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// Copyright (C) 2007 
// Fraunhofer Institut fuer offene Kommunikationssysteme (FOKUS)
// Kompetenzzentrum fuer Satelitenkommunikation (SatCom)
//     Stefan Bund <>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the
// Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

/** \file
    \brief PacketInterpreter public header */

#ifndef HH_PacketInterpreter_
#define HH_PacketInterpreter_ 1

// Custom includes
#include <boost/intrusive/ilist.hpp>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <boost/range.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/aligned_storage.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/alignment_of.hpp>
#include "Utils/intrusive_refcount.hh"
#include "Utils/pool_alloc_mixin.hh"
#include "PacketData.hh"
#include "typeidvalue.hh"

//#include "PacketInterpreter.mpp"

namespace senf {

    template <class PacketType> class PacketInterpreter;

    /** \brief
    class PacketInterpreterBase
        : protected PacketData, 
          public detail::packet::interpreter_list_base,
          public intrusive_refcount_t<PacketInterpreterBase>
        // Types

        typedef senf::detail::packet::smart_pointer<
            PacketInterpreterBase>::ptr_t ptr;

        typedef senf::detail::packet::iterator iterator;
        typedef senf::detail::packet::const_iterator const_iterator;
        typedef senf::detail::packet::size_type size_type;
        typedef senf::detail::packet::difference_type difference_type;
        typedef senf::detail::packet::byte byte;

        typedef boost::iterator_range<iterator> range;
        typedef boost::optional< boost::iterator_range<iterator> > optional_range;
        typedef optional_range no_range;

        enum Append_t { Append };
        enum Prepend_t { Prepend };
        enum NoInit_t { noinit };

        struct Factory { 
            virtual ~Factory();

            // Create completely new packet

            virtual ptr create() const = 0;
            virtual ptr create(NoInit_t) const = 0;
            virtual ptr create(size_type size) const = 0;
            virtual ptr create(size_type size, NoInit_t) const = 0;
            template <class ForwardReadableRange>
            ptr create(ForwardReadableRange const & range) const;
            // Create packet as new packet after a given packet

            virtual ptr createAfter(PacketInterpreterBase::ptr packet) const = 0;
            virtual ptr createAfter(PacketInterpreterBase::ptr packet, NoInit_t) const = 0;
            virtual ptr createAfter(PacketInterpreterBase::ptr packet, size_type size) const = 0;
            virtual ptr createAfter(PacketInterpreterBase::ptr packet, size_type size, 
                                    NoInit_t) const = 0;
            template <class ForwardReadableRange>
            ptr createAfter(PacketInterpreterBase::ptr packet, 
                            ForwardReadableRange const & range) const;
            // Create packet as new packet (header) const before a given packet

            virtual ptr createBefore(PacketInterpreterBase::ptr packet) const = 0;
            virtual ptr createBefore(PacketInterpreterBase::ptr packet, NoInit_t) const = 0;

            // Parse next packet in chain

            virtual ptr parseNext(ptr packet) const = 0;

        typedef Factory const * factory_t;

        ///\name Structors and default members

        // protected constructors
        // no copy
        // no conversion constructors

        virtual ~PacketInterpreterBase();

        static                             factory_t no_factory();
        ptr clone();

        ///\name Interpreter chain access

        ptr next();
        ptr prev();
        ptr first();
        ptr last();

        template <class Type> typename PacketInterpreter<Type>::ptr parseNextAs();
                                       ptr                          parseNextAs(factory_t factory);
        template <class Type>          bool                         is();
        template <class Type> typename PacketInterpreter<Type>::ptr as();

        ptr append(ptr packet);


        ///\name Data access

        using PacketData::valid;
        PacketData & data();

        ///\name Access to the abstract interface

        optional_range nextPacketRange();
        void finalize();
        void dump(std::ostream & os);
        TypeIdValue typeId();
        factory_t factory();
        factory_t nextPacketType();


        // protected structors

        PacketInterpreterBase(detail::PacketImpl * impl, iterator b, iterator e, Append_t);
        PacketInterpreterBase(detail::PacketImpl * impl, iterator b, iterator e, Prepend_t);

        ptr appendClone(detail::PacketImpl * impl, iterator base, iterator new_base);
        ptr appendClone(detail::PacketImpl * impl, range r);

        // Need this for g++ < 4.0. Since PacketInterpreter is not publically visible, it should not
        // be a real problem to make impl() public here
        using PacketData::impl;

        // abstract packet type interface

        virtual optional_range v_nextPacketRange() = 0;
        virtual ptr v_appendClone(detail::PacketImpl * impl, iterator base, iterator new_base) = 0;
        virtual ptr v_appendClone(detail::PacketImpl * impl, range r) =0;
        virtual void v_finalize() = 0;
        virtual void v_dump(std::ostream & os) = 0;
        virtual TypeIdValue v_type() = 0;
        virtual factory_t v_factory() = 0;
        virtual factory_t v_nextPacketType() = 0;

        // reference/memory management. Only to be called by intrusive_refcount_t.

        void add_ref();
        bool release();

        // containment management. Only to be called by PacketImpl.

        void assignImpl(detail::PacketImpl *);
        void releaseImpl();

        friend class detail::PacketImpl;
        friend class intrusive_refcount_t<PacketInterpreterBase>;
        template <class PacketType> friend class PacketInterpreter;
        friend class detail::packet::test::TestDriver;

    /** \brief Concrete packet interpreter

        \see PacketTypeBase for the \a PacketType interface
    template <class PacketType>
    class PacketInterpreter
        : public PacketInterpreterBase,
          public pool_alloc_mixin< PacketInterpreter<PacketType> >
        // Types

        typedef typename senf::detail::packet::smart_pointer<
            PacketInterpreter>::ptr_t ptr;
        typedef PacketType type;
        typedef typename type::parser parser;

        ///\name Structors and default members

        // private constructors
        // no copy
        // no conversion constructors


        static factory_t factory();

        // Create completely new packet

        static ptr create();
        static ptr create(NoInit_t);
        static ptr create(size_type size);
        static ptr create(size_type size, NoInit_t);
        template <class ForwardReadableRange>
        static ptr create(ForwardReadableRange const & range);

        // Create packet as new packet after a given packet

        static ptr createAfter(PacketInterpreterBase::ptr packet);
        static ptr createAfter(PacketInterpreterBase::ptr packet, NoInit_t);
        static ptr createAfter(PacketInterpreterBase::ptr packet, size_type size);
        static ptr createAfter(PacketInterpreterBase::ptr packet, size_type size, NoInit_t);
        template <class ForwardReadableRange>
        static ptr createAfter(PacketInterpreterBase::ptr packet, 
                               ForwardReadableRange const & range);

        // Create packet as new packet (header) before a given packet

        static ptr createBefore(PacketInterpreterBase::ptr packet);
        static ptr createBefore(PacketInterpreterBase::ptr packet, NoInit_t);

        // Create a clone of the current packet

        ptr clone();


        // Packet field access

        parser fields();
        parser * fields_p();

        // PacketType access

        static size_type initSize();
        static size_type initHeadSize();


        // Private structors

        PacketInterpreter(detail::PacketImpl * impl, iterator b, iterator e, Append_t);
        PacketInterpreter(detail::PacketImpl * impl, iterator b, iterator e, Prepend_t);

        static ptr create(detail::PacketImpl * impl, iterator b, iterator e, Append_t);
        static ptr create(detail::PacketImpl * impl, iterator b, iterator e, Prepend_t);

        // PacketType access

        void init();

        // virtual interface

        virtual optional_range v_nextPacketRange();
        virtual PacketInterpreterBase::ptr v_appendClone(detail::PacketImpl * impl, 
                                                         iterator base, iterator new_base);
        virtual PacketInterpreterBase::ptr v_appendClone(detail::PacketImpl * impl, range r);
        virtual void v_finalize();
        virtual void v_dump(std::ostream & os);
        virtual TypeIdValue v_type();
        virtual factory_t v_factory();
        virtual factory_t v_nextPacketType();

        // factory

        struct FactoryImpl : public Factory {
            // Create completely new packet

            virtual PacketInterpreterBase::ptr create() const;
            virtual PacketInterpreterBase::ptr create(NoInit_t) const;
            virtual PacketInterpreterBase::ptr create(size_type size) const;
            virtual PacketInterpreterBase::ptr create(size_type size,NoInit_t) const;
            // Create packet as new packet after a given packet

            virtual PacketInterpreterBase::ptr createAfter(PacketInterpreterBase::ptr packet) 
            virtual PacketInterpreterBase::ptr createAfter(PacketInterpreterBase::ptr packet, 
                                                           NoInit_t) const;
            virtual PacketInterpreterBase::ptr createAfter(PacketInterpreterBase::ptr packet, 
                                                           size_type size) const;
            virtual PacketInterpreterBase::ptr createAfter(PacketInterpreterBase::ptr packet, 
                                                           size_type size, NoInit_t) const;
            // Create packet as new packet (header) before a given packet

            virtual PacketInterpreterBase::ptr createBefore(PacketInterpreterBase::ptr packet) 
            virtual PacketInterpreterBase::ptr createBefore(PacketInterpreterBase::ptr packet,

            // Parse next packet in chain

            virtual PacketInterpreterBase::ptr parseNext(PacketInterpreterBase::ptr packet) 

        static const FactoryImpl factory_;

        parser * parser_p();

        boost::aligned_storage< sizeof(parser), 
                                boost::alignment_of<parser>::value > parserStorage_;

        friend class detail::packet::test::TestDriver;
        friend class PacketInterpreterBase;
        friend class FactoryImpl;

    struct InvalidPacketChainException : public std::exception
    { virtual char const * what() const throw() { return "invalid packet chain"; } };

#include "PacketInterpreter.cci"
#include "PacketInterpreter.ct"
#include "PacketInterpreter.cti"

// Local Variables:
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