// Copyright (C) 2007 // Fraunhofer Institut fuer offene Kommunikationssysteme (FOKUS) // Kompetenzzentrum fuer Satelitenkommunikation (SatCom) // Stefan Bund <g0dil@berlios.de> // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the // Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. /** \file \brief Conenctors public header */ /** \defgroup connectors Connector classes A connector has two independent properties \li it may be \e active or \e passive \li it may be an \e input or an \e output \e Active connectors are activated from within the module, \e passive connectors are signaled by the external framework. \e Input modules receive packets, \e output modules send packets. All passive connectors call some onRequest callback whenever I/O needs to be performed. All input modules possess a packet queue. We therefore have 4 connector types: senf::ppi::ActiveInput, senf::ppi::ActiveOutput, senf::ppi::PassiveInput and senf::ppi::PassiveOutput. */ #ifndef HH_Conenctors_ #define HH_Conenctors_ 1 // Custom includes #include <boost/utility.hpp> //#include "Conenctors.mpp" ///////////////////////////////hh.p//////////////////////////////////////// namespace senf { namespace ppi { namespace connector { /** \brief Connector baseclass This connector provides access to the generic connector facilities. This includes the connection management (access to the connected peer) and the containment management (access to the containing module) */ class Connector : boost::noncopyable { public: Connector & peer(); ///< Get peer connected to this connector Module & module(); ///< Get this connectors containing module protected: // here to protect Connector(); ~Connector(); }; /** \brief Passive connector baseclass A passive connector is a connector which is activated externally whenever an I/O request occurs. Passive connectors are the origin of throttling notifications. Depending on the type of connector (output or input) the respective throttling is called forward or backward throttling. Passive connectors always handle two throttling states: \li The \e native throttling state is set manually by the module. It is the throttling state originating in the current module \li The \e forwarded throttling state is the state as it is received by throttling notifications The accumulative throttling state is generated by combining all sub-states. */ class PassiveConnector : public virtual Connector { public: template <class Handler> void onRequest(Handler handler);///< Register I/O event handler /**< The registered handler will be called, whenever packets arrive or should be generated by the module depending on the connector type (input or output). The \a handler argument is either an arbitrary callable object or it is a pointer-to-member to a member of the class which holds this input. In the second case, the pointer will automatically be bound to the containing instance. \param[in] handler Handler to call, whenever an I/O operation is to be performed. */ bool throttled(); ///< Get accumulative throttling state bool nativeThrottled(); ///< Get native throttling state void throttle(); ///< Set native throttling void unthrottle(); ///< Revoke native throttling void notifyThrottle(); ///< Forward a throttling notification to this connector void notifyUnthrottle(); ///< Forward an unthrottling notification to this connector ActiveConnector & peer(); protected: // here to protect PassiveConnector(); ~PassiveConnector(); }; /** \brief Active connector baseclass An active connector is a connector which emits I/O requests. Active connectors receive throttling notifications. Depending on the type of connector (input or output) the respective throttling is called forward or backward throttling. Active connectors do not handle any throttling state, they just receive the notifications. These notifications should then either be processed by the module or be forwarded to other connectors. */ class ActiveConnector : public virtual Connector { public: template <class Handler> void onThrottle(Handler handle); ///< Register throttle notification handler /**< The handler register here will be called, whenever a throttle notification comes in. The \a handler argument is either an arbitrary callable object or it is a pointer-to-member to a member of the class which holds this input. In the second case, the pointer will automatically be bound to the containing instance. \param[in] handle Handler to call on throttle notifications. */ template <class Handler> void onUnthrottle(Handler handle); ///< Register unthrottle notification handler /**< The handler register here will be called, whenever an unthrottle notification comes in. The \a handler argument is either an arbitrary callable object or it is a pointer-to-member to a member of the class which holds this input. In the second case, the pointer will automatically be bound to the containing instance. \param[in] handle Handler to call on unthrottle notifications. */ PassiveConnector & peer(); protected: // here to protect PassiveConnector(); ~PassiveConnector(); }; /** \brief Input connector baseclass An input connector receives packets. It may be either an ActiveConnector or a PassiveConnector. An input connector contains a packet queue. This queue enables processing packets in batches or generating multiple output packets from a single input packet. The queues have the potential to greatly simplify the module implementations. \implementation Which container to use? \li list has good insertion and deletion properties on both ends but it costs a dynamic memory allocation for every insertion. A very good property is, that iterators stay valid across insertions/deletions \li vector is fast and has good amortized dynamic allocation properties. However, it is quite unusable as a queue \li deque has comparable dynamic allocation properties as vector but also has good insertion/removal properties on both ends. So probably we will use a deque. I'd like a container which keeps iterators intact on isertion/deletion but I believe that list is just to expensive since every packet will be added to the queue before it can be processed. */ class InputConnector : public virtual Connector { public: typedef unspecified queue_iterator; ///< Iterator type of the embedded queue typedef unspecified size_type; ///< Unsigned type representing the number of queue elements Packet::ptr operator(); ///< Get a packet /**< This member is the primary method to access received data. On passive connectors, this operator will just dequeue a packet from the packet queue. If the connector is active, the connector will request new packets from the connected module. If the packet request cannot be fulfilled, this is considered to be a logic error in the module implementation and an exception is raised. */ operator unspecified_boolean_type (); ///< Check packet availability /**< Using any input connector in a boolean context will check, whether an input request can be fulfilled. This is always possible if the queue is non-empty. If the input is active, it also returns when the connected passive output is not throttled so new packets can be requested. Calling the operator() member is an error if this test returns \c false \returns \c true if operator() can be called, \c false otherwise */ operator ! (); ///< Check packet availability /**< Inverse of the boolean conversion operator \returns \c false if operator() can be called, \c true otherwise */ OutputConnector & peer(); queue_iterator begin(); ///< Access queue begin (head) queue_iterator end(); ///< Access queue past-the-end (tail) Packet::ptr head(); ///< Return head element from the queue size_type queueSize(); ///< Return number of elements in the queue bool empty(); ///< Return queueSize() == 0 protected: // here to protect PassiveConnector(); ~PassiveConnector(); }; /** \brief Output connector baseclass An output connector sends out packets. It may be either an ActiveConnector or a PassiveConnector. An output connector does \e not have an built-in queueing, it relies on the queueing of the connected input. */ class OutputConnector : public virtual Connector { public: void operator(Packet::ptr); ///< Send out a packet InputConnector & peer(); protected: // here to protect PassiveConnector(); ~PassiveConnector(); }; ///@{ ///\addtogroup connectors /** \brief Combination of PassiveConnector and InputConnector In addition to the native and the forwarded throttling state, the PassiveInput manages a queue throttling state. This state is automatically managed by a queueing discipline. The standard queueing discipline is ThresholdQueueing, which throttles the connection whenever the queue length reaches the high threshold and unthrottles the connection when the queue reaches the low threshold. The default queueing discipline is <tt>ThresholdQueueing(1,0)</tt> which will throttle the input whenever the queue is non-empty. */ class PassiveInput : public PassiveConnector, public InputConnector { public: ActiveOutput & peer(); template <class QueueingDiscipline> void qdisc(QueueingDiscipline const & disc); ///< Change the queueing discipline /**< The queueing discipline is a class which provides the QueueingDiscipline interface. \param[in] disc New queueing discipline */ }; /** \brief Combination of PassiveConnector and OutputConnector */ class PassiveOutput : public PassiveConnector, public OutputConnector { public: ActiveInput & peer(); }; /** \brief Combination of ActiveConnector and InputConnector */ class ActiveInput : public ActiveConnector, public InputConnector { public: PassiveOutput & peer(); void request(); ///< request more packets without dequeuing any packet }; /** \brief Combination of ActiveConnector and OutputConnector */ class ActiveOutput : public ActiveConnector, public OutputConnector { public: ActiveInput & peer(); }; ///@} }}} ///////////////////////////////hh.e//////////////////////////////////////// //#include "Conenctors.cci" //#include "Conenctors.ct" //#include "Conenctors.cti" #endif // Local Variables: // mode: c++ // fill-column: 100 // c-file-style: "senf" // indent-tabs-mode: nil // ispell-local-dictionary: "american" // compile-command: "scons -u test" // comment-column: 40 // End: