import os.path
from SCons.Script import *
def parseLogOption(value):
stream, area, level = ( x.strip() for x in value.strip().split('|') )
stream = ''.join('(%s)' % x for x in stream.split('::') )
if area : area = ''.join( '(%s)' % x for x in area.split('::') )
else : area = '(_)'
return '((%s,%s,%s))' % (stream,area,level)
def expandLogOption(target, source, env, for_signature):
if env.get('LOGLEVELS'):
return [ 'SENF_LOG_CONF="' + ''.join( parseLogOption(x) for x in env.subst('$LOGLEVELS').split() )+'"']
return []
# This looks much more complicated than it is: We do three things here:
# a) switch between final or debug options
# b) parse the LOGLEVELS parameter into the correct SENF_LOG_CONF syntax
# c) check for a local SENF, set options accordingly and update that SENF if needed
def SetupForSENF(env):
env.Append( LIBS = [ 'senf', 'rt', '$BOOSTREGEXLIB',
BOOSTREGEXLIB = 'boost_regex',
BOOSTIOSTREAMSLIB = 'boost_iostreams',
BOOSTFSLIB = 'boost_filesystem',
CXXFLAGS = [ '-Wno-long-long',
'${"$CXXFLAGS_"+(final and "final" or "debug")}',
'${profile and ("-g","-pg") or None}' ],
LINKFLAGS = [ '${"$LINKFLAGS_"+(final and "final" or "debug")}',
'${profile and "-pg" or None}' ],
SENF_BUILDOPTS = [ '-j%s' % (env.GetOption('num_jobs') or "1") ],
CXXFLAGS_debug = [ '-O0', '-g', '-fno-inline' ],
LINKFLAGS_debug = [ '-g', '-rdynamic' ],
expandLogOption = expandLogOption,
CPPDEFINES = [ '$expandLogOptions' ],
# Add command-line options: 'LOGLEVELS' and 'final'
opts = Options()
opts.Add( 'LOGLEVELS', 'Special log levels. Syntax: <stream>|[<area>]|<level> ...',
'${"$LOGLEVELS_"+(final and "final" or "debug")}' )
opts.Add( BoolOption('final', 'Build final (optimized) build', False) )
opts.Add( BoolOption('debug', 'Link in debug symbols', False) )
opts.Add( BoolOption('profile', 'Add profile information', False) )
# If we have a symbolic link (or directory) 'senf', we use it as our
# senf repository
if os.path.exists('senf'):
print "\nUsing SENF in './senf'\n"
env.Append( LIBPATH = [ 'senf' ],
CPPPATH = [ 'senf/include' ],
SENF_BUILDOPTS = [ '${final and "final=1" or None}',
'${debug and "debug=1" or None}',
'${profile and "profile=1" or None}' ],
CPPDEFINES = [ '${not(final) and "SENF_DEBUG" or None}' ] )
# env.AlwaysBuild(
# env.Command('senf/libsenf.a', [], [ 'scons -C %s $SENF_BUILDOPTS libsenf.a' % os.path.realpath('senf')])))
elif os.path.exists('../senf'):
print "\nUsing SENF in '../senf'\n"
env.Append( LIBPATH = [ '../senf' ],
CPPPATH = [ '../senf/include' ],
SENF_BUILDOPTS = [ '${final and "final=1" or None}',
'${debug and "debug=1" or None}',
'${profile and "profile=1" or None}' ],
CPPDEFINES = [ '${not(final) and "SENF_DEBUG" or None}' ] )
# env.AlwaysBuild(
# env.Command('senf/libsenf.a', [], [ 'scons -C %s $SENF_BUILDOPTS libsenf.a' % os.path.realpath('senf')])))
print '\nUsing global SENF\n'