From 92278d25a0ddc30f8ac5f5c4419b18c015b11516 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: g0dil <>
Date: Thu, 3 May 2007 09:32:50 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] PPI Module and Connector documentation

 PPI/Connectors.hh | 316 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 PPI/Doxyfile      |   2 +
 PPI/Mainpage.dox  | 197 +++++++++++++++++++----------
 PPI/Module.hh     | 142 +++++++++++++++++++++
 doclib/SConscript |   6 +-
 5 files changed, 598 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 PPI/Connectors.hh
 create mode 100644 PPI/Module.hh

diff --git a/PPI/Connectors.hh b/PPI/Connectors.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..907d5a92f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PPI/Connectors.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2007 
+// Fraunhofer Institut fuer offene Kommunikationssysteme (FOKUS)
+// Kompetenzzentrum fuer Satelitenkommunikation (SatCom)
+//     Stefan Bund <>
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the
+// Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+/** \file
+    \brief Conenctors public header */
+/** \defgroup connectors Connector classes
+    A connector has two independent properties
+    \li it may be \e active or \e passive
+    \li it may be an \e input or an \e output
+    \e Active connectors are activated from within the module, \e passive connectors are signaled by
+    the external framework. \e Input modules receive packets, \e output modules send packets.
+    All passive connectors call some onRequest callback whenever I/O needs to be performed. All
+    input modules possess a packet queue.
+    We therefore have 4 connector types: senf::ppi::ActiveInput, senf::ppi::ActiveOutput,
+    senf::ppi::PassiveInput and senf::ppi::PassiveOutput.
+ */
+#ifndef HH_Conenctors_
+#define HH_Conenctors_ 1
+// Custom includes
+#include <boost/utility.hpp>
+//#include "Conenctors.mpp"
+namespace senf {
+namespace ppi {
+    /** \brief Connector baseclass
+        This connector provides access to the generic connector facilities. This includes the
+        connection management (access to the connected peer) and the containment management (access
+        to the containing module)
+     */
+    class Connector
+        : boost::noncopyable
+    {
+    public:
+        Connector & peer();             ///< Get peer connected to this connector
+        Module & module();              ///< Get this connectors containing module
+    protected:
+        // here to protect
+        Connector();
+        ~Connector();
+    };
+    /** \brief Passive connector baseclass
+        A passive connector is a connector which is activated externally whenever an I/O request
+        occurs. Passive connectors are the origin of throttling notifications. Depending on the type
+        of connector (output or input) the respective throttling is called forward or backward
+        throttling.
+        Passive connectors always handle two throttling states: 
+        \li The \e native throttling state is set manually by the module. It is the throttling state
+            originating in the current module
+        \li The \e forwarded throttling state is the state as it is received by throttling
+            notifications
+        The accumulative throttling state is generated by combining all sub-states.
+        \ingroup connectors
+     */
+    class PassiveConnector 
+        : public virtual Connector
+    {
+    public:
+        template <class Handler>
+        void onRequest(Handler handler);///< Register I/O event handler
+                                        /**< The registered handler will be called, whenever packets
+                                             arrive or should be generated by the module depending
+                                             on the connector type (input or output). The \a handler
+                                             argument is either an arbitrary callable object or it
+                                             is a pointer-to-member to a member of the class which
+                                             holds this input. In the second case, the pointer will
+                                             automatically be bound to the containing instance.
+                                             \param[in] handler Handler to call, whenever an I/O
+                                                 operation is to be performed. */
+        bool throttled();               ///< Get accumulative throttling state
+        bool nativeThrottled();         ///< Get native throttling state
+        void throttle();                ///< Set native throttling
+        void unthrottle();              ///< Revoke native throttling
+        void notifyThrottle();          ///< Forward a throttling notification to this connector
+        void notifyUnthrottle();        ///< Forward an unthrottling notification to this connector
+        ActiveConnector & peer();
+    protected:
+        // here to protect
+        PassiveConnector();
+        ~PassiveConnector();
+    };
+    /** \brief Active connector baseclass
+        An active connector is a connector which emits I/O requests. Active connectors receive
+        throttling notifications. Depending on the type of connector (input or output) the
+        respective throttling is called forward or backward throttling.
