import SCons.Script import SCons.Script.SConscript import SCons.Defaults import os.path import os import sys import tempfile import SCons.Scanner.C # ARGH ... Why do they put a '+' in the module name ???????? SCons.Tool.cplusplus=getattr(__import__('SCons.Tool.c++', globals(), locals(), []).Tool, 'c++') _ALL_TESTS = [] def scanTests(f): tests = {} name = start = None linenr= 0 for line in f: linenr += 1 if line.startswith('COMPILE_FAIL(') and ')' in line: name = line.split('(',1)[-1].split(')',1)[0] start = linenr elif line.startswith('}') and name and start: tests[name] = (start, linenr) return tests def CompileCheck(target, source, env): tests = scanTests(file(source[0].abspath)) cenv = env.Clone() cenv.Append( CPPDEFINES = [ 'COMPILE_CHECK' ] ) out = tempfile.TemporaryFile() cenv['SPAWN'] = lambda sh, escape, cmd, args, env, pspawn=cenv['PSPAWN'], out=out: \ pspawn(sh, escape, cmd, args, env, out, out) SCons.Script.Action('$CXXCOM').execute(target, source, cenv) passedTests = {} delay_name = None for error in elts = error.split(':',2) if len(elts) != 3 : continue filename, line, message = elts if not os.path.exists(filename) : continue try: line = int(line) except ValueError : continue message = message.strip() if delay_name and not message.startswith('instantiated from '): print "Passed test '%s': %s" % (delay_name, message) delay_name = None continue filename = os.path.abspath(filename) if filename != source[0].abspath : continue for name,lines in tests.iteritems(): if line >= lines[0] and line <= lines[1]: passedTests[name] = 1 if message.startswith('instantiated from '): delay_name = name else: print "Passed test '%s': %s" % (name, message) if delay_name: print "Passed test '%s': <unknown message ??>" % delay_name failedTests = set(tests.iterkeys()) - set(passedTests.iterkeys()) if failedTests: for test in failedTests: print "Test '%s' FAILED" % test print print "*** %d tests FAILED" % len(failedTests) if os.path.exists(target[0].abspath): os.unlink(target[0].abspath) return 1 file(target[0].abspath,"w").close() return 0 CompileCheck = SCons.Script.Action(CompileCheck) def BoostUnitTest(env, target=None, source=None, **kw): target = env.arg2nodes(target)[0] source = env.arg2nodes(source) binnode = target.dir.File('.' + + '.bin') stampnode = target.dir.File('.' + + '.stamp') bin = env.Program(binnode, source, LIBS = env['LIBS'] + [ '$TEST_EXTRA_LIBS' ], _LIBFLAGS = ' -Wl,-Bstatic -l$BOOSTTESTLIB -Wl,-Bdynamic ' + env['_LIBFLAGS'], **kw) stamp = env.Command(stampnode, bin, [ '$SOURCE $BOOSTTESTARGS', 'touch $TARGET' ], **kw) alias = env.Command(env.File(target), stamp, []) compileTests = [ src for src in source if src.suffix in SCons.Tool.cplusplus.CXXSuffixes \ and src.exists() \ and 'COMPILE_CHECK' in file(str(src)).read() ] if compileTests: env.Depends(alias, env.CompileCheck(source = compileTests)) _ALL_TESTS.append(alias) return alias def FindAllBoostUnitTests(env, target, source): return _ALL_TESTS def generate(env): env.SetDefault( BOOST_VARIANT = '', BOOSTTESTLIB = 'boost_unit_test_framework$BOOST_VARIANT', BOOSTREGEXLIB = 'boost_regex$BOOST_VARIANT', BOOSTFSLIB = 'boost_filesystem$BOOST_VARIANT', BOOSTIOSTREAMSLIB = 'boost_iostreams$BOOST_VARIANT', BOOSTSIGNALSLIB = 'boost_signals$BOOST_VARIANT', BOOSTTESTARGS = [ '--build_info=yes', '--log_level=test_suite' ], ) env['BUILDERS']['BoostUnitTest'] = BoostUnitTest env['BUILDERS']['FindAllBoostUnitTests'] = FindAllBoostUnitTests env['BUILDERS']['CompileCheck'] = env.Builder( action = CompileCheck, suffix = '.checked', src_suffix = '.cc', source_scanner = SCons.Scanner.C.CScanner(), single_source=1 ) def exists(env): return True