diff --git a/Packets/80221Bundle/MIHPacket.hh b/Packets/80221Bundle/MIHPacket.hh
index 99b89e85763078ce4c01ff3a12e48b4f4649b5fa..508a961ae14cb979894114fcbadabf9d57fb288c 100644
--- a/Packets/80221Bundle/MIHPacket.hh
+++ b/Packets/80221Bundle/MIHPacket.hh
@@ -123,12 +123,11 @@ namespace senf {
         SENF_PARSER_SKIP_BITS   ( 1                           );
         // MIH message ID (MID)
-        SENF_PARSER_LABEL    ( msgId_begin)
+        SENF_PARSER_FIELD    ( messageId, UInt16Parser ); //<pkgdraw:hide
+        SENF_PARSER_GOTO     ( messageId               );
         SENF_PARSER_BITFIELD ( sid,     4,  unsigned   );
         SENF_PARSER_BITFIELD ( opcode,  2,  unsigned   );
         SENF_PARSER_BITFIELD ( aid,    10,  unsigned   );
-        SENF_PARSER_GOTO     ( msgId_begin             );
-        SENF_PARSER_FIELD    ( messageId, UInt16Parser );
         SENF_PARSER_SKIP_BITS ( 4                           );
         SENF_PARSER_BITFIELD  ( transactionId, 12, unsigned );
diff --git a/doclib/Doxyfile.global b/doclib/Doxyfile.global
index 8224df83b3cd880b485e40691abbbb5c24b0c758..00d75774841675f9dcf7c3ca4f9e18607fa6c4c1 100644
--- a/doclib/Doxyfile.global
+++ b/doclib/Doxyfile.global
@@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ MULTILINE_CPP_IS_BRIEF = YES
 # documentation.
+LAYOUT_FILE            = $(TOPDIR)/doclib/DoxygenLayout.xml
 # If the INHERIT_DOCS tag is set to YES (the default) then an undocumented 
 # member inherits the documentation from any documented member that it 
diff --git a/doclib/DoxygenLayout.xml b/doclib/DoxygenLayout.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..751927c109118b096c87347ed056a24553fcef89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doclib/DoxygenLayout.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
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diff --git a/senfscons/Doxygen.py b/senfscons/Doxygen.py
index 69fa2c0402d50c449bea4598a738978b93513ffb..5e327fa2a84981baf4729ea8e2a10bc2450ae066 100644
--- a/senfscons/Doxygen.py
+++ b/senfscons/Doxygen.py
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ def DoxyfileParse(env,file):
    data = parser.items()
    for k,v in data.items():
       if not v : del data[k]
-      elif k in ("INPUT", "FILE_PATTERNS", "EXCLUDE_PATTERNS", "@INCLUDE", "TAGFILES") : continue
       elif len(v)==1 : data[k] = v[0]
    return data
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ def DoxySourceScan(node, env, path):
    any files used to generate docs to the list of source files.
    dep_add_keys = (
    default_file_patterns = (