'][:, i, :] *
+                          params['blade_length'])
+            DPs01 = np.zeros(self.nDP)
+            DPs11 = np.zeros(self.nDP)
+            for j in range(self.nDP):
+                DPs11[j] = params['DP%02d' % j][i]
+                if j == 0:
+                    # fix to omit very small negative values (e.g.-1.0E-16)
+                    DPs01[j] = 0.0
+                else:
+                    DPs01[j] = af.s_to_01(DPs11[j])
+            unknowns['stab:sec%03d:DPs' % i] = DPs01
+            unknowns['stab:sec%03d:rot_z_st' % i] = params['rot_z_st'][i]
+            unknowns['stab:sec%03d:coords' % i] = params['blade_surface_norm_st'][:, i, :] * \
+                params['blade_length']
+            # unknowns['sec%03d:coords' % i] = params['blade_surface_st'][:, i, :] * \
+            #    params['blade_length']
+            for ii, name in enumerate(self._varnames):
+                unknowns['stab:sec%03d:tvec' % i][ii] = params[name + 'T'][i]
+                unknowns['stab:sec%03d:tvec' % i][
+                    nvar + ii] = params[name + 'A'][i]
+            if self.use_becas_stiffness:
+                unknowns['stab:sec%03d:csprops' % i] = params[
+                    'blade_beam_structure'][i, :]
+                unknowns['stab:sec%03d:csprops_ref' % i] = params[
+                    'blade_beam_csprops_ref'][i, :]
+class SliceLoader(Slice):
+    def __init__(self, st3d, sdim, pickled_unkn, grp_name=''):
+        super(SliceLoader, self).__init__(st3d, sdim)
+        self.pickled_unkn = pickled_unkn
+        self.grp_name = grp_name
+        self.promoted = []
     def solve_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids):
+            # write data base pickled dict content into unknowns
+        for kp, vp in self.pickled_unkn.iteritems():
+            for ku in unknowns.iterkeys():
+                if kp.endswith(ku) and kp.startswith(self.grp_name):
+                    unknowns[ku] = vp
+                elif kp.endswith(ku) and self.promoted:
+                    unknowns[ku] = vp
-        nnodes = params['n_cs_nodes']
-        # determine forces and moments
-        # x,y,z, rotx,roty,rotz, Fx,Fy,Fz, Mx,My,Mz
-        z_positions = params['load_cases'][self.caseid, :, 2]
-        if self.load_case_moment_distro:
-            moments = params['load_cases'][self.caseid, :, 9:12]
-        else:
-            forces = params['load_cases'][self.caseid, :, 6:9]
-            #force_y = params['load_cases'][self.ncase, :, 7]
-            #force_z = params['load_cases'][self.ncase, :, 8]
-        for nsec in range(self.nsec):
-            # center rotated along principal axis
-            AE = params['blade_beam_structure'][nsec, 20]
-            EI_x_prime = params['blade_beam_structure'][nsec, 24]
-            EI_y_prime = params['blade_beam_structure'][nsec, 27]
-            elastic_x = params['blade_beam_csprops_ref'][nsec, 2]
-            elastic_y = params['blade_beam_csprops_ref'][nsec, 3]
-            nu = - np.degrees(
-                params['blade_beam_csprops_ref'][nsec, 17])  # deg (clock-wise positive)
-            twist = params['rot_z_st'][nsec]  # deg
-            chord = params['chord_st'][nsec] * \
-                params['blade_length']  # tip end
-            le_x = params['p_le_st'][nsec] * chord
-            te_x = -chord + le_x
-            te_y = 0
-            if self.load_case_moment_distro:
-                Mx = moments[nsec, 0]
-                My = moments[nsec, 1]
-            else:
-                # transform point loads to moment distro
-                moment_position = params['z_st'][nsec] * params['blade_length']
-                moments = convert_point_forces_to_moment_distro(
-                    moment_position, z_positions, forces)
-                Mx = moments[0]
-                My = moments[1]
-            unknowns['%s:reactions' %][nsec, 3] = Mx
-            unknowns['%s:reactions' %][nsec, 4] = My
-            #My = -1.0E+06
-            #Mx = 0.0
-            locx = params['loc_cs_nodes'][:nnodes[nsec], 0, nsec]
-            locy = params['loc_cs_nodes'][:nnodes[nsec], 1, nsec]
-            # create component
-            blade_an = CrossSection(AE,
-                                    EI_x_prime,
-                                    EI_y_prime,
-                                    elastic_x,
-                                    elastic_y,
-                                    nu,
-                                    twist,
-                                    te_x,
-                                    te_y)
-            blade_an.apply_bending_moment(Mx, My)
-            # neutral axis angle
-            gamma = blade_an.gamma
-            unknowns['%s:cs_angles' %][nsec] = gamma
-            # transform elastic center to rcs
-            elastic_x_rcs_, elastic_y_rcs_ = blade_an.cs2root(
-                [elastic_x], [elastic_y])
-            unknowns['%s:blade_beam_csprops_ref_global' %
-           ][nsec, 2] = elastic_x_rcs_
-            unknowns['%s:blade_beam_csprops_ref_global' %
-           ][nsec, 3] = elastic_y_rcs_
-            # coordinates transformed to cross section cs
-            loccsx, loccsy = blade_an.root2cs(locx, locy)
-            unknowns['%s:loc_cs_nodes_local' %
-           ][:nnodes[nsec], 0, nsec] = loccsx
-            unknowns['%s:loc_cs_nodes_local' %
-           ][:nnodes[nsec], 1, nsec] = loccsy
-            # strains
-            epto_blade_an, epto_blade_an_ax, epto_blade_an_rotx, epto_blade_an_roty = blade_an.recover_strain(
-                locx, locy)
-            unknowns['%s:cs_strains' %][
-                :nnodes[nsec], 0, nsec] = epto_blade_an
-            unknowns['%s:cs_strains' %][
-                :nnodes[nsec], 1, nsec] = epto_blade_an_ax
-            unknowns['%s:cs_strains' %][
-                :nnodes[nsec], 2, nsec] = epto_blade_an_rotx
-            unknowns['%s:cs_strains' %][
-                :nnodes[nsec], 3, nsec] = epto_blade_an_roty
-class FINSTRIPComponentCrossSectionsCase(FINSTRIPCrossSectionsCaseBase):
-    """
-    Component for analytical calculations of a blade component cross section.
-    Returns cross section angles and strains due to a full-scale blade load case.
+class PostprocessCS(Component):
+    component for gathering cross section eigen values and wave lengths
+    into array as function of span
+    parameters
+    ----------
+    f_eig<xxx>: array
+        array of cross section eigen values. size (nmode,2)
+    returns
+    -------
+    blade_f_eig: array
+        array of buckling resistances. Size ((nsec,nmode,2)).
+    """
+    def __init__(self, nsec, nmode, ncase):
+        """
+        parameters
+        ----------
+        nsec: int
+            number of blade sections.
+        """
+        super(PostprocessCS, self).__init__()
+        self.nsec = nsec
-    def __init__(self, name, config, caseid, sdim, ncase, nload, nsec_b):
+        for i in range(nsec):
+            self.add_param('f_eig%03d' % i, np.zeros((ncase, nmode, 2)))
-        super(FINSTRIPComponentCrossSectionsCase, self).__init__(
-            name, config, caseid, sdim, ncase, nload)
+        self.add_output('blade_f_eig', np.zeros((ncase, nsec, nmode, 2)))
+    def solve_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids):
+        """
+        aggregate results
+        """
+        for i in range(self.nsec):
+            cname = 'f_eig%03d' % i
+            cs = params[cname]
+            unknowns['blade_f_eig'][:, i, :, :] = cs
-        self.nsec_b = nsec_b
-        # assume same initial number of nodes for blade and component
-        ncsnodes_b = self.ncsnodes
-        self.add_param('%s:fullblade_z_st' % name, np.zeros(self.nsec_b), units='m',
-                       desc='non-dimensionalised y-coordinate of blade axis in structural grid')
-        self.add_param('%s:fullblade_cs_angles' % name, np.zeros(nsec_b),
-                       desc='Cross section angles of the blade')
-        self.add_param('%s:fullblade_beam_csprops_ref' % name, np.zeros((nsec_b, self.cs_size_ref)),
-                       desc='Cross section properties of the blade')
-        self.add_param('%s:fullblade_cs_strains' % name, np.zeros((ncsnodes_b, 4, self.nsec_b)),
-                       desc='Cross section strains of the blade')
-        self.add_param('%s:fullblade_loc_cs_nodes' %
-                       name, np.zeros((ncsnodes_b, 6, self.nsec_b)))
-        self.add_param('%s:fullblade_n_cs_nodes' %
-                       name, np.zeros((self.nsec_b)).astype(int))
+class PostprocessCSLoader(PostprocessCS):
-        # x,y,z, rotx,roty,rotz, Fx,Fy,Fz, Mx,My,Mz
-        self.add_output('%s:comp_load_case' % name, np.zeros((2, 12)),
-                        desc='Load case for component')
+    def __init__(self, nsec, cs_size, cs_size_ref, pickled_unkn, grp_name='', promoted=[]):
+        super(PostprocessCSLoader, self).__init__(nsec, cs_size, cs_size_ref)
+        self.pickled_unkn = pickled_unkn
+        self.grp_name = grp_name
+        self.promoted = promoted
     def solve_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids):
+            # write data base pickled dict content into unknowns
+        for kp, vp in self.pickled_unkn.iteritems():
+            for ku in unknowns.iterkeys():
+                if kp.endswith(ku) and kp.startswith(self.grp_name):
+                    unknowns[ku] = vp
+                elif kp.endswith(ku) and self.promoted:
+                    unknowns[ku] = vp
-        nnodes_c = params['n_cs_nodes']
-        nnodes_b = params['%s:fullblade_n_cs_nodes' %]
-        # component z coordinate
-        comp_z = params['z_st'] * params['blade_length']
-        # find nearest index in blade z
-        blade_z = params['%s:fullblade_z_st' %
-               ] * params['blade_length']
-        # collect fullscale strains at TE
-        node_idx = -1  # node idx on SS (TESS) at mid te?
-        ref_blade_epto_an_te = []
-        ref_te_x_rcs = []
-        ref_te_y_rcs = []
-        for nsec_bi in range(self.nsec_b):
-            ref_blade_epto_an_ = params['%s:fullblade_cs_strains' %][
-                :nnodes_b[nsec_bi], 0, nsec_bi][node_idx]
-            ref_te_x_ = params['%s:fullblade_loc_cs_nodes' %][
-                :nnodes_b[nsec_bi], 0, nsec_bi][node_idx]
-            ref_te_y_ = params['%s:fullblade_loc_cs_nodes' %][
-                :nnodes_b[nsec_bi], 1, nsec_bi][node_idx]
-            ref_blade_epto_an_te.append(ref_blade_epto_an_)
-            ref_te_x_rcs.append(ref_te_x_)
-            ref_te_y_rcs.append(ref_te_y_)
-        ref_blade_epto_an_te = np.array(ref_blade_epto_an_te)
-        ref_te_x_rcs = np.array(ref_te_x_rcs)
-        ref_te_y_rcs = np.array(ref_te_y_rcs)
-        blade_an_elastic_x = params[
-            '%s:fullblade_beam_csprops_ref' %][:, 2]
-        blade_an_elastic_y = params[
-            '%s:fullblade_beam_csprops_ref' %][:, 3]
-        blade_an_gamma = params['%s:fullblade_cs_angles' %][:]
-        # interpolate fullscale strains at TE
-        ref_blade_epto_an_te_comp_z = np.interp(
-            comp_z, blade_z, ref_blade_epto_an_te)
-        ref_te_x_comp_z_rcs = np.interp(comp_z, blade_z, ref_te_x_rcs)
-        ref_te_y_comp_z_rcs = np.interp(comp_z, blade_z, ref_te_y_rcs)
-        blade_an_elastic_x_comp_z = np.interp(
-            comp_z, blade_z, blade_an_elastic_x)
-        blade_an_elastic_y_comp_z = np.interp(
-            comp_z, blade_z, blade_an_elastic_y)
-        blade_an_gamma_comp_z = np.interp(
-            comp_z, blade_z, blade_an_gamma)
-        # get component data
-        AE_c = params['blade_beam_structure'][:, 20]  # 9.9E+15
-        EI_x_prime_c = params['blade_beam_structure'][:, 24]
-        EI_y_prime_c = params['blade_beam_structure'][:, 27]
-        elastic_x_c = params['blade_beam_csprops_ref'][:, 2]
-        elastic_y_c = params['blade_beam_csprops_ref'][:, 3]
-        nu_c = - np.degrees(
-            params['blade_beam_csprops_ref'][:, 17])  # deg (clock-wise positive)
-        twist_c = params['rot_z_st'][:]  # deg
-        # strain at the TE reference point at trailing edge
-        beta = []
-        l_fx = []
-        l_fy = []
-        Fz = []
-        f_x = []
-        f_y = []
-        f_x_rcs = []
-        f_y_rcs = []
-        epto_an_te = []
-        elastic_x_c_rcs = []
-        elastic_y_c_rcs = []
-        blade_an_elastic_x_comp_z_rcs = []
-        blade_an_elastic_y_comp_z_rcs = []
-        m_x = []
-        m_y = []
-        for nsec_c in range(self.nsec):  # [nsec_cm]:  #
-            chord = params['chord_st'][nsec_c] * \
-                params['blade_length']  # tip end
-            le_x = params['p_le_st'][nsec_c] * chord
-            te_x_c = -chord + le_x
-            te_y_c = 0
-            # TODO: remove dependency from trailing edge
-            comp_an = CrossSection(AE_c[nsec_c],
-                                   EI_x_prime_c[nsec_c],
-                                   EI_y_prime_c[nsec_c],
-                                   elastic_x_c[nsec_c],
-                                   elastic_y_c[nsec_c],
-                                   nu_c[nsec_c],
-                                   twist_c[nsec_c],
-                                   te_x_c, te_y_c)
-            # convert elastic center from cs to root
-            elastic_x_c_rcs_, elastic_y_c_rcs_ = comp_an.cs2root(
-                [elastic_x_c[nsec_c]], [elastic_y_c[nsec_c]])
-            elastic_x_c_rcs.append(elastic_x_c_rcs_[0])
-            elastic_y_c_rcs.append(elastic_y_c_rcs_[0])
-            unknowns['%s:blade_beam_csprops_ref_global' %
-           ][nsec_c, 2] = elastic_x_c_rcs_
-            unknowns['%s:blade_beam_csprops_ref_global' %
-           ][nsec_c, 3] = elastic_y_c_rcs_
-            # get coordinates from a "dummy" feproc mesh run
-            # root coordinates
-            locx_ = params['loc_cs_nodes'][:nnodes_c[nsec_c], 0, nsec_c]
-            locy_ = params['loc_cs_nodes'][:nnodes_c[nsec_c], 1, nsec_c]
-            # cs coordinates
-            loccsx_, loccsy_ = comp_an.root2cs(locx_, locy_)
-            #loccsx_, loccsy_ = comp_an.cs2root(locx_, locy_)
-            unknowns['%s:loc_cs_nodes_local' %
-           ][:nnodes_c[nsec_c], 0, nsec_c] = loccsx_
-            unknowns['%s:loc_cs_nodes_local' %
-           ][:nnodes_c[nsec_c], 1, nsec_c] = loccsy_
-            # get blade gamma and elastic center
-            beta_ = comp_an.required_load_angle(blade_an_gamma_comp_z[nsec_c])
-            beta.append(beta_)
-            # determine vector components of load intro point (from centroid in
-            # cs cs)
-            l_fx_, l_fy_ = comp_an.required_arm2(
-                beta_, blade_an_elastic_x_comp_z[nsec_c], blade_an_elastic_y_comp_z[nsec_c])
-            l_fx.append(l_fx_)
-            l_fy.append(l_fy_)
-            # transform blade elastic center from cs to root
-            blade_an_elastic_x_comp_z_rcs_, blade_an_elastic_y_comp_z_rcs_ = comp_an.cs2root(
-                [blade_an_elastic_x_comp_z[nsec_c]], [blade_an_elastic_y_comp_z[nsec_c]])
-            blade_an_elastic_x_comp_z_rcs.append(
-                blade_an_elastic_x_comp_z_rcs_[0])
-            blade_an_elastic_y_comp_z_rcs.append(
-                blade_an_elastic_y_comp_z_rcs_[0])
-            # transform full cs coordinates from root to cs
-            ref_te_x_comp_z_, ref_te_y_comp_z_ = comp_an.root2cs(
-                [ref_te_x_comp_z_rcs[nsec_c]], [ref_te_y_comp_z_rcs[nsec_c]])
-            # determine required load (if blade was prismatic)
-            Fz_ = comp_an.required_load(
-                l_fx_, beta_, ref_te_x_comp_z_[0], ref_te_y_comp_z_[0],
-                ref_blade_epto_an_te_comp_z[nsec_c])
-            Fz.append(Fz_)
-            # determine required load introduction point in cs cs
-            f_x_, f_y_ = comp_an.load_intro_intro_point2(beta_, l_fx_)
-            f_x.append(f_x_)
-            f_y.append(f_y_)
-            # convert load intro point from cs to root
-            f_x_rcs_, f_y_rcs_ = comp_an.cs2root(
-                [f_x_], [f_y_])
-            f_x_rcs.append(f_x_rcs_[0])
-            f_y_rcs.append(f_y_rcs_[0])
-            # cantilever arm for bending moment
-            a_x = f_x_rcs_ - elastic_x_c_rcs_
-            a_y = f_y_rcs_ - elastic_y_c_rcs_
-            m_y_ = Fz_ * -a_x
-            m_x_ = Fz_ * -a_y
-            m_x.append(float(m_x_))
-            m_y.append(float(m_y_))
-            # apply required load
-            comp_an.apply_axial_load2(Fz_, f_x_, f_y_)
-            # recover strains of applied load
-            _epto_an, _epto_an_ax, _epto_an_rotx, _epto_an_roty = comp_an.recover_strain(
-                loccsx_, loccsy_, rcs=False)
-            # get strains at node idx
-            epto_an_te_ = _epto_an[node_idx]
-            epto_an_te.append(epto_an_te_)
-            # return strains of cross section
-            unknowns['%s:cs_strains' %][
-                :nnodes_c[nsec_c], 0, nsec_c] = _epto_an
-            unknowns['%s:cs_strains' %][
-                :nnodes_c[nsec_c], 1, nsec_c] = _epto_an_ax
-            unknowns['%s:cs_strains' %][
-                :nnodes_c[nsec_c], 2, nsec_c] = _epto_an_rotx
-            unknowns['%s:cs_strains' %][
-                :nnodes_c[nsec_c], 3, nsec_c] = _epto_an_roty
-        # choose applied bending moment at mid section
-        mean_z = comp_z[0] + 0.5 * (comp_z[-1] - comp_z[0])
-        Fz_mean = np.interp(mean_z, comp_z, Fz)
-        #Fz_applied = np.mean(Fz[4:6])
-        m_x = np.array(m_x)
-        m_y = np.array(m_y)
-        # determine load intro positions with constant force
-        a_y_applied = - m_x / Fz_mean
-        a_x_applied = - m_y / Fz_mean
-        # rcs = root coordinate system
-        f_x_rcs_applied = a_x_applied + elastic_x_c_rcs
-        f_y_rcs_applied = a_y_applied + elastic_y_c_rcs
-        # fit load intro positions along specimen
-        # cs_idx = range(self.nsec)
-        # alternatively use two neighbouring plus mid cs to fit load intro
-        # positions by linear extrapolation
-        fit_mid = False
-        if fit_mid:
-            mid_idx = self.nsec / 2
-            cs_idx = [mid_idx - 1, mid_idx, mid_idx + 1]
-        else:
-            cs_idx = range(len(comp_z))
-        f_x_rcs_fit = np.polyfit(comp_z[cs_idx], f_x_rcs_applied[cs_idx], 1)
-        f_x_rcs_fit_fn = np.poly1d(f_x_rcs_fit)
-        f_y_rcs_fit = np.polyfit(comp_z[cs_idx], f_y_rcs_applied[cs_idx], 1)
-        f_y_rcs_fit_fn = np.poly1d(f_y_rcs_fit)
-        # TODO: remove zhinge hardcoding
-        zhinge = 0.1
-        f_z_tip = comp_z[-1] + zhinge
-        f_z_root = comp_z[0] - zhinge
-        f_x_tip = f_x_rcs_fit_fn(f_z_tip)
-        f_y_tip = f_y_rcs_fit_fn(f_z_tip)
-        # determine required load intro at root end
-        f_x_root = f_x_rcs_fit_fn(f_z_root)
-        f_y_root = f_y_rcs_fit_fn(f_z_root)
-        # applied load (double the full-scale test load)
-        # TODO: remove factor 2 hardcoding
-        Fz_applied = 2 * Fz_mean
-        # angles
-        #unknowns['%s:cs_angles' %][0, :] = beta
-        import matplotlib.pylab as plt
-        plt.figure()
-        plt.plot(comp_z, beta)
-        plt.plot(comp_z, nu_c)
-        plt.plot(comp_z, twist_c)
-        plt.plot(comp_z, beta + twist_c)
-        plt.figure()
-        plt.plot(comp_z, blade_an_elastic_x_comp_z_rcs)
-        plt.plot(comp_z, elastic_x_c_rcs)
-        plt.plot(comp_z, f_x_rcs)
-        plt.plot(comp_z, f_x_rcs_fit_fn(comp_z), 'k-o')
-        plt.plot(comp_z, f_x_rcs_applied)
-        plt.figure()
-        plt.plot(comp_z, blade_an_elastic_y_comp_z_rcs)
-        plt.plot(comp_z, elastic_y_c_rcs)
-        plt.plot(comp_z, f_y_rcs)
-        plt.plot(comp_z, f_y_rcs_fit_fn(comp_z), 'k-o')
-        plt.plot(comp_z, f_y_rcs_applied)
-        plt.figure()
-        plt.plot(blade_an_elastic_x_comp_z_rcs,
-                 blade_an_elastic_y_comp_z_rcs, 'bo')
-        plt.plot(
-            blade_an_elastic_x_comp_z_rcs[0], blade_an_elastic_y_comp_z_rcs[0], 'bs')
-        plt.plot(elastic_x_c_rcs, elastic_y_c_rcs, 'go')
-        plt.plot(elastic_x_c_rcs[0], elastic_y_c_rcs[0], 'gs')
-        plt.plot(f_x_rcs, f_y_rcs, 'ro')
-        plt.plot(f_x_rcs[0], f_y_rcs[0], 'rs')
-        plt.plot(ref_te_x_comp_z_rcs, ref_te_y_comp_z_rcs, 'mo')
-        plt.plot(ref_te_x_comp_z_rcs[0], ref_te_y_comp_z_rcs[0], 'ms')
-        plt.plot(blade_an_elastic_x_comp_z[
-                 0], blade_an_elastic_y_comp_z[0], 'b+')
-        plt.plot(elastic_x_c, elastic_y_c, 'g+')
-        plt.plot(elastic_x_c[0], elastic_y_c[0], 'gs')
-        plt.plot(f_x, f_y, 'r+')
-        plt.plot(f_x[0], f_y[0], 'rs')
-        plt.plot(ref_te_x_comp_z_, ref_te_y_comp_z_, 'm+')
-        plt.plot(ref_te_x_comp_z_[0], ref_te_y_comp_z_[0], 'ms')
-        plt.axis('equal')
-        plt.figure()
-        plt.plot(comp_z, ref_blade_epto_an_te_comp_z)
-        plt.plot(comp_z, epto_an_te)
-        plt.figure()
-        plt.plot(ref_te_x_comp_z_rcs[-1], ref_te_y_comp_z_rcs[-1], 'ro')
-        plt.plot(ref_te_x_comp_z_, ref_te_y_comp_z_, 'bo')
-        plt.plot(locx_, locy_, 'r')
-        plt.plot(loccsx_, loccsy_, 'b')
-        plt.figure()
-        for nsec_c in range(self.nsec):
-            plt.plot(params['loc_cs_nodes'][:nnodes_c[nsec_c], 0, nsec_c],
-                     params['loc_cs_nodes'][:nnodes_c[nsec_c], 1, nsec_c])
-        plt.axis('equal')
-        plt.figure()
-        plt.plot(comp_z, m_x)
-        plt.plot(comp_z, m_y)
-        plt.plot(comp_z, Fz)
-        #
-        unknowns['%s:comp_load_case' %][0, 8] = Fz_applied
-        unknowns['%s:comp_load_case' %][0, 0] = f_x_tip
-        unknowns['%s:comp_load_case' %][0, 1] = f_y_tip
-        unknowns['%s:comp_load_case' %][0, 2] = f_z_tip
-        unknowns['%s:comp_load_case' %][1, 0] = f_x_root
-        unknowns['%s:comp_load_case' %][1, 1] = f_y_root
-        unknowns['%s:comp_load_case' %][1, 2] = f_z_root
-class FINSTRIPCrossSectionsBase(Group):
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(FINSTRIPCrossSectionsBase, self).__init__()
-        #self.nsec = sdim[1]
-        #self.ncase = ncase
-        self.par = self.add('par', ParallelGroup(), promotes=['*'])
-    def add_full_scale_analysis_cases(self, config, sdim, ncase, nload):
-        for caseid in range(ncase):
-            self.par.add('case_%02d' % caseid, FINSTRIPBladeCrossSectionsCase(
-                'case_%02d' % caseid, config, caseid, sdim, ncase, nload), promotes=['*'])
-    def add_component_analysis_cases(self, config, sdim, ncase, nload, nsec_b):
-        for caseid in range(ncase):
-            self.par.add('case_%02d' % caseid, FINSTRIPComponentCrossSectionsCase(
-                'case_%02d' % caseid, config, caseid, sdim, ncase, nload, nsec_b), promotes=['*'])
-class FINSTRIPBladeCrossSections(FINSTRIPCrossSectionsBase):
+class FINSTRIPBeamStructure(Group):
+    """
+    Group for computing blade buckling resistance using FINSTRIP.
+    The geometric and structural inputs used are defined
+    in detail in FUSED-Wind.
+    parameters
+    ----------
+    blade_surface_norm_st: array
+        blade surface with structural discretization, no twist and prebend.
+        Size: ((ni_chord, nsec, 3))
+    matprops: array
+        material stiffness properties. Size (10, nmat).
+    sec<xx>DPs: array
+        2D array of DPs. Size: ((nsec, nDP))
+    sec<xx>coords: array
+        blade surface. Size: ((ni_chord, nsec, 3))
+    sec<xx>r<yy><lname>T: array
+        region layer thicknesses, e.g. r01triaxT. Size (nsec)
+    sec<xx>r<yy><lname>A: array
+        region layer angles, e.g. r01triaxA. Size (nsec)
+    sec<xx>w<yy><lname>T: array
+        web layer thicknesses, e.g. r01triaxT. Size (nsec)
+    sec<xx>w<yy><lname>A: array
+        web layer angles, e.g. r01triaxA. Size (nsec)
+    returns
+    -------
+    blade_f_eig: array
+        array of buckling resistances. Size ((nsec,nmode,2)).
-    Group for analysing cross sections of different load cases in parallel.
+    def __init__(self, group, config, st3d, sdim, ncase):
+        """
+        initializes parameters and adds a csprops component
+        for each section
+        parameters
+        ----------
+        config: dict
+            dictionary of inputs for the cs_code class
+        st3d: dict
+            dictionary of blade structure properties
+        surface: array
+            blade surface with structural discretization.
+            Size: ((ni_chord, nsec, 3))
+        """
+        super(FINSTRIPBeamStructure, self).__init__()
+        # check that the config is ok
+        if not 'FINSTRIPWrapper' in config.keys():
+            raise RuntimeError('You need to supply a config dict',
+                               'for FINSTRIPWrapper')
+        self.st3d = st3d
+        nsec = st3d['s'].shape[0]
+        try:
+            nmode = config['FINSTRIPWrapper']['nmode']
+        except:
+            nmode = 10
+        # create a unique ID for this group so that FD's are not overwritten
+        self.add('hash_c', ExecComp('finstrip_hash=%f' %
+                                    float(self.__hash__())), promotes=['*'])
+        # add comp to slice the 2D arrays DPs and surface
+        promotions = []
+        self.add('slice', Slice(st3d, sdim, config), promotes=['*'])
+        self._varnames = []
+        for ireg, reg in enumerate(st3d['regions']):
+            for i, lname in enumerate(reg['layers']):
+                varname = 'r%02d%s' % (ireg, lname)
+                self._varnames.append(varname)
+        for ireg, reg in enumerate(st3d['webs']):
+            for i, lname in enumerate(reg['layers']):
+                varname = 'w%02d%s' % (ireg, lname)
+                self._varnames.append(varname)
+        # # now add a component for each section
+        par = self.add('par', ParallelGroup(), promotes=['*'])
+        for i in range(nsec):
+            secname = 'sec%03d' % i
+            par.add(secname, FINSTRIPCSStructure(secname, self.__hash__(), config, st3d,
+                                                 st3d['s'][i], sdim[0], ncase), promotes=['*'])
+        promotions = ['blade_f_eig']
+        self.add('postpro', PostprocessCS(
+            nsec, nmode, ncase), promotes=promotions)
+        for i in range(nsec):
+            secname = 'sec%03d' % i
+            self.connect('%s:f_eig' % secname, 'postpro.f_eig%03d' % i)
+class FINSTRIPBeamStructureLoader(Group):
+    Component for loading eigen values stored in a database by a
+    previous run.
+    This component can be replaced by FINSTRIPBeamStructure group in case the FINSTRIP
+    run shall be skipped, i.e. when the structure or load case does not change during 
+    iterations.
-    def __init__(self, config, sdim, ncase, nload):
-        super(FINSTRIPBladeCrossSections, self).__init__()
+    Note: If parameters are promoted on the level higher than the group 
+    FINSTRIPBeamStructure belongs to, they need to be listed in the promoted list.
+    """
-        self.add_full_scale_analysis_cases(config, sdim, ncase, nload)
+    def __init__(self, group, config, st3d, sdim, pickled_unkn, grp_name=''):
+        """
+        initializes parameters
+        parameters
+        ----------
+        config: dict
+            dictionary of inputs for the cs_code class
+        st3d: dict
+            dictionary of blade structure properties
+        pickled_unkn: dict
+            unknowns dict read in via SqliteDict()
+        grp_name: str
+            name of the upper group
+        promoted: list
+            list of promoted variables in group above upper group
+        Note: 
+            load pickled unkowns from data base
+            >>> import sqlitedict
+            >>> db = sqlitedict.SqliteDict('some.db', 'iterations')
+            >>> data = db['rank0:Driver|1']
+            >>> pickled_unkn = data['Unknowns']
+        """
+        super(FINSTRIPBeamStructureLoader, self).__init__()
+        # check that the config is ok
+        if not 'FINSTRIPWrapper' in config.keys():
+            raise RuntimeError('You need to supply a config dict',
+                               'for FINSTRIPWrapper')
+        self.st3d = st3d
+        nsec = st3d['s'].shape[0]
+        try:
+            nmode = config['FINSTRIPWrapper']['nmode']
+        except:
+            nmode = 10
+        # create a unique ID for this group so that FD's are not overwritten
+        self.add('hash_c', ExecComp('finstrip_hash=%f' %
+                                    float(self.__hash__())), promotes=['*'])
+        # add comp to slice the 2D arrays DPs and surface
+        self.add('slice', SliceLoader(
+            st3d, sdim, pickled_unkn, grp_name), promotes=['*'])
+        self._varnames = []
+        for ireg, reg in enumerate(st3d['regions']):
+            for i, lname in enumerate(reg['layers']):
+                varname = 'r%02d%s' % (ireg, lname)
+                self._varnames.append(varname)
+        for ireg, reg in enumerate(st3d['webs']):
+            for i, lname in enumerate(reg['layers']):
+                varname = 'w%02d%s' % (ireg, lname)
+                self._varnames.append(varname)
+        # # now add a component for each section
+        par = self.add('par', ParallelGroup(), promotes=['*'])
+        for i in range(nsec):
+            secname = 'sec%03d' % i
+            par.add(secname, FINSTRIPCSStructureLoader(secname, self.__hash__(), config, st3d,
+                                                       st3d['s'][i], sdim[0], pickled_unkn, grp_name), promotes=['*'])
+        promotions = ['blade_f_eig']
+        self.add('postpro', PostprocessCS(nsec, nmode), promotes=promotions)
+        for i in range(nsec):
+            secname = 'sec%03d' % i
+            self.connect('%s:f_eig' % secname, 'postpro.f_eig%03d' % i)
diff --git a/finstrip_wrapper/omdao/test/ b/finstrip_wrapper/omdao/test/
index 6cd0155..f01b045 100644
--- a/finstrip_wrapper/omdao/test/
+++ b/finstrip_wrapper/omdao/test/
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ from becas_wrapper.becas_bladestructure import BECASBeamStructureKM,\
 from becas_wrapper.becas_stressrecovery import BECASStressRecovery
 from distutils.spawn import find_executable
+from finstrip_wrapper.omdao.finstrip_blade import FINSTRIPBeamStructure
+from robe.lib.load import convert_point_forces_to_moment_distro
 _matlab_installed = find_executable('matlab')
@@ -43,12 +45,12 @@ else:
     DRYRUN = False
-def configure_BECASBeamStructure(nsec, exec_mode, path_data, dry_run=False, FPM=False, with_sr=False, param2=False):
+def configure_BECASBeamStructure(nsec, exec_mode, path_data, dry_run=False, FPM=False, with_sr=False, param2=False, with_becas=False):
     p = Problem(impl=impl, root=Group())
     p.root.add('blade_length_c', IndepVarComp(
-        'blade_length', 86.366), promotes=['*'])
+        'blade_length', 86.366, units='m'), promotes=['*'])
     pf = read_blade_planform(
         os.path.join(path_data, 'DTU_10MW_RWT_blade_axis_prebend.dat'))
@@ -116,30 +118,79 @@ def configure_BECASBeamStructure(nsec, exec_mode, path_data, dry_run=False, FPM=
     cfg['debug_mode'] = False
     config['BECASWrapper'] = cfg
-    p.root.add('stiffness', BECASBeamStructure(p.root, config, st3dn,
-                                               (200, nsec_st, 3)), promotes=['*'])
-    if with_sr:
-        p.root.add('stress_recovery', BECASStressRecovery(
-            config, s_st, 2), promotes=['*'])
+    if with_becas:
+        p.root.add('stiffness', BECASBeamStructure(p.root, config, st3dn,
+                                                   (200, nsec_st, 3)), promotes=['*'])
+        # if with_sr:
+        #    p.root.add('stress_recovery', BECASStressRecovery(
+        #        config, s_st, 2), promotes=['*'])
+    cfg = {}
+    cfg['nmode'] = 20
+    cfg['core_mats'] = ['balsa']
+    cfg['elsize_factor'] = 0.015
+    cfg['lambda_min'] = 0.01  # minimum half wavelength in m
+    cfg['lambda_max'] = 15.126  # maximum half wavelength in m
+    cfg['use_becas_stiffness'] = with_becas
+    config['FINSTRIPWrapper'] = cfg
+    ncase = 2
+    p.root.add('stability', FINSTRIPBeamStructure(p.root, config, st3dn,
+                                                  (200, nsec_st, 3), ncase), promotes=['*'])
-    p['hub_radius'] = 2.8
     for k, v in pf.iteritems():
         if k in p.root.pf_splines.params.keys():
             p.root.pf_splines.params[k] = v
-    if with_sr:
-        # set some arbitrary values in the load vectors used to compute strains
-        for i, x in enumerate(s_st):
-            try:
-                p['load_cases_sec%03d' % i] = np.ones((2, 6))
-            except:
-                pass
+    # assuming we have an external shear force loading along the blade, which
+    # need to be transformed to internal section load case
+    nload = 9
+    cfg = {}
+    cfg['load_cases'] = np.zeros((ncase, nload, 15))
+    hr = 2.8
+    cfg['load_cases'][0, :, :] = np.array(
+        [[0.26658496, -0.064059925, 20.073 - hr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+          0.0, 230000, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,  0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+         [0.49336469, -0.04793707, 30.437 - hr, 0.0, 0.0,
+          0.0,      0.0, 270000, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,  0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+         [0.47505332, -0.053173575, 33.028 - hr, 0.0,
+          0.0, 0.0,     290000, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,  0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+         [0.37001989, -0.01194097, 47.71 - hr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+          180000, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,  0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+         [0.33257294, 0.00242491, 52.892 - hr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+          0.0, 250000, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,  0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+         [0.26347361, 0.01553866, 62.393 - hr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+          130000, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,  0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+         [0.23826286, 0.01686549, 65.847 - hr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+          0.0, 220000, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,  0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+         [0.16251535, 0.017204025, 76.211 - hr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+          18000, 190000, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,  0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+         [0.09939912, 0.014232575, 84.848 - hr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+          25000, 165000, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,  0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])
+    csmoments = np.zeros((len(s_st), 3))
+    moment_positions = s_st * p['blade_length']
+    for cs, _ in enumerate(csmoments):
+        csmoments[cs, :] = convert_point_forces_to_moment_distro(
+            moment_position=moment_positions[cs],
+            force_positions=cfg['load_cases'][0, :, 2],
+            forces=cfg['load_cases'][0, :, 6:9])
+    for i, _ in enumerate(s_st):
+        p['load_cases_sec%03d' % i] = np.zeros((ncase, 6))
+        # Fx,Fy,Fz,Mx,My,Mz
+        p['load_cases_sec%03d' % i][0, 3] = csmoments[i, 0]
+        p['load_cases_sec%03d' % i][0, 4] = csmoments[i, 1]
+        # make second dummy load case
+        p['load_cases_sec%03d' % i][1, 3] = -2 * csmoments[i, 0]
+        p['load_cases_sec%03d' % i][1, 4] = -2 * csmoments[i, 1]
+    if with_becas:
+        p['hub_radius'] = hr
     return p
-class BECASBeamStructureTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+class FINSTRIPBeamStructureTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
@@ -147,6 +198,7 @@ class BECASBeamStructureTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
     def tearDown(self):
+    #@unittest.skip("skipping")
     @unittest.skipIf(not _matlab_installed,
                      "Matlab not available on this system")
     def test_standard_matlab(self):
@@ -155,8 +207,50 @@ class BECASBeamStructureTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-                                         param2=False)
+                                         param2=False,
+                                         with_becas=True)
+        ncase = 2
+        nsec = len(p['s_st'])
+        f_eig_min = np.zeros((ncase, nsec))
+        for case in range(ncase):
+            for sec in range(nsec):
+                f_eig_min[case, sec] = np.min(
+                    p['blade_f_eig'][case, sec, :, 1])
+        f_eig_min_exp = np.array([[0.727,  0.833,  1.385,  1.],
+                                  [4.734,  3.066,  1.694,  1.]])
+        for case in range(ncase):
+            for i, f in enumerate(f_eig_min[case, :]):
+                self.assertAlmostEqual(
+                    f, f_eig_min_exp[case, i], places=3)
+    #@unittest.skip("skipping")
+    def test_finstrip(self):
+        p = configure_BECASBeamStructure(4, 'matlab', 'data',
+                                         dry_run=DRYRUN,
+                                         FPM=False,
+                                         with_sr=True,
+                                         param2=False,
+                                         with_becas=False)
+        ncase = 2
+        nsec = len(p['s_st'])
+        f_eig_min = np.zeros((ncase, nsec))
+        for case in range(ncase):
+            for sec in range(nsec):
+                f_eig_min[case, sec] = np.min(
+                    p['blade_f_eig'][case, sec, :, 1])
+        f_eig_min_exp = np.array([[0.996,  1.877,  2.09,  1.],
+                                  [6.484,  5.243,  2.011,  1.]])
+        for case in range(ncase):
+            for i, f in enumerate(f_eig_min[case, :]):
+                self.assertAlmostEqual(
+                    f, f_eig_min_exp[case, i], places=3)
 if __name__ == "__main__":