Cells nx ny nz -> Used to define the cartesian grid of cells in the lattice
Size dx dy dz -> Used to define the size of the unit cells (REQUIRED)
Radii nRadii -> Used to define the strut radius of each cell in the lattice or one value to define all cells the same (REQUIRED)
Positions -> Used to define the position of each cell in the lattice
Cells - Size - Radii 1 -> Used to define simple lattice structures
Cells - Size - Radii n -> Used to define cartesian lattice with varying radii
Size - Radii 1 - Positions -> Used to define a lattice where all radii are equal
Size - Radii n - Positions -> Used to define a generic lattice with varying radii
Cells i*j*k=n - Size - Radii m - Positions m -> Used to define a cartesian lattice, but the number of radii does not equal the
number of cells. Here the radii are projected onto a coarser grid and averaged
to obtain a coarser lattice.