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// $Id$
// Copyright (C) 2007 
// Fraunhofer Institut fuer offene Kommunikationssysteme (FOKUS)
// Kompetenzzentrum fuer Satelitenkommunikation (SatCom)
//     Stefan Bund <>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the
// Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

/** \file
    \brief mpl public header */

#ifndef HH_mpl_
#define HH_mpl_ 1

// Custom includes
#include "../config.hh"
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//#include "mpl.mpp"
#include "mpl.ih"

namespace senf {
namespace mpl {

    /** \defgroup senfmpl Template meta programming helpers
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    /** \brief Marker class for empty default values etc.

        This is like Boosts \c boost::mpl::na just an empty class used as template default argument
        to mark missing arguments 
        \note Don't use this as an empty base class. We may add some informative members to this.
    struct nil {};

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    /** \brief Return-value type used to implement overload selection

        The senf::mpl::rv type is used together with \ref SENF_MPL_RV() to select template
        specializations based on a set of overloads:

        template <unsigned _> struct select {};

        // Case 0
        template <>
        struct select<0> {
            static bool const has_int_value = true;
            void frobble();
        template <class T>
        senf::mpl::rv<0> select_(int, senf::mpl::take_int<T::value> * = 0);

        // Case 1
        template <>
        struct select<1> {
            static bool const has_int_value = false;
            void dazzle();
        template <class T>
        senf::mpl::rv<1> select_(...);

        template <class T>
        struct choice : public select<SENF_MPL_RV( select_<T>(0) )> {};

        struct A { static const int value = 0; };
        struct B {};

        choice<A> a; a.frobble();
        choice<B> b; b.dazzle();

        The selection is always based on two components: A selector class specialized for each of
        the possible choices and an overloaded function (only signatures, no implementation needed)
        to provide the conditions.

        When instantiatinv <tt>choice<T></tt>, we forward \a T to the <tt>select_</tt> set of
        overloads. Because of <a href="">SFINAE</a>, the overload
        set will only contain those instantiations, for which template expansion does not fail.

        So, if \a T has an integer \c value member, both \c select_ overloads are ok and the call
        <tt>select_<T>(0)</tt> will choose the first (case 0) variant, since the argument \c 0 is
        better matched by \c int than by <tt>...</tt>.

        However, if \a T does not have an integer \c value member, expansion for the first overload
        fails and the overload set only contains the second case.

        \ref SENF_MPL_RV() internally uses \c sizeof to find out, \e which overload was selected
        and returns the senf::mpl::rv-argument of that overloads return type. For this to work, the
        \c select_ functions need not be implemented since no code is generated and \c select_ is
        never called.

        This number is than forwarded as template argument to \c select which is specialized for
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        each case. Therefore, <tt>choice\<A\></tt> has a \c frobble() member whereas
        <tt>choice\<B\></tt> has a \c dazzle() member.
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        \see \ref SENF_MPL_RV
        \ingroup senfmpl
    template <unsigned n>
    struct rv { 
        char _[SENF_MPL_RV_ALIGNMENT][n+1]; 

    /** \brief Get return value of overload selector
        Used together with senf::mpl::rv to implement overload selection.
        \see \ref senf::mpl::rv
        \ingroup senfmpl
#   define SENF_MPL_RV(expr) (sizeof(expr)/SENF_MPL_RV_ALIGNMENT-1)

    /** \brief Take an arbitrary unsigned integer template argument
        Used together with <a href="">SFINAE</a>: The expression
        <tt>take_uint<</tt> \a expr <tt>></tt> is only valid if \a expr is valid and returns a value
        convertible to an unsigned integer.

        \ingroup senfmpl
    template <unsigned long _> struct take_uint {};

    /** \brief Take an arbitrary integer template argument
        Used together with <a href="">SFINAE</a>: The expression
        <tt>take_int<</tt> \a expr <tt>></tt> is only valid if \a expr is valid and returns a value
        convertible to an integer.

        \ingroup senfmpl
    template <long _> struct take_int {};

    /** \brief Take an arbitrary type template argument
        Used together with <a href="">SFINAE</a>: The expression
        <tt>take_class<</tt> \a expr <tt>></tt> is only valid if \a expr is valid and is a type.

        \ingroup senfmpl
    template <class _> struct take_class {};

        The slot macros \ref SENF_MPL_SLOT_DEF(), \ref SENF_MPL_SLOT_SET() and \ref
        SENF_MPL_SLOT_GET() provide a facility to get the last unsigned integer value assigned to
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        the slot before the current point in the current class.
        struct Foo
            // Define SLOT slot named 'accum' initialized to 0
            SENF_MPL_SLOT_DEF(accum, 0);
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            // Add 2 to 'accum'
            SENF_MPL_SLOT_SET(accum, SENF_MPL_SLOT_GET(accum) + 2);
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            // Multiply 'accum' by 3
            SENF_MPL_SLOT_SET(accum, SENF_MPL_SLOT_GET(accum) * 3);
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            // Define the result as a constant expression. result is now 6
            static unsigned result = SENF_MPL_SLOT_GET(accum);
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        Of course, it does not make sense to use these macros for simple arithmetic as in the
        example. The SENF_MPL_SLOT macros allow to define macros which pass information from one
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        macro invocation to the next.

        \implementation The implementation is based on __LINE__: We check backwards for a value
            defined on a previous line. The check is limited to 80 lines backwards.

        \ingroup senfmpl
#   define SENF_MPL_SLOT_DEF(name,value)                                                          \
        template <class _>                                                                        \
        static senf::mpl::rv<0> _SENF_MPL_SLOT_ ## name (_);                                      \
    /** \brief Define MPL slot initialized to 0

        This is like \ref SENF_MPL_SLOT_DEF() but initializes the slot to the fixed value 0. The
        advantage over \ref SENF_MPL_SLOT_DEF() is, that this macro may be called from an include
        file whereas all the other \\c SENF_MPL_SLOT_ macros must always be called from the relevant
#   define SENF_MPL_SLOT_DEF_ZERO(name)                                                           \
        template <class _>                                                                        \
        static senf::mpl::rv<0> _SENF_MPL_SLOT_ ## name (_);

    /** \brief Set MPL slot
        \see \ref SENF_MPL_SLOT_DEF()
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        \ingroup senfmpl
#   define SENF_MPL_SLOT_SET(name,value)                                                          \
        static senf::mpl::rv<unsigned(value)+1>                                                   \
            _SENF_MPL_SLOT_ ## name (senf::mpl::take_int<__LINE__>)
    /** \brief Get current MPL slot value
        \see \ref SENF_MPL_SLOT_DEF()
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        \ingroup senfmpl
#   define SENF_MPL_SLOT_GET(name)                                                                \
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//#include "mpl.cci"
//#include "mpl.ct"
//#include "mpl.cti"

// Local Variables:
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