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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v2.2.2
    b471ee21 · REL: v2.2.2 LTS ·
    REL: v2.2.2 LTS
    The second bug-fix release of the v2.2 LTS series.
    This release fixes a number of critical bugs:
     - restores matplotlib.verbose (fixing embedding in pycharm)
     - preserve precision when color mapping small portions of data with
       extreme outliers
     - fixes saving long movies with ffmpeg
     - fixes UnbourdLocal error in contour labeling
     - fixes import failure on python 3.4.0 and 3.4.1
     - fixes compile time failures with clang on 32bit platforms
     - fixes an icon in the Tk backends
     - fixes several issues with Tables
     - fixes expanding offset boxes with tight_layout
     - revert changes to the font caching to avoid a possible bug in
     - numerous docstring and documentation fixes
    We have reverted the deprecation of `font_manager.TempCache`.
    v2.2.1 did not actually restore matplotlib.verbose.
  • v2.2.1
    1021510f · REL: v2.2.1 LTS ·
    REL: v2.2.1 LTS
    The first bug-fix release of the v2.2 LTS series.
    This release fixes a number of critical bugs:
     - restores matplotlib.verbose (fixing embedding in pycharm)
     - preserve precision when color mapping small portions of data with
       extreme outliers
     - fixes saving long movies with ffmpeg
     - fixes UnbourdLocal error in contour labeling
     - fixes import failure on python 3.4.0 and 3.4.1
     - fixes compile time failures with clang on 32bit platforms
     - fixes an icon in the Tk backends
     - fixes several issues with Tables
     - fixes expanding offset boxes with tight_layout
     - revert changes to the font caching to avoid a possible bug in
     - numerous docstring and documentation fixes
    We have reverted the deprecation of `font_manager.TempCache`.
  • v2.2.0
    66e49f9a · REL: v2.2.0 LTS ·
    REL: v2.2.0 LTS
    The first release of the v2.2 LTS series and the last version of
    Matplotlib to support python2.  There will be bug-fix release for this
    series until 2020.
    This release includes new features including:
     - An experimental constrained layout manager
     - Color blind friendly color map (cividis) and color cycle
     - native support for numpy.datetime64 types
     - animated gif writing via pillow
     - TkAgg now works with pypy
     - cairo based backends for Qt, Tk, and WX
    There are several API changes in this release:
     - To support the constrained layout Matplotlib has a new required
       dependency (kiwisolver).
     - The `` module has been removed, development has
       moved to a stand-alone project.
  • v2.2.0rc1
    87871d4a · REL: v2.2.0rc1 ·
    REL: v2.2.0rc1
    The first rc for Matplotlib 2.2.0
  • v2.1.2
    24f0d9c4 · REL: v2.1.2 ·
    REL: v2.1.2
    The second bug-fix release for the 2.1 series.
    This release fixes a number of critical bugs:
     - fix a typo in mlab.cohere which yielded incorrect results
     - allow nonposx / nonposy to pass through loglog
     - fix color comparisons when finding handles with legend
     - fixes a recursive draw bug and a major performance regression in
       Qt5Agg backend
     - fix a re-draw bug in WxAgg
     - fix image scaling with high-bit depth integers
     - revert the busy-cursor
  • v2.1.1
    be7e4e46 · REL: v2.1.1 ·
    REL: v2.1.1
    The first and only planned bug-fix release for the 2.1 series.
    This release include many bug and documentation fixes.  Highlights are:
     - change default logscale behavior to clip
     - fixed webagg import errors
     - tweaks to polar ticks
     - fixed exception when guessing afm family names
     - update manifest to include all doc files
     - improve masked array handling in pcolormesh
     - fix segfault from reading invalid png
     - fix blocking_input
     - fix bug resulting in huge multi-page pdf files
     - make `show` in nbagg take args as other backends do
     - several fixes to OSX backend
     - restore positional arg handling on Figure.legend
     - fix bugs in interactive navigation
     - fix issues when panning with invalid limits
     - fix bug with fully masked arrays passed to imshow
  • v2.1.0
    b392d464 · REL: v2.1.0 ·
    REL: v2.1.0
    Matplotlib v2.1.0 release.
    This is a major feature release of Matplotlib. This release includes
    several major new features such as:
     - improved polar plots
     - string categorical support
     - 'voxel' 3D plots
     - the `Figure` class now has a `subplots` method
    and many bug fixes.
  • v2.1.0rc1
    f20f43d4 · REL: v2.1.0rc1 ·
    REL: v2.1.0rc1
    First RC for Matplotlib v2.1
  • v2.0.2
    e175a41c · REL: v2.0.2 ·
    REL: v2.0.2
    Critical bug fixes for 2.0.1
     - fixed Qt4 support
     - fixed LogFormatter
     - fixed hatched artists in legends
     - fixed segfault with large images
  • v2.0.1
    cef1be3e · REL: v2.0.1 ·
    REL: v2.0.1
    Bug fix release for 2.0.x series
    This release includes bug fixes, documentation updates and one major change.
     - Do not clip the linewidth used for dash pattern scaling.  This is
       an API change, but is a major improvement.
     - Deprecate 'vega' color names in favor of 'tab'.
    Bug Fixes
     - Hatching color follows edge color again.
     - Fixes a critical bug with masked images.
     - Improved high-dpi support for Qt5.
     - Log ticking no never skip minor ticks
     - Do not skip points surrounded by nan/inf in vector outputs.
    Supported versions of Python
     - 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6
     - Patches to improve compatibility with pypy
  • v2.0.0
    1bfc7551 · REL: v2.0.0 ·
    REL: v2.0.0
    Major release of Matplotlib
    This release completely overhauls the default style of the plots.
    Highlights include:
     - 'viridis' is default color map instead of jet.
     - Modernized the default color cycle.
     - Many more functions respect the color cycle.
     - Line dash patterns scale with linewidth.
     - Change default font to DejaVu, now supports most western.
       alphabets (including Greek, Cyrillic and latin with diacritcs),
       math symbols and emoji out of the box.
     - Faster text rendering.
     - Improved auto-limits.
     - Ticks out and only on the right and bottom spines by default.
     - Improved auto-ticking, particularly for log scales and dates.
     - Improved image support (`imshow` respects scales and eliminated a
       class of artifacts).
  • v2.0.0rc2
    3a7461e5 · REL: v2.0.0rc2 ·
    REL: v2.0.0rc2
    This is the second and final planned release candidate for mpl v2.0
    This release includes:
     - Bug fixes and documentation changes
     - Expanded API on plot_surface and plot_wireframe
     - Pin font size at text creation time
     - Suppress fc-cache warning unless it takes more than 5s
  • v2.0.0rc1
    e283a712 · REL: v2.0.0rc1 ·
    REL: v2.0.0rc1
    This is the first release candidate for mpl v2.0
    This release includes:
     - A re-implementation of the way margins are handled during auto
       scaling to allow artists to 'stick' to an edge of the Axes
     - Improvements to the ticking with log and symlog scales
     - Deprecation of the finance module.  This will be spun off into a stand-alone package
     - Deprecation of the 'hold' machinery
     - Bumped the minimum numpy version to 1.7
     - Standardization of hatch width and appearance across backends
     - Made threshold for triggering 'offset' in `ScalarFormatter` configurable
       and default to 4 (plotting against years should just work now)
     - Default encoding for mp4 is now h264
     - `fill_between` and `fill_betweenx` now use the color cycle
     - Default alignment of bars changed from 'edge' to 'center'
     - Bug and documentation fixes
  • v2.0.0b4
    155f8db0 · REL: v2.0.0b4 ·
    REL: v2.0.0b4
    Forth beta release for v2.0.0
  • v1.5.3
    26382a72 · REL: v1.5.3 ·
    REL: v1.5.3
    This release contains a few critical bug fixes:
     - eliminate fatal exceptions with Qt5.7
     - memory leak in the contour code
     - keyboard interaction bug with nbagg
     - automatic integration with the ipython event loop (if running) which
       fixes 'naive' integration for IPython 5+
  • v2.0.0b3
    d42e3e9b · REL: v2.0.0b3 ·
    REL: v2.0.0b3
    Third beta for v2.0.0 release
    This tag includes several critical bug fixes and updates the dash
  • v2.0.0b2
    be2c5fd5 · REL: v2.0.0b2 ·
    REL: v2.0.0b2
    Second beta for v2.0.0
    - fixed bugs in scaling dash pattern by linewidth
    - fixed over/under propagating in images
    - back ported improved png API from master
    - deprecate gtk, gdk, wx (not gtkagg, wxagg) backends
    - tweaks to default font sizes
    - ensure default ticker always has at least 2 ticks
    - remove vendored version of `six`
    - updated GUI icons
    - many small bug fixes
  • v1.5.2
    179de2b3 · REL: 1.5.2 ·
    REL: v1.5.2
    Final planned bug-fix release for the 1.5.x.
     - support for manylinux wheels
     - fix major performance regression in Path.contains_points
     - improved pandas support
  • v2.0.0b1
    06dad9b3 · REL: v2.0.0b1 ·
    REL: v2.0.0b1
    First beta release for the v2.0.0
  • v1.5.2rc2
    b572f646 · REL: v1.5.2rc2 ·
    REL: v1.5.2rc2
    Second release candidate for v1.5.2
    This includes an overhaul of the Tk linking to enable
    manylinux wheels.