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REL: v3.2.0

Highlights of this release include:

 - default image interpolation is now `'antialiased'` to better handle
   down-sampling and reduce artifacts when up-sampling by small
 - change when ticks switch to using an offset to improve readability
 - improvements to auto-scaling and auto-limits
 - `DivergingNorm` has been renamed to `TwoSlopeNorm`
 - support for 3 and 4 digit hex colors (`#123` maps to `#112233`)
 - improvements to Logit scale ticker and formatter
 - control of where errorbars start getting placed with `errorevery`
 - correct kerning when laying out text
 - improvements to MovieRegistry

For the full details please see the whats new [1] and API changes [2]
in the documentation
