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PPI: MultiConnectorMixin documentation

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......@@ -44,6 +44,56 @@ senf::ppi::module::MultiConnectorMixin<Self_,ConnectorType_,void,ContainerType_>
return connectors_;
#ifdef DOXYGEN
// Only for exposition
// Other implementations with 0..SENF_MULTI_CONNECTOR_MAX_ARGS arguments accordingly
template <class Self_, class ConnectorType_, class KeyType_, class ContainerType_>
template <class A1>
prefix_ ConnectorType_ &
newConnector(A1 const & a1)
std::auto_ptr<ConnectorType_> conn (new ConnectorType_);
KeyType_ key (static_cast<Self_*>(this)->connectorSetup(*conn, a1));
return * connectors_.insert(key, conn).first->second;
template <class Self_, class ConnectorType_, class ContainerType_>
template <class A1>
prefix_ ConnectorType_ &
newConnector(A1 const & a1)
connectors_.push_back(new ConnectorType_);
ConnectorType_ & conn (connectors_.back());
try { static_cast<Self_*>(this)->connectorSetup(conn , a1); }
catch (...) { connectors_.pop_back(); throw; }
return conn;
template <class Source, class Target , class A1>
typename boost::enable_if<
boost::is_base_of<senf::ppi::connector::OutputConnector, typename Source::ConnectorType>,
typename Source::ConnectorType & >::type
senf::ppi::connect(Source & source, Target & target , A1 const & a1)
connect(source.newConnector(a1), target);
template <class Source, class Target , class A1>
typename boost::enable_if<
boost::is_base_of<senf::ppi::connector::InputConnector, typename Target::ConnectorType>,
typename Target::ConnectorType & >::type
senf::ppi::connect(Source & source, Target & target , A1 const & a1)
connect(source, target.newConnector(a1));
// Include 'Implementation' from MultiConnectorMixin.mpp
0, \
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
#include "Setup.hh"
#include "MultiConnectorMixin.mpp"
#include "MultiConnectorMixin.ih"
......@@ -43,7 +44,32 @@
namespace senf {
namespace ppi {
#ifdef DOXYGEN
// For exposition only.
// Other implementations with 0..SENF_MULTI_CONNECTOR_MAX_ARGS arguments accordingly
// The real implementation includes a boost::enable_if condition in the return value, which is
// used to only enable the correct overload: The first overload, if the MultiConnector is an
// output, otherwise the second overload.
/** \brief Connect MultiConnector source to arbitrary target
Additional implementations with 0..SENF_MULTI_CONNECTOR_MAX_ARGS arguments.
\related module::MultiConnectorMixin
template <class Source, class Target, class A1>
Source::ConnectorType & connect(Source & source, Target & target, A1 const & a1);
/** \brief Connect arbitrary source to MultiConnector target
Additional implementations with 0..SENF_MULTI_CONNECTOR_MAX_ARGS arguments.
\related module::MultiConnectorMixin
template <class Source, class Target>
Target::ConnectorType & connect(Source & source, Target & target, A1 const & a1);
// Include 'senf::ppi::namespace member declarations' from MultiConnectorMixin.mpp
# define BOOST_PP_ITERATION_PARAMS_1 (4, ( \
0, \
......@@ -53,50 +79,116 @@ namespace ppi {
namespace module {
namespace detail {
template <class KeyType, class ConnectorType>
struct DefaultMultiConnectorContainer
{ typedef boost::ptr_map<KeyType, ConnectorType> type; };
/** \brief Multi connector management
This mixin provides a module with support for a runtime configurable number of input or
output connectors.
class MyModule
: public senf::ppi::module::MultiConnectorMixin<
MyModule, senf::ppi::connector::ActiveInput<> >
senf::ppi::connector::PassiveOutput<> output;
// ...
void connectorSetup(senf::ppi::connector::ActiveInput & input)
route(input, output);
void doThrottle()
// ...
friend class senf::ppi::module::MultiConnectorMixin<
MyModule, senf::ppi::connector::ActiveInput<> >
Using the MultiConnectorMixin consists of
\li inheriting from MultiConnectorMixin
\li defining a function \c connectorSetup
\li declaring the mixin as a friend
The MultiConnectorMixin takes several template arguments
\li the name of the derived class, \a Self_
\li the type of connector, \a ConnectorType_
\li an optional \a KeyType_ if a mapping container is required
\li an optional \a ContainerType_ to replace the default \c boost::ptr_vector or \c
\section senf_ppi_multiconnector_sequence Sequence/vector based multi connector mixin
If no \a KeyType_ is given (or the \a KeyType_ is \c void), the mixin will use a sequence
container, by default a \c boost::ptr_vector to store the connectors. In this case, new
connectors will be added to the end of the container. The \c connectorSetup() routine
however may be used to move the inserted connector to some other location, e.g.
container().insert(begin(), container().pop_back().release());
which will move the new connector from the end to the beginning.
\warning If you throw an exception from \c connectorSetup(), you must do so \e before moving
the new connector around since the mixin will remove the last element from the container
on an exception.
template <class ConnectorType>
struct DefaultMultiConnectorContainer<void,ConnectorType>
{ typedef boost::ptr_vector<ConnectorType> type; };
\par "Example:" senf::ppi::module::PriorityJoin
template <class ConnectorType>
struct DynamicDisableType
: public boost::mpl::if_<
boost::is_base_of<connector::InputConnector, ConnectorType>,
ppi::detail::DisableStandardInput, ppi::detail::DisableStandardOutput >
\section senf_ppi_multiconnector_map Map based multi connector mixin
/** \brief Dynamic connector management
If \a KeyType_ is given (and is not \c void), the mixin will use a mapping container, by
default a \c boost::ptr_map to store the connectors. The \c connectorSetup() member function
must return the key value under which the new connector will be stored. The new connector
will this be written to the container only \e after \c connectorSetup() returns.
Provide modules with support for dynamic connectors.
When the returned key is not unique, the new connector will \e replace the old one. If this
is not, what you want, either check for an already existing member and throw an exception in
\c connectorSetup() or replace the \c boost::ptr_map by a \c boost::ptr_multimap using the
fourth template argument to MultiConnectorMixin.
\li A module might have dynamic input or output connectors
\li Creating a new connection might take an argument
\li Connectors are stored either in a vector or a map
\par "Example:" senf::ppi::module::AnnotationRouter
\section senf_ppi_multiconnector_connect Connect and additional \c connectorSetup() arguments
When connecting to a module using the MultiConnectorMixin, every new connect call will
allocate a new connector
MuModule muModule;
\li Connectors are created by the helper.
\li Connector is passed to Self::connectorSetup. This returns either void or the map
key. connectorSetup must setup internal routing and callbacks.
\li Connector inserted into container.
senf::ppi::connect(someModule, myModule);
Some modules will expect additional arguments to be passed (see below)
MyModule myModule;
connectorSetup may take additional arguments besides reference to connector. These arguments
are taken from the trailing ppi::connect call arguments.
senf::ppi::connect(mod1, myModule); // index = 0, see below
senf::ppi::connect(mod2, myModule, 1); // index = 1, see below
To declare these additional arguments, just declare \c connectorSetup() with those
additional arguments:
void connectorSetup(MyModule::ConnectorType & input, int index=0)
container().insert(container().begin()+index, container().pop_back().release());
The list manager will insert the new connector at the end of the list BEFORE calling
connetorSetup. This allows the setup routine to manipulate the position.
\par "Advanced note:" These additional arguments are always passed by const-reference. If
you need to pass a non-const reference, declare the \c connectorSetup() argument as
non-const reference and wrap the real argument using \c boost::ref() (The reason for
this is known as 'The forwarding problem'
template <class Self_,
class ConnectorType_,
class KeyType_=void,
class ContainerType_=typename detail::DefaultMultiConnectorContainer<
class ContainerType_=typename detail::MultiConnectorDefaultContainer<
class MultiConnectorMixin
: private detail::DynamicDisableType<ConnectorType_>::type
: private detail::MultiConnectorSelectBase<ConnectorType_>::type
typedef ConnectorType_ ConnectorType;
......@@ -106,6 +198,28 @@ namespace detail {
ContainerType_ & connectors();
#ifdef DOXYGEN
// For exposition only
// Other implementations with 0..SENF_MULTI_CONNECTOR_MAX_ARGS arguments accordingly
tempalte <class A1>
ConnectorType_ & newConnector(A1 const & a1);
// See above for an additional note regarding the boost::enable_if in the real
// implementation
template <class Source, class Target, class A1>
friend Source::ConnectorType & senf::ppi::connect(Source & source,
Target & target,
A1 const & a1);
template <class Source, class Target, class A1>
friend Target::ConnectorType & senf::ppi::connect(Source & source,
Target & target,
A1 const & a1);
// Include 'MultiConnectorMixin member declaration' from MultiConnectorMixin.mpp
# define BOOST_PP_ITERATION_PARAMS_1 (4, ( \
0, \
......@@ -120,7 +234,7 @@ namespace detail {
class ConnectorType_,
class ContainerType_>
class MultiConnectorMixin<Self_,ConnectorType_,void,ContainerType_>
: private detail::DynamicDisableType<ConnectorType_>::type
: private detail::MultiConnectorSelectBase<ConnectorType_>::type
typedef ConnectorType_ ConnectorType;
......@@ -130,6 +244,29 @@ namespace detail {
ContainerType_ & connectors();
#ifdef DOXYGEN
// For exposition only
// Other implementations with 0..SENF_MULTI_CONNECTOR_MAX_ARGS arguments accordingly
tempalte <class A1>
ConnectorType_ & newConnector(A1 const & a1);
// See above for an additional note regarding the boost::enable_if in the real
// implementation
template <class Source, class Target, class A1>
friend Source::ConnectorType & senf::ppi::connect(Source & source,
Target & target,
A1 const & a1);
template <class Source, class Target, class A1>
friend Target::ConnectorType & senf::ppi::connect(Source & source,
Target & target,
A1 const & a1);
// Include 'MultiConnectorMixin member declaration' from MultiConnectorMixin.mpp
# define BOOST_PP_ITERATION_PARAMS_1 (4, ( \
0, \
// $Id$
// Copyright (C) 2009
// Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS)
// Competence Center NETwork research (NET), St. Augustin, GERMANY
// Stefan Bund <>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the
// Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
/** \file
\brief MultiConnectorMixin internal header */
#ifndef IH_SENF_PPI_MultiConnectorMixin_
#define IH_SENF_PPI_MultiConnectorMixin_ 1
// Custom includes
namespace senf {
namespace ppi {
namespace module {
namespace detail {
template <class KeyType, class ConnectorType>
struct MultiConnectorDefaultContainer
typedef boost::ptr_map<KeyType, ConnectorType> type;
template <class ConnectorType>
struct MultiConnectorDefaultContainer<void,ConnectorType>
typedef boost::ptr_vector<ConnectorType> type;
template <class ConnectorType>
struct MultiConnectorSelectBase
: public boost::mpl::if_<
boost::is_base_of<connector::InputConnector, ConnectorType>,
ppi::detail::DisableStandardInput, ppi::detail::DisableStandardOutput >
// Local Variables:
// mode: c++
// fill-column: 100
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// c-file-style: "senf"
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