+        Active connectors do not handle any throttling state, they just receive the
+        notifications. These notifications should then either be processed by the module or be
+        forwarded to other connectors.
+        \ingroup connectors
+     */
+    class ActiveConnector 
+        : public virtual Connector
+    {
+    public:
+        template <class Handler>
+        void onThrottle(Handler);       ///< Register throttle notification handler
+                                        /**< The handler register here will be called, whenever a
+                                             throttle notification comes in. The \a handler argument
+                                             is either an arbitrary callable object or it is a
+                                             pointer-to-member to a member of the class which holds
+                                             this input. In the second case, the pointer will
+                                             automatically be bound to the containing instance.
+                                             \param[in] handler Handler to call on throttle
+                                                 notifications. */
+        template <class Handler>
+        void onUnthrottle(Handler);     ///< Register unthrottle notification handler
+                                        /**< The handler register here will be called, whenever an
+                                             unthrottle notification comes in. The \a handler
+                                             argument is either an arbitrary callable object or it
+                                             is a pointer-to-member to a member of the class which
+                                             holds this input. In the second case, the pointer will
+                                             automatically be bound to the containing instance.
+                                             \param[in] handler Handler to call on unthrottle
+                                                 notifications. */
+        PassiveConnector & peer();
+    protected:
+        // here to protect
+        PassiveConnector();
+        ~PassiveConnector();
+    };
+    /** \brief Input connector baseclass
+        An input connector receives packets. It may be either an ActiveConnector or a
+        PassiveConnector. An input connector contains a packet queue. This queue enables processing
+        packets in batches or generating multiple output packets from a single input packet. The
+        queues have the potential to greatly simplify the module implementations.
+        \ingroup connectors
+     */
+    class InputConnector 
+        : public virtual Connector
+    {
+    public:
+        typedef unspecified queue_iterator; ///< Iterator type of the embedded queue
+        typedef unspecified size_type;  ///< Unsigned type representing the number of queue elements
+        Packet::ptr operator();         ///< Get a packet
+                                        /**< This member is the primary method to access received
+                                             data. On passive connectors, this operator will just
+                                             dequeue a packet from the packet queue. If the
+                                             connector is active, the connector will request new
+                                             packets from the connected module. If the packet
+                                             request cannot be fulfilled, this is considered to be a
+                                             logic error in the module implementation and an
+                                             exception is raised. */
+        operator unspecified_boolean_type (); ///< Check packet availability
+                                        /**< Using any input connector in a boolean context will
+                                             check, wether an input request can be fulfilled. This
+                                             is always possible if the queue is non-empty. If the
+                                             input is active, it also returns when the connected
+                                             passive output is not throttled so new packets can be
+                                             requested. 
+                                             Calling the operator() member is an error if this test
+                                             returns \c false
+                                             \returns \c true if operator() can be called, \c false
+                                                 otherwise */
+        operator ! ();                  ///< Check packet availability
+                                        /**< Inverse of the boolean conversion operator
+                                             \returns \c false if operator() can be called, \c true
+                                                 otherwise */
+        OutputConnector & peer();
+        queue_iterator begin();         ///< Access queue begin (head)
+        queue_iterator end();           ///< Access queue past-the-end (tail)
+        Packet::ptr head();             ///< Return head element from the queue
+        size_type queueSize();          ///< Return number of elements in the queue
+        bool empty();                   ///< Return queueSize() == 0
+    protected:
+        // here to protect
+        PassiveConnector();
+        ~PassiveConnector();
+    };
+    /** \brief Output connector baseclass
+        An output connector sends out packets. It may be either an ActiveConnector or a
+        PassiveConnector. An output connector does \e not have an built-in queueing, it relies on
+        the queueing of the connected input.
+        \ingroup connectors
+     */
+    class OutputConnector 
+        : public virtual Connector
+    {
+    public:
+        void operator(Packet::ptr);     ///< Send out a packet
+        InputConnector & peer();
+    protected:
+        // here to protect
+        PassiveConnector();
+        ~PassiveConnector();
+    };
+    /** \brief Combination of PassiveConnector and InputConnector
+        \ingroup connectors
+     */
+    class PassiveInput 
+        : public PassiveConnector, public InputConnector
+    {
+    public:
+        ActiveOutput & peer();
+        template <class QDisc>
+        QDisc const & qdisc(QDisc const & disc);
+    };
+    /** \brief Combination of PassiveConnector and OutputConnector
+        \ingroup connectors
+     */
+    class PassiveOutput
+        : public PassiveConnector, public OutputConnector
+    {
+    public:
+        ActiveInput & peer();
+    };
+    /** \brief Combination of ActiveConnector and InputConnector
+        \ingroup connectors
+     */
+    class ActiveInput
+        : public ActiveConnector, public InputConnector
+    {
+    public:
+        void request();                 ///< request more packets without dequeing any packet
+        PassiveOutput & peer();
+    };
+    /** \brief Combination of ActiveConnector and OutputConnector
+        \ingroup connectors
+     */
+    class ActiveOutput
+        : public ActiveConnector, public OutputConnector
+    {
+    public:
+        ActiveInput & peer();
+    };
+//#include "Conenctors.cci"
+//#include "Conenctors.ct"
+//#include "Conenctors.cti"
+// Local Variables:
+// mode: c++
+// fill-column: 100
+// c-file-style: "senf"
+// indent-tabs-mode: nil
+// ispell-local-dictionary: "american"
+// End:
diff --git a/PPI/Doxyfile b/PPI/Doxyfile
index ae7a8ae20..d68c39948 100644
--- a/PPI/Doxyfile
+++ b/PPI/Doxyfile
@@ -2,3 +2,5 @@
 GENERATE_TAGFILE = doc/ppi.tag
+TAGFILES = "$(TOPDIR)/Packets/doc/Packets.tag" "$(TOPDIR)/Socket/doc/Socket.tag"
diff --git a/PPI/Mainpage.dox b/PPI/Mainpage.dox
index bb234bb1b..64386947a 100644
--- a/PPI/Mainpage.dox
+++ b/PPI/Mainpage.dox
@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@
     The PPI concept is built around some key concepts
-    \li The PPI is based on processing \e packets. It does not handle stream oriented channels.
-    \li The PPI is built around reusable \e modules. Each module is completely independent.
-    \li Each module has an arbitrary number of \e connectors, inputs and outputs.
-    \li The modules are connected to each other using flexible \e connections.
-    \li Data flow throughout the network is governed via flexible automatic or manual \e throttling.
-    \li Modules may register additional external \e events (file descriptor events or timers).
+    \li The PPI is based on processing \ref packets. It does not handle stream oriented channels.
+    \li The PPI is built around reusable \ref modules. Each module is completely independent.
+    \li Each module has an arbitrary number of \ref connectors, inputs and outputs.
+    \li The modules are connected to each other using flexible \ref connections.
+    \li Data flow throughout the network is governed via flexible automatic or manual \ref throttling.
+    \li Modules may register additional external \ref events (file descriptor events or timers).
     The PPI thereby builds on the facilities provided by the other components of the SENF
@@ -79,7 +79,8 @@
               route(payload, output);
               route(stuffing, output);
-              registerEvent(&RateStuffer::tick, IntervalTimer(1000u, packetsPerSecond));
+              registerEvent(&RateStuffer::tick, 
+                            senf::ppi::IntervalTimer(1000u, packetsPerSecond));
@@ -134,7 +135,7 @@
     This module just produces a copy of a given packet whenever output is requested.
