// $Id$ // // Copyright (C) 2007 // Fraunhofer Institut fuer offene Kommunikationssysteme (FOKUS) // Kompetenzzentrum fuer Satelitenkommunikation (SatCom) // Stefan Bund <g0dil@berlios.de> // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the // Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. /** \file \brief mpl public header */ #ifndef HH_mpl_ #define HH_mpl_ 1 // Custom includes #include "../config.hh" //#include "mpl.mpp" #include "mpl.ih" ///////////////////////////////hh.p//////////////////////////////////////// namespace senf { namespace mpl { /** \defgroup senfmpl Template meta programming helpers */ /** \brief Marker class for empty default values etc. This is like Boosts \c boost::mpl::na just an empty class used as template default argument to mark missing arguments \note Don't use this as an empty base class. We may add some informative members to this. */ struct nil {}; /** \brief Return-value type used to implement overload selection The senf::mpl::rv type is used together with \ref SENF_MPL_RV() to select template specializations based on a set of overloads: \code template <unsigned _> struct select {}; // Case 0 template <> struct select<0> { static bool const has_int_value = true; void frobble(); }; template <class T> senf::mpl::rv<0> select_(int, senf::mpl::take_int<T::value> * = 0); // Case 1 template <> struct select<1> { static bool const has_int_value = false; void dazzle(); }; template <class T> senf::mpl::rv<1> select_(...); template <class T> struct choice : public select<SENF_MPL_RV( select_<T>(0) )> {}; struct A { static const int value = 0; }; struct B {}; choice<A> a; a.frobble(); choice<B> b; b.dazzle(); \endcode The selection is always based on two components: A selector class specialized for each of the possible choices and an overloaded function (only signatures, no implementation needed) to provide the conditions. When instantiatinv <tt>choice<T></tt>, we forward \a T to the <tt>select_</tt> set of overloads. Because of <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SFINAE">SFINAE</a>, the overload set will only contain those instantiations, for which template expansion does not fail. So, if \a T has an integer \c value member, both \c select_ overloads are ok and the call <tt>select_<T>(0)</tt> will choose the first (case 0) variant, since the argument \c 0 is better matched by \c int than by <tt>...</tt>. However, if \a T does not have an integer \c value member, expansion for the first overload fails and the overload set only contains the second case. \ref SENF_MPL_RV() internally uses \c sizeof to find out, \e which overload was selected and returns the senf::mpl::rv-argument of that overloads return type. For this to work, the \c select_ functions need not be implemented since no code is generated and \c select_ is never called. This number is than forwarded as template argument to \c select which is specialized for each case. Therefore, <tt>choice\<A\></tt> has a \c frobble() member whereas <tt>choice\<B\></tt> has a \c dazzle() member. \see \ref SENF_MPL_RV \ingroup senfmpl */ template <unsigned n> struct rv { char _[SENF_MPL_RV_ALIGNMENT][n+1]; }; /** \brief Get return value of overload selector Used together with senf::mpl::rv to implement overload selection. \see \ref senf::mpl::rv \ingroup senfmpl \hideinitializer */ # define SENF_MPL_RV(expr) (sizeof(expr)/SENF_MPL_RV_ALIGNMENT-1) /** \brief Take an arbitrary unsigned integer template argument Used together with <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SFINAE">SFINAE</a>: The expression <tt>take_uint<</tt> \a expr <tt>></tt> is only valid if \a expr is valid and returns a value convertible to an unsigned integer. \ingroup senfmpl */ template <unsigned long _> struct take_uint {}; /** \brief Take an arbitrary integer template argument Used together with <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SFINAE">SFINAE</a>: The expression <tt>take_int<</tt> \a expr <tt>></tt> is only valid if \a expr is valid and returns a value convertible to an integer. \ingroup senfmpl */ template <long _> struct take_int {}; /** \brief Take an arbitrary type template argument Used together with <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SFINAE">SFINAE</a>: The expression <tt>take_class<</tt> \a expr <tt>></tt> is only valid if \a expr is valid and is a type. \ingroup senfmpl */ template <class _> struct take_class {}; /** \brief Define MPL slot The slot macros \ref SENF_MPL_SLOT_DEF(), \ref SENF_MPL_SLOT_SET() and \ref SENF_MPL_SLOT_GET() provide a facility to get the last unsigned integer value assigned to the slot before the current point in the current class. \code struct Foo { // Define SLOT slot named 'accum' initialized to 0 SENF_MPL_SLOT_DEF(accum, 0); // Add 2 to 'accum' SENF_MPL_SLOT_SET(accum, SENF_MPL_SLOT_GET(accum) + 2); // Multiply 'accum' by 3 SENF_MPL_SLOT_SET(accum, SENF_MPL_SLOT_GET(accum) * 3); // Define the result as a constant expression. result is now 6 static unsigned result = SENF_MPL_SLOT_GET(accum); }; \endcode Of course, it does not make sense to use these macros for simple arithmetic as in the example. The SENF_MPL_SLOT macros allow to define macros which pass information from one macro invocation to the next. \implementation The implementation is based on __LINE__: We check backwards for a value defined on a previous line. The check is limited to 80 lines backwards. \ingroup senfmpl \hideinitializer */ # define SENF_MPL_SLOT_DEF(name,value) \ template <class _> \ static senf::mpl::rv<0> _SENF_MPL_SLOT_ ## name (_); \ SENF_MPL_SLOT_SET(name,value) /** \brief Define MPL slot initialized to 0 This is like \ref SENF_MPL_SLOT_DEF() but initializes the slot to the fixed value 0. The advantage over \ref SENF_MPL_SLOT_DEF() is, that this macro may be called from an include file whereas all the other \\c SENF_MPL_SLOT_ macros must always be called from the relevant file. */ # define SENF_MPL_SLOT_DEF_ZERO(name) \ template <class _> \ static senf::mpl::rv<0> _SENF_MPL_SLOT_ ## name (_); /** \brief Set MPL slot \see \ref SENF_MPL_SLOT_DEF() \ingroup senfmpl \hideinitializer */ # define SENF_MPL_SLOT_SET(name,value) \ static senf::mpl::rv<unsigned(value)+1> \ _SENF_MPL_SLOT_ ## name (senf::mpl::take_int<__LINE__>) /** \brief Get current MPL slot value \see \ref SENF_MPL_SLOT_DEF() \ingroup senfmpl \hideinitializer */ # define SENF_MPL_SLOT_GET(name) \ SENF_MPL_SLOT_I_GET(name) }} ///////////////////////////////hh.e//////////////////////////////////////// //#include "mpl.cci" //#include "mpl.ct" //#include "mpl.cti" #endif // Local Variables: // mode: c++ // fill-column: 100 // comment-column: 40 // c-file-style: "senf" // indent-tabs-mode: nil // ispell-local-dictionary: "american" // compile-command: "scons -u test" // End: