diff --git a/Packets/Packet.hh b/Packets/Packet.hh
index 03016c3ecf7a0561620449391ad30f5d1f8bc40c..ff3daa83920569ad2cd9aee959191b4ebe745dcb 100644
--- a/Packets/Packet.hh
+++ b/Packets/Packet.hh
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ namespace senf {
         (This is, why we call the data structure interpreter and not header: The interpreter is
         responsible for interpreting a range of the packet according to a specific protocol), the
         packet interpreters are nested inside each other.
         For each interpreter, this structure automatically divides the packet into three areas (each
         of which are optional): The header, the payload and the trailer. Every packet will have
         either a header or a payload section while most don't have a trailer.
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ namespace senf {
     ///\addtogroup packet_module
     /** \brief Main %Packet class
         %Packet is the main externally visible class of the packet library. %Packet is a handle into
@@ -111,12 +111,12 @@ namespace senf {
         class extending %Packet is provided.
         \section packet_semantics Semantics
         All operations accessing the data of \c this packet in some way will ignore any preceding
         packets/headers/interpreters in the chain. It does not matter, whether a given packet is
         taken from the middle or the beginning of the chain, all operations (except those explicitly
         accessing the chain of course) should work the same.
         This especially includes members like clone() or append(): clone() will clone \e only from
         \c this packet until the end of the chain, append() will append the given packet \e ignoring
         any possibly preceding packets/headers/interpreters.
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ namespace senf {
         instantiations (Example: \ref EthernetPacket is a typedef for
         \ref ConcretePacket < \ref EthernetPacketType >).
-        \see 
+        \see
             \ref ConcretePacket for the %type specific interface\n
             \ref PacketData for the sequence interface\n
             \ref packetparser for a specification of the parser interface
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ namespace senf {
         // Types
         typedef void type;              ///< Type of the packet.
         typedef senf::detail::packet::size_type size_type;
         ///< Unsigned type to represent packet size
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ namespace senf {
         // default copy constructor
         // default copy assignment
         // default destructor
         Packet();                       ///< Create uninitialized packet handle
                                         /**< An uninitialized handle is in - valid(). It does not
                                              allow any operation except assignment and checking for
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ namespace senf {
         // conversion constructors
-        template <class PacketType>     
+        template <class PacketType>
         Packet(ConcretePacket<PacketType> packet); ///< Copy-construct Packet from ConcretePacket
         /**< This constructor allows to convert an arbitrary
              ConcretePacket into a general Packet, loosing the
@@ -183,21 +183,21 @@ namespace senf {
         ///\name Interpreter chain access
-        Packet      next() const; 
+        Packet      next() const;
         ///< Get next packet in chain
-        /**< \throws InvalidPacketChainException if no next packet 
+        /**< \throws InvalidPacketChainException if no next packet
              exists */
-        Packet      next(NoThrow_t) const; 
+        Packet      next(NoThrow_t) const;
         ///< Get next packet in chain
-        /**< \returns in - valid() packet if no next packet 
+        /**< \returns in - valid() packet if no next packet
              exists */
-        template <class OtherPacket> OtherPacket next() const; 
+        template <class OtherPacket> OtherPacket next() const;
         ///< Get next packet in chain and cast to \a OtherPacket
         /**< \throws std::bad_cast if the next() packet is not of
              type \a OtherPacket
              \throws InvalidPacketChainException if no next packet
                  exists */
-        template <class OtherPacket> OtherPacket next(NoThrow_t) const; 
+        template <class OtherPacket> OtherPacket next(NoThrow_t) const;
         ///< Get next packet in chain and cast to \a OtherPacket
         /**< \throws std::bad_cast if the next() packet is not of
              type \a OtherPacket
@@ -213,26 +213,26 @@ namespace senf {
         /**< The search will start with the current packet.
