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// Copyright (C) 2007 
// Fraunhofer Institut fuer offene Kommunikationssysteme (FOKUS)
// Kompetenzzentrum fuer Satelitenkommunikation (SatCom)
//     Stefan Bund <>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the
// Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

/** \file
    \brief Module public header 

#ifndef HH_Module_
#define HH_Module_ 1

// Custom includes
#include <boost/utility.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time_types.hpp>

//#include "Module.mpp"

namespace senf {
namespace ppi {

    /** \brief Module baseclass

        senf::ppi::Module is the baseclass of all PPI modules. It provides the module implementation
        with interfaces to several PPI facilities:
        \li Connector management
        \li Flow management (routing)
        \li Event handling

        To provide internal bookkeeping, most access to the PPI infrastructure is managed through
        this base class. 

        Instances of this class may be allocated either statically or dynamically. Dynamic instances
        are automatically managed using the dynamicModule adaptor.
    class Module
        : boost::noncopyable

        template <class Source, class Target>
        Route<Source, Target> & route(Source const & source, Target const & target); 
                                        ///< Define flow information
                                        /**< Using the route() and noroute() members, the
                                             information flow within the module is defined. Routing
                                             may be specified either between inputs, outputs and
                                             events. The routing information is used to perform
                                             automatic throttling. The throttling behavior may
                                             however be controlled manually.

                                             Even if no automatic throttling is desired <em>it is
                                             vital to define the flow information for all inputs and
                                             outputs</em>. Without flow information important
                                             internal state of the module cannot be
                                             initialized. This includes, explicitly defining
                                             terminal inputs and outputs using noroute. Event
                                             routing however is optional.

                                             The return value may be used to alter routing
                                             parameters like throttling parameters.
                                             \param[in] source Data source, object which controlls
                                                 incoming data
                                             \param[in] target Data target, object which controlls
                                                 outgoing data
                                             \returns Route instance describing this route */

        template <class Connector>
        void noroute(Connector const & connector); ///< Define terminal connectors
                                        /**< The noroute() member explicitly declares, that a
                                             connector is terminal and does not directly
                                             receive/forward data from/to some other
                                             connector. <em>It is mandatory to define routing
                                             information for terminal connectors</em>.
                                             See the route() documentation for more on routing
                                             \param[in] connector Terminal connector to declare */

        template <class Target, class Descriptor>
        typename Descriptor & registerEvent(Target target, Descriptor const & descriptor);
                                        ///< Register an external event
                                        /**< The \a target argument may be either an arbitrary
                                             callable object or it may be a member function pointer
                                             pointing to a member function of the Module derived
                                             classed. The handler may \e optionally take an Argument
                                             of type <tt>typename Descriptor::Event const
                                             &</tt>. This object allows to access detailed
                                             information on the event delivered.

                                             The \a descriptor describes the event to signal. This
                                             may be a timer event or some type of I/O event on a
                                             file descriptor or socket.

                                             The return value may be used to modify the
                                             binding. This allows to temporarily inhibit event
                                             delivery or to remove the binding explicitly. Depending
                                             on the type of event, other operations may be
                                             possible. See the event descriptor documentation.

                                             \param[in] target The handler to call whenever the event
                                                 is signaled
                                             \param[in] descriptor The type of event to register
                                             \returns An event binding instance of the appropriate
                                                 type. */

        boost::posix_time::ptime eventTime(); ///< Return timestamp of the currently processing event
    /** \brief Automatically manage dynamic module deallocation

        The dynamicModule helper will create a new dynamically managed module instance.

        The \a args template parameter is only a placeholder. All arguments to dynamicModule will be
        passed to the Module constructor.
g0dil's avatar
g0dil committed

        \implementation dynamicModule should just register the Instance in a different way with the
            Infrastructure and return a reference to the new module.
    template <class Module, class Args>
    unspecified dynamicModule(Args args);

    /** \brief Connect compatible connectors

        connect() will connect two compatible connectors: One connector must be active, the other
    template <class Source, class Target>
    void connect(Source const & source, Target const & target);

    /** \brief Connect connectors via an adaptor module
        This connect() overload will insert an additional adaptor module into the connection. The
        Adaptor module must have two connectors, \a input and \a output. The call will setup the
        connections \a source to \a input and \a output to \a target. Each connector pair must be
    template <class Source, class Target, class Adaptor)
    Adaptor const &  connect(Source const & source, Target const & target, 
                             Adaptor const & adaptor);


//#include "Module.cci"
//#include "Module.ct"
//#include "Module.cti"

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