diff --git a/Packets/Packet.cci b/Packets/Packet.cci
index 5fb6b1368b7c5bca9bd414c28ba4056c261692a5..99d2cc09480736997f1e5f39e280e8a834e4727b 100644
--- a/Packets/Packet.cci
+++ b/Packets/Packet.cci
@@ -177,6 +177,13 @@ prefix_ bool senf::Packet::boolean_test()
     return packet_ && packet_->valid();
+template <class PacketType, class Parser>
+prefix_ Parser senf::operator<<(Parser target, ConcretePacket<PacketType> const & packet)
+    target << packet.parser();
+    return target;
 #undef prefix_
diff --git a/Packets/Packet.hh b/Packets/Packet.hh
index 4a25789f1ab03e5af69997261e913e8dbf4fc433..8cff10857a46c82e42f7a77eea63618064f50500 100644
--- a/Packets/Packet.hh
+++ b/Packets/Packet.hh
@@ -732,6 +732,15 @@ namespace senf {
         friend class PacketInterpreter<PacketType>;
+    /** \brief Generic parser copying
+        This operator allows to copy the value of identical parsers. This operation does \e not
+        depend on the parsers detailed implementation, it will just replace the data bytes of the
+        target parser with those from the source packet.
+     */
+    template <class PacketType, class Parser>
+    Parser operator<<(Parser target, ConcretePacket<PacketType> const & packet);
diff --git a/Packets/Packet.test.cc b/Packets/Packet.test.cc
index bb0c7b0e2ffbb2215f1704314b2d5dfd921bbdff..35b3214b87a5ecf3c8eec86063f5995b8b31b946 100644
--- a/Packets/Packet.test.cc
+++ b/Packets/Packet.test.cc
@@ -257,6 +257,17 @@ BOOST_AUTO_UNIT_TEST(concretePacket)
     BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( BarPacket::create()->reserved(), 0xA0A0u );
+    BarPacket bar1 (BarPacket::create());
+    BarPacket bar2 (BarPacket::create());
+    bar2->type() << 0x2A2Bu;
+    bar1.parser() << bar2;
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( bar1->type(), 0x2A2Bu );
     senf::Packet packet (FooPacket::create());
diff --git a/Utils/Logger/Target.cc b/Utils/Logger/Target.cc
index 7218a24151270661569f2274a00a1428f33fa7e0..ca0574912d4d519d21708b89bd5e12ef28cd3898 100644
--- a/Utils/Logger/Target.cc
+++ b/Utils/Logger/Target.cc
@@ -69,65 +69,49 @@ prefix_ senf::log::Target::Target(std::string const & name)
              "            are:\n"
              "                verbose, notice, message, important, critical, fatal\n"
              "    ACTION  action to take: accept or reject");
-    consoleDir_().add("route", 
-                      boost::function<void (std::string const &, std::string const &,
-                                            detail::TargetRegistry::Level, action_t, int)>(
-                                                senf::membind(
-                                                    static_cast<void (Target::*)(
-                                                        std::string const &, std::string const &,
-                                                        unsigned, action_t, int)>(&Target::route),
-                                                    this)))
-        .arg("stream", 
-             "stream to match or empty to match any stream\n"
-             "              use '/sys/log/streams' to list all available streams",
-             kw::default_value="")
-        .arg("area", 
-             "area to match or empty to match any area\n"
-             "              use '/sys/log/areas' to list all available areas",
-             kw::default_value="")
-        .arg("level", "log level, one of: VERBOSE, NOTICE, MESSAGE, IMPORTANT, CRITICAL, FATAL",
-             kw::default_value=detail::TargetRegistry::VERBOSE)
+    consoleDir_().add("route", senf::membind(&Target::consoleRoute, this))
+        .arg("index", "index at which to insert new rule")
+        .arg("parameters", "log parameters. The log parameters select the log stream, log area\n"
+             "              and log level. You may specify any combination of these parameterse\n"
+             "              in any order. Use the '/sys/log/stream' and '/sys/log/areas' commands\n"
+             "              to list all valid streams and areas. Valid log levels are:\n"
         .arg("action", "routing action, one of: ACCEPT, REJECT",
-        .arg("index", "index at which to insert new rule",
-             kw::default_value=-1)
         .doc("Add routing entry. Log messages are matched against the routing table beginning\n"
              "with the first entry. The action of the first matching entry determines the\n"
              "handling of the message.\n"
-             "    route\n"
+             "    route ()\n"
              "        route all messages to this target.\n"
-             "    route \"\" my::Class\n"
-             "        route all messages which are in the my::Class area.\n"
+             "    route 1 (my::Class)\n"
+             "        route all messages which are in the my::Class area. Insert this route after\n"
+             "        the first route,\n"
-             "    route senf::log::Debug \"\" VERBOSE REJECT\n"
-             "    route \"\" \"\" VERBOSE\n"
+             "    route (senf::log::Debug VERBOSE) REJECT\n"
+             "    route (VERBOSE)\n"
              "        route all messages not in the senf::log::Debug stream to the current area.\n"
              "The additional optional index argument identifies the position in the routing table\n"
              "where the new routing entry will be added. Positive numbers count from the\n"
-             "beginning, 0 being the first routing entry. Negative values count from the end.\n");
+             "beginning, 0 being the first routing entry. Negative values count from the end.");
+    consoleDir_().add("route", boost::function<void (detail::LogParameters, action_t)>(
+                          boost::bind(&Target::consoleRoute, this, -1, _1, _2)))
+        .arg("parameters")
+        .arg("action", kw::default_value=ACCEPT);
                       senf::membind(static_cast<void (Target::*)(int)>(&Target::unroute), this))
         .arg("index", "index of routing entry to remove")
         .overloadDoc("Remove routing entry with the given index");
-    consoleDir_().add("unroute", 
-                      boost::function<void (std::string const &, std::string const &,
-                                            detail::TargetRegistry::Level, action_t)>(
-                                                senf::membind(
-                                                    static_cast<void (Target::*)(
-                                                        std::string const &, std::string const &,
-                                                        unsigned, action_t)>(&Target::unroute),
-                                                    this)))
-        .arg("stream", "stream to match or empty to match any stream",
-             kw::default_value="")
-        .arg("area", "area to match or empty to match any area",
-             kw::default_value="")
-        .arg("level", "log level, one of: VERBOSE, NOTICE, MESSAGE, IMPORTANT, CRITICAL, FATAL",
-             kw::default_value=detail::TargetRegistry::VERBOSE)
+    consoleDir_().add("unroute", senf::membind(&Target::consoleUnroute, this))
+        .arg("parameters", "log parameters. The log parameters select the log stream, log area\n"
+             "              and log level. You may specify any combination of these parameterse\n"
+             "              in any order. Use the '/sys/log/stream' and '/sys/log/areas' commands\n"
+             "              to list all valid streams and areas. Valid log levels are:\n"
         .arg("action", "routing action, one of: ACCEPT, REJECT",
         .overloadDoc("Remove the routing entry matching the specified arguments.");
@@ -226,66 +210,6 @@ prefix_ void senf::log::Target::flush()
 // protected members
-prefix_ senf::log::detail::TargetRegistry::TargetRegistry()
-    : fallbackRouting_(true)
-    namespace kw = senf::console::kw;
-    console::sysdir().add("log", consoleDir_());
-    consoleDir_().add("areas", senf::membind(&TargetRegistry::consoleAreas, this))
-        .doc("List all areas");
-    consoleDir_().add("streams", senf::membind(&TargetRegistry::consoleStreams, this))
-        .doc("List all streams");
-    consoleDir_().add("message", senf::membind(&TargetRegistry::consoleWrite, this))
-        .arg("stream", "stream to write message to",
-             kw::default_value = "senf::log::Debug")
-        .arg("area","area to write message to",
-             kw::default_value = "senf::log::DefaultArea")
-        .arg("level", "log level, one of:\n"
-             "                  VERBOSE, NOTICE, MESSAGE, IMPORTANT, CRITICAL, FATAL",
-             kw::default_value = MESSAGE)
-        .arg("message", "message to write")
-        .doc("Write log message");
-prefix_ senf::log::detail::TargetRegistry::~TargetRegistry()
-    Targets::iterator i (dynamicTargets_.begin());
-    Targets::iterator const i_end (dynamicTargets_.end());
-    for (; i != i_end; ++i)
-        delete *i;
-prefix_ void senf::log::detail::TargetRegistry::consoleAreas(std::ostream & os)
-    AreaRegistry::iterator i (AreaRegistry::instance().begin());
-    AreaRegistry::iterator const i_end (AreaRegistry::instance().end());
-    for (; i != i_end; ++i)
-        os << *i << "\n";
-prefix_ void senf::log::detail::TargetRegistry::consoleStreams(std::ostream & os)
-    StreamRegistry::iterator i (StreamRegistry::instance().begin());
-    StreamRegistry::iterator const i_end (StreamRegistry::instance().end());
-    for (; i != i_end; ++i)
-        os << *i << "\n";
-prefix_ void senf::log::detail::TargetRegistry::consoleWrite(std::string const & stream,
-                                                             std::string const & area,
-                                                             Level level,
-                                                             std::string const & msg)
-    detail::StreamBase const * s (StreamRegistry::instance().lookup(stream));
-    if (!s)
-        throw Target::InvalidStreamException();
-    detail::AreaBase const * a (AreaRegistry::instance().lookup(area));
-    if (!a)
-        throw Target::InvalidAreaException();
-    write(*s, *a, level, msg);
 prefix_ senf::console::ScopedDirectory<> & senf::log::Target::consoleDir()
     return consoleDir_();
@@ -410,6 +334,16 @@ prefix_ void senf::log::Target::consoleList(std::ostream & os)
             % (i->action() == ACCEPT ? "accept" : "reject");
+prefix_ void senf::log::Target::consoleRoute(int index, detail::LogParameters const & pm, action_t action)
+    route(pm.stream, pm.area, pm.level, action, index);
+prefix_ void senf::log::Target::consoleUnroute(detail::LogParameters const & pm, action_t action)
+    unroute(pm.stream, pm.area, pm.level, action);
 // senf::log::detail::TargetRegistry
@@ -448,6 +382,93 @@ prefix_ void senf::log::detail::TargetRegistry::consoleRemoveTarget(Target * tar
     delete target;
+prefix_ senf::log::detail::TargetRegistry::TargetRegistry()
+    : fallbackRouting_(true)
+    namespace kw = senf::console::kw;
+    console::sysdir().add("log", consoleDir_());
+    consoleDir_().add("areas", senf::membind(&TargetRegistry::consoleAreas, this))
+        .doc("List all areas");
+    consoleDir_().add("streams", senf::membind(&TargetRegistry::consoleStreams, this))
+        .doc("List all streams");
+    consoleDir_().add("message", senf::membind(&TargetRegistry::consoleWrite, this))
+        .arg("parameters", "log parameters. The log parameters select the log stream, log area\n"
+             "              and log level. You may specify any combination of these parameterse\n"
+             "              in any order. Use the '/sys/log/stream' and '/sys/log/areas' commands\n"
+             "              to list all valid streams and areas. Valid log levels are:\n"
+             kw::default_value = LogParameters::defaultParameters())
+        .arg("message", "message to write")
+        .doc("Write log message.\n"
+             "\n"
+             "Examples:\n"
+             "    message \"Test\";\n"
+             "    message (senf::log::DefaultArea NOTICE) \"Test notice\";\n"
+             "    message (FATAL) \"Program on fire\";\n"
+             "    message (VERBOSE senf::log::Debug) \"Debug message\";");
+prefix_ senf::log::detail::TargetRegistry::~TargetRegistry()
+    Targets::iterator i (dynamicTargets_.begin());
+    Targets::iterator const i_end (dynamicTargets_.end());
+    for (; i != i_end; ++i)
+        delete *i;
+prefix_ void senf::log::detail::TargetRegistry::consoleAreas(std::ostream & os)
+    AreaRegistry::iterator i (AreaRegistry::instance().begin());
+    AreaRegistry::iterator const i_end (AreaRegistry::instance().end());
+    for (; i != i_end; ++i)
+        os << *i << "\n";
+prefix_ void senf::log::detail::TargetRegistry::consoleStreams(std::ostream & os)
+    StreamRegistry::iterator i (StreamRegistry::instance().begin());
+    StreamRegistry::iterator const i_end (StreamRegistry::instance().end());
+    for (; i != i_end; ++i)
+        os << *i << "\n";
+prefix_ void senf::log::detail::TargetRegistry::consoleWrite(LogParameters pm,
+                                                             std::string const & msg)
+    pm.setDefaults();
+    write(*pm.stream, *pm.area, pm.level, msg);
+// senf::log::detail::LogParameters
+prefix_ void senf::log::detail::LogParameters::clear()
+    stream = 0;
+    area = 0;
+    level = NONE::value;
+prefix_ void senf::log::detail::LogParameters::setDefaults()
+    if (! stream)
+        stream = & senf::log::Debug::instance();
+    if (! area)
+        area = & senf::log::DefaultArea::instance();
+    if (level == NONE::value)
+        level = MESSAGE::value;
+prefix_ senf::log::detail::LogParameters::LogParameters
+    LogParameters pm;
+    pm.clear();
+    pm.setDefaults();
+    return pm;
 // namespace members
@@ -459,6 +480,69 @@ prefix_ std::ostream & senf::log::operator<<(std::ostream & os, senf::log::Targe
     return os;
+namespace {
+    char const * levelNames[] = { 
+    void parseParamToken(std::string const & value, senf::log::detail::LogParameters & out)
+    {
+        senf::log::detail::StreamBase const * s (
+            senf::log::StreamRegistry::instance().lookup(value));
+        if (s) {
+            if (out.stream)
+                throw senf::console::SyntaxErrorException("duplicate stream parameter");
+            out.stream = s;
+            return;
+        }
+        senf::log::detail::AreaBase const * a (
+            senf::log::AreaRegistry::instance().lookup(value));
+        if (a) {
+            if (out.area)
+                throw senf::console::SyntaxErrorException("duplicate area parameter");
+            out.area = a;
+            return;
+        }
+        char const ** i (
+            std::find(levelNames+1, levelNames+sizeof(levelNames)/sizeof(levelNames[0])-1, value));
+        if (i == levelNames+sizeof(levelNames)/sizeof(levelNames[0])-1)
+            throw senf::console::SyntaxErrorException("invalid log parameter");
+        if (out.level != senf::log::NONE::value)
+            throw senf::console::SyntaxErrorException("duplicate level parameter");
+        out.level = i-levelNames;
+    }
+prefix_ std::ostream & senf::log::detail::operator<<(std::ostream & os,
+                                                     LogParameters const & pm)
+    os << '(';
+    if (pm.stream)
+        os << pm.stream->v_name();
+    if (pm.area)
+        if (pm.stream) os << ' ';
+        os << pm.area->v_name();
+    if (pm.level != NONE::value)
+        if (pm.stream || pm.area) os << ' ';
+        os << levelNames[pm.level];
+    os << ')';
+    return os;
+prefix_ void senf::log::detail::
+senf_console_parse_argument(console::ParseCommandInfo::TokensRange const & tokens,
+                            LogParameters & out)
+    out.clear();
+    for (console::ParseCommandInfo::TokensRange::iterator i (tokens.begin());
+         i != tokens.end(); ++i)
+        parseParamToken(i->value(), out);
 // I need to put this here, otherwise the file target will not be registered
 // if it is not used ... :-(
diff --git a/Utils/Logger/Target.hh b/Utils/Logger/Target.hh
index db33fa5e355ed425d662316c32c12cbeee08c52e..e371443f2eb48f692ebfc15b3d80d9a337fbf13f 100644
--- a/Utils/Logger/Target.hh
+++ b/Utils/Logger/Target.hh
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ namespace log {
     namespace detail { class TargetRegistry; }
     namespace detail { class AreaBase; }
+    namespace detail { struct LogParameters; }
     /** \brief Logging target base class
@@ -356,6 +357,8 @@ namespace log {
                    detail::AreaBase const & area, unsigned level, std::string const & message);
         void consoleList(std::ostream & os);
+        void consoleRoute(int index, detail::LogParameters const & pm, action_t action);
+        void consoleUnroute(detail::LogParameters const & pm, action_t action);
 #   ifdef DOXYGEN
diff --git a/Utils/Logger/Target.ih b/Utils/Logger/Target.ih
index f926f875601ab2c9f46dace239f98904e30c6c4a..1ad164a7eefff020bd15150cd654d40edf04d248 100644
--- a/Utils/Logger/Target.ih
+++ b/Utils/Logger/Target.ih
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 #include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
 #include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
 #include "../Console/LazyDirectory.hh"
+#include "../Console/Parse.hh"
@@ -38,6 +39,20 @@ namespace senf {
 namespace log {
 namespace detail {
+    struct LogParameters {
+        StreamBase const * stream;
+        AreaBase const * area;
+        unsigned level;
+        void clear();
+        void setDefaults();
+        static LogParameters defaultParameters();
+    };
+    std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, LogParameters const & pm);
+    void senf_console_parse_argument(console::ParseCommandInfo::TokensRange const & tokens, 
+                                     LogParameters & out);
     /** \brief Internal: Target registry */
     class TargetRegistry
         : public senf::singleton<TargetRegistry>
@@ -73,8 +88,7 @@ namespace detail {
         void consoleAreas(std::ostream & os);
         void consoleStreams(std::ostream & os);
-        void consoleWrite(std::string const & stream, std::string const & area, Level level,
-                          std::string const & msg);
+        void consoleWrite(LogParameters parameters, std::string const & msg);
         void consoleRemoveTarget(Target * target);
         typedef std::set<Target *> Targets;