Added architectures (Conv and VAE) and modified loss
Hey @hanikevi ,
I have some changes that should be ready for merge. Would be really nice if you take a look at them. Quick changelog:
- Added convolution architecture (similiar to Cheng et al.),
- added the sanity check we discussed to plot the encoder/decoder weights (fn call currently commented out),
- added modified VAE architecture (with kl_loss computation),
- added modified loss_calculation for VAE training, aligned with your recent changes:
- if we train VAE there is no pred_offset -> Purpose.RECONSTRUCTION,
- within the ReconLoss I check the type of the model used,
if isinstance(self.model, VAE):
I add the kl_loss, - then the total_loss is returned a sum of l2_loss and kl_loss.
- added some comments to better initialize the models.
Exceptionally I want to keep the og branch after the merge in terms Lisa has any objections. I'll take care about that in January.
Wish you a nice holiday!
Closes #64 (closed)