              \returns in - valid() packet if no packet of type \a
                  OtherPacket can be found. */
-        Packet      prev() const; 
+        Packet      prev() const;
         ///< Get previous packet in chain
         /**< \throws InvalidPacketChainException if no previous
              packet exists */
-        Packet      prev(NoThrow_t) const; 
+        Packet      prev(NoThrow_t) const;
         ///< Get previous packet in chain
         /**< \returns in - valid() packet if no previous packet
              exists */
-        template <class OtherPacket> OtherPacket prev() const; 
+        template <class OtherPacket> OtherPacket prev() const;
         ///< Get previous packet in chain and cast to \a OtherPacket
         /**< \throws std::bad_cast, if the previous packet is not of
              type \a OtherPacket
              \throws InvalidPacketChainException if no previous
                  packet exists */
-        template <class OtherPacket> OtherPacket prev(NoThrow_t) const; 
+        template <class OtherPacket> OtherPacket prev(NoThrow_t) const;
         ///< Get previous packet in chain and cast to \a OtherPacket
         /**< \throws std::bad_cast, if the previous packet is not of
              type \a OtherPacket
-             \returns in - valid() packet if no previous packet 
+             \returns in - valid() packet if no previous packet
                  exists */
         template <class OtherPacket> OtherPacket rfind() const;
         ///< Search chain backwards for packet of type \a OtherPacket
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ namespace senf {
              OtherPacket. The new packet is added to the chain after
              \c this.
              \returns new packet instance sharing the same data and
-                 placed after \c this packet in the chain. 
+                 placed after \c this packet in the chain.
              \throws InvalidPacketChainException if no next
                  packet header is allowed (viz. nextPacketRange() of the the current
                  PacketType returns no_range() ) */
@@ -291,8 +291,8 @@ namespace senf {
         template <class OtherPacket> OtherPacket as() const;
         ///< Cast current packet to the given type
         /**< This operations returns a handle to the same packet
-             header/interpreter however cast to the given
-             ConcretePacket type.
+             header/interpreter however upcast to the given
+             ConcretePacket type which have been instantiated before.
              \throws std::bad_cast if the current packet is not of
                  type \a OtherPacket */
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ namespace senf {
                                         /**< This size does \e not include the size of any preceding
                                              headers/packets/interpreters. It does however include
                                              \c this packets payload. */
         ///\name Annotations
@@ -336,10 +336,10 @@ namespace senf {
                                              senf::Packet p (...);
                                              p.annotation<MyAnnotation>().value = 1;
                                              Annotations are shared by all headers / interpreters
                                              within a single packet chain.
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ namespace senf {
                                                  used). Additionally, non-complex small annotations
                                                  require no additional memory management (\c new /
                                                  \c delete).
                                              \idea Pool the annotation vectors: In the destructor
                                                  swap the vector into a vector graveyard (swapping
                                                  two vectors is an O(1) no allocation operation). In
@@ -397,8 +397,8 @@ namespace senf {
         bool valid() const;             ///< Check, whether the packet is valid()
                                         /**< An in - valid() packet does not allow any operation
                                              except checking for validity and assignment. in -
-                                             valid() packets serve the same role as 0-pointers. 
+                                             valid() packets serve the same role as 0-pointers.
                                              This is an alias for boolean_test() which is called
                                              when using a packet in a boolean context. */
@@ -429,8 +429,8 @@ namespace senf {
                                              packets/headers/interpreters from the \e first
                                              occurrence of packet type \a Other (beginning at \c
                                              this packet searching forward towards deeper nested
-                                             packets) backwards up to \c this. 
+                                             packets) backwards up to \c this.
                                              This call is equivalent to
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ namespace senf {
                                              other information in the packet. Each concrete packet
                                              type should document, which fields are set by
                                              finalizeTo(other) will automatically process all
                                              packets/headers/interpreters beginning at \a other
                                              backwards towards outer packets up to \c this. */
@@ -458,12 +458,12 @@ namespace senf {
                                              finalizeAll() will automatically process all
                                              packets/headers/interpreters from the end of the chain
-                                             (the most inner packet) backwards up to \c this. 
+                                             (the most inner packet) backwards up to \c this.
                                              This call is equivalent to
-                                             \endcode 
+                                             \endcode
                                              Beware, that finalizeAll() will \e not finalize any
                                              headers before \c this, it will \e only process inner
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ namespace senf {
         createAfter() and createBefore() extend a packet with additional
         headers/interpreters. createAfter() will set the payload of the given packet to the new
         packet whereas createBefore() will create a new packet with the existing packet as it's
-        payload. 
