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Commit 0e5b2a7e authored by Dominic Kempf's avatar Dominic Kempf
Browse files

Towards neumann boundaries: subdomain_data implemented

parent 8017821f
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......@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ def read_ufl(uflfile):
# Extract the form from the given data
data = interpret_ufl_namespace(namespace)
form = data.forms[0]
form = compute_form_data(form).preprocessed_form
formdata = compute_form_data(form)
form = formdata.preprocessed_form
# We do not expect more than one form
assert len(data.forms) == 1
......@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ def read_ufl(uflfile):
form = transform_form(form, reindexing)
# form = transform_form(form, split_arguments)
return form, data.object_names
return formdata, data.object_names
def generate_driver(form, filename):
......@@ -78,16 +79,16 @@ def generate_driver(form, filename):
# This function is the entrypoint of the ufl2pdelab executable
def compile_form():
from dune.perftool.options import get_option
form, namedata = read_ufl(get_option("uflfile"))
formdata, namedata = read_ufl(get_option("uflfile"))
from dune.perftool.generation import cache_context
if get_option("driver_file"):
with cache_context('driver', delete=True):
generate_driver(form, get_option("driver_file"))
generate_driver(formdata.preprocessed_form, get_option("driver_file"))
if get_option("operator_file"):
from dune.perftool.pdelab.localoperator import generate_localoperator_kernels
kernels = generate_localoperator_kernels(form, namedata)
kernels = generate_localoperator_kernels(formdata, namedata)
# TODO insert sophisticated analysis/feedback loops here
if get_option("interactive"):
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ def get_count():
return c
def transform_accumulation_term(term):
def transform_accumulation_term(term, measure, subdomain_id):
from dune.perftool.ufl.transformations.replace import ReplaceExpression
from pymbolic.primitives import Variable
......@@ -180,11 +180,47 @@ def transform_accumulation_term(term):
from dune.perftool.pdelab.quadrature import name_factor
factor = name_factor()
instruction(code="{}.accumulate({}, {}*{});".format(accumvar,
", ".join(accumargs),
# Generate the code snippet for this accumulation instruction
code = "{}.accumulate({}, {}*{});".format(accumvar,
", ".join(accumargs),
# Maybe wrap this instruction into a condiditional. This mostly happens with mixed boundary conditions
if subdomain_id not in ['everywhere', 'otherwise']:
# We need to reconstruct the subdomain_data parameter of the measure
# I am *totally* confused as to why this information is not at hand anyway,
# but conversation with Martin pointed me to dolfin.fem.assembly where this
# is done in preprocessing with the limitation of only one possible type of
# modified measure per integral type.
# Get the original form and inspect the present measures
from dune.perftool.generation import get_generic_context_value
original_form = get_generic_context_value("formdata").original_form
sd = original_form.subdomain_data()
assert len(sd) == 1
subdomains, = list(sd.values())
domain, = list(sd.keys())
for k in list(subdomains.keys()):
if subdomains[k] is None:
del subdomains[k]
# Finally extract the original subdomain_data (which needs to be present!)
subdomain_data = subdomains[measure]
# Determine the name of the parameter function
name = get_generic_context_value("namedata")[id(subdomain_data)]
# Trigger the generation of code for this thing in the parameter class
from dune.perftool.pdelab.parameter import parameter_function
parameter_function(name, subdomain_data, t='int')
code = "if ({} == {})\n {}".format(name, subdomain_id, code)
# Finally, issue the instruction
read_variables=frozenset({accumvar, factor, expr_tv_name}),
......@@ -135,8 +135,11 @@ def measure_specific_details(measure):
return ret
def generate_kernel(integrand=None, measure=None):
assert integrand and measure
def generate_kernel(integral):
integrand = integral.integrand()
measure = integral.integral_type()
subdomain_id = integral.subdomain_id()
subdomain_data = integral.subdomain_data()
# Get the measure specifics
specifics = measure_specific_details(measure)
......@@ -148,7 +151,7 @@ def generate_kernel(integrand=None, measure=None):
# Iterate over the terms and generate a kernel
for term in accterms:
from dune.perftool.loopy.transformer import transform_accumulation_term
transform_accumulation_term(term, measure, subdomain_id)
# Extract the information, which is needed to create a loopy kernel.
# First extracting it, might be useful to alter it before kernel generation.
......@@ -204,7 +207,10 @@ def cgen_class_from_cache(tag, members=[]):
return Class(basename, base_classes=base_classes, members=members + pm, constructors=[constructor], tparam_decls=tparams)
def generate_localoperator_kernels(form, namedata):
def generate_localoperator_kernels(formdata, namedata):
# Extract the relevant attributes of the form data
form = formdata.preprocessed_form
# For the moment, I do assume that there is but one integral of each type. This might differ
# if you use different quadrature orders for different terms.
assert len(form.integrals()) == len(set(i.integral_type() for i in form.integrals()))
......@@ -240,28 +246,30 @@ def generate_localoperator_kernels(form, namedata):
import functools
from dune.perftool.generation import generic_context
namedata_context = functools.partial(generic_context, "namedata")
formdata_context = functools.partial(generic_context, "formdata")
# Generate the necessary residual methods
for integral in form.integrals():
with namedata_context(namedata):
kernel = generate_kernel(integrand=integral.integrand(), measure=integral.integral_type())
operator_kernels[(integral.integral_type(), 'residual')] = kernel
# Generate the necessary jacobian methods
from dune.perftool.options import get_option
if get_option("numerical_jacobian"):
include_file("dune/pdelab/localoperator/defaultimp.hh", filetag="operatorfile")
from ufl import derivative
from ufl.algorithms import expand_derivatives
jacform = expand_derivatives(derivative(form, form.coefficients()[0]))
for integral in jacform.integrals():
with formdata_context(formdata):
# Generate the necessary residual methods
for integral in form.integrals():
with namedata_context(namedata):
kernel = generate_kernel(integrand=integral.integrand(), measure=integral.integral_type())
operator_kernels[(integral.integral_type(), 'jacobian')] = kernel
kernel = generate_kernel(integral)
operator_kernels[(integral.integral_type(), 'residual')] = kernel
# TODO: JacobianApply for matrix-free computations.
# Generate the necessary jacobian methods
from dune.perftool.options import get_option
if get_option("numerical_jacobian"):
include_file("dune/pdelab/localoperator/defaultimp.hh", filetag="operatorfile")
from ufl import derivative
from ufl.algorithms import expand_derivatives
jacform = expand_derivatives(derivative(form, form.coefficients()[0]))
for integral in jacform.integrals():
with namedata_context(namedata):
kernel = generate_kernel(integrand=integral.integrand(), measure=integral.integral_type())
operator_kernels[(integral.integral_type(), 'jacobian')] = kernel
# TODO: JacobianApply for matrix-free computations.
# Return the set of generated kernels
return operator_kernels
......@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ def name_paramclass():
@class_member("parameterclass", access=AccessModifier.PUBLIC)
def define_parameter_function_class_member(name, expr):
def define_parameter_function_class_member(name, expr, t):
result = ["template<typename E, typename X>",
"double {}(const E& e, const X& local) const".format(name),
"{} {}(const E& e, const X& local) const".format(t, name),
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ def evaluate_parameter_function(name):
def parameter_function(name, expr):
def parameter_function(name, expr, t='double'):
temporary_variable(name, shape=())
define_parameter_function_class_member(name, expr)
define_parameter_function_class_member(name, expr, t)
......@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ def TrialFunctions(element):
return split(TrialFunction(element))
_dg0 = FiniteElement("DG", "triangle", 0)
class Expression(Coefficient):
def __init__(self, expr, is_global=True):
assert isinstance(expr, str)
......@@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ class Expression(Coefficient):
self.is_global = is_global
# Initialize a coefficient with a dummy finite element map.
Coefficient.__init__(self, FiniteElement("DG", "triangle", 0))
Coefficient.__init__(self, _dg0)
class FiniteElement(ufl.FiniteElement):
# 1. Poisson Test Case: source f, bc g + numerical differentiation
add_generated_executable(UFLFILE poisson.ufl
TARGET poisson_numdiff
FORM_COMPILER_ARGS --numerical-jacobian
......@@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ dune_add_system_test(TARGET poisson_numdiff
dune_symlink_to_source_files(FILES poisson_ref.vtu)
# 2. Poisson Test Case: source f, bc g + symbolic differentiation
add_generated_executable(UFLFILE poisson.ufl
TARGET poisson_symdiff
......@@ -20,3 +22,13 @@ dune_add_system_test(TARGET poisson_symdiff
# 3. Poisson Test Case: source f, mixed neumann/dirichlet boundary + numerical differentiation
add_generated_executable(UFLFILE poisson_neumann.ufl
TARGET poisson_neumann_numdiff
FORM_COMPILER_ARGS --numerical-jacobian
dune_add_system_test(TARGET poisson_neumann_numdiff
f = Expression("Dune::FieldVector<double,2> c(0.5); c-= x; return 4.*(1.-c.two_norm2())*std::exp(-1.*c.two_norm2());")
g = Expression("Dune::FieldVector<double,2> c(0.5); c-= x; return std::exp(-1.*c.two_norm2());")
j = Expression("Dune::FieldVector<double,2> c(0.5); c-= x; double s; if (x[1]>0.5) s=1.; else s=-1.; return s*4*x[1]*c.two_norm2()*std::exp(-1.*c.two_norm2());")
bctype = Expression("if ((x[1]<1e-8) || (x[1]>1-1e-8)) return 0; else return 1;")
V = FiniteElement("CG", "triangle", 1, dirichlet_expression=g, dirichlet_constraints=bctype)
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
# Define the boundary measure that knows where we are...
ds = ds(subdomain_data=bctype)
forms = [(inner(grad(u), grad(v)) - f*v)*dx - j*v*ds(0)]
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