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// $Id$
// Copyright (C) 2006 Stefan Bund <>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the
// Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
// Copyright (C) 2006
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/** \file
    \brief ReadHelper public header */
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#ifndef HH_ReadHelper_
#define HH_ReadHelper_ 1

// Custom includes
#include <string>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>

#include "Utils/intrusive_refcount.hh"
#include "Scheduler.hh"

//#include "ReadHelper.mpp"

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    /** \brief Asyncronous reading helper
        This class provides a simple asynchronous reading facility. This helper will register with
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        the Scheduler and read incoming data. It will collect the data until a specific number of
        bytes has been read or some Predicate evaluated on the data read thus far signals end of
        The ReadHelper accepts the same flexible file handle interfaces as the Scheduler.
        The callback must take a ReadHelper::ptr argument. Using this ReadHelper instance, the
        callback can access the data read or retrieve state information.
        The ReadHelper separates the data into two parts: data() will return the matched data,
        tail() will return any surplus data already read. If you don't specify a predicate, tail()
        will always be empty (there may however some data be left in the socket input buffer after
        the ReadHelper returns).
        The predicate is any class instance with an <tt>operator(std::string const &)</tt>. This
        operator is called, whenever some data has been read. If the data is not yet complete, the
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        predicate must return \c std::string::npos. If the ReadHelper should stop reading more
        data, the predicate must return the number of bytes which are to be considered 'matched'.

        \todo Move all not Handle dependent members to a ReadHandleBase class
        \todo Add an optional <tt>std::string const & tail</tt> argument to the constructors which
            takes the tail() of a previous ReadHelper instance.
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    template <class Handle>
    class ReadHelper
        : public senf::intrusive_refcount
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        // Types

        typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<ReadHelper> ptr; ///< Smart pointer type for this class
        typedef boost::function<void (ptr)> Callback; ///< Callback type
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        ///\name Structors and default members

        static ptr dispatch(Handle handle, std::string::size_type maxSize,
                            Callback callback); ///< Register new ReadHandler instance
                                        /**< The registered Callback will be called after \a maxSize
                                             bytes have been read or EOF or some error is
                                             \post The returned ReadHelper instance is registered
                                                 with the Scheduler to handle read events.
                                             \param[in] handle file descriptor or handle providing
                                                 the Handle interface defined above.
                                             \param[in] maxSize maximum number of bytes to read
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                                             \param[in] callback callback
                                             \returns Smart pointer to new ReadHelper instance */

        template <class Predicate>
        static ptr dispatch(Handle handle, std::string::size_type maxSize, Predicate const & predicate,
                            Callback callback); ///< Register new ReadHelper instance
                                        /**< The registered Callback will be called after the \a
                                             predicate returns a Value other than \c
                                             std::string::npos, \a maxSize bytes have been read, or
                                             EOF or some error condition is encountered.
                                             \post The returned ReadHelper instance is registered
                                                 with the Scheduler to handle read events
.                                            \param[in] handle file descriptor or handle providing
                                                 the Handle interface defined above.
                                             \param[in] maxSize maximum number of bytes to read
                                             \param[in] predicate predicate to check
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                                             \param[in] callback callback
                                             \returns smart pointer to new ReadHelper instance */
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        Handle handle() const;          ///< Access the handle object
        unsigned maxSize() const;       ///< Return maximum number of bytes to be read
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        std::string const & data() const; ///< return data read
        std::string const & tail() const; ///< return data read but not matched by the predicate
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        bool complete() const;          ///< Check whether the read has completed successfully
        bool error() const;             ///< Check for error condition
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        void throw_error() const;       ///< If an error occurred, throw it
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        void revoke();                  ///< Remove the ReadHelper from the scheduler
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        struct InternalPredicate;
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        ReadHelper(Handle handle, unsigned maxSize,  InternalPredicate * predicate, Callback cb);

        static void dispatchProcess(ptr helper, Handle handle, senf::Scheduler::EventId event);
        void process(Handle handle, senf::Scheduler::EventId event);
        void done();
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        Handle handle_;
        std::string::size_type maxSize_;
        boost::scoped_ptr<InternalPredicate> predicate_;
        Callback callback_;
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        std::string data_;
        std::string tail_;
        int errno_;
        bool complete_;
    /** \brief ReadHelper predicate matching an arbitrary string

        This predicate will terminate the read when the data read matches a given fixed string. All
        data up to and including the string matched is considered to be part of the data() portion,
        everything after the matched string is placed into the tail().

        \see ReadHelper
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    struct ReadUntil
        ReadUntil(std::string const & target);
        std::string::size_type operator()(std::string const & data);
        std::string target;
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#include "ReadHelper.cci"
#include "ReadHelper.ct"
#include "ReadHelper.cti"
//#include "ReadHelper.mpp"

// Local Variables:
// mode: c++
// fill-column: 100
// c-file-style: "senf"
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// ispell-local-dictionary: "american"
// compile-command: "scons -u test"
// comment-column: 40
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// End: