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Commit a2e632ae authored by g0dil's avatar g0dil
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Packets: Add short documentation for most internal classes

Packets: Document DataPacket, safe_data_iterator and exceptions
Packets: Move bundle documentation out of the Packets documentation
Scheduler: Make test more robust (add sleep ...)
Move all local dictionary words into senf.dict
parent b78a8ec3
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
with 163 additions and 72 deletions
......@@ -401,4 +401,3 @@
// mode: auto-fill
// End:
// LocalWords: callbacks
......@@ -32,10 +32,23 @@
namespace senf {
/** \brief Internal: Packet type of DataPacket
struct DataPacketType : public PacketTypeBase
/** \brief Generic payload-only packet
DataPacket is a simple generic packet with just a payload of uninterpreted data. This is the
packet used whenever no more specific packet type can be found for a sub-packet (e.g. as the
payload data of a UDP packet)
\ingroup packet_module
typedef ConcretePacket<DataPacketType> DataPacket;
......@@ -58,3 +71,4 @@ namespace senf {
// ispell-local-dictionary: "american"
// compile-command: "scons -u test"
// End:
......@@ -18,18 +18,19 @@
// Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
/** \defgroup protocolbundles Protocol Bundles
/** \mainpage The Default Bundle
Each protocol bundle provides a collection of related concrete packet classes for a group of
related protocols.
The default bundle combines a set of basic low level protocols like Ethernet or IP. You can find
the list of implemented protocols at \ref protocolbundle_default (see the list of typedefs)
/** \defgroup protocolbundle_default The Default Bundle
/** \defgroup protocolbundle_default Protocols of the default bundle
The default bundle combines a set of basic low level protocols like Ethernet or IP. Find the
list of packet types implemented below under 'Typedefs'.
Each protocol consists of several objects
\ingroup protocolbundles
\li The packet \c typedef symbol. This is the only object explicitly accessed from the outside
\li The associated parser object. This is, where the field names are documented
\li The internal packet type object
......@@ -44,6 +45,3 @@
// mode: auto-fill
// End:
// LocalWords: Fraunhofer Institut fuer offene Kommunikationssysteme FOKUS de
// LocalWords: Kompetenzzentrum Satelitenkommunikation SatCom Bund berlios IP
// LocalWords: defgroup protocolbundles protocolbundle ingroup dil
@INCLUDE = "$(TOPDIR)/doclib/"
PROJECT_NAME = libPackets/DefaultBundle
TAGFILES = "$(TOPDIR)/Utils/doc/Utils.tag" "$(TOPDIR)/Packets/doc/Packets.tag"
GENERATE_TAGFILE = doc/DefaultBundle.tag
......@@ -11,4 +11,7 @@ SENFSCons.StandardTargets(env)
SENFSCons.Object(env, target = 'DefaultBundle', sources=sources,
LIBS = ['Packets', 'Socket', 'Utils'])
SENFSCons.Lib(env, library = 'Packets_DefaultBundle', sources = sources[0],
LIBS = ['Packets', 'Socket', 'Utils'])
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
PROJECT_NAME = libPackets
TAGFILES = "$(TOPDIR)/Utils/doc/Utils.tag"
GENERATE_TAGFILE = doc/Packets.tag
INPUT = . DefaultBundle MPEG_DVBBundle
#INPUT = . DefaultBundle MPEG_DVBBundle
EXAMPLE_PATH = . DefaultBundle
#EXAMPLE_PATH = . DefaultBundle
@INCLUDE = "$(TOPDIR)/doclib/"
PROJECT_NAME = libPackets/MPEG_DVBBundle
TAGFILES = "$(TOPDIR)/Utils/doc/Utils.tag" "$(TOPDIR)/Packets/doc/Packets.tag"
......@@ -11,4 +11,7 @@ SENFSCons.StandardTargets(env)
SENFSCons.Object(env, target = 'MPEG_DVBBundle', sources=sources,
LIBS = ['Packets', 'Socket', 'Utils'])
SENFSCons.Lib(env, library = 'Packets_MPEG_DVBBundle', sources = sources[0],
LIBS = ['Packets', 'Socket', 'Utils'])
......@@ -128,6 +128,17 @@
a detailed discussion see the respective reference documentation.
/** \defgroup protocolbundles Protocol Bundles
Each protocol bundle provides a collection of related concrete packet classes for a group of
related protocols:
\li <a href="../../DefaultBundle/doc/html/index.html">DefaultBundle</a>: Some basic
default protocols: Ethernet, Ip, TCP, UDP
\li <a href="../../MPEG_DVBBundle/doc/html/index.html">MPEG_DVBBundle</a>: MPEG and DVB
// Local Variables:
// mode: c++
......@@ -139,8 +150,3 @@
// compile-command: "scons -u doc"
// End:
// LocalWords: mainpage SENF packetparser protocolbundles protocolbundle IPv4
// LocalWords: udp endcode li senf EthernetPacket eth IpV createAfter ip std
// LocalWords: ethernet UDPPacket DataPacket ttl INet MACAddress nothrow prev
// LocalWords: PacketSocketHandle InvalidPacketChainException findNext noinit
// LocalWords: tt TruncatedPacketException const cerr Ooops hh
......@@ -599,12 +599,3 @@ namespace senf {
// comment-column: 40
// End:
// LocalWords: defgroup li html png STL ConcretePacket PacketInterpreterBase
// LocalWords: PacketInterpreter PacketImpl OtherPacket EthernetPacket param
// LocalWords: EthernetPacketType PacketData packetparser nothrow senf prev
// LocalWords: InvalidPacketChainException findNext findPrev parseNextAs tt
// LocalWords: PacketType SomePacketType createAfter createBefore noinit href
// LocalWords: PacketTypeBase TruncatedPacketException http www org Institut
// LocalWords: Fraunhofer fuer offene Kommunikationssysteme FOKUS SatCom Bund
// LocalWords: Kompetenzzentrum Satelitenkommunikation berlios de hh
// LocalWords: addtogroup Structors PacketType dil PacketType's
......@@ -140,9 +140,25 @@ namespace senf {
class PacketParserBase;
/** \brief Invalid packet data access
This exception is signaled whenever an operation tries to access an out-of-bounds data
byte. If the packet has been implemented correctly, this signals a malformed packet.
struct TruncatedPacketException : public std::exception
{ virtual char const * what() const throw() { return "truncated packet"; } };
/** \brief Re-validating data iterator
This class is a wrapper around a PacketData::iterator instance. It will revalidate the
iterator on every access. This keeps the iterator valid even when the data container is
resized and thereby possibly relocated. The iterator will always point to the byte at the
same offset from the packets beginning. If data is inserted before this iterators position,
the data pointed to will of course change.
For this to work, the safe_data_iterator must be initialized with the container to which the
iterator belongs. After this initialization it can be used like any other iterator.
class safe_data_iterator
: public boost::iterator_facade< safe_data_iterator,
......@@ -152,18 +168,29 @@ namespace senf {
typedef PacketData::size_type size_type;
explicit safe_data_iterator(PacketData & data);
safe_data_iterator(); ///< Make uninitialized iterator
explicit safe_data_iterator(PacketData & data);
///< Construct iterator only setting the data container
safe_data_iterator(PacketData & data, PacketData::iterator i);
///< Initialize iterator to given position
explicit safe_data_iterator(PacketParserBase const & parser);
///< Initialize iterator from parser
/**< The iterator will point to the parsers start
position. */
safe_data_iterator & operator=(PacketData::iterator i);
safe_data_iterator & operator=(PacketData::iterator i); ///< Assign iterator
/**< The iteator \a i must be from the container wo which \c
this iterator has been initialized. */
safe_data_iterator & operator=(PacketParserBase const & parser);
operator PacketData::iterator() const;
///< Assign iterator from parser
/**< The iterator will point to the parser start
position. */
operator PacketData::iterator() const; ///< Convert to iterator
bool boolean_test() const;
bool boolean_test() const; ///< Check, if iterator is initialized
PacketData & data() const;
PacketData & data() const; ///< Access data container
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
......@@ -204,7 +231,3 @@ namespace senf {
// comment-column: 40
// End:
// LocalWords: Fraunhofer Institut fuer offene Kommunikationssysteme FOKUS de
// LocalWords: Kompetenzzentrum Satelitenkommunikation SatCom Bund berlios dil
// LocalWords: PacketData hh STL PacketInterpreterBase PacketInterpreter
// LocalWords: ingroup Structors
......@@ -36,6 +36,15 @@
namespace senf {
namespace detail {
/** \brief Internal: Packet data storage
This is the class holding the packet data and the interpreter chain. All manipulations of
the packet data are performed via the interface exported here. This is very important, since
PacketImpl will update the interpreters (that is the vector indices stored therein) whenever
the data is changed.
class PacketImpl
: boost::noncopyable,
public pool_alloc_mixin<PacketImpl>
......@@ -92,9 +101,14 @@ namespace detail {
void erase(PacketData * self, iterator first, iterator last);
void clear(PacketData * self);
// The Guard will keep the PacketImpl instance alive during a members execution time
// It the refcount should drop to 0, PacketImpl will be deleted after the member
// has completed executing.
/** \brief Internal: Keep PacketImpl instance alive
The Guard will keep the PacketImpl instance alive during a members execution time
It the refcount should drop to 0, PacketImpl will be deleted after the member
has completed executing.
struct Guard {
Guard(PacketImpl * impl);
......@@ -108,7 +122,6 @@ namespace detail {
void eraseInterpreters(interpreter_list::iterator b, interpreter_list::iterator e);
void updateIterators(PacketData * self, iterator pos, difference_type n);
......@@ -132,3 +145,4 @@ namespace detail {
// compile-command: "scons -u test"
// comment-column: 40
// End:
......@@ -42,7 +42,12 @@ namespace senf {
template <class PacketType> class PacketInterpreter;
/** \brief
/** \brief Internal: Base packet interpreter class
This is the base class for the persistent interpreter. This class encapsulates all the
functionality accessible via the packet handle, most handle operations are just forwarded.
class PacketInterpreterBase
: protected PacketData,
......@@ -70,6 +75,14 @@ namespace senf {
enum Prepend_t { Prepend };
enum NoInit_t { noinit };
/** \brief Internal: Abstract packet factory
This abstract class provides an abstract packet factory interface. It allows to call
almost any one of the create / createAfter / createBefore static PacketInterpreter
without static information on the type of packet to create.
struct Factory {
virtual ~Factory();
......@@ -169,7 +182,7 @@ namespace senf {
ptr appendClone(detail::PacketImpl * impl, range r);
// Need this for g++ < 4.0. Since PacketInterpreter is not publically visible, it should not
// Need this for g++ < 4.0. Since PacketInterpreter is not publicly visible, it should not
// be a real problem to make impl() public here
using PacketData::impl;
......@@ -201,7 +214,13 @@ namespace senf {
friend class detail::packet::test::TestDriver;
/** \brief Concrete packet interpreter
/** \brief Internal: Concrete packet interpreter
Instantiations of this class build the interpreter chain. This class is accessed by the
packet handles. It provides the packet-type specific functionality in addition to the
interface defined in the PacketInterpreterBase class.
\see PacketTypeBase for the \a PacketType interface
......@@ -301,6 +320,12 @@ namespace senf {
// factory
/** \brief Internal: Implementation of abstract factory interface
Implements the abstract factory interface for \a PacketType
struct FactoryImpl : public Factory {
// Create completely new packet
......@@ -346,6 +371,11 @@ namespace senf {
friend class FactoryImpl;
/** \brief Invalid packet chain operation
This exception signals an invalid operation on the chain like trying to find a non-existent
chain member and other similar error conditions.
struct InvalidPacketChainException : public std::exception
{ virtual char const * what() const throw() { return "invalid packet chain"; } };
......@@ -516,6 +516,8 @@ namespace senf {
/** \brief Default parser parsing nothing
struct VoidPacketParser
: public PacketParserBase
......@@ -599,13 +601,3 @@ namespace senf {
// comment-column: 40
// End:
// LocalWords: templated PacketParser defgroup packetparser PacketParsers li
// LocalWords: EthernetParser ethertype UInt senf PacketParserBase tt
// LocalWords: struct FooParser const init endcode ingroup param SomeParser
// LocalWords: ethernet DefaultBundle EthernetPacket hh EthVLan UIntField CFI
// LocalWords: VLanId OverlayField cfi vlanId accessor defaultInit bitfield
// LocalWords: SomePacket SimpleVectorSizer packetparsermacros Fraunhofer std
// LocalWords: hideinitializer Institut fuer offene Kommunikationssysteme STL
// LocalWords: FOKUS Kompetenzzentrum Satelitenkommunikation SatCom Bund cerr
// LocalWords: berlios dil Structors someField someVector someOtherField
// LocalWords: TruncatedPacketException
......@@ -193,6 +193,10 @@ packet of which the key is requested
static Registry & registry();
/** \brief Entry not found in registry
This exception is signaled whenever a throwing lookup operation fails.
struct PacketTypeNotRegisteredException : public std::exception
{ virtual char const * what() const throw() { return "packet type not registered"; } };
......@@ -218,10 +222,3 @@ packet of which the key is requested
// comment-column: 40
// End:
// LocalWords: PacketRegistry hh dil Fraunhofer Institut fuer offene FOKUS de
// LocalWords: Kommunikationssysteme Kompetenzzentrum Satelitenkommunikation
// LocalWords: SatCom Bund stefan bund fokus fraunhofer Ethertype IP struct
// LocalWords: SomeTag endcode senf SomePacket registerPacket ingroup param
// LocalWords: registerSomePacket RegistrationProxy namespace PacketType key
// LocalWords: registerPacketType ConcretePacket PacketTypeNotRegistered href
// LocalWords: http www org html
......@@ -35,7 +35,9 @@
namespace senf {
namespace detail {
/** \brief Internal
template <class PacketType>
struct PkReg_EntryImpl
: public PkReg_Entry
......@@ -43,7 +45,9 @@ namespace detail {
virtual Packet::factory_t factory() const;
/** \brief Internal
template <class KeyType>
class PacketRegistryImpl
: private boost::noncopyable
......@@ -321,6 +321,8 @@ namespace senf {
static void init (Packet p);
# ifndef DOXYGEN
template <class Self>
class PacketTypeMixin<Self,void>
......@@ -330,6 +332,8 @@ namespace senf {
static void init (Packet p);
# endif
......@@ -352,11 +356,3 @@ namespace senf {
// comment-column: 40
// End:
// LocalWords: Fraunhofer Institut fuer offene Kommunikationssysteme FOKUS de
// LocalWords: Kompetenzzentrum Satelitenkommunikation SatCom Bund berlios dil
// LocalWords: PacketType struct SomePacketType senf PacketTypeBase initSize
// LocalWords: ConcretePacket init initHeadSize nextPacketRange NextPacket os
// LocalWords: nextPacketType std ostream endcode ingroup VoidPacketParser Ok
// LocalWords: tt li OtherPacketType Mixin mixin SimplePacketType typeField
// LocalWords: PacketTypeMixin SomeRegistryTag SomePacketParser nextPacketKey
// LocalWords: hh
......@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ namespace detail {
namespace packet {
/** \brief Internal: Tempalte typedef for used smart pointer
template <class T>
struct smart_pointer {
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<T> ptr_t;
// $Id$
// Copyright (C) 2006
......@@ -240,6 +241,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_UNIT_TEST(scheduler)
BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW( Scheduler::instance().remove(handle,Scheduler::EV_WRITE) );
event = Scheduler::EV_NONE;
BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW( Scheduler::instance().process() );
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( event, Scheduler::EventId(Scheduler::EV_READ|Scheduler::EV_HUP) );
......@@ -77,4 +77,6 @@ is ignored (Those are the file local variables and local words)."
;; Better set this here than in the file variables since the setting
;; is only valid if project.el is loaded ...
(set (make-local-variable 'ispell-personal-dictionary)
(expand-file-name "senf.dict" ccide-project-root))
0% Loading or .
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