// $Id$ // // Copyright (C) 2006 // Fraunhofer Institut fuer offene Kommunikationssysteme (FOKUS) // Kompetenzzentrum fuer Satelitenkommunikation (SatCom) // Stefan Bund <stefan.bund@fokus.fraunhofer.de> // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the // Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. /** \file \brief SocketProtocol and ConcreteSocketProtocol public header \idea We should optimize the protocol handling. Allocating a protocol instance for every socket body seems quite wasteful. We could derive SocketPolicy from SocketBody (probably privately, since private inheritance models more of 'has a' than 'is a'). This would allow to reduce the number of heap-allocations per socket to one which is good. */ // The private inheritance idea should indeed work very well: We just need to change the // implementations of body() and protocol() and that of the ProtocolClient/ServerSocketHandle // constructors and the SocketBody constructor. The body and the protocol would still be visible // like several instances because of the private inheritance but we would save the backwards // pointer. /** \defgroup protocol_group The Protocol Classes \htmlonly <map name="protocols"> <area shape="rect" alt="SocketPolicy" href="structsenf_1_1SocketPolicy.html" title="SocketPolicy" coords="416,50,536,68" /> <area shape="rect" alt="ConcreteSocketProtocol" href="classsenf_1_1ConcreteSocketProtocol.html" title="ConcreteSocketProtocol" coords="268,65,456,88" /> <area shape="rect" alt="SocketProtocol" href="classsenf_1_1SocketProtocol.html" title="SocketProtocol" coords="1,2,120,26" /> <area shape="rect" alt="BSDSocketProtocol" href="classsenf_1_1BSDSocketProtocol.html" title="BSDSocketProtocol" coords="124,118,276,143" /> <area shape="rect" alt="AddressableBSDSocketProtocol" href="classsenf_1_1AddressableBSDSocketProtocol.html" title="AddressableBSDSocketProtocol" coords="82,200,314,224" /> <area shape="rect" alt="IPv4Protocol" href="classsenf_1_1IPv4Protocol.html" title="IPv4Protocol" coords="149,272,252,296" /> <area shape="rect" alt="IPv6Protocol" href="classsenf_1_1IPv6Protocol.html" title="IPv6Protocol" coords="149,335,251,359" /> <area shape="rect" alt="TCPProtocol" href="classsenf_1_1TCPProtocol.html" title="TCPProtocol" coords="151,398,248,420" /> <area shape="rect" alt="TCPv4SocketProtocol" href="classsenf_1_1TCPv4SocketProtocol.html" title="TCPv4SocketProtocol" coords="288,471,405,494" /> <area shape="rect" alt="TCPv6SocketProtocol" href="classsenf_1_1TCPv6SocketProtocol.html" title="TCPv6SocketProtocol" coords="424,470,540,494" /> <area shape="rect" alt="PacketProtocol" href="classsenf_1_1PacketProtocol.html" title="PacketProtocol" coords="560,469,680,495" /> </map> <img src="Protocols.png" border="0" alt="Protocols" usemap="#protocols"> \endhtmlonly The socket handle classes and templates only implement the most important socket API methods using the policy framework. To access the complete API, the protocol interface is provided. Access to the protocol interface is only possible via senf::ProtocolClientSocketHandle and senf::ProtocolServerSocketHandle which have the necessary \c protocol() member. This member returns a reference to the protocol class instance which contains members covering all the API functions (mostly setsockopt/getsockopt related calls but there may be more, this is completely up to the implementor of the protocol class) not found in the SocketHandle interface. The protocol interface is specific to the protocol. It's implementation is quite free. The standard protocols are implemented using a simple multiple-inheritance hierarchy as shown above. Since the protocol class is protocol specific (how intelligent ...), the protocol class also defines the \e complete socket policy to be used with it's protocol. Complete meaning, that every policy axis must be assigned it's the most specific (that is derived) policy class to be used with the protocol and that no policy axis is allowed to be left unspecified. \see \ref handle_group \n \ref policy_group \todo Complete the protocol interface implementations. Better distribution of members to protocol facets and more precise distribution of functionality among the facets. */ /** \defgroup concrete_protocol_group Protocol Implementations (Concrete Protocol Classes) \ingroup protocol_group Theese protocol classes define concrete and complete protocol implementations. They inherit from ConcreteSocketProtocol and are used with the ProtocolClientSocketHandle and ProtocolServerSocketHandle templates to instantiate socket handles. Appropriate typedefs are always provided. Every protocol defines both the protocol and the policy interface provided by that protocol. See the documentation of the protocol classes listed below for more information on the supported protocols. Every protocol class documents it's policy interface. Use the 'list all members' link of the protocol class to find the complete policy interface. */ /** \defgroup protocol_facets_group Protocol Facets \ingroup protocol_group The protocol facets are classes used as building blocks to build concrete protocol classes. Each protocol facet will implement some functional part of the protocol interface. The protocol facets all inherit from SocketProtocol by public \e virtual inheritance. This ensures the accessibility of the socket body from all facets. */ #ifndef HH_SocketProtocol_ #define HH_SocketProtocol_ 1 // Custom includes #include <boost/utility.hpp> // Hrmpf ... I have tried very hard, but I just can't find a nice, generic way to clean // up this include #include "SocketHandle.ih" //#include "SocketProtocol.mpp" ///////////////////////////////hh.p//////////////////////////////////////// namespace senf { /// \addtogroup protocol_group /// @{ class SocketPolicyBase; /** \brief Socket Protocol base class This is the base class of all socket protocol classes. Every protocol class must directly or indirectly inherit from SocketProtocol \attention SocketProtocol must \e always be inherited using public \e virtual inheritance. */ class SocketProtocol : boost::noncopyable { public: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Types /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///\name Structors and default members ///@{ SocketProtocol(); virtual ~SocketProtocol() = 0; // default default constructor // no copy // no conversion constructors ///@} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SocketBody & body() const; ///< Access the socket body /**< \todo we don't need body(), we should better provide a handle() member which will return a simple FIleHandle object (we cannot return some other derived class since we don't know the Protocol or Policy at this point) */ virtual SocketPolicyBase const & policy() const = 0; ///< Access the policy instance /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Virtual interface virtual std::auto_ptr<SocketProtocol> clone() const = 0; ///< Polymorphically return a copy of this protocol class /**< This member will create a new copy of the protocol class on the heap. \attention This member must be implemented in every \e leaf protocol class to return a new instance of the appropriate type. */ virtual unsigned available() const = 0; ///< Return number of bytes available for reading without ///< blocking /**< This member will check in a (very, sigh) protocol dependent way, how many bytes are guaranteed to be readable from the socket without blocking even if the socket is blocking. If the socket does not support reading (viz. NotReadablePolicy is set), this member should always return \c 0.*/ virtual bool eof() const = 0; ///< Check for end-of-file condition /**< This is another check which (like available()) is extremely protocol dependent. This member will return \c true only, if at end-of-file. If the protocol does not support the notion of EOF, this member should always return \c false. */ virtual void close() const; ///< Close socket /**< This override will automatically \c shutdown() the socket whenever it is closed. \throws senf::SystemException */ virtual void terminate() const; ///< Forcibly close socket /**< This override will automatically \c shutdown() the socket whenever it is called. Additionally it will disable SO_LINGER to ensure, that v_terminate will not block. Like the overriden method, this member will ignore failures and will never throw. It therefore safe to be called from a destructor. */ virtual void state(SocketStateMap & map, unsigned lod) const; ///< Return socket state information /**< This member is called to add state information to the status \a map. The protocol map should provide as detailed information as possible. The amount of information to be added to the map is selected by the \a lod value with a default value of 0. The interpretation of the \a lod value is completely implementation defined. Every class derived from SocketProtocol should reimplement state(). The reimplemented method should call (all) baseclass-implementations of this member. The \a map Argument is a map which associates std:string keys with std:string-like values. The map keys are interpreted as hierarchical strings with '.' as a separator (like hostnames or struct or class members). They are automatically sorted correctly. The values are std:string with one additional feature: they allow assignment or conversion from *any* type as long as that type is streamable. This simplifies assigning non-string values to the map: \code map["socket.protocol.ip.address"] = peer(); map["socket.protocol.tcp.backlog"] = backlog(); \endcode This will work even if peer() returns an ip-address object or backlog() returns an integer. The values are automatically converted to their string representation. The operator "+=" also has been reimplemented to simplify adding multiple values to a single entry: It will automatically add a ", " separator if the string is non-empty. */ protected: private: // backpointer to owning SocketBody instance SocketBody * body_; friend class SocketBody; }; /** \brief Concrete Socket Protocol implementation base class ConcreteSocketProtocol is the base class of a concrete socket protocol implementation. The final protocol class must inherit from ConcreteSocketProtocol. The template argument \a SocketPolicy must be set to the complete socket policy of the protocol. A protocol implementation may define the protocol interface directly. It can also (additionally) make use of multiple inheritance to combine a set of protocol facets into a specific protocol implementation (i.e. TCPv4SocketProtocol inherits from ConcreteSocketProtocol and from the protocol facets IPv4Protocol, TCPProtocol, BSDSocketProtocol and AddressableBSDSocketProtocol). The protocol facets are not concrete protocols themselves, they are combined to build concrete protocols. This structure will remove a lot of code duplication. It is important to ensure, that the protocol facets do not overlap, since otherwise there will be problems resolving overlapping members. \doc init_client init_server */ template <class SocketPolicy> class ConcreteSocketProtocol : public virtual SocketProtocol { public: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Types typedef SocketPolicy Policy; ///< The protocols policy /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///\name Structors and default members ///@{ ~ConcreteSocketProtocol() = 0; // no default constructor // no copy // no conversion constructors ///@} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Policy const & policy() const; protected: private: Policy policy_; }; /// @} } ///////////////////////////////hh.e//////////////////////////////////////// #include "SocketProtocol.cci" //#include "SocketProtocol.ct" #include "SocketProtocol.cti" #endif // Local Variables: // mode: c++ // fill-column: 100 // c-file-style: "senf" // indent-tabs-mode: nil // ispell-local-dictionary: "american" // compile-command: "scons -u test" // comment-column: 40 // End: