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Merge branch 'master' into workflow-verification

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1 merge request!171Workflow Verification
The application is based on five entities, as written in the introduction:
The application is based on four entities, as written in the introduction:
- Multi Criteria Optimizer (MCO)
- DataSources
- Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Calculators
- Notification Listeners
- UI Hooks
There are a few core assumptions about each of these entities:
- The MCO design must honor the execution model of Dakota, that is, spawn
a secondary process that performs a computation starting from a given set
of input parameters, and produces a resulting set of output parameters.
In our code, this secondary process is ``force_bdss`` itself, invoked with
the option ``--evaluate``.
- The DataSources are entities that, given the MCO parameters, provide some
numerical result. This result is passed to the KPI calculators.
- The KPI calculators now compute the final KPIs that are then returned to
the invoker MCO.
- The MCO provides numerical values and injects them into a pipeline
made of multiple layers. Each layer is composed of multiple data sources.
The MCO can execute this pipeline directly, or indirectly by invoking
the force_bdss with the option ``--evaluate``. This invocation will produce,
given a vector in the input space, a vector in the output space.
- The DataSources are entities that are arranged in layers. Each DataSource has
inputs and outputs, called slots. These slots may depend on the configuration
options of the specific data source. The pipeline is created by binding
data sources outputs on the layers above with the data sources inputs of a
given layer. Each output can be designated as a KPI and thus be transmitted
back to the MCO for optimization.
- The Notification Listener listens to the state of the MCO (Started/New step
of the computation/Finished). It can be a remote database which is filled
with the MCO results during the computation (e.g. the GUI ``force_wfmanager``
......@@ -29,21 +30,17 @@ There are a few core assumptions about each of these entities:
bdss, before saving the workflow). Those operations won't be executed by the
command line interface of the bdss.
The result can be represented with the following data flow
1. The MCO produces and, by means of a Communicator, injects...
2. ...DataSourceParameters, that are passed to...
3. one or more DataSources, each performing some computation or data
extraction and produces
4. DataSourceResult, one per DataSource, are then passed (together with the
DataSourceParameters) to...
5. one or more KPICalculators, which perform final data evaluation on the
obtained values, eac producing KPIResult...
6. Whose values are then returned to the MCO via the Communicator.
7. The KPI values are then sent to the notification listeners with the
1. The MCO produces and, potentially by means of a Communicator (if the
execution model is based on invoking ``force_bdss --evaluate``),
injects a given vector of MCO parameter values in the pipeline.
2. These values are passed to one or more DataSources, organised in layers,
each performing some computation or data extraction and produces results.
Layers are executed in order from top to bottom. There is no order among
DataSources on the same layer.
3. Results that have been classified as KPIs are then returned to the MCO
(again, potentially via the Communicator).
4. The KPI values are then sent to the notification listeners with the
associated MCO parameters values
The resulting pipeline is therefore just two layers (DataSources, then
5. The cycle repeats until all evaluations have been performed.
Plugin Development
A single Plugin can provide one or more of the pluggable entities described
elsewhere (MCO/DataSources/NotificationListeners/UIHooks).
Multiple plugins can be installed to provide a broad range of functionalities.
Force BDSS is extensible through plugins. A plugin can be (and generally is)
provided as a separate python package that makes available some new classes.
Force BDSS will find these classes from the plugin at startup.
A single Plugin can provide one or more of the following entities:
MCO, DataSources, NotificationListeners, UIHooks.
An example plugin implementation is available at:
Plugins must return Factories. Each Factory provides factory methods for
one of the above pluggable entities and its associated classes.
To implement a new plugin, you must
- define the entity you want to extend (e.g. ``MyOwnDataSource``) as a derived
class of the appropriate class (e.g. ``BaseDataSource``), and reimplement
the appropriate methods:
- ``run()``: where the actual computation takes place, given the
configuration options specified in the model (which is received as an
argument). It is strongly advised that the ``run()`` method is stateless.
- ``slots()``: must return a 2-tuple of tuples. Each tuple contains instances
of the ``Slot`` class. Slots are the input and output entities of the
data source or KPI calculator. Given that this information depends on the
configuration options, ``slots()`` accepts the model and must return the
appropriate values according to the model options.
- Define the model that this ``DataSource`` needs, by extending
``BaseDataSourceModel`` and adding, with traits, the appropriate data that
are required by your data source to perform its task.
If a trait change in your model influences the input/output slots, you must
make sure that the event ``changes_slots`` is fired as a consequence of
those changes. This will notify the UI that the new slots need to be
recomputed and presented to the user. Failing to do so will have unexpected
- Define the Factory, by reimplementing BaseDataSourceFactory and reimplementing
its ``get_*`` methods to return the above entities.
- Define a ``Plugin`` by reimplementing ``BaseExtensionPlugin`` and
reimplementing its initialization defaults methods to return your factory.
- add the plugin class in the entry_point, under the namespace
To implement a new plugin, you must define at least four classes:
- The plugin class itself.
- One of the entities you want to implement: a DataSource,
NotificationListener, MCO, or UIHook.
- A Factory class for the entity above: it is responsible for creating the
specific entity, for example, a DataSource
- A Model class which contains configuration options for the entity.
For example, it can contain login and password information so that its data
source knows how to connect to a service. The Model is also shown visually
in the force_wfmanager UI, so some visual aspects need to be configured as
The plugin is made available by having it defined in the
entry_point, under the namespace ``force.bdss.extensions``. For example::
"force.bdss.extensions": [
"enthought_example = "
The plugin
The plugin class must be
- Inheriting from ``force_bdss.api.BaseExtensionPlugin``
- Implement a ``id`` class member, that must be set to the result of
calling the function plugin_id(). For example::
id = plugin_id("enthought", "example", 0)
- Implement a method ``get_factory_classes()`` returning a list of all
the classes (NOT the instances) of the entities you want to export.
The Factory
The factory must inherit from the appropriate factory for the given type.
For example, to create a DataSource, the factory must inherit from
``BaseDataSourceFactory``. It then needs these methods to be redefined
- ``get_identifier()``: must returns a unique string, e.g. a uuid or a
memorable string that must be unique across your plugins, present and future.
- ``get_name()``: a memorable, user presentable name for the data source.
- ``get_description()``: a user presentable description.
- ``get_model_class()``: Must return the Model class.
- ``get_data_source_class()``: Must return the data source class.
The Model class
The model class must inherit from the appropriate Base model class, depending
on the entity, for example ``BaseDataSourceModel`` in case of a data source.
This class then must be treated as a Traits class, where you can use traits
to define the type of data it holds. Pay particular attention to those data
that can modify the slots. For those, add a ``changes_slots=True`` metadata
tag to the trait. This will notify the UI that the new slots need to be
recomputed and presented to the user. Failing to do so will have unexpected
consequences. Example::
class MyModel(BaseDataSourceModel):
normal_option = String()
option_changing_slots = String(changes_slots=True)
Typically, options that change slots are those options that modify the behavior
of the computational engine, thus requiring more or less input (input slots)
or producing more or less output (output slots).
You can also define a view with traitsui (``import traitsui.api``). This is
recommended as the default view arranges the options in random order. To do
so, have a ``default_traits_view()`` method::
def default_traits_view():
return View(
The DataSource class
This is the "business end" of the data source, and where things are done.
The class must be derived from ``BaseDataSource``), and reimplement
the appropriate methods:
- ``run()``: where the actual computation takes place, given the
configuration options specified in the model (which is received as an
argument). It is strongly advised that the ``run()`` method is stateless.
- ``slots()``: must return a 2-tuple of tuples. Each tuple contains instances
of the ``Slot`` class. Slots are the input and output entities of the
data source. Given that this information depends on the
configuration options, ``slots()`` accepts the model and must return the
appropriate values according to the model options.
The MCO class
Like the data source, the MCO needs a model (derived from ``BaseMCOModel``),
a factory (derived from ``BaseMCOFactory``) and a MCO class (derived from
``BaseMCO``). Additional entities must be also provided:
- ``MCOCommunicator``: this class is responsible for handling communication
between the MCO and the spawned process when the MCO is using a "subprocess"
model, that is, the MCO invokes the force_bdss in evaluation mode to compute
a single point.
- ``parameters``: We assume that different MCOs can support different parameter
types for the generated variables. Currently, only the "range" type is
commonly handled.
The factory then must be added to the plugin ``get_factory_classes()`` list.
The factory must define the following methods::
def get_identifier(self):
def get_name(self):
def get_description(self):
def get_model_class(self):
as in data source factory. The following::
def get_optimizer_class(self):
def get_communicator_class(self):
Must return classes of the MCO and the MCOCommunicator. Finally::
def parameter_factories(self):
Must return a list of instances (NOT classes) of the parameter factories.
MCO Communicator
The MCO Communicator must reimplement BaseMCOCommunicator and two methods:
``receive_from_mco()`` and ``send_to_mco()``. These two methods can use files,
stdin/stdout or any other trick to send and receive data between the MCO and
the BDSS running as a subprocess of the MCO to evaluate a single point.
Parameter factories
MCO parameter types also require a model and a factory per each type. Right
now, the only typo encountered is Range, but others may be provided in the
future, by MCOs that support them.
The parameter factory must inherit from ``BaseMCOParameterFactory`` and
def get_identifier(self):
def get_name(self):
def get_description(self):
as in the case of data source. Then::
def get_model_class(self):
must return a model class for the given parameter, inheriting from
``BaseMCOParameter``. This model contains the data the user can set, and is
relevant to the given parameter. For example, in the case of a Range, it might
specify the min and max value, as well as the starting value.
Notification Listeners
Notification listeners are used to notify the state of the MCO to external
listeners, including the data that is obtained by the MCO as it performs the
evaluation. Communication to databases (for writing) and CSV/HDF5 writers are
notification listeners.
The notification listener requires a model (inherit from
``BaseNotificationListenerModel``), a factory (from
``BaseNotificationListenerFactory``) and a notification listener
(from ``BaseNotificationListener``). The factory requires, in addition to::
def get_identifier(self):
def get_name(self):
def get_description(self):
def get_model_class(self):
the method::
return the notification listener object class.
The NotificationListener class must reimplement the following methods, that
are invoked in specific lifetime events of the BDSS::
def initialize(self):
Called once, when the BDSS is initialized. For example, to setup the
connection to a database, or open a file.
def finalize(self):
Called once, when the BDSS is finalized. For example, to close the
connection to a database, or close a file.
def deliver(self, event):
Called every time the MCO generates an event. The event will be passed
as an argument. Depending on the argument, the listener implements
appropriate action. The available events are in the api module.
UI Hooks
UI Hooks are callbacks that are triggered at some events during the lifetime
of the UI. It has no model. The factory must inherit from
``BaseUIHooksFactory``, and must reimplement ``get_ui_hooks_manager_class()``
to return a class inheriting from ``BaseUIHooksManager``. This class has
specific methods to be reimplemented to perform operations before and after
some UI operations.
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