The package that provides generating methods for all parts
of the pdelab driver.
Currently, these are hardcoded as strings. It would be possible
to switch these to cgen expression. OTOH, there is not much to be
gained there.
NB: Previously this was a module As it was growing,
we made it a package. Some content could and should be separated into
new modules within this package!
from dune.codegen.error import CodegenCodegenError
from dune.codegen.generation import (generator_factory,
from ufl import TensorProductCell
# The following functions are not doing anything useful, but providing easy access
# to quantities that are needed throughout the process of generating the driver!
def get_form_ident():
idents = [i.strip() for i in get_option("operators").split(",")]
if len(idents) == 2:
assert(len(idents) == 1)
return idents[0]
data = get_global_context_value("data")
form = get_form_option("form")
if form is None:
form = get_form_ident()
return data.object_by_name[form]
return get_form().ufl_cell().geometric_dimension()
return get_form().ufl_cell().cellname()
return get_form().arguments()[0].ufl_element()
return get_form().coefficients()[0].ufl_element()
return "mass" not in [i.strip() for i in get_option("operators").split(",")]
from ufl import derivative
from ufl.algorithms import expand_derivatives
jacform = expand_derivatives(derivative(form, form.coefficients()[0]))
for coeff in jacform.coefficients():
if 0 == coeff.count():
return False
return True
def isLagrange(fem):
return fem._short_name is 'CG'
if isinstance(cell, TensorProductCell):
# Cells can be identified through strings *or* ufl objects
if not isinstance(cell, str):
cell = cell.cellname()
return cell in ["vertex", "interval", "triangle", "tetrahedron"]
if isinstance(cell, TensorProductCell):
return all(tuple(isSimplical(c) for c in cell.sub_cells()))
# Cells can be identified through strings *or* ufl objects
if not isinstance(cell, str):
cell = cell.cellname()
return cell in ["vertex", "interval", "quadrilateral", "hexahedron"]
return isLagrange(fem) and isSimplical(fem.cell())
return isLagrange(fem) and isQuadrilateral(fem.cell())
def isDG(fem):
return fem._short_name is 'DG'
def FEM_name_mangling(fem):
from ufl import MixedElement, VectorElement, FiniteElement, TensorElement, TensorProductElement
if isinstance(fem, VectorElement):
return FEM_name_mangling(fem.sub_elements()[0]) + "_" + str(fem.num_sub_elements())
if isinstance(fem, TensorElement):
return FEM_name_mangling(fem.sub_elements()[0]) + "_" + "_".join(str(i) for i in fem.value_shape())
if isinstance(fem, MixedElement):
name = ""
if name is not "":
name = name + "_"
name = name + FEM_name_mangling(elem)
return name
if isinstance(fem, FiniteElement):
return "{}{}".format(fem._short_name,
if isinstance(fem, TensorProductElement):
assert(len(set(subel._short_name for subel in fem.sub_elements())) == 1)
return "TP_{}".format("_".join(FEM_name_mangling(subel) for subel in fem.sub_elements()))
raise NotImplementedError("FEM NAME MANGLING")
def _flatten_list(l):
if isinstance(l, (tuple, list)):
for i in l:
for ni in _flatten_list(i):
yield ni
yield l
def _unroll_list_tensors(expr):
from ufl.classes import ListTensor
if isinstance(expr, ListTensor):
for op in expr.ufl_operands:
yield op
yield expr
def unroll_list_tensors(data):
for expr in data:
for e in _unroll_list_tensors(expr):
yield e
def preprocess_leaf_data(element, data, applyZeroDefault=True):
data = get_global_context_value("data").object_by_name.get(data, None)
if data is None and not applyZeroDefault:
return None
from ufl import MixedElement
if isinstance(element, MixedElement):
data = (0,) * element.value_size()
# Flatten nested lists
data = tuple(i for i in _flatten_list(data))
# Expand any list tensors
data = tuple(i for i in unroll_list_tensors(data))
assert len(data) == element.value_size()
return data
# Do not return lists for non-MixedElement
if not isinstance(data, (tuple, list)):
return (data,)
assert len(data) == 1
return data
def name_inifile():
# TODO pass some other option here.
return "argv[1]"
def parse_initree(varname):
include_file("dune/common/parametertree.hh", filetag="driver")
include_file("dune/common/parametertreeparser.hh", filetag="driver")
filename = name_inifile()
return ["Dune::ParameterTree initree;", "Dune::ParameterTreeParser::readINITree({}, {});".format(filename, varname)]
def name_initree():