-    \subsection connectors Connectors
+    \section connectors Connectors
     Inputs and Outputs can be active and passive. An \e active I/O is <em>activated by the
     module</em> to send data or to poll for available packets. A \e passive I/O is <em>signaled by
@@ -145,40 +146,40 @@
     iteration. However, reading will only succeed, as long as packets are available from the
-    A module might want to queue incoming packets within a passive input or outgoing packets within
-    an active output. This is possible by either not reading any packet even though a new packet has
-    been scheduled on the input or by writing to the output while it is still throttled. To
-    facilitate this use, the connectors provide accessors to access the attached connection and it's
-    queue. This allows to analyze all packets available in the queue and act accordingly.
+    Since a module is free to generate more than a single packet on incoming packet requests, all
+    input connectors incorporate a packet queue. This queue is exposed to the module and allows the
+    module to process packets in batches.
     \section connections Connections
     To make use of the modules, they have to be instantiated and connections have to be created
     between the I/O connectors. It is possible to connect any pair of input/output connectors as
-    long as at least one of them is active
-    Every connection contains an internal packet queue. Under normal operating conditions (without
-    throttling) the queue will mostly be empty since packets will be processed directly. If a
-    connection is throttled, it can still receive new packets on it's input which will then be
-    queued. This is necessary even though the throttling will be propagated backwards (so no new
-    packets should arrive) since a module may produce more then one result packet from a single
-    incoming packet.
+    long as one of them is active and the other is passive.
+    It is possible to connect two active connectors with each other using a special adaptor
+    module. This Module has a passive input and a passive output. It will queue any incoming packets
+    and automatically handle throttling events (see below). This adaptor is automatically added by
+    the connect method if needed.
-    To complete our simplified example: Lets say we have a <tt>UdpInput</tt> module and a
-    <tt>UdpOutput</tt> module. We can then use our <tt>RateStuffer</tt> module to build an
+    To complete our simplified example: Lets say we have an <tt>ActiveSocketInput</tt> and a
+    <tt>PassiveUdpOutput</tt> module. We can then use our <tt>RateStuffer</tt> module to build an
     application which will create a fixed-rate UDP stream:
       RateStuffer rateStuffer (10);
-      CopyPacketGenerator generator (some_packet_ptr);
+      senf::Packet::ptr stuffingPacket = senf::Packet::create<...>(...); 
+      CopyPacketGenerator generator (stuffingPacket);
       senf::UDPv4ClientSocketHandle inputSocket (1111);
-      senf::ppi::SocketInput udpInput (inputSocket);
+      senf::ppi::ActiveSocketInput udpInput (inputSocket);
       senf::UDPv4ClientSocketHandle outputSocket ("");
-      senf::ppi::SocketOutput udpOutput (outputSocket);
+      senf::ppi::PassiveSocketOutput udpOutput (outputSocket);
-      senf::ppi::connect(udpInput.output, rateStuffer.payload)
-          .bufferHighThresh(10)
-          .bufferLowThresh(5);
+      senf::ppi::connect(udpInput.output, rateStuffer.payload, 
+                         dynamicModule<PassiveQueue>()
+                             -> qdisc(ThresholdQueueing(10,5)) );
       senf::ppi::connect(generator.output, rateStuffer.stuffing);
       senf::ppi::connect(rateStuffer.output, udpOutput.input);
@@ -186,46 +187,39 @@
     First all necessary modules are created. Then the connections between these modules are set
-    up. The buffering of the udpInput <-> rateStuffer connection is changed so the queue will begin
-    to throttle only if more than 10 packets are in the queue. The connection will be unthrottled as
+    up. The buffering on the udpInput <-> rateStuffer adaptor is changed so the queue will begin to
+    throttle only if more than 10 packets are in the queue. The connection will be unthrottled as
     soon as there are no more than 5 packets left in the queue. This application will read
     udp-packts coming in on port 1111 and will forward them to port 2222 on host with a
-    fixed rate of 10 packets / second. 