+        payload.
         createAfter() differs from Packet::parseNextAs() in that the former creates a new packet \e
         replacing any possibly existing data whereas the latter will interpret the already \e
@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ namespace senf {
             PacketType policy class.
     template <class PacketType>
-    class ConcretePacket 
+    class ConcretePacket
         : public Packet
@@ -590,10 +590,10 @@ namespace senf {
              \throws TruncatedPacketException if \a size is smaller
                  than the smallest permissible size for this type of
                  packet. */
-        static ConcretePacket create(size_type size, senf::NoInit_t); 
+        static ConcretePacket create(size_type size, senf::NoInit_t);
         ///< Create uninitialized packet
         /**< Creates an uninitialized (all-zero) packet of the exact
-             given size. 
+             given size.
              \param[in] size Size of the packet to create in bytes
              \param[in] senf::noinit This parameter must always have the
                  value \c senf::noinit. */
@@ -601,23 +601,23 @@ namespace senf {
         template <class ForwardReadableRange>
         static ConcretePacket create(
             ForwardReadableRange const & range,
-            typename boost::disable_if< boost::is_integral<ForwardReadableRange> >::type * = 0); 
+            typename boost::disable_if< boost::is_integral<ForwardReadableRange> >::type * = 0);
         template <class ForwardReadableRange>
-        static ConcretePacket create(ForwardReadableRange const & range); 
+        static ConcretePacket create(ForwardReadableRange const & range);
         ///< Create packet from given data
         /**< The packet will be created from a copy of the given
              data. The data from the range will be copied directly
              into the packet representation. The data will \e not be
              validated in any way.
              \param[in] range <a
-                 href="http://www.boost.org/libs/range/index.html">Boost.Range</a> 
+                 href="http://www.boost.org/libs/range/index.html">Boost.Range</a>
                  of data to construct packet from. */
         // Create packet as new packet after a given packet
-        static ConcretePacket createAfter(Packet const & packet); 
+        static ConcretePacket createAfter(Packet const & packet);
         ///< Create default initialized packet after \a packet
         /**< The packet will be initialized to it's default empty
              state. It will be appended as next header/interpreter
@@ -658,12 +658,12 @@ namespace senf {
 #ifndef DOXYGEN
         template <class ForwardReadableRange>
         static ConcretePacket createAfter(
-            Packet const & packet, 
+            Packet const & packet,
             ForwardReadableRange const & range,
             typename boost::disable_if< boost::is_integral<ForwardReadableRange> >::type * = 0);
         template <class ForwardReadableRange>
-        static ConcretePacket createAfter(Packet const & packet, 
+        static ConcretePacket createAfter(Packet const & packet,
                                           ForwardReadableRange const & range);
         ///< Create packet from given data after \a packet
         /**< The packet will be created from a copy of the given
@@ -674,13 +674,13 @@ namespace senf {
              interpreter chain.
              \param[in] packet Packet to append new packet to.
              \param[in] range <a
-                 href="http://www.boost.org/libs/range/index.html">Boost.Range</a> 
+                 href="http://www.boost.org/libs/range/index.html">Boost.Range</a>
                  of data to construct packet from. */
         // Create packet as new packet (header) before a given packet
-        static ConcretePacket createBefore(Packet const & packet); 
+        static ConcretePacket createBefore(Packet const & packet);
         ///< Create default initialized packet before \a packet
         /**< The packet will be initialized to it's default empty
              state. It will be prepended as previous
@@ -693,17 +693,17 @@ namespace senf {
              will be prepended as previous header/interpreter before
              \a packet in that packets interpreter chain.
              \param[in] packet Packet to prepend new packet to. */
         // Create a clone of the current packet
         ConcretePacket clone() const;
         // Field access
-        struct ParserProxy 
+        struct ParserProxy
             ParserProxy(Parser const & p) : p_ (p) {}
             Parser * operator->() { return &p_; }
@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ namespace senf {
                                         /**< This operator allows to access the parsed fields of the
                                              packet using the notation <tt>packet->field()</tt>. The
                                              fields of the packet are specified by the PacketType's
-                                             \c parser member. 
+                                             \c parser member.
                                              The members are not strictly restricted to simple field
                                              access. The parser class may have any member which is
@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ namespace senf {
         typedef PacketInterpreter<PacketType> interpreter;
         ConcretePacket(typename interpreter::ptr packet_);
         typename interpreter::ptr ptr() const;
         friend class Packet;
@@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ namespace senf {
 #include "Packet.cti"
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