# TODO we can get some other ini file here.
return "initree"
def define_mpihelper(name):
include_file("dune/common/parallel/mpihelper.hh", filetag="driver")
if get_option("with_mpi"):
return "Dune::MPIHelper& {} = Dune::MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);".format(name)
return "Dune::FakeMPIHelper& {} = Dune::FakeMPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);".format(name)
def name_mpihelper():
name = "mpihelper"
return name
def check_parallel_execution():
from dune.codegen.pdelab.driver.gridfunctionspace import name_leafview
gv = name_leafview()
return ["if ({}.comm().size()==1){{".format(gv),
' std::cout << "This program should be run in parallel!" << std::endl;',
" return 1;",
def generate_driver():
# Guarantee that config.h is the very first include in the generated file
include_file("config.h", filetag="driver")
# Make sure that the MPI helper is instantiated
# Add check to c++ file if this program should only be used in parallel mode
if get_option("parallel"):
# Entrypoint for driver generation
if get_option("opcounter") or get_option("performance_measuring"):
if get_option("performance_measuring"):
# In case of operator counting we only assemble the matrix and evaluate the residual
from dune.codegen.pdelab.driver.timings import apply_jacobian_timer, evaluate_residual_timer
from import type_floatingpoint
pre_include("#define HP_TIMER_OPCOUNTER {}".format(type_floatingpoint()), filetag="driver")
if get_form_option("generate_jacobian_apply"):
from dune.codegen.pdelab.driver.instationary import solve_instationary
from dune.codegen.pdelab.driver.error import compare_L2_squared
if get_option("compare_l2errorsquared"):
# Make sure that timestream is declared before retrieving chache items
if get_option("instrumentation_level") >= 1:
from dune.codegen.pdelab.driver.timings import setup_timer
from dune.codegen.pdelab.driver.error import return_statement
from dune.codegen.generation import retrieve_cache_items
from cgen import FunctionDeclaration, FunctionBody, Block, Value, LineComment, Line, Generable
driver_signature = FunctionDeclaration(Value('int', 'main'), [Value('int', 'argc'), Value('char**', 'argv')])
# Assert that this program was called with ini file
contents += ['if (argc != 2){',
' std::cerr << "This program needs to be called with an ini file" << std::endl;',
' return 1;',
def add_section(tag, comment):
tagcontents = [i for i in retrieve_cache_items("preamble and {}".format(tag), make_generable=True)]
if tagcontents:
add_section("init", "Initialize basic stuff...")
if get_option("instrumentation_level") >= 1:
init_contents = contents
contents = []
add_section("grid", "Setup grid (view)...")
add_section("fem", "Set up finite element maps...")
add_section("gfs", "Set up grid function spaces...")
add_section("constraints", "Set up constraints container...")
add_section("gridoperator", "Set up grid grid operators...")
add_section("vector", "Set up solution vectors...")
add_section("timings", "Maybe take performance measurements...")
add_section("solver", "Set up (non)linear solvers...")
add_section("vtk", "Do visualization...")
add_section("instat", "Set up instationary stuff...")
add_section("printing", "Maybe print residuals and matrices to stdout...")
add_section("error", "Maybe calculate errors for test results...")
if get_option("instrumentation_level") >= 1:
from dune.codegen.pdelab.driver.timings import timed_region
contents = init_contents + timed_region('driver', contents)
add_section("end", "Stuff that should happen at the end...")
add_section("return_stmt", "Return statement...")
contents.insert(0, "\n")
driver_body = Block([c if isinstance(c, Generable) else Line(c + '\n') for c in contents])
# Wrap a try/catch block around the driver body
from dune.codegen.cgen import CatchBlock, TryCatchBlock, Value, Block, Line
catch_blocks = [CatchBlock(Value("Dune::Exception&", "e"),
Block([Line("std::cerr << \"Dune reported error: \" << e << std::endl;\n"),
Line("return 1;\n"),
CatchBlock(Value("std::exception&", "e"),
Block([Line("std::cerr << \"Unknown exception thrown!\" << std::endl;\n"),
Line("return 1;\n"),
driver_body = Block([TryCatchBlock(driver_body, catch_blocks)])
driver = FunctionBody(driver_signature, driver_body)
filename = get_option("driver_file")
generate_file(filename, "driver", [driver], headerguard=False)
# Reset the caching data structure