+    fixed rate of 10 packets / second.
     \section throttling Throttling
-    If a connection cannot pass packets in it's current state, the connection is \e throttled. In
-    simple cases, throttling is handled automatically by
-    \li the connection if the queue is exceeds the buffering threshold
-    \li I/O modules whenever the external source or sink of the module is not ready
-    Throttling is handled separately in each direction:
-    \li Forward throttling will throttle in the direction of the data flow. Example: No new packets
-        are available from an input. This will activate forward throttling until new data arrives
-    \li Backward throttling will throttle in the direction to the data source. Example: an output
-        device (e.g. serial interface) has no more room for data. This event will activate backward
-        throttling so no new data will arrive until the device can send data again
-    The throttling state is managed within the Connection. Automatic throttling utilizes the routing
-    information (provided in the modules constructor) to forward throttling events across
-    modules. However, automatic throttling can be disabled for each connector. Modules may also
-    register event handlers whenever a throttling event occurs.
-    Whenever a connection is throttled (in the corresponding direction), passive connectors will \e
-    not be called by the framework. This may lead to packets being accumulated in the connection
-    queue. These packets will be sent as soon as the connection is unthrottled. The unthrottle event
-    will hoewever only be forwarded when the queue is empty (or has reached it's lower buffering
-    threshold).
-    \code
-      passiveConnector.autoForwardThrottling(false);
-      passiveConnector.autoBackwardThrotttling(true);
-      passiveConnector.onForwardThrottle(...);
-      passiveConnector.onBackwardUnthrottle(...);
-    \endcode
-    Throttling is <em>not</em> enforced: especially a throttled output may still be called, the
-    excessive packets will be queued in the connection queue.
+    If a passive connector cannot handle incoming requests, this connector may be \e
+    throttled. Throttling a request will forward a throttle notification to the module connected
+    to that connector. The module then must handle this throttle notification. If automatic
+    throttling is enabled for the module (which is the default), the notification will automatically
+    be forwarded to all dependent connectors as taken from the flow information. For there it will
+    be forwarded to further modules and so on.
+    A throttle notification reaching an I/O module will normally disable the input/output by
+    disabling any external I/O events registered by the module. When the passive connector which
+    originated the notification becomes active again, it creates an unthrottle notification which
+    will be forwarded in the same way. This notification will re-enable any registered I/O events.
+    The above discussion shows, that throttle events are always generated on passive connectors and
+    received on active connectors. To differentiate further, the throttling originating from a
+    passive input is called <em>backward throttling</em> since it is forwarded in the direction \e
+    opposite to the data flow. Backward throttling notifications are sent towards the input
+    modules. On the other hand, the throttling originating from a passive output is called
+    <em>forward throttling</em> since it is forwarded along the \e same direction the data
+    is. Forward throttling notifications are therefore sent towards the output modules.
+    Since throttling a passive input may not disable all further packet delivery immediately, any
+    passive input contains an input queue. In it's default configuration, the queue will send out
+    throttle notifications when it becomes non-empty and unthrottle notifications when it becomes
+    empty again. This automatic behavior may however be disabled. This allows a module to collect
+    incoming packets in it's input queue before processing a bunch of them in one go.
     \section events Events
@@ -233,6 +227,81 @@
     the PPI framework. Possible event sources are
     \li time based events
     \li file descriptors.
+    Here some example code implementing the ActiveSocketInput Module:
+    \code
+      class ActiveSocketInput 
+          : public senf::ppi::Module
+      {
+          static PacketParser<senf::DataPacket> defaultParser_;
+      public:
+          ActiveOutput output;
+          typedef senf::ClientSocketHandle<
+              senf::MakeSocketPolicy< senf::ReadablePolicy,
+                                      senf::DatagramFramingPolicy > > Socket;
+          // I hestitate taking parser by const & since a const & can be bound to
+          // a temporary even though a const & is all we need. The real implementation
+          // will probably make this a template arg. This simplifies the memory management
+          // from the users pov.
+          ActiveSocketInput(Socket socket, DataParser & parser = SocketInput::defaultParser_)
+              : socket_ (socket), 
+                parser_ (parser)
+                event_ (registerEvent( &ActiveSocketInput::data, 
+                                       senf::ppi::IOSignaler(socket, senf::ppi::IOSignaler::Read) ))
+          {
+              route(event_, output);
+          }
+      private:
+          Socket socket_;
+          DataParser const & parser_;
+          senf::ppi:IOSignaler::EventBinding event_;
+          void data()
+          {
+              std::string data;
+    ;
+              output(parser_(data));
+          }
+      };
+    \endcode
+    First we declare our own socket handle type which allows us to read packets. The constructor
+    then takes two arguments: A compatible socket and a parser object. This parser object gets
+    passed the packet data as read from the socket (an \c std::string) and returns a
+    senf::Packet::ptr. The \c PacketParser is a simple parser which interprets the data as specified
+    by the template argument.
+    We register an IOSignaler event. This event will be signaled whenever the socket is
+    readable. This event is routet to the output. This routing automates throttling for the socket:
+    Whenever the output receives a throttle notifications, the event will be temporarily disabled.
+    Processing arriving packets happens in the \c data() member: This member simple reads a packet
+    from the socket. It passes this packet to the \c parser_ and sends the generated packet out.
+    \implementation Generation of throttle notifications: Backward throttling notifications are
+        automatically generated (if this is not disabled) whenever the input queue is non-empty \e
+        after the event handler has finished processing. Forward throttling notifications are not
+        generated automatically within the connector. However, the Passive-Passive adaptor will
+        generate Forward-throttling notifications whenever the input queue is empty.
+    \note Open Issues
+      \li We need to clearly differentiate between auto-throttling and auto-throttle-forwarding,
+        between a connectors own throttling state and the forwarded state.
+      \li Exception handling
+      \li ActiveInputs also need a queue: This is necessary to allow a PassiveOutput to create more
+        than a single packet from a single 'onRequest' event. This greatly simplifies writing
+        modules which produce multiple output packets for a single input packet.
+      \li We need to clear up the throttled() member semantics: If the connector is throttled, does
+        it return so if there are still packets in the queue? Probably yes. However, it does not
+        forward throttling notifications until instructed by the qdisc. Throttling notifications are
+        also bound to onThrottle/onUnThrottle callbacks. The semantics are then clear: An active
+        connector emitting onThrottle cannot process any further request (for inputs, no data will
+        be available, for outputs the data will be queued in the peer input)
diff --git a/PPI/Module.hh b/PPI/Module.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aefe9a1ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PPI/Module.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2007 
+// Fraunhofer Institut fuer offene Kommunikationssysteme (FOKUS)
+// Kompetenzzentrum fuer Satelitenkommunikation (SatCom)
+//     Stefan Bund <>
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the
+// Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+/** \file
+    \brief Module public header */
+#ifndef HH_Module_
+#define HH_Module_ 1
+// Custom includes
+#include <boost/utility.hpp>
+//#include "Module.mpp"
+namespace senf {
+namespace ppi {
+    /** \brief Module baseclass
+        senf::ppi::Module is the baseclass of all PPI modules. It provides the module implementation
+        with interfaces to several PPI facilities:
+        \li Connector management
+        \li Flow management
+        \li Event handling
+        To provide internal bookkeeping, most access to the PPI infrastructure is managed through
+        this base class. 
+        Instances of this class may be allocated either statically or dynamically. Dynamic instances
+        are automatically managed using the dynamicModule adaptor.
+     */
+    class Module
+        : boost::noncopyable
+    {
+    protected:
+        Module();
+        ~Module();
+        template <class Source, class Target>
+        Route route(Source const & source, Target const & target); ///< Define flow information
+                                        /**< Using the route() and noroute() members, the
+                                             information flow within the module is defined. Routing
+                                             may be specified either between inputs, outputs and
+                                             events. The routing information is used to perform
+                                             automatic throttling. The throttling behavior may
+                                             however be controlled manually.
+                                             Even if no automatic throttling is desired <em>it is
+                                             vital to define the flow information for all inputs and
+                                             outputs</em>. Without flow information important
+                                             internal state of the module cannot be
+                                             initialized. This includes, explicitly defining
+                                             terminal inputs and outputs using noroute. Event
+                                             routing however is optional.
+                                             The return value may be used to alter routing
+                                             parameters like throttling parameters.
+                                             \param[in] source Data source, object which controlls
+                                                 incoming data
+                                             \param[in] target Data target, object which controlls
+                                                 outgoing data
+                                             \returns Route instance describing this route */
+        template <class Connector>
+        void noroute(Connector const & connector); ///<Define terminal connectors
+                                        /**<
+                                            The noroute() member explicitly declares, that a
+                                            connector is terminal and does not directly
+                                            receive/forward data from/to some other
+                                            connector. <em>It is mandatory to define routing
+                                            information for terminal connectors</em>.
+                                            See the route() documentation for more on routing
+                                            \param[in] connector Terminal connector to declare */
+        template <class Target, class Descriptor>
+        typename Descriptor::EventBinding const registerEvent(Target target, 
+                                                              Descriptor const & descriptor);
+                                        ///< Register an external event
+                                        /**< The \a target argument may be either an arbitrary
+                                             callable object or it may be a member function pointer
+                                             pointing to a member function of the Module derived
+                                             classed. The handler may \e optionally take an Argument
+                                             of type <tt>typename Descriptor::Event const
+                                             &</tt>. This object allows to access detailed
+                                             information on the event delivered.
+                                             The \a descriptor describes the event to signal. This
+                                             may be a timer event or some type of I/O event on a
+                                             file descriptor or socket.
+                                             The return value may be used to modify the
+                                             binding. This allows to temporarily inhibit event
+                                             delivery or to remove the binding explicitly. Depending
+                                             on the type of event, other operations may be
+                                             possible. See the event descriptor documentation.
+                                            \param[in] target The handler to call whenever the event
+                                                is signaled
+                                            \param[in] descriptor The type of event to register
+                                            \returns An event binding instance of the appropriate
+                                                type. */
+    };
+//#include "Module.cci"
+//#include "Module.ct"
+//#include "Module.cti"
+// Local Variables:
+// mode: c++
+// fill-column: 100
+// c-file-style: "senf"
+// indent-tabs-mode: nil
+// ispell-local-dictionary: "american"
+// End:
diff --git a/doclib/SConscript b/doclib/SConscript
index fd5ba396e..3a8e265d8 100644
--- a/doclib/SConscript
+++ b/doclib/SConscript
@@ -118,7 +118,11 @@ env.Alias('all_docs',
           env.Command('search.php', 'html-munge.xsl',
                       [ writeTemplate,
                         'xsltproc --nonet --html --stringparam topdir .. -o - $SOURCE $TARGET 2>/dev/null'
-                        + r'| sed -e "s/\[\[/<?/g" -e "s/\]\]/?>/g" > ${TARGET}.tmp',
+                            + "| sed"
+                            +   r" -e 's/\[\[/<?/g' -e 's/\]\]/?>/g'"
+                            +   r" -e 's/\$$projectname/Overview/g'"
+                            +   r" -e 's/\$$title/Search results/g'"
+                            +       "> ${TARGET}.tmp",
                         'mv ${TARGET}.tmp ${TARGET}' ],
                       TEMPLATE = Literal(HEADER
                                          + OVERVIEW_EXTRA_HEADER