from traits.api import HasTraits, Array, ArrayOrNone, List, String, Instance
from .base_data_source import BaseDataSource
class DataSourceResult(HasTraits):
"""Represents the result of a simulator.
It contains the resulting cuba key, the associated uncertainty and the
originating simulator.
Difference between uncertainty and quality: uncertainty is a numerical
value of the value, as in the case of an experimental simulation.
quality is the level of accuracy of the (e.g. computational) method, as
the importance and reliability of that value. It should be an enumeration
value such as HIGH, MEDIUM, POOR"""
originator = Instance(BaseDataSource)
value_types = List(String)
values = Array(shape=(None, None))
accuracy = ArrayOrNone(shape=(None, None))
quality = ArrayOrNone(shape=(None, None))