diff --git a/Packets/80221Bundle/MIHPacket.cc b/Packets/80221Bundle/MIHPacket.cc
index 6c167f8849c75bba85e892138c243973a3248b2c..d762b157670ef8c191e99c0587fbd503f05c8a47 100644
--- a/Packets/80221Bundle/MIHPacket.cc
+++ b/Packets/80221Bundle/MIHPacket.cc
@@ -110,11 +110,13 @@ prefix_ void senf::MIHPacketType::dump(packet p, std::ostream &os)
        << "    Transaction ID:  " << unsigned( p->transactionId()) << "\n"
        << "    payload length:  " << unsigned( p->payloadLength()) << "\n"
        << "  source MIHF_Id TLV:\n"
+       << "    type:            " << unsigned (p->src_mihfId().type()) << "\n"
        << "    length:          " << unsigned (p->src_mihfId().length()) << "\n"
        << "    value:\n";
     std::string src_mihfId (p->src_mihfId().asString());
     hexdump(src_mihfId.begin(), src_mihfId.end(), os);
     os << "  destination MIHF_Id TLV:\n"
+       << "    type:            " << unsigned (p->dst_mihfId().type()) << "\n"
        << "    length:          " << unsigned (p->dst_mihfId().length()) << "\n"
        << "    value:\n";
     std::string dst_mihfId (p->dst_mihfId().asString());
diff --git a/Packets/DefaultBundle/RTPPacket.hh b/Packets/DefaultBundle/RTPPacket.hh
index 62a1f48c29fce205f54c7900ada0de62cb904334..c65360e3cb2b4757731587a5f79684fbbb888777 100644
--- a/Packets/DefaultBundle/RTPPacket.hh
+++ b/Packets/DefaultBundle/RTPPacket.hh
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ namespace senf {
     struct RTPPacketParser : public senf::PacketParserBase
 #       include SENF_PARSER()
         SENF_PARSER_BITFIELD  ( version,        2, unsigned     );      //Version (RFC 3550)
         SENF_PARSER_BITFIELD  ( padding,        1, bool         );      //1 if padding behind payload
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ namespace senf {
     struct RTPPacketType 
         : public senf::PacketTypeBase,
-        public senf::PacketTypeMixin<RTPPacketType>
+          public senf::PacketTypeMixin<RTPPacketType>
         typedef senf::PacketTypeMixin<RTPPacketType> mixin;
         typedef senf::ConcretePacket<RTPPacketType> packet;
         typedef RTPPacketParser parser;
diff --git a/Socket/Protocols/DVB/DVBConfigParser.hh b/Socket/Protocols/DVB/DVBConfigParser.hh
index bdd3d92f177dfb6285e920be09e2de5086698b04..4b03ea1843ce2bb0646114eb8c3c59f5c5d265bb 100644
--- a/Socket/Protocols/DVB/DVBConfigParser.hh
+++ b/Socket/Protocols/DVB/DVBConfigParser.hh
@@ -55,11 +55,11 @@ namespace senf {
         DVBConfigParser(fe_type_t type_, const std::string & configFilePath = "");
         std::string getConfigLine(std::string channel);
         dvb_frontend_parameters getFrontendParam(std::string configLine);
         fe_type_t type;
         std::string configFilePath;
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ namespace senf {
         dvb_frontend_parameters getFrontendParamDVB_T( const tokenizer & tokens);
         dvb_frontend_parameters getFrontendParamDVB_C( const tokenizer & tokens);
         dvb_frontend_parameters getFrontendParamDVB_S( const tokenizer & tokens);
diff --git a/Socket/Protocols/DVB/DVBSocketController.hh b/Socket/Protocols/DVB/DVBSocketController.hh
index 26ecd6bf239899dfc7228222b7fe87ca55d3cf98..31a031adcde03eb884bf8e8724664dadd014375e 100644
--- a/Socket/Protocols/DVB/DVBSocketController.hh
+++ b/Socket/Protocols/DVB/DVBSocketController.hh
@@ -57,53 +57,53 @@ public:
                                                                                  /**< Callback which is called when an asynchronous tuning succeeds.*/
     DVBSocketController(DVBFrontendHandle frontendHandle_ = DVBFrontendHandle(0,0), DVBDemuxSectionHandle sectionHandle_ = DVBDemuxSectionHandle(0,0), const Callback & cb = NULL);
-	~DVBSocketController();
-	void tuneToCMD( const std::string & input, const std::string & mode = "async");///< Tunes a DVB device given by the type of the DVBFrontendHandle
+    ~DVBSocketController();
+    void tuneToCMD( const std::string & input, const std::string & mode = "async");///< Tunes a DVB device given by the type of the DVBFrontendHandle
                                                                                     /**< Tunes a DVB device by a channel name or complete configuration line. This method was created for use in Senf-Console.
                                                                                     \param[in] input A channel name or a complete configuration line. If a channel name is given it would be searched in the config file.
-	                                                                                \param[in] mode The mode in which it will tune "sync" or "async"*/
-	void tuneTo(const std::string & channel);  
-	                                            ///< Tunes a DVB device to a channel 
+                                                                                    \param[in] mode The mode in which it will tune "sync" or "async"*/
+    void tuneTo(const std::string & channel); 
+                                                ///< Tunes a DVB device to a channel 
                                                 /**< Tunes a DVB device to a channel whose parameters are stored in a configfile. The method determines the type of DVB device by it self.
                                                      \param[in] channel A channel name which will be looked up in config file.*/
-	void tuneDVB_S(unsigned int frequency, fe_spectral_inversion_t inversion, unsigned int symbole_rate, fe_code_rate_t code_rate);
-	                                                                                ///< Tunes a DVB-S device
-	                                                                                /**< Tunes a DVB-S device in asynchronous mode and calls the callback if existing. Needs full configuration */
-	void tuneDVB_T(unsigned int frequency,
-	                fe_spectral_inversion_t inversion, fe_bandwidth_t bandwidth,
-	                fe_code_rate_t code_rate_HP, /* high priority stream code rate */
-	                fe_code_rate_t code_rate_LP, /* low priority stream code rate */
-	                fe_modulation_t constellation, /* modulation type (see above) */
-	                fe_transmit_mode_t transmission_mode,
-	                fe_guard_interval_t guard_interval,
-	                fe_hierarchy_t hierarchy_information);                          ///< Tunes a DVB-T device
-	                                                                                /**< Tunes a DVB-T device in asynchronous mode and calls the callback if existing. Needs full configuration. */
-	void tuneDVB_C(unsigned int frequency,
-	                fe_spectral_inversion_t inversion, unsigned int symbol_rate,
-	                fe_code_rate_t fec_inner, fe_modulation_t modulation); 
-	                                                                                ///< Tunes a DVB-C device
+    void tuneDVB_S(unsigned int frequency, fe_spectral_inversion_t inversion, unsigned int symbole_rate, fe_code_rate_t code_rate);
+                                                                                    ///< Tunes a DVB-S device
+                                                                                    /**< Tunes a DVB-S device in asynchronous mode and calls the callback if existing. Needs full configuration */
+    void tuneDVB_T(unsigned int frequency,
+                    fe_spectral_inversion_t inversion, fe_bandwidth_t bandwidth,
+                    fe_code_rate_t code_rate_HP, /* high priority stream code rate */
+                    fe_code_rate_t code_rate_LP, /* low priority stream code rate */
+                    fe_modulation_t constellation, /* modulation type (see above) */
+                    fe_transmit_mode_t transmission_mode,
+                    fe_guard_interval_t guard_interval,
+                    fe_hierarchy_t hierarchy_information);                          ///< Tunes a DVB-T device
+                                                                                    /**< Tunes a DVB-T device in asynchronous mode and calls the callback if existing. Needs full configuration. */
+    void tuneDVB_C(unsigned int frequency,
+                    fe_spectral_inversion_t inversion, unsigned int symbol_rate,
+                    fe_code_rate_t fec_inner, fe_modulation_t modulation); 
+                                                                                    ///< Tunes a DVB-C device
                                                                                     /**< Tunes a DVB-C device in asynchronous mode and calls the callback if existing. Needs full configuration. */
-	dvb_frontend_event tuneTo_sync( const std::string & channel );
-	                                                                ///< Tunes a DVB device given by the type of the DVBFrontendHandle
+    dvb_frontend_event tuneTo_sync( const std::string & channel );
+                                                                    ///< Tunes a DVB device given by the type of the DVBFrontendHandle
                                                                     /**< Tunes a DVB device, given by the type of the DVBFrontendHandle, by a channel name in synchronous mode
                                                                         \param[in] channel A channel name which will be looked up in config file.
-	                                                                    \returns dvb_frontend_event  
+                                                                        \returns dvb_frontend_event  
                                                                         \note The member "dvb_frontend_event.status" should be correct by the 
-	                                                                    most device driver implementations. But "dvb_frontend_event.parameters" maybe not and is definitly not set by:
-	                                                                    Cinergy T² (2.6.27), Terratec Cinergy DT USB XS Diversity (2.6.27) 
-	                                                                    */
-	dvb_frontend_event tuneDVB_S_sync(unsigned int frequency, fe_spectral_inversion_t inversion, unsigned int symbole_rate, fe_code_rate_t code_rate);
+                                                                        most device driver implementations. But "dvb_frontend_event.parameters" maybe not and is definitly not set by:
+                                                                        Cinergy T� (2.6.27), Terratec Cinergy DT USB XS Diversity (2.6.27) 
+                                                                        */
+    dvb_frontend_event tuneDVB_S_sync(unsigned int frequency, fe_spectral_inversion_t inversion, unsigned int symbole_rate, fe_code_rate_t code_rate);
                                                                                 ///< Tunes a DVB-S device
                                                                                 /**< Tunes a DVB-S device in synchronous mode. Needs full configuration
-	                                                                            \returns dvb_frontend_event  
-	                                                                            \note The member "dvb_frontend_event.status" should be correct by the 
-	                                                                             most device driver implementations. But "dvb_frontend_event.parameters" maybe not and is definitly not set by:
-	                                                                            Cinergy T² (2.6.27), Terratec Cinergy DT USB XS Diversity (2.6.27) 
-	                                                                            */
+                                                                                \returns dvb_frontend_event  
+                                                                                \note The member "dvb_frontend_event.status" should be correct by the 
+                                                                                 most device driver implementations. But "dvb_frontend_event.parameters" maybe not and is definitly not set by:
+                                                                                Cinergy T� (2.6.27), Terratec Cinergy DT USB XS Diversity (2.6.27) 
+                                                                                */
     dvb_frontend_event tuneDVB_T_sync(unsigned int frequency,
                 fe_spectral_inversion_t inversion, fe_bandwidth_t bandwidth,
                 fe_code_rate_t code_rate_HP, /* high priority stream code rate */
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ public:
                                                                                 \returns dvb_frontend_event  
                                                                                 \note The member "dvb_frontend_event.status" should be correct by the 
                                                                                 most device driver implementations. But "dvb_frontend_event.parameters" maybe not and is definitly not set by:
-                                                                                Cinergy T² (2.6.27), Terratec Cinergy DT USB XS Diversity (2.6.27) 
+                                                                                Cinergy T� (2.6.27), Terratec Cinergy DT USB XS Diversity (2.6.27) 
     dvb_frontend_event tuneDVB_C_sync(unsigned int frequency,
                 fe_spectral_inversion_t inversion, unsigned int symbol_rate,
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ public:
                                                                                 \returns dvb_frontend_event  
                                                                                 \note The member "dvb_frontend_event.status" should be correct by the 
                                                                                 most device driver implementations. But "dvb_frontend_event.parameters" maybe not and is definitly not set by:
-                                                                                Cinergy T² (2.6.27), Terratec Cinergy DT USB XS Diversity (2.6.27) 
+                                                                                Cinergy T� (2.6.27), Terratec Cinergy DT USB XS Diversity (2.6.27) 
     fe_type_t getType(); ///< Returns the type of the card. The type is defined in frontend.h
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ public:
     unsigned int bitErrorRate(); ///< Returns the bit error rate
                                  /**< Returns the bit error rate. 
-                                 \note This function may not be implemented by your specific driver implementation. In this case the output is random. This is true for: Cinergy T² (2.6.27), Terratec Cinergy DT USB XS Diversity (2.6.27)*/
+                                 \note This function may not be implemented by your specific driver implementation. In this case the output is random. This is true for: Cinergy T� (2.6.27), Terratec Cinergy DT USB XS Diversity (2.6.27)*/
     unsigned int signalToNoiseRatio();
                                     ///< Returns the signal to noise ratio
                                     /**< Returns the signal to noise ratio
diff --git a/Utils/Termlib/Terminfo.cc b/Utils/Termlib/Terminfo.cc
index 603676c8621b18e8231fdd5317d3c3507a533016..44bdb6f80c1b56b5c51f06a4a9e48a0ea40bbbe3 100644
--- a/Utils/Termlib/Terminfo.cc
+++ b/Utils/Termlib/Terminfo.cc
@@ -240,15 +240,15 @@ prefix_ std::string senf::term::Terminfo::formatString(properties::String p,
     std::string result;
     for (std::string::const_iterator i (prgstr.begin()); i != prgstr.end(); ++i) {
-	if (*i != '%') {
-	    result += *i;
-	    continue;
-	}
-	int width = 0, base = 0;
-	switch (*++i) {
+    if (*i != '%') {
+        result += *i;
+        continue;
+    }
+    int width = 0, base = 0;
+    switch (*++i) {
         case '%': result += *i; break;
         case 'i': ++arg1; ++arg2; break;
-        case 'c': result += char(stack.pop());	break;
+        case 'c': result += char(stack.pop());  break;
         case 'x': base = 16; continue;
         case '0': if (!base) base = 8;
         case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ prefix_ std::string senf::term::Terminfo::formatString(properties::String p,
         case '}': stack.push(width); break;
-	    // Binary operands are in infix (reversed) order
+        // Binary operands are in infix (reversed) order
         case '+': stack.push(stack.pop() + stack.pop()); break;
         case '-': stack.push(-stack.pop() + stack.pop()); break;
         case '*': stack.push(stack.pop() * stack.pop()); break;