updated opt_tools to have __add__, __iter__ and __len__. Also added...
updated opt_tools to have add, iter and len. Also added tree_map_relaxed which avoids class / metadata conflicts
Closes #13 (closed)
Due to urgent security maintenance Fraunhofer GitLab CE, GitLab EE, and Mattermost will be unavailable on February 20th, 2025, between 5:00 PM and 8 PM CET. Please log out during the maintenance to avoid potential data loss.
As previously announced last year, the GitLab registry registry.gitlab.cc-asp.fraunhofer.de will be decommissioned on March 3, 2025. If you still have any necessary images stored there, please migrate them to the current development registry at container-registry.gitlab.cc-asp.fraunhofer.de before the deadline. Let's have a look here to get a kick start
updated opt_tools to have add, iter and len. Also added tree_map_relaxed which avoids class / metadata conflicts
Closes #13 (closed)