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// $Id$
// Copyright (C) 2007
// Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS)
// Competence Center NETwork research (NET), St. Augustin, GERMANY
//     Stefan Bund <>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the
// Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

/** \file
    \brief PacketImpl inline non-template implementation */

// Custom includes
#include "../Utils/senfassert.hh"
// #include "PacketInterpreter.hh"

#define prefix_ inline

// senf::detail::AnnotationIndexerBase

prefix_ senf::detail::AnnotationIndexerBase::~AnnotationIndexerBase()

prefix_ std::vector<bool> & senf::detail::AnnotationIndexerBase::small()
    static std::vector<bool> smalls;
    return smalls;

prefix_ std::vector<senf::detail::AnnotationIndexerBase*> &
    static std::vector<AnnotationIndexerBase*> reg;
    return reg;

// senf::detail::AnnotationP

prefix_ senf::detail::AnnotationP::~AnnotationP()

// * The PacketImpl destructor will *explicitly* clean-up the interpreters_ list by removing
//   each element from the list and deleting it if it's (intrusive) refcount is 0
// * The PacketInterpreters use safe hooks -> they know wether they are part of a list or not
// * PacketHandle has an intrusive_ptr to PacketInterpreterBase. The intrusive_ptr_add_ref
//   will refcount both the PacketImpl as well as the PacketInterpreterBase
// * intrusive_ptr_remove will only delete the object if it's not in a container
// * removing an object from the list will decrement the PacketImpl refcount accordingly
// * inserting an object into the list will incroment the PacketImpl refcount accordingly
// * each PacketInterpreterBase instance holds a *raw* pointer to the PacketImpl
// The following operations change refcounts:
// * intrusive_ptr_add_ref(PacketInterpreterBase *);
// * intrusive_ptr_remove(PacketInterpreterBase *);
// * PacketImpl::appendInterpreter();
// * PacketImpl::prependInterpreter();
// * PacketImpl::truncateInterpreters();
// The last three also modify the impl_ member accordingly by calling
// PacketInterpreterBase::assign/release

// senf::detail::PacketImpl

prefix_ senf::detail::PacketImpl::PacketImpl()
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    : refcount_(0), annotations_(AnnotationIndexerBase::maxAnnotations)

prefix_ senf::detail::PacketImpl::PacketImpl(size_type size, byte initValue)
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    : refcount_(0), data_(size,initValue), annotations_(AnnotationIndexerBase::maxAnnotations)

// rerference/memory management

prefix_ void senf::detail::PacketImpl::add_ref(refcount_t n)
    refcount_ += n;

prefix_ senf::detail::PacketImpl::refcount_t senf::detail::PacketImpl::refcount()
    return refcount_;

// Interpreter chain

prefix_ senf::PacketInterpreterBase * senf::detail::PacketImpl::first()
    return interpreters_.empty() ? 0 : & interpreters_.front();

prefix_ senf::PacketInterpreterBase * senf::detail::PacketImpl::last()
    return interpreters_.empty() ? 0 : & interpreters_.back();

prefix_ senf::PacketInterpreterBase * senf::detail::PacketImpl::next(PacketInterpreterBase * p)
    interpreter_list::iterator i (interpreter_list::current(*p));
    return (++i == interpreters_.end()) ? 0 : &*i;

prefix_ senf::PacketInterpreterBase * senf::detail::PacketImpl::prev(PacketInterpreterBase * p)
    interpreter_list::iterator i (interpreter_list::current(*p));
    return (i == interpreters_.begin()) ? 0 : &*(--i);

prefix_ void senf::detail::PacketImpl::truncateInterpreters(PacketInterpreterBase * p)
    Guard guard (this);

prefix_ void senf::detail::PacketImpl::truncateInterpretersBackwards(PacketInterpreterBase * p)
    Guard guard (this);

// Data container

prefix_ senf::detail::PacketImpl::iterator senf::detail::PacketImpl::begin()
    return data_.begin();

prefix_ senf::detail::PacketImpl::iterator senf::detail::PacketImpl::end()
    return data_.end();

prefix_ senf::detail::PacketImpl::size_type senf::detail::PacketImpl::size()
    return data_.size();

prefix_ void senf::detail::PacketImpl::insert(PacketData * self, iterator pos, byte v)
    difference_type ix (std::distance(begin(),pos));

prefix_ void senf::detail::PacketImpl::insert(PacketData * self, iterator pos, size_type n,
                                              byte v)
    difference_type ix (std::distance(begin(),pos));

prefix_ void senf::detail::PacketImpl::erase(PacketData * self, iterator pos)
    difference_type ix (std::distance(begin(),pos));

prefix_ void senf::detail::PacketImpl::erase(PacketData * self, iterator first, iterator last)
    difference_type ix (std::distance(begin(),first));
    difference_type delta (std::distance(first,last));
prefix_ void senf::detail::PacketImpl::reserve(size_type n)

prefix_ senf::detail::PacketImpl::size_type senf::detail::PacketImpl::capacity()
    return data_.capacity();

prefix_ void senf::detail::PacketImpl::dumpAnnotations(std::ostream & os)
    AnnotationIndexerBase::dump(this, os);

// This function has a problem being inlined. Somehow, often when calling this, the size of the 
// resulting inlined code would be huge?

prefix_ void senf::detail::PacketImpl::release(refcount_t n)
    SENF_ASSERT(refcount_ >= n);
    // uah ... we need to be extremely careful here. If refcount_ is n, we want to commit suicide,
    // however the destructor will remove all PacketInterpreters from the list and will thereby
    // decrement refcount -> only decrenebt refcount_ when *not* caling delete
    if (refcount_ == n)
        delete this;
        refcount_ -= n;

// senf::detail::PacketImpl::Guard

prefix_ senf::detail::PacketImpl::Guard::Guard(PacketImpl * impl)
    : p (impl)

prefix_ senf::detail::PacketImpl::Guard::~Guard()

#undef prefix_

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