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Commit f0892201 authored by Dominic Kempf's avatar Dominic Kempf
Browse files

A major update.

parent cdc7ec2d
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......@@ -19,33 +19,32 @@ def read_ufl(uflfile):
def generate_driver(formdata, filename):
# The driver module uses a global variable for ease of use
from dune.perftool.driver import set_formdata
from dune.perftool.pdelab.driver import set_formdata
# The vtkoutput is the generating method that triggers all others.
# Alternatively, one could use the `solve` method.
from dune.perftool.driver import vtkoutput
from dune.perftool.pdelab.driver import vtkoutput
from dune.perftool.generation import cache_preambles, cache_includes
includes = cache_includes()
from dune.perftool.generation import retrieve_cache_items
# Get all preambles for the driver and sort them.
driver_content = [i[1] for i in sorted(cache_preambles(), key=lambda x : x[0])]
driver_content = [i[1] for i in sorted(retrieve_cache_items(item_name="driver_preamble"), key=lambda x : x[0])]
# And flatten out those, that conained nested lists
# And flatten out those, that contained nested lists
def flatjoin(l):
if isinstance(l, str):
return "\n" + l
return "".join(flatjoin(i) for i in l)
from cgen import LiteralBlock, FunctionDeclaration
from cgen import LiteralBlock
driver = LiteralBlock(flatjoin(driver_content))
# Write the file.
f = open(filename, 'w')
f.write("\nvoid driver(int argc, char** argv)\n")
f.write("\n\nvoid driver(int argc, char** argv)\n")
# Reset the caching data structure
......@@ -53,18 +52,13 @@ def generate_driver(formdata, filename):
def generate_localoperator():
def compile_form():
from dune.perftool.options import get_option
ufldata = read_ufl(get_option("uflfile"))
if get_option("driver_file"):
generate_driver(ufldata, get_option("driver_file"))
if get_option("operator_file"):
from dune.perftool.pdelab.localoperator import generate_localoperator
generate_localoperator(ufldata, get_option("operator_file"))
......@@ -2,84 +2,13 @@
a complex requirement structure. This includes:
* preambles triggering the creation of other preambles
* a caching mechanism to avoid duplicated preambles where harmful
TODO rename to generation_cache. I will use it for much more than preambles.
from pytools import Record
# Base class for all cache items.
class UFL2LoopyCacheItem(Record):
__slots__ = ["content", "returnValue"]
def __init__(self, content):
self.content = content
self.returnValue = content
class NoReturnCacheItem(UFL2LoopyCacheItem):
def __init__(self, content):
UFL2LoopyCacheItem.__init__(self, content)
self.returnValue = None
class LoopyInameCacheItem(UFL2LoopyCacheItem):
class SymbolCacheItem(UFL2LoopyCacheItem):
class PreambleCacheItem(NoReturnCacheItem):
counter = 0
def __init__(self, content):
NoReturnCacheItem.__init__(self, content)
self.content = (PreambleCacheItem.counter, content)
PreambleCacheItem.counter = PreambleCacheItem.counter + 1
class TemporaryVariableCacheItem(UFL2LoopyCacheItem):
import numpy
def __init__(self, content, dtype=numpy.float64):
UFL2LoopyCacheItem.__init__(self, content)
from loopy import TemporaryVariable
self.content = TemporaryVariable(content, dtype)
self.returnVariable = content
class InstructionCacheItem(NoReturnCacheItem):
def __init__(self, content):
NoReturnCacheItem.__init__(self, content)
class CInstructionCacheItem(InstructionCacheItem):
def __init__(self, content, inames=[], assignees=[]):
InstructionCacheItem.__init__(self, content)
from loopy import CInstruction
self.content = CInstruction(inames, content, assignees=assignees)
class ExpressionInstructionCacheItem(InstructionCacheItem):
class LoopDomainCacheItem(UFL2LoopyCacheItem):
def __init__(self, content, upperbound=None):
if upperbound:
self.content = "{{ [{0}] : 0<={0}<{1} }}".format(content, upperbound)
self.content = "{{ [{0}] : 0<={0}<{0}_n }}".format(content)
self.returnValue = content
class IncludeCacheItem(NoReturnCacheItem):
def __init__(self, content):
NoReturnCacheItem.__init__(self, content)
from cgen import Include
self.content = "#include<{}>".format(content)
# have one cache the module level. It is easier than handing around an instance of it.
_cache = {}
# Have an easy button to delete the cache from other modules
def delete_cache():
global _cache
_cache = {}
def freeze(data):
def _freeze(data):
""" A function that deterministically generates an
immutable item from the given data. Used for cache key generation.
......@@ -96,14 +25,14 @@ def freeze(data):
# Check if the given data is already hashable
if isinstance(data, Hashable):
if isinstance(data, Iterable):
return type(data)(freeze(i) for i in data)
return type(data)(_freeze(i) for i in data)
return data
# convert standard mutable containers
if isinstance(data, MutableMapping):
return tuple((freeze(k), freeze(v)) for k,v in data.iteritems())
return tuple((_freeze(k), _freeze(v)) for k,v in data.iteritems())
if isinstance(data, Iterable):
return tuple(freeze(i) for i in data)
return tuple(_freeze(i) for i in data)
# we don't know how to handle this object, so we give up
raise TypeError('Cannot freeze non-hashable object {} of type {}'.format(data, type(data)))
......@@ -119,39 +48,76 @@ def no_caching(*a):
return _NoCachingCounter.get()
class _CacheItemMeta(type):
""" A meta class for cache items. Keyword arguments are forwarded
th decorator factory below (check the documentation there)
def __new__(cls, name, bases, d, counted=False, on_store=lambda x: x):
rettype = type(name, bases, d)
if counted:
original_on_store = on_store
setattr(rettype, '_count', 0)
def add_count(x):
rettype._count = rettype._count + 1
return (rettype._count, original_on_store(x))
on_store = add_count
def _init(s, x):
s.content = on_store(x)
setattr(rettype, '__init__', _init)
return rettype
from pytools import memoize as _memo
def _construct_cache_item_type(name, **kwargs):
""" Wrap the generation of cache item types from the meta class.
At the same time, memoization assures that types are the same for
multiple cache items
return _CacheItemMeta.__new__(_CacheItemMeta, name, (), {}, **kwargs)
class _RegisteredFunction(object):
""" The data structure for a function that accesses UFL2LoopyDataCache """
import sys
def __init__(self, func,
cache_key_generator=lambda *a : freeze(a),
cache_key_generator=lambda *a : a,
self.func = func
self.cache_key_generator = cache_key_generator
self.cache_item_type = cache_item_type
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.itemtype = _construct_cache_item_type(item_name, **kwargs)
if item_name == "CacheItemType":
from IPython import embed; embed()
assert issubclass(cache_item_type, UFL2LoopyCacheItem)
# If the specified cache does not exist, create it now.
if self.itemtype not in _cache:
_cache[self.itemtype] = {}
def __call__(self, *args):
# Get the cache key from the given arguments
cache_key = (self, self.cache_key_generator(*args))
cache_key = (self, _freeze(self.cache_key_generator(*args)))
# check whether we have a cache hit
if cache_key in _cache:
if cache_key in _cache[self.itemtype]:
# and return the result depending on the cache item type
return _cache[cache_key].returnValue
return _cache[self.itemtype][cache_key].content
# evaluate the original function and wrap it in a cache item
content = self.cache_item_type(self.func(*args), **self.kwargs)
_cache[cache_key] = content
return content.returnValue
citem = self.itemtype(self.func(*args))
_cache[self.itemtype][cache_key] = citem
return citem.content
def _dune_decorator_factory(**factory_kwargs):
def generator_factory(**factory_kwargs):
""" A function decorator factory
Generates a function decorator, that turns a given function into
a function that stores its result in the UFL2LoopyDataCache.
a function that stores its result in a data cache.
The generated decorator may be used with or without keyword arguments.
......@@ -162,13 +128,24 @@ def _dune_decorator_factory(**factory_kwargs):
Possible keyword arguments:
cache_key_generator : function
A function that maps the arguments to the function to an immutable cache key.
Defaults to generate_cache_tuple.
cache_item_type : type of UFL2LoopyCacheItem
The type of to wrap the contents in when storing in the cache.
Any excess keyword arguments will be forwarded to the CacheItem!
A function that maps the arguments of the function to a subset that
determines whether to use a caches result. The return type is arbitrary,
as it will be turned immutable by the cache machine afterwards.
Defaults to identity.
item_name : str
A name to give to the cache item type name. Necessary if you want use
isinstance on the cache with good results...
on_store : function
A function to apply to the return value of the decorated function
before storing in the cache. May be used to apply wrappers.
counted : bool
Will add a counted tag to the cache item. The type of the stored
items automatically turns to a tuple with the counttag being the first entry.
no_deco : bool
Instead of a decorator, return a function that uses identity as a body.
no_deco = factory_kwargs.pop("no_deco", False)
def _dec(*args, **kwargs):
# Modify the kwargs according to the factorys kwargs
for k in factory_kwargs:
......@@ -179,32 +156,40 @@ def _dune_decorator_factory(**factory_kwargs):
return lambda f: _RegisteredFunction(f, **kwargs)
return _dec
if no_deco:
return _dec(lambda x: x)
return _dec
def cache_preambles():
return [v.content for v in _cache.values() if isinstance(v, PreambleCacheItem)]
def cache_instructions():
return [v.content for v in _cache.values() if isinstance(v, InstructionCacheItem)]
def retrieve_cache_items(item_name=None, generator_function=None, decorator=None):
""" Retrieve items from the cache. These can be selected through various modes:
1. Setting item_name to the name specified in the decorator. This will return *ALL*
items with that name, especially if multiple items share the same name.
2. Passing a generator_function will return all items in the cache that are of
the same type as the items generated by the given function.
3. Passing a decorator will return all items in the cache that are of the same
type as the items generated by the given decorator
# Only one mode can be active
assert sum(bool(t) for t in [item_name, generator_function, decorator]) == 1
def cache_temporaries():
return {v.returnValue: v.content for v in _cache.values() if isinstance(v, TemporaryVariableCacheItem)}
if decorator:
item_name = decorator.factory_kwargs.get("item_name", )
def cache_loop_domains():
return [v.content for v in _cache.values() if isinstance(v, LoopDomainCacheItem)]
if item_name:
for itemtype in _cache:
if itemtype.__name__ == item_name:
for item in _cache[itemtype].values():
yield item.content
def cache_includes():
return [v.content for v in _cache.values() if isinstance(v, IncludeCacheItem)]
if generator_function:
for item in _cache[generator_function.itemtype].values():
yield item.content
# Define some decorators that will be useful!
loop_domain = _dune_decorator_factory(cache_item_type=LoopDomainCacheItem)
dune_preamble = _dune_decorator_factory(cache_item_type=PreambleCacheItem)
loopy_iname = _dune_decorator_factory(cache_item_type=LoopyInameCacheItem)
dune_symbol = _dune_decorator_factory(cache_item_type=SymbolCacheItem)
temporary_variable = _dune_decorator_factory(cache_item_type=TemporaryVariableCacheItem)
loopy_c_instruction = _dune_decorator_factory(cache_item_type=CInstructionCacheItem)
loopy_expr_instruction = _dune_decorator_factory(cache_item_type=ExpressionInstructionCacheItem)
def dune_include(incfile):
return incfile
\ No newline at end of file
def delete_cache(exclude=[]):
""" delete the cache - maybe apply some restrictions later """
for k in _cache:
if k.__name__ not in exclude:
_cache[k] = {}
......@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ def get_form_compiler_arguments():
parser.add_argument("--driver-file", type=str, help="The filename for the generated driver header")
parser.add_argument("--operator-file", type=str, help="The filename for the generated local operator header")
parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s 0.1')
parser.add_argument("--numerical-jacobian", action="store_true", help="use numerical jacobians (only makes sense, if uflpdelab for some reason fails to generate analytic jacobians)")
# These are the options that I deemed necessary in uflpdelab
# parser.add_argument("--numerical-jacobian", action="store_true", help="use numerical jacobians (only makes sense, if uflpdelab for some reason fails to generate analytic jacobians)")
# parser.add_argument("--param-class-file", type=str, help="The filename for the generated parameter class header")
# parser.add_argument("--export-trafo-graphs", action="store_true", help="export expression graphs after the application of each single transformation")
# parser.add_argument("--parameter-tree", action="store_true", help="have the generated local operate take a Dune::ParameterTree as constructor argument")
""" The pdelab specific parts of the code generation process """
# Define the generators that are used throughout all pdelab specific code generations.
from dune.perftool.generation import generator_factory
dune_symbol = generator_factory(item_name="dune_symbol")
dune_preamble = generator_factory(item_name="dune_preamble", counted=True)
dune_include = generator_factory(on_store=lambda i: "#include<{}>".format(i), item_name="dune_include", no_deco=True)
from dune.perftool.transformer import quadrature_iname
from loopy import CInstruction
def quadrature_preamble(assignees=[]):
return generator_factory(counted=True, item_name="quadrature_preamble", on_store=lambda code: CInstruction(quadrature_iname(), code, assignees=assignees))
# Now define some commonly used generators that do not fall into a specific category
def name_index(index):
return str(index._indices[0])
""" Generator functions related to trial and test functions and the accumulation loop"""
from dune.perftool.pdelab import dune_symbol, dune_preamble
def name_testfunction(arg, index, grad, restriction):
if len(arg.ufl_element().sub_elements()) > 0:
return "{}a{}".format("grad_" if grad else "", arg.number())
def name_trialfunction(arg, index, grad, restriction):
return "{}c{}".format("grad_" if grad else "", arg.count())
def name_testfunctionspace(*a):
return "lfsv"
def name_trialfunctionspace(*a):
return "lfsu"
def name_residual():
return "r"
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ to switch these to cgen expression. OTOH, there is not much to be
gained there.
from dune.perftool.generation import dune_include, dune_preamble, dune_symbol
from dune.perftool.pdelab import dune_symbol, dune_preamble, dune_include
# Have a global variable with the entire form data. This allows functions that depend
# deterministically on the entire data set to directly access it instead of passing it
from dune.perftool.pdelab import dune_symbol
def name_dimension():
#TODO preamble define_dimension
return "dim"
from pytools import memoize
from dune.perftool.options import get_option
from dune.perftool.generation import generator_factory
# Define the generators used in-here
operator_include = generator_factory(item_name="operator_include", on_store=lambda i: "#include<{}>".format(i), no_deco=True)
base_class = generator_factory(item_name="operator_base_classes", counted=True, no_deco=True)
initializer_list = generator_factory(item_name="operator_initializerlist", counted=True)
def measure_specific_details(measure):
# The return dictionary that this memoized method will grant direct access to.
ret = {}
if measure == "cell":
if get_option("numerical_jacobian"):
ret["residual_signature"] = ['template<typename EG, typename LFSV0, typename X, typename LFSV1, typename R>',
'void alpha_volume(const EG& eg, const LFSV0& lfsv0, const X& x, const LFSV1& lfsv1, R& r) const']
ret["jacobian_signature"] = ['template<typename EG, typename LFSV0, typename X, typename LFSV1, typename J>',
'void jacobian_volume(const EG& eg, const LFSV0& lfsv0, const X& x, const LFSV1& lfsv1, J& jac) const']
if measure == "exterior_facet":
ret["residual_signature"] = ['template<typename IG, typename LFSV0, typename X, typename LFSV1, typename R>',
'void alpha_boundary(const IG& ig, const LFSV0& lfsv0, const X& x, const LFSV1& lfsv1, R& r) const']
ret["jacobian_signature"] = ['template<typename IG, typename LFSV0, typename X, typename LFSV1, typename J>',
'void jacobian_boundary(const IG& ig, const LFSV0& lfsv0, const X& x, const LFSV1& lfsv1, J& jac) const']
if measure == "interior_facet":
ret["residual_signature"] = ['template<typename IG, typename LFSV0_S, typename X, typename LFSV1_S, typename LFSV0_N, typename R, typename LFSV1_N>',
'void alpha_skeleton(const IG& ig, const LFSV0_S& lfsv0_s, const X& x_s, const LFSV1_S& lfsv1_s, const LFSV0_N& lfsv0_n, const X& x_n, const LFSV1_N& lfsv1_n, R& r_s, R& r_n) const']
ret["jacobian_signature"] = ['template<typename IG, typename LFSV0_S, typename X, typename LFSV1_S, typename LFSV0_N, typename LFSV1_N, typename Jac>',
'void jacobian_skeleton(const IG& ig, const LFSV0_S& lfsv0_s, const X& x_s, const LFSV1_S& lfsv1_s, const LFSV0_N& lfsv0_n, const X& x_n, const LFSV1_N& lfsv1_n, Jac& jac_ss, Jac& jac_sn, Jac& jac_ns, Jac& jac_nn) const']
return ret
def generate_term(integrand=None, measure=None):
assert integrand and measure
# Delete all non-include parts of the cache.
# TODO: add things such as base classes as cache items.
from dune.perftool.generation import delete_cache
# Get the measure specifics
specifics = measure_specific_details(measure)
# Transform the expression. All relevant results are then in the cache
from dune.perftool.transformer import transform_expression
# Extract the information, which is needed to create a loopy kernel.
# First extracting it, might be useful to alter it before kernel generation.
from dune.perftool.generation import retrieve_cache_items
from import DuneTarget
domains = [i for i in retrieve_cache_items(item_name="loopdomain")]
instructions = [i for i in retrieve_cache_items(item_name="c_instruction")] \
+ [i for i in retrieve_cache_items(item_name="expr_instruction")] \
+ [i[1] for i in retrieve_cache_items(item_name="quadrature_preamble")]
temporaries = { for i in retrieve_cache_items(item_name="temporary")}
preambles = [i[1] for i in retrieve_cache_items(item_name="dune_preamble")]
print "Printing the information that we found:\n\nDomains:"
for d in domains:
print d
print "\nInstructions:"
for i in instructions:
print i
print "\nTemporaries:"
for t, v in temporaries.items():
print "{}: {}".format(t, v)
print "\nPreambles:"
for p in preambles:
print p
# import loopy
# import numpy
# from loopy import make_kernel, preprocess_kernel
# from import DuneTarget
# k = make_kernel(domains, instructions,
# [loopy.GlobalArg("grad_a0", numpy.float64, shape=("argi_n", "dim")),
# loopy.GlobalArg("grad_c0", numpy.float64, shape=("dim",)),
# loopy.ValueArg("dim", numpy.int32),
# loopy.ValueArg("q_n", numpy.int32),
# loopy.ValueArg("argi_n", numpy.int32)],
# temporary_variables=temporaries, target=DuneTarget())
# k = preprocess_kernel(k)
# Create the kernel
from loopy import make_kernel, preprocess_kernel, add_dtypes
kernel = make_kernel(domains, instructions, temporary_variables=temporaries, preambles=preambles, target=DuneTarget())
import numpy
kernel = add_dtypes(kernel, dict(grad_a0=numpy.float64, grad_c0=numpy.float64))
kernel = preprocess_kernel(kernel)
# Return the actual code (might instead return kernels...)
from loopy import generate_code
return str(generate_code(kernel)[0])
def generate_localoperator(ufldata, operatorfile):
form = ufldata.preprocessed_form
operator_methods = []
# For the moment, I do assume that there is but one integral of each type. This might differ
# if you use different quadrature orders for different terms.
assert len(form.integrals()) == len(set(i.integral_type() for i in form.integrals()))
# Reset the generation cache
from dune.perftool.generation import delete_cache
# Generate the necessary residual methods
for integral in form.integrals():
body = generate_term(integrand=integral.integrand(), measure=integral.integral_type())
signature = measure_specific_details(integral.integral_type())["residual_signature"]
operator_methods.append((signature, body))
# Generate the necessary jacobian methods
from dune.perftool.options import get_option
if get_option("numerical_jacobian"):
# TODO: JacobianApply for matrix-free computations.
# Manage includes and base classes that we always need
from IPython import embed; embed()
print operator_methods[0]
from dune.perftool.generation import generator_factory
from dune.perftool.transformer import quadrature_iname, loopy_temporary_variable
from dune.perftool.pdelab import dune_symbol, quadrature_preamble, dune_preamble
def quadrature_rule():
return "rule"
def define_quadrature_factor(fac):
rule = quadrature_rule()
return "auto {} = {}->weight();".format(fac, rule)
def name_factor():
return "fac"
_namedict = {"quadrature_factor": "fac"}
def name(key):
return _namedict[key]
\ No newline at end of file
from dune.perftool.generation import dune_preamble, dune_symbol, loop_domain, loopy_iname, temporary_variable, loopy_c_instruction, loopy_expr_instruction
from dune.perftool.pdelab_names import name
def test_function_name(arg, grad):
return "{}a{}".format("grad_" if grad else "", arg.number())
def trial_function_name(arg, grad):
return "{}c{}".format("grad_" if grad else "", arg.count())
def index_name(index):
return str(index._indices[0])
def argument_loop_domain(name):
return name
def argument_iname(arg):
name = "arg{}".format(chr(ord("i") + arg.number()))
return name
def dimension():
return "dim"
def quadrature_loop_domain(name):
return name
def quadrature_iname():
return "q"
from dune.perftool.generation import _dune_decorator_factory, CInstructionCacheItem
quadrature_preamble = _dune_decorator_factory(cache_item_type=CInstructionCacheItem, inames=quadrature_iname())
def quadrature_rule():
return "rule"
def define_quadrature_factor():
rule = quadrature_rule()
return "auto {} = {}->weight();".format(name("quadrature_factor"), rule)
def quadrature_factor():
return name("quadrature_factor")
def dimension_loop_domain(name):
return name
def dimension_iname(index):
return index_name(index)
def residual_name():
return "r"
def accumulation_instruction(expr):
return expr
\ No newline at end of file
# Generate a loop kernel from that cell integral. This will map the UFL IR
# to the loopy IR.
from ufl.algorithms import MultiFunction
# Spread the pymbolic import statements to where they are used.
from pymbolic.primitives import Variable, Subscript, Sum, Product
from import ExpressionInstruction, CInstruction
import loopy
import numpy
import ufl
# For now, import all implemented preambles, restrict later
from dune.perftool.pdelab_preambles import *
from dune.perftool.restriction import Restriction
# Define the generators that are used here
from dune.perftool.generation import generator_factory
loopy_iname = generator_factory(item_name="inames")
loopy_expr_instruction = generator_factory(item_name="expr_instruction", no_deco=True)
loopy_temporary_variable = generator_factory(item_name="temporary", on_store=lambda n: loopy.TemporaryVariable(n, dtype=numpy.float64), no_deco=True)
loopy_c_instruction = generator_factory(item_name="c_instruction", no_deco=True)
def loopy_domain(iname, shape):
return "{{ [{0}] : 0<={0}<{1} }}".format(iname, shape)
def dimension_iname(index):
from dune.perftool.pdelab import name_index
from dune.perftool.pdelab.geometry import name_dimension
iname = name_index(index)
dimname = name_dimension()
loopy_domain(iname, dimname)
return iname
def argument_iname(arg):
# TODO extract the {iname}_n thing by a preamble
iname = "arg{}".format(chr(ord("i") + arg.number()))
loopy_domain(iname, iname + "_n")
return iname
def quadrature_iname():
loopy_domain("q", "q_n")
return "q"
class UFLVisitor(MultiFunction):
def __call__(self, o):
def __call__(self, o, init_inames):
# Make this multifunction stateful: Store information similar to uflacs' modified terminal
self.grad = False
self.reference_grad = False
......@@ -21,22 +53,44 @@ class UFLVisitor(MultiFunction):
# Have a short cut for the bases class call operator = lambda *a : MultiFunction.__call__(self, *a)
# Have a list of argument indices that this term depends on.
self.argument_indices = []
# Have a list of arguments that this term depends on.
self.arguments = []
self.inames = init_inames
# Visit the expression. The return value will be a pymbolic expression.
loopyexpr =
# TODO no jacobian support yet!
assert len(self.argument_indices) == 1
assert len(self.arguments) == 1
# The expression is completely processes, an accumulation instruction can be issued!
# Have some data structures for the analysis of the given arguments.
accumargs = []
# visit the given arguments and extract necessary information
for arg, index, grad, restriction in self.arguments:
from dune.perftool.pdelab.argument import name_testfunctionspace
accumargs.append(name_testfunctionspace(arg, index, restriction))
# Explicitly state the dependency on the quadrature iname
# Evaluate the update factor
from dune.perftool.pdelab.quadrature import name_factor
loopyexpr = Product((loopyexpr, Variable(name_factor())))
# TODO: Some unique name mangling on this temporary variable is necessary!
expr_tv = loopy_temporary_variable("xyz")
loopy_expr_instruction(loopy.ExpressionInstruction(assignee=Variable("xyz"), expression=loopyexpr))
assignee = Subscript(Variable("r"), Variable(self.argument_indices[0]))
loopyexpr = Sum((assignee, Product((Variable(quadrature_factor()), loopyexpr))))
from dune.perftool.pdelab.argument import name_residual
residual = name_residual()
loopy_c_instruction(loopy.CInstruction(self.inames, "{}.accumulate({}, {})".format(residual, ", ".join(accumargs), Variable("xyz"))))
instruction = ExpressionInstruction(assignee=assignee, expression=loopyexpr)
def grad(self, o):
assert(len(o.operands()) == 1)
assert len(o.operands()) == 1
self.grad = True
ret =[0])
......@@ -44,26 +98,31 @@ class UFLVisitor(MultiFunction):
return ret
def argument(self, o):
assert(len(o.operands()) == 0)
assert len(o.operands()) == 0
# We do need an argument loop domain for this argument
argindex = argument_iname(o)
# Construct a tuple that represents this argument and all its modifications
self.arguments.append((o, self.index, self.grad, self.restriction))
# Generate the variable name for the test function
name = test_function_name(o, self.grad)
index = index_name(self.index)
# Register that index as argument loop index for later
from dune.perftool.pdelab.argument import name_testfunction
name = name_testfunction(o, self.index, self.grad, self.restriction)
index = argument_iname(o)
return Subscript(Variable(name), Variable(index))
return Subscript(Variable(name), (Variable(index),))
# return Subscript(Variable(name), Variable(index))
def coefficient(self, o):
assert(len(o.operands()) == 0)
assert len(o.operands()) == 0
# TODO: Implement coefficient functions
assert o.count() == 0
# TODO implement non-trialfunction coefficients!
from dune.perftool.pdelab.argument import name_trialfunction
from dune.perftool.pdelab import name_index
name = name_trialfunction(o, self.index, self.grad, self.restriction)
name = trial_function_name(o, self.grad)
index = index_name(self.index)
return Subscript(Variable(name), Variable(index))
return Variable(name)
def product(self, o):
return Product(tuple( for op in o.operands()))
......@@ -73,11 +132,30 @@ class UFLVisitor(MultiFunction):
raise ValueError
def indexed(self, o):
# TODO in the long run, this is a stack of indices.
self.index = o.operands()[1]
ret =[0])
self.index = None
return ret
# TODO currently, we assume single indices
assert len(o.operands()[1]) == 1
# We have two types of indices in our expressions:
# * those that should result in variable subscripts
# * those that should result in function space child selection
# I think it is correct to assume that Indexed expressions
# are of the latter type if and only if their first operand is
# an argument or coefficient.
if isinstance(o.operands()[0], (ufl.Argument, ufl.Coefficient)):
assert not self.index
self.index = o.operands()[1]
ret =[0])
self.index = None
return ret
from dune.perftool.pdelab import name_index
# return Subscript([0]), Variable(name_index(o.operands()[1])))
ret =[0])
index = Variable(name_index(o.operands()[1]))
if isinstance(ret, Subscript):
return Subscript(ret.aggregate, ret.index + (index,))
return Subscript(ret, (index,))
class TopSumSeparation(MultiFunction):
......@@ -85,18 +163,19 @@ class TopSumSeparation(MultiFunction):
def __init__(self):
self.visitor = UFLVisitor()
self.inames = []
def expr(self, o):
print "Call TopSumSeparation.expr with {}".format(o)
self.visitor(o, self.inames)
def sum(self, o):
for op in o.operands():
def index_sum(self, o):
print "Call TopSumSeparation.index_sum with {}".format(o)
# Generate an iname: We do this here and restrict ourselves to shape dim.
# TODO revisit when implementing general index sums
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