SOSML Parameter tuning
Tune the observers so they are working, compare with Frnaka estimates. SOSML is working as of #5 (closed), but is sensitive to certain parameter settings and not working very robust.
Goal: Have SOSML working, and maybe have less phase lag than the low-pass filter from standard momentum observer.
- Test on two link in simulation
Test on data from Franka Emika, either
rosbag play
or live data on Franka- Look at the contact transitions in detail
Observer, general
- Can do experiments with a higher-speed contact transition
Ploting results:
- Check timestamps on DOB estimate, could use the timestamp from the rosbag if needed
- Frequency plot could help us see if there's internal filtering on the Franka estimate, but just need positive frequencies and log magnitude
- Check using SOSML intead of numerical differentiation once working
- Add UI to visualize observer results and robot motion
Experiment To Do Lists
- Test SOSML-based acceleration estimation to Task-space DOB and check its effect.
- Test with various velocity range for FRF analysis.
- Test using a compliance between robot and f/t sensor to stabilize the contact loss
Online SOSML gain tuning by watching plots
- Check during sinusoidal motion
- Plot velocity and evaluate if implementing friction model would be helpful
- Apply DOB feedback (carefully) to see if it is beneficial for improving motion control performance.
- Apply external force with f/t sensor in the hand to see about the impedance rendering
- Acquiring data
- Abrupt jump when controller starts (occasionally)