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import numpy as np
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from finstrip_wrapper.core.main import FINSTRIPWrapper
from PGL.components.airfoil import AirfoilShape
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class FINSTRIPWrapperBlade(FINSTRIPWrapper):
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    A basic wrapper for FINSTRIP that provides three primary functionalities:
    file input generation, execution and file output reading.
    This class extends FINSTRIPWrapper doing blade specific setup

    The following keys should be passed as dictionary, otherwise the standard
    values are used.

    name: str
        job name
    elsize_factor: float
        element length as fraction of arc length of airfoil surface
    core_mats: list
        list of material name strings to be identified as core
    spanpos: float
        span wise position of cross section
    use_becas_stiffness: bool
        use BECAS cross section properties if True
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    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(FINSTRIPWrapperBlade, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        # data base output name = 'blade'

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        # element length as fraction of arc length of airfoil surface
        self.elsize_factor = 0.015

        # list of material name strings to be identified as core
        self.core_mats = []
        self.spanpos = 0  # position along span of analysed cross-section
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        # use BECAS cross section properties or not
        self.use_becas_stiffness = False
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        for k, w in kwargs.iteritems():
                setattr(self, k, w)

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        # dictionaries written by FINSTRIPBladeStability according to FUSED-Wind format
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        # NOTE: absolut dimensions are required!
        self.cs2d = cs2d

    def init_becas_stiffness(self, csprops, csprops_ref):
        # stiffness properties as described in BECASWrapper
        self.csprops = csprops
        self.csprops_ref = csprops_ref

    def init_cs_load_cases(self, csloads_rcs, twist):
        ''' csload is assumed to be provided in root cs
        :param csloads: cross section loads (Fx,Fy,Fz,Mx,My,Mz) size ((ncase,6))
        :param twist: geometric twist angle of cross section w.r.t root coordinate system size ((1))
        note: so far only bending moments mx and my are used

        self.ncase = len(csloads_rcs[:, 0])
        self.csloads = np.zeros_like(csloads_rcs)
        for case in range(self.ncase):
            Mx_rcs = csloads_rcs[case, 3]
            My_rcs = csloads_rcs[case, 4]
            # transformation matrix from root cs to cross section cs
            sin_twist = np.sin(np.deg2rad(twist))
            cos_twist = np.cos(np.deg2rad(twist))
            self.T_twist = np.matrix(
                [[cos_twist, sin_twist], [-sin_twist, cos_twist]])
            # transform from root cs to cross section cs
            v_Mrcs = np.array([[Mx_rcs], [My_rcs]])
            v_Mcs = self.T_twist * v_Mrcs
            M_x = np.squeeze(np.asarray(v_Mcs[0]))
            M_y = np.squeeze(np.asarray(v_Mcs[1]))
            self.csloads[case, 3] = M_x
            self.csloads[case, 4] = M_y

        self.csloads[:, 3:] = self.csloads[:, 3:] * 1E3  # convert to Nmm
        self.ncase = len(self.csloads[:, 0])
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    def setup(self):
        ''' Sets up the FINSTRIP execution.
        super(FINSTRIPWrapperBlade, self).setup()

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    def _det_maxlength_element(self):
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        ''' calculate element length based on fraction of arc length of airfoil

        af = AirfoilShape()

        # maximum size of generated element in m
        self.maxlength_element = af.smax * self.elsize_factor

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    def _write_finstrip_input_files(self):
        super(FINSTRIPWrapperBlade, self)._write_finstrip_input_files()


    def _write_file_buc(self):
        out_str = []
        n = '\n'
        # write header
            '// Finstrip input file, created by FINSTRIPWrapper' + n)

        # write vars converted to mm
        for var_name, var_value in zip(['maxlength_element',
                                       [self.maxlength_element * 1E3,
                                        self.lambda_min * 1E3,
                                        self.lambda_max * 1E3,
            out_str.append('%s, %0.2f' % (var_name, var_value) + n)

        # write materials
        mat_names = self.cs2d['materials'].keys()
        matprops = self.cs2d['matprops']

        def _write_iso(out_str, n, label, E1, nu12, rho):
            out_str.append('iso, %s, %g, %g, %g' %
                           (label, E1, nu12, rho) + n)

        def _write_ortho(out_str, n, label, E1, E2, nu12, G12, rho):
            out_str.append('ortho, %s, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g' % (
                label, E1, E2, nu12, G12, rho) + n)

        def _write_core(out_str, n, label, E1, E2, nu12, G12, G13, G23, rho):
            out_str.append('core, %s, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g,%g, %g' % (
                label, E1, E2, nu12, G12, G13, G23, rho) + n)

        for i, label in enumerate(mat_names):
            E1 = matprops[i, 0] * 1E-6  # to N/mm*2
            E2 = matprops[i, 1] * 1E-6  # to N/mm*2
            E3 = matprops[i, 2] * 1E-6  # to N/mm*2
            nu12 = matprops[i, 3]
            nu13 = matprops[i, 4]
            nu23 = matprops[i, 5]
            G12 = matprops[i, 6] * 1E-6  # to N/mm*2
            G13 = matprops[i, 7] * 1E-6  # to N/mm*2
            G23 = matprops[i, 8] * 1E-6  # to N/mm*2
            rho = matprops[i, 9] * 1E-9  # to kg/mm*3
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            # determine material type
            if label in self.core_mats:
                # mat_type = 'core'
                    out_str, n, label, E1, E2, nu12, G12, G13, G23, rho)
            elif E1 == E2 and nu12 == nu13:
                # mat_type = 'iso'
                _write_iso(out_str, n, label, E1, nu12, rho)
                # mat_type = 'ortho'
                _write_ortho(out_str, n, label, E1, E2, nu12, G12, rho)

        # write blade name and span pos
        self.spanpos = self.cs2d['s'] * 1E3  # to mm
        out_str.append('blade, %s, %g' % (, self.spanpos) + n)

        # write first (and only) section
        out_str.append('Section, %g' % (self.spanpos) + n)

        # write coords
        coords = self.cs2d['coords'] * 1E3  # to mm
        for i, c in enumerate(coords):
            out_str.append('k, %g, %g' % (c[0], c[1]) + n)

        # write region layup and dps
        for ireg, _ in enumerate(self.cs2d['regions']):
            layers = self.cs2d['regions'][ireg]['layers']
            thicknesses = self.cs2d['regions'][
                ireg]['thicknesses'] * 1E3  # to mm
            angles = self.cs2d['regions'][ireg]['angles']

            dp0 = self.cs2d['DPs'][ireg]
            dp1 = self.cs2d['DPs'][ireg + 1]
            for l, t, a in zip(layers, thicknesses, angles):
                out_str.append('Layer, %s, %g, %g, %g, %g' %
                               (l[:-2], t, a, dp0, dp1) + n)

        # write web layup and dps
        for ireg, _ in enumerate(self.cs2d['webs']):
            layers = self.cs2d['webs'][ireg]['layers']
            thicknesses = self.cs2d['webs'][
                ireg]['thicknesses'] * 1E3  # to mm
            angles = self.cs2d['regions'][ireg]['angles']
            # check if web exists at this cross section
            if not np.sum(thicknesses) == 0.0:
                dp0 = self.cs2d['DPs'][self.cs2d['web_def'][ireg][0]]
                dp1 = self.cs2d['DPs'][self.cs2d['web_def'][ireg][1]]
                out_str.append('Shearweb, %g, %g' % (dp0, dp1) + n)

                wdp0 = 0.0  # web layup does not change along width
                wdp1 = 1.0
                for l, t, a in zip(layers, thicknesses, angles):
                    out_str.append('Layer, %s, %g, %g, %g, %g' %
                                   (l[:-2], t, a, wdp0, wdp1) + n)

        if self.use_becas_stiffness:
            x_e = self.csprops_ref[2] * 1E3  # to mm
            y_e = self.csprops_ref[3] * 1E3  # to mm
            I_xx = self.csprops_ref[7]
            I_yy = self.csprops_ref[8]
            I_xy = self.csprops_ref[9]
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            nu = self.csprops_ref[17]
            # TODO: check if sign is correctly taken for I_xy!
            # A = self.csprops_ref[15]

            # Gere 12-30
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            theta = 0.5 * np.arctan(-2 * I_xy / (I_xx - I_yy)) + np.pi / 2
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            #R = np.sqrt((0.5 * (I_xx - I_yy))**2 + I_xy**2)
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            #theta1 = 0.5 * np.arccos((I_xx - I_yy) / (2 * R))
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            #theta2 = 0.5 * np.arcsin(-I_xy / R)

            # if not np.sign(theta) == np.sign(nu):
            #    raise RuntimeError('BECAS input not consistent')

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            # check the output format of BECASWrapper
            config = {}
            config['BECASWrapper'] = {}
            config['BECASWrapper']['hawc2_FPM'] = True
            from becas_wrapper.becas_bladestructure import set_cs_size
            cs_size, _ = set_cs_size(config)
            if cs_size == len(self.csprops):
                #hawc2_FPM = True
                AE = self.csprops[20]  # in N
                #hawc2_FPM = False
                E = self.csprops[8]
                An = self.csprops[15]

            # AE = A * E # to N/mm
            EI_xx = E * I_xx * 1E3  # to Nmm**2/mm
            EI_yy = E * I_yy * 1E3  # to Nmm**2/mm
            EI_xy = E * I_xy * 1E3  # to Nmm**2/mm

            out_str.append('farob, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g' %
                           (x_e, y_e, AE, EI_xx, EI_yy, EI_xy) + n)

        fid = open(self.file_input, 'w')
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        for line in out_str:
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    def _write_finstrip_analysis_files(self):
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    def _write_file_lcd(self):
        out_str = []
        for case in range(self.ncase):
            fx = self.csloads[case, 0]
            fy = self.csloads[case, 1]
            fz = self.csloads[case, 2]
            mx = self.csloads[case, 3]
            my = self.csloads[case, 4]
            mz = self.csloads[case, 5]
            n = '\n'
                'loads, %s, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g' % (self.spanpos, fx, fy, fz, mx, my, mz) + n)
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        for line in out_str:
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    def execute(self):
        super(FINSTRIPWrapperBlade, self).execute()

    def post(self):
        super(FINSTRIPWrapperBlade, self).post()

    def _read_rst_eigenvalue(self):
        self.f_eig = np.zeros((self.ncase, self.nmode, 2))
        for case in range(self.ncase):
            # proces_nr, section_nr, load_nr, wavelength, eigenvalue
            self.f_eig[case, :, :] = np.loadtxt(
                self.file_rst_eigen, skiprows=1)[case * self.nmode:(case + 1) * self.nmode, -2:]
            # convert wavelength to m
            self.f_eig[:, :, 0] = self.f_eig[:, :, 0] * 1E-3
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    def _read_rst_mode_shape(self):

        # determine number of elements
        self.nelm = len(np.loadtxt('R' +
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                                   '_LC' +
                                   '%03d' % 0 +
                                   '%03d' % 0 +
                                   skiprows=2)[:, 0])
        # get mode shapes
        self.mode_shape = np.zeros((self.ncase, self.nmode, self.nelm, 8))
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        # x-loc p1, y-loc p1, x-loc p2, y-loc p2,
        # x-u p1, y-u p1, x-u p2, y-u p2
        for case in range(self.ncase):
            for mode in range(self.nmode):
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                # convert to m
                self.mode_shape[case, mode, :, :] = 1E-3 * np.loadtxt('R' +
                                                                      '%05i' % (self.spanpos) +
                                                                      '_LC' +
                                                                      '%03d' % (case) +
                                                                      '%03d' % (mode) +
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        idxs = []
        # identify surface and web nodes
        for elm in range(self.nelm - 1):
            elm1_node2 = self.mode_shape[0, 0, elm, 2:4]
            elm2_node1 = self.mode_shape[0, 0, elm + 1, :2]
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            if elm1_node2[0] != elm2_node1[0] and elm1_node2[1] != elm2_node1[1]:
        # append last elm index
        idxs.append(len(self.mode_shape[0, 0, :, 0]) - 1)
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        # obtain surface nodes
        self.nnode_surf = idxs[0] + 1 + 1
        self.node_loc_surf = np.zeros((self.nnode_surf, 2))
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            :-1, :] = self.mode_shape[0, 0, :idxs[0] + 1, :2]
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        # add second node of last element
                           :] = self.mode_shape[0, 0, idxs[0], 2:4]
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        # obtain web nodes
        # actual amount of webs in post processing files can differ from input
        # NOTE: if the flatback web is oriented such that it closes the cross section,
        # then it is identified as if the web was part of the surface
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        self.nweb = len(idxs[1:])

        self.nnode_web = []
        for w in range(self.nweb):
            self.nnode_web.append(idxs[w + 1] - idxs[w] + 1)

        self.nnode_web_max = np.max(np.array(self.nnode_web))
        self.node_loc_web = np.zeros(
            (self.nweb, self.nnode_web_max, 2))
        for w in range(self.nweb):
                w, :self.nnode_web[w] - 1, :] = self.mode_shape[0, 0, idxs[w] + 1:idxs[w + 1] + 1, :2]
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            # add second node of last element
            self.node_loc_web[w, self.nnode_web[w] - 1, :] = self.mode_shape[
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        # obtain surface displacements
        self.node_u_surf = np.zeros(
            (self.ncase, self.nmode, self.nnode_surf, 2))
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            :, :, :-1, :] = self.mode_shape[:, :, :idxs[0] + 1, 4:6]
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        # add second node of last element
            :, :, -1, :] = self.mode_shape[:, :, idxs[0], 6:]
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        # obtain web displacements
        self.node_u_web = np.zeros(
            (self.ncase, self.nweb, self.nmode, self.nnode_web_max, 2))
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        for w in range(self.nweb):
                :, w, :, :self.nnode_web[w] - 1, :] = self.mode_shape[:, :, idxs[w] + 1:idxs[w + 1] + 1, 4:6]
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            # add second node of last element
            self.node_u_web[:, w, :, self.nnode_web[w] - 1, :] = self.mode_shape[
                :, :, idxs[w + 1], 6:]
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        plot = False
        if plot:
            import matplotlib.pylab as plt
                self.node_loc_surf[:, 0], self.node_loc_surf[:, 1], '-o')
            for w in range(self.nweb):
                    self.node_loc_web[w, :self.nnode_web[w], 0],
                    self.node_loc_web[w, :self.nnode_web[w], 1], '-o')
            mode = 15
            sf = 1.0E+03
                self.node_loc_surf[:, 0] + sf *
                self.node_u_surf[mode, :, 0],
                self.node_loc_surf[:, 1] + sf * self.node_u_surf[mode, :, 1], '--')
            for w in range(self.nweb):
                        w, :self.nnode_web[w], 0] + sf * self.node_u_web[w, mode, :self.nnode_web[w], 0],
                    self.node_loc_web[w, :self.nnode_web[w], 1] + sf * self.node_u_web[w, mode, :self.nnode_web[w], 1